Happy New Year 2022!

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It’s been an interesting year and I’m glad that so many of you have been visiting in my blog. The search for the Truth continues and www.auricmedia.net will deliver important information about different kind of topics to you.

Because of my other work and musical projects sometimes there will be days, that there are no postings, but then you can spend time to read all the fascinating books you can find on the top under “Downloads (pdf)”. There I have gathered the most interesting books I have managed to salvage. Some of those have been disappeared already elsewhere.

If you are Truth-seeker, don’t give up, ever. This is our task here on this globe and if you have noticed all is crumbling down, because of you. When you wake-up from the sleep, the power will be so enormous that things are going to change for the better.

So have a nice new years eve and be careful with all that firework and boose 😉 . We see you again on next year 2022!

Blogman – Blacksmith Of Truth


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