Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 3 – references in the Media

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And now continues the BioAPI series with references in the media. This is a hard topic to swallow and could be hard to comprehend, but this is very important thing to understand the situation we have on our hands today with chemtrails and nanotech.


You are about to embark on the most interesting read of your life; an accumulation of movie clips and real life examples that will for sure make you recognize that something has changed. Figuring out exactly what has changed is the purpose of this web site.

The movies obviously contain many clips to condition the audience to believe or not believe something (for example to smoke cigarettes). Some call this marketing, others refer to it as a form of brainwashing over time. Sometimes it’s obvious and right in your face, other times its extremely high level and so subtle you cannot even begin to catch it if you do not know what and why you are looking for it. The examples below attempt to tie your BioAPI nano-implants together with the movies while showing the possible outcomes and possibilities the implants can provide once installed. Again, many concepts are specific in nature (eg. to discredit a side effect) while others are broad in nature (as in what is happening in general). There are also a few more media examples on the Direct-to-Speech (real life mind control examples) page. Each clip by itself could be dismissed, in aggregate you will see they cannot.

The clips for Gamer (2009) and Ultrasonic (2012) are now a must watch. And a cure/antidote is covered in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012) as well as End of Watch (2012).

Bandits (2001)

There are a few side effects associated with phase 1 and especially phase 2. In order to condition the public to dismiss health oriented side effects as inconsequential anomalies they use the movies like always.

One significant but not serious side effect of phase 2 is when the scent neuron’s get encapsulated they alter the ability to smell slightly. In fact the encapsulation of any neuron/synapse for any organ involved in sensing (skin, tongue, scent, etc.) will be slightly compromised in some capacity.

Typically people will say they smell a burning (feathers or smoke) smell. This clip demonstrates how they condition the public, specifically connecting anyone who smells burning, in this case feathers, with someone who must be crazy. It’s spread out through the whole movie and is the purpose of the entire movie itself. Notice the movie shows Billy Bob Thornton thinking he smells burning feathers, then clearly shows him (towards the end of the move and clip) acting crazy and stupid flopping around on the floor. The audience obviously takes away from that burning smell = crazy person. Classic movie psyop. Keep in mind all movie psyop’s like this are subtle, you have to keep the larger picture in mind to recognize what’s actually happening which in this case is the fact that they are trying to discount the side effects associated with contracting the nano-tech disease (phase 2).

Contracted (2013) provides a complete and excessive overview of the contraction of phase 2 and the implication of the physical side effects there from.

Toxic Skies (2008)

Toxic Skies is a poor quality chemtrail propaganda movie. It’s specifically about chemtrails but you have to look closer to see what the outcome of the patients are to figure out what is happening. It reflects that they are trying to kill people (or who they – not the doctors – decide are useless eaters). As in all movies such as this it starts off as a plague or biological threat. Four or five people from various walks of life are presented as patients in the movie who contract the unknown disease. The only one that dies is the one that simply watches TV and is presumed not to care about life. Therefore people who understand what is happening will see chemtrails = kill useless eaters. Everything else in the movie is irrelevant.

So in an overview the people running The Program are deciding who gets to live and who gets to die. This is happening every day right in front of you.

See the clip for A Serious Man (2009) for another example on how they are judging you as they see fit. Also see Meeting Evil (2012). Also see Control Factor (2003).

The Crazies (2010)

This movie holds back nothing. Some clips show an overall high level meaning and you have to look for, The Crazies slaps you right in the face.

In this clip at the beginning of the movie a so called crazy person comes out of the bush with a shot gun. Not knowing what to do the cop has to shoot the guy, no one questions even for a second what happened, I mean it was clearly the guy was drunk right? Wrong.

This is what I call Direct-to-Motor-Control, or to a greater extent Paralleling. A handler is actually controlling the guy like a robot. The nose is bleeding because the guy is trying to fight it or at least the mind control is getting to extensive resulting in synapse damage. He doesn’t want to raise the shot gun so there’s conflict within whatever cortex controls motor functions resulting in synapse damage. Ultimately the BioAPI wins and the guy has to do what the handler is forcing on him. This forced and conscious motor control is only possible with phase 2 of the BioAPI. The nose bleeding is also shown in The Box (2009). The Box (2009) is purely about the BioAPI and the implications of being tested and judged. Another aspect of the BioAPI allows the subjects memory to be suspended first which is extremely effective because now the subject now has no idea what he is doing and thereby cannot fight it at all.

Then to prove the point the scene jumps to a satellite/command center style clip which is a reference that everything is controlled from a single command center, then of course the final dot – chemtrails. More or less, this clip is real, and is the only clip or movie reference in existence (Update 2012-08-04: also see Ultrasonic (2012) which also connects all three dots – in Ultrasonic’s case concentrating on mind control delivered by chemtrails as opposed to body control as shown with The Crazies). In the clip it flashes this satellite style reference, this is only symbolic, it is not a satellite that does the controlling of people. The actual communication with the BioAPI/implants is much more advanced and may involve quantum entanglement. This is beyond the scope of this site and is unnecessary to understand what is happening.

Greenberg (2010)

Greenberg is a movie that specifically references phase 2. Some of the side effects demonstrated in the media show people who get phase 2 have sores on their skin or feel sick in some way. Also see the Family Guy clip for another example of this. This is true but in varying degrees, and is useful to demonstrate what is happening to people in the know.

In this clip Ben Stiller has the chance to run off to Australia with some hotties. But as he’s leaving they clearly show the one blonde slut is sick. She’s coughing and has a sore on her skin, so Ben Stiller immediately bolts. This is a direct reference of someone with phase 2 and therefore the entire BioAPI in the movies.

About 5 minutes before this scene Ben Stiller also makes a reference to hurting people, he says it twice for no reason (@ about 1:33:00 in the movie, not the clip). Why? I mean teams of writers pour over these movie scripts before they are finalized and all they come up with is “hurt people, hurt people“? It’s easy to understand when you see the big picture.

Also see the page on morgellons with the clip for The Informers (2008). Also see the clip for Transformers 3 (2011).

Hanna (2011)

This movie is the only movie I can find that shows what I call Direct-to-Speech in action, or to a lesser extent suggesting something so someone’s subconscious. A handler (the women behind the glass) dictates to the other women (the one talking to the girl) what to say. Now everyone that watches this clip will say of course, the second women talking to the girl has an electronic earpiece in her ear – that’s just it, she doesn’t (note that in the context of the movie she might as well have an earpiece in, but that’s not what we’re looking at here, we’re looking for the double meaning). Note you should look at the real life mind control examples to put this in a better context.

Now this is partially symbolic and very high level, but does demonstrate what can and is happening to phase 1 individuals (such as yourself). The amazing part is the second women is not aware she’s being told what to say or do. This is the most amazing aspect of the BioAPI, everything else pales in comparison to this and is extremely difficult to accept or comprehend. So the thoughts the second women (talking to the girl) is having are not her thoughts. What she’s saying to the girl is suggested or inserted into her mind in real time, which she believes are her own thoughts and acts or talks accordingly. They make fun of this in The Simpsons clip here.

There’s actually a lot happening in this scene. For example to show the two women are connected somehow (for example paralleling, or simply thinking with someone including talking for/through them as in a direct-to-speech concept) they show both women having red hair. Coincidence? Not if you know what to look for. Note how they zoom in on her mouth @1:04 when she says ‘just arrived from Prague‘, they are trying to reflect it’s not necessarily her voice speaking it, is being echoed through her.

Also see the clip for Metropia (2009). Or for that matter the recently added nice dog scene in Ultrasonic (2012) for another demonstration on exactly how it works in (would be) real life.

Update: This clip has been largely superseded by Control Factor (2003).


…these are not the droids you’re looking for…


Doomsday Book (2012)

This clip is new as of July 24, 2012 and put here because I’m running out of space on the other pages. The clip quality might be a little degraded, I’m trying to keep these clip files small for bandwidth reasons now.

Previously on the FAQ page I listed several triggers which install phase 2. One of them was red meat. I gave no reference, proof or evidence whatsoever. Now over 8 months later this movie is the missing puzzle piece for red meat (also see Harolds Going Stiff (2011) below) . Just because something might not add up or lacks evidence on this web site does not mean it’s wrong, it simply means we have not found that piece of the puzzle yet as I will now demonstrate.

This movie is out of South Korea and is not one single movie, instead it is three separate short films with each short being roughly forty minutes in length. What they have done here is brilliant. The first short is a typical bad zombie apocalypse movie. The second short is about the morals of robots as people, the third is largely irrelevant. The key is the first short and more importantly its immediate connection with the unrelated second one. I’ll explain more below. During a normal day an apple for whatever reason biodegrades wrong and spawns a virus which turns everyone into zombies. That’s the movie; ridiculous on its surface. Now let’s take it apart…

In the beginning of the movie and clip they focus on an apple as it rots. He throws it out with the trash as expected (@ 0:30) and the apple degrades wrong (@ 1:00 in and around). Humorous zombie apple now. They show the apple becoming feed for livestock (shown in the movie but not shown in the clip much other then @ 1:12). They then focus heavily, very heavily on red meat (@ 1:18 thru 3:29) as people eat it. Specifically as disgusting as possible complete with a cow being slaughtered at 1:14. This is intentional. Notice at 2:26 he pulls an apple peel out of his mouth. Why? Keep reading. People then get sick (examples @ 3:30 thru 4:00) as they turn into zombies from eating the red meat contaminated by the zombie apple; I mentioned before what they are doing is partly biblical, they love to throw the bible out as an excuse to hurt people, even if you have never harmed a fly in your entire life. Then at 4:10 the zombie apocalypse strikes. The two main characters as zombies now find each other wandering around (@ 4:30). Then they drive it home – the apple as a metaphor (remember when he pulled the apple peel out of his mouth @ 2:26) and contaminant for red meat becomes symbolic for the trigging of phase 2 through the eating of red meat. Why? How? She gives the apple to him (@ 5:29) and he eats it. It’s intentionally disgusting, you are supposed to be turned off by it [Update: this is a critical concept to explore so I’ve elaborated on it below in the Sidebar – Subtle Distraction Psyops]. Then right after he eats the apple they zoom right in on her or a zombie eye – what do they show you? What’s in her eye (@ 6:10 thru 6:14)? A chemtrail nano-fiber. They are clearly showing you. This is the end and climax of the movie too which doesn’t make sense unless you know why. And it’s not even the kicker…

The first short then ends (@ 6:33) and in the movie (not the clip) they show a biblical quote (screenshot here) which essentially translates to God telling Adam not to eat the apple. Because again, from the movie, the apple becomes symbolic of red meat and is thereby telling you eating the apple [and therefore red meat by metaphor] is bad [and now via nano-tech will turn you into a robot]. The second short starts, and is about robots. What a coincidence – because very early in this second short (within 30 seconds) the technician from the robot corporation is walking down the hall with the monk and they clearly and intentionally show his corporate logo on his uniform (@ 6:55 thru 7:04). The corporation name is UR (Robotics). Get it? [You] [are] the robot. They mention the corporation name a few times in the short and show it on his briefcase too (@ 7:12). Only people that know what is happening will see and bridge the connection from the first short (zombie’s representing phase 2 via nanotech spiked red meat) to the second short (turning you into a complete robot) like this. The fact that they are back-to-back but independent (as in separate) short films is intentional and a brilliant idea. Note the cover image (screenshot here) on the front page of this web site, the robot from the second short has “UR” stamped right on it.

To summarize, consuming (probably cheap) red meat can (will) turn you into a robot by the installation of phase 2. That is what this movie(s) is telling you. Note you already are a robot with phase 1, but phase 2 is the full BioAPI and allows for extended functionality such as manipulation of feelings, direct-to-motor control, etc. Also notice the parallel between this clip and Vexille (2007). Both clearly show you a nano-fiber then shortly after tell you that you are the robot (in the Vexille clip @ 1:26 – ‘the virus [cyber-virus/nano-tech] gradually progresses through the body until it finally reaches the brain; at that point we become perfect androids…’). I’ve said it a few times throughout this site, stay focused, because you are the base model surrogate.

Sidebar – Subtle Distraction Psyops
It is important to note the significance of how disgusting the apple eating was in this clip @ 6:04. Why would they do that? What is the point? It is psychological. The purpose of instances such as this are to discount the significance of something else during or immediately after what you see. To be clear – you are disgusted by what you see and remember it. You focus on that because that is what is most prevalent. Your attention is captivated to some degree and you are distracted and thereby unable to notice the significance of what is truly important which in this clip is the nano-fiber(s) in her eye shortly after. So the viewers perception is being split, most people will give their attention to the apple eating, a few (self thinkers) will not and wonder what the strange white fibers in her eye are all about. This is the 99% vs. 1% being playing out right in front of eyes. This is the knowledge over ignorance paradigm.Another accurate example is how Leonardo DiCaprio mentions insects in the brain in the Shutter Island (2010) clip; your mind immediately focuses on how disgusting that concept is and thereby discount the clicking in the brain comment. Then when a clicking sound is heard/felt in your cranium you are much more likely to dismiss it.

Another example is in the movie (not clip) for Black Limousine (2010). At roughly 1:20:27 in the movie they show Arquette looking out his window watching a very hot women undress (screenshot here) for a few seconds. Then very shortly after they show the talking gibberish scene. It is the same principal in action, your mind obviously focuses on the women, even well after the camera pans away; and your attention thereby becomes diminished when they (in this case) show an example of what they can do in real life which is make people talk gibberish using the BioAPI/nano-implants.

Another less significant example is in the clip for Ultrasonic (2012). In the nice dog scene the dog only has three legs. Why? What? They couldn’t find a normal dog? Again, it’s intentional to pull your attention away from the scene in general because it could be one of the most important scenes in a decade if you know why.

An extreme example can also be seen in Rise of the Zombies (2012) with the baby stomping scene.

Textually, spelling mistakes and insults accomplish the same psychological effect; your simple sheep mind is turned off by speling mstakes and again discount the relevance and accuracy of the overall message. Most people cannot get by a single spelling mistake whether it’s intentional or an honest mistake. Ironically the smarter someone is the better it works on them.

Harolds Going Stiff (2011)

Harolds Going Stiff (2011) is a humorous zombie movie where people are going stiff and then turning into zombies. This British movie provides us with another direct reference connecting phase 2 with the consumption of red meat such as with the above clip for Doomsday Book (2012). In fact the first short for Doomsday Book (2012) and this movie are the same movie.

In the movie an old guy named Harold was the first to contract a zombie disease. About half way through the movie they simply tell you people are turning into zombies because they are eating a meat product called meat-a-rino as shown in the screenshot to the right. Harold is also shown to be eating them. It’s not a hidden reference at all, if you watch the movie they are outright talking about it. The guy in the screenshot to the right is being interviewed about it.

No clip is provided, but notice how Harold’s facial orifices are slightly bleeding as he turns into a zombie in the same capacity as Earthkiller (2011) @ roughly 0:55 in the clip and cover image. Also notice how Harold symbolically picks the red meat out of his sandwich and throws it away @ roughly 58:30 in the movie. This throwing away of the red meat is the equivalent of the biblical quote (screenshot here) from Doomsday Book (2012) above where God tells Adam not to eat the apple (apple = red meat by metaphor). Everything is clearly being told to you repeatedly.

A Little Bit Zombie (2012)

This movie is the Canadian version of Harolds Going Stiff (2011) above. As with Harold, a main character (Steve) is turning into a zombie after getting bit by a zombie mosquito. Eventually Steve wants to eat brains because he is a zombie, so they go to the meat shop. Notice the letters ‘EAT MEAT‘ are clearly and intentionally visible in the name of the shop.

Now the actually connection or metaphor connecting zombies with red meat is not as stark as with Harolds Going Stiff (2011) or Doomsday Book (2012) above, but it’s there. As they enter the meat shop they look up to show this completely out of context and irrelevant sun burst, if you watch the movie you’ll be like ‘why‘? ([Update 2012-11-17] I’ve added a clip to the right of the sunburst and crEATive MEATs sign) It’s the same principal outlined in the above Subtle Distraction Psyops, but the inverse. It’s like a red flag for the 1%. Then in the red meat shop the butcher serves both red meat and brains. Red meat & brains (for zombies as in phase 2) are thereby subtly connected, if anything because they are buying red meat and eating brains at the butcher [red meat] shop. So red meat = brains [and thereby zombie -> phase 2].

Note how the zombie killer is eating red meat, in this case bacon, through the whole movie, and also notice who the actor is (Stephen McHattie from Pontypool (2008)). Both Harolds Going Stiff (2011) and this movie are cinematically terrible, that’s not the point. Your suppose to understand that. They are released to communicate this message. And the sign does say EAT MEAT as opposed to NOT EAT MEAT. Your suppose to have the intelligence to catch the inverse when applicable and apply it when presented with additional information or movies that reflect the same related theme as I’ve shown. In this case EAT MEAT = Zombie. And zombies are typically placed in the context of phase 2 as shown on the cure page.

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