Tag Archives: Abduction

A Primer on Milab Abductions

Just some more information about milab abductions. I think, that major part of the so called abductions are made by military and ordinary people. It’s a good way to keep people silent about the experiments, that they want to conduct with human victims. Fear is the key to keep things silent. People won’t speak if they think that aliens have abducted them and that’s how the secret is kept hidden.

By James Bartley

Many people are coming to the grim realization that they have endured alien abduction experiencesA significant percentage of alien abductees have learned that they are the object of extreme interest by deep black elements of the military intelligence community.  This interest goes beyond simple monitoring, surveillance and psychological warfare operations (Psyops).  Abductees are being used by the military in a variety of operational roles including but not limited to astral operators, psychic spies, covert operatives, technicians, and scientists.  Abductees who have been used by the military in this fashion are known as “Milabs” which stands for “Military Abductees.”  Milabs often describe being taken to underground facilities.  Milabs as well as Military-Aerospace Insiders have witnessed non-human life forms and human military and medical personnel working together in underground and above ground installations.

The purpose of this treatise is to fill a large gap in alien abduction studies.  Most of the “big name” researchers refuse to delve into issues such as the existence and primary role in alien abductions played by the Reptilians.  The reptilians are the primary abducting force.  The reptilians use “proxies” such as certain factions of the Grey aliens, Nordics, Insectoids and other ETs to do their bidding.  The reptilians are also deeply involved in Milab Operations.

As a Student of History and a Historian myself, I am often confounded by the fragmentary historical record about a wide variety of subjects, not only from the distant past but from more recent times.  America’s collective ignorance about our own History let alone recent events is due in large part to the malign influence of an Educational System funded by the Tax Exempt Foundations, Corporations and the Federal Government.  Added to that is the all pervasive influence of the Corporate Media and the end result is a population completely ignorant about even the most basic facts of life.  A cogent argument can be made that Alien Abductions and Military Abductions are a daily fact of life for countless people.  This treatise will provide Milabs with information which will help them to adjust to this shattering reality.


How Did They Become Milabs? 

Milabs are first and foremost legitimate alien abductees.  Milabs have genetic markers which indicate DNA of non-human origin.  I have spoken to a number of abductees who served in the military and during their time in the Armed Forces, these abductees were used in Milab and Mind Control operations.  It was as if Military Intelligence, or a deep black element thereof, knew precisely who within the ranks were alien abductees.

Milabs who have served in the military describe being used in a variety of Mind Control operations some of them involving extremely high technology, very often in underground installations.  Many report being injected with hypnotic drugs and having narco-hypnosis and memory erasure procedures performed upon them.  This is done to ensure the milab forgets what he has seen or heard during these experiences.  Post hypnotic commands and programming are instilled into compartmented sections of the milab’s mind.

Oftentimes Active Duty Milabs are treated by military psychologist during and even after their time in the military. Abductees in all branches of the service have reported being mind controlled during their stints in the military.  Many former members of the military continue to be used in milab operations long after their military career has ended.

Civilian milabs can be found in all walks of life.  Some have obvious connections to the military-industrial complex whilst others have no connection whatsoever.  The obvious question most milabs ask themselves is, “how did the military find out about me?”  Again, it is due to the unique genetic markers contained in the milabs DNA.  The military, being a branch of the federal government, has access to any and all medical records.  Even for civilians, there is ample opportunity for the powers that be to obtain DNA samples of the general population.  Other factors which must be considered are the sensors and radar systems of the military which would allow milab controllers to know when alien spacecraft have passed close to human habitations.  Subsequent investigation would determine if any abductees lived in the neighborhoods visited by the spaceship.  Another piece of the puzzle is the testimony of people like Dan Sherman.

Dan Sherman served in a “grey” branch of the Air Force Security Service, the latter being the Air Force arm of the National Security Agency.  Sherman says he was trained as an “Intuitive Communicator” by his superiors to establish and maintain communications with Extraterrestrials.  Sherman concluded that the data being given from the ETs to his human controllers concerned alien abductees.  I would go further:  Based on the Laws of Chance and Statistical Probability at least some of the abductees in this program must be milabs.  If elements of the deep black military are being given information about human beings used in ET abduction operations, then there must be some kind of ongoing cooperation between ETs and the military involving human beings.

Dan Sherman is not the only former insider to claim knowledge of an ongoing interaction between deep black elements of the Military-Aerospace community and non-human beings.  Indeed there have been numerous accounts of interactions between deep black elements of the Military-Aerospace-Medical community with non-human beings.  Thanks to the gatekeepers in the UFO Community, the fact of alien-human interaction has been dismissed, marginalized and reduced to the level of absurdity.

What Are Milabs Used For?

Throughout history military regimes have utilized the special skills of allied or subject peoples to further their geopolitical ends.  Conquered peoples have been impressed into armies to fight and die for their masters.  Unique skills of people in a particular region are exploited by their masters.  Slingers, Archers, Cavalrymen, infantrymen, blacksmiths, cobblers, and carpenters have all been used by conquerors to further a particular geopolitical goal or agenda.  I would argue that since the creation of the Federal Reserve and the resulting Debt based fiat currency system, this formerly great Republic is a conquered country in which each citizen is expected to make an annual tribute to the International Banking Cartel in the form of taxes.  Milabs just happen to be a 21st Century version of the aforementioned slaves.  Make no mistake about it:  For all intents and purposes, milabs are slaves during these experiences, no matter how an individual milab chooses to interpret his or her experiences.  Moreover, the milab controllers exhibit an extraordinary degree of control over the milab in areas such as interpersonal relationships, employment, and choice of residence, to name just three.

The training and tasking of milabs seems to be tailored to their particular attributes, personal strengths and weaknesses.  There are certain types of training, indoctrination and medical procedures which are common to virtually all milabs.  Many milabs have described the mass vaccination scenarios.  They have described walking in and out of large unisex bathrooms.  Milabs are variously clad in night clothes, ordinary civilian clothes or hospital smocks.  During training or actual physical operations (as opposed to astral ops) milabs have worn military dress uniforms, Battle Dress Utilities (BDUs), camouflage uniforms, black or dark blue “SWAT” type outfits and gray sweat shirts and matching gray pants.  Nurses and Doctors are a frequent sight at installations where milabs are taken.  The setting can appear like any other medical facility and the medical staff can behave exactly as a normal medical staff would, except for the lack of information given to the “patient.”  Some milabs recall being taken to a well known above ground medical facility.  Some of the medical facilities where milabs have been taken include Letterman Army Hospital in San Francisco, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in Oakland California, and Balboa Naval Medical Center in San Diego California just to name a few.          

The training and ops are divided thusly:  Training scenarios and ops conducted whilst the milab is in the physical body and training and ops conducted whilst the milab is in an Out of Body State.  Remote viewing ops conducted by milabs are usually done in the physical state.  Physical training usually involves running, swimming, and weapons training.  Survival training is emphasized.  Individually and in groups, milabs are taught how to forage for food and water and to organize foraging parties.  Milabs are sometimes encouraged by their controllers to learn First Aid skills and to even become First Responders such as Emergency Medical Technicians and Firefighters.

Milabs can be used as couriers, covert operatives, technicians, and scientists.  As couriers the milab can operate singly or with another milab.  Sometimes the milab works under the supervision of a controller.  The training is given added urgency by the milab being placed in virtual reality scenarios involving nuclear holocaust, civil unrest, a pandemic, civil unrest, martial law involving foreign troops.  The military has the capability of creating “stage managed dreams.”  These are very vivid virtual reality scenarios.  The controllers stress guile, resourcefulness and an unwillingness to surrender to the circumstances.

Many milabs have been used in Astral Ops.  The Astral operators are trained to spy, act as a forward observer for air strikes, search for people or objects of intelligence value, and bring harm to others. As such milabs are “multi-task platforms.” The military possess the technology to trigger an out of body experience within milabs.  The milab controller talks to the milab and directs him or her to focus on particular targets during an astral op.  The milab can be sitting on a reclined chair.  The milab controller can talk in a normal tone of voice to the milab.  Some milabs have described being on an astral op and hearing the voice of the milab controller in their mind.  Some milab controllers themselves are psychic.  The possibility exist that the military employs technology which can “boost” the thoughts of the milab controller so the milab can hear the commands, wherever the astral operator may be.

Some Milab Controllers  Are Shapeshifters

Milab controllers vary in appearance and roles.  Some of them are obviously military special operations personnel whose function is to train the milabs in survival skills and covert operations techniques.  Other milab controllers train milabs in astral ops and in remote viewing.  There have been numerous reports of military controllers or military personnel in general “shapeshifting” into reptilians within the confines of an underground base or secure locations in above ground bases. Milabs who have witnessed military personnel shapeshifting usually expressed no shock or surprise at these transformations suggesting that the percipient may have been in an altered state of mind or alter personality.  I cannot express myself strongly enough about this facet of the milab experience:  The reptilians are deeply involved in milab operations and hence are involved in the most secretive projects and operations on Earth.

Milabs are trained to be resourceful.  Psychological tests are conducted on milabs to determine their decision making process under duress.  Scenarios include compelling the milab to decide who to rescue from a fire:  A young boy or a young girl?  Should the milab rescue a human child or a human hybrid alien child?  The milab controllers have a very good idea which milabs can be counted upon to be assassins and cutthroat operatives.  Psychological profiles and genetic studies as well as background information about the upbringing of the milab will provide the milab controllers all the info they need to determine the suitability of a milab for one task or another.  In most cases, the military has been deeply involved in the life of the milab from childhood.

Some milabs, even in a mind controlled state, are not suitable for ops where harming or killing others is required.  Other milabs, even in full waking consciousness, would be happy to blast away at other people if they knew they would not get in trouble.  Some male milabs have a long history of domestic violence and frequently beat their spouses or girlfriends.  Most of these violent milabs are reptilian or drac (winged gargoyle species) human hybrids.  The milab controllers will use such individuals when remorseless brutality or other forms of mayhem are required. It is a sad fact that some male milabs are proud of the role they play advancing the reptilians’ New World Order agenda. If a particular milab is deemed unsuited for a particular task, then they will be retrained for other roles.

Mass milab settings have been described in which hundreds if not thousands of milabs can be seen walking around these underground installations.  Some of these installations were designed to simulate very large airport terminals, complete with long escalators and long terminal passages.

The True State of the Art

Thanks to the ceaseless efforts of the gatekeepers in the UFO Community (and its safe to say at this point that you can add Stanton Friedman to that ever growing list) people still think of UFO technology from the standpoint of archaic and obsolete human technology.  Stanton Friedman still crows about his time working on the NEPA Nuclear Powered Airplane project which was a complete boondoggle and a waste of time and resources.  Nevertheless, the NEPA Nuclear Airplane Project is the “Gift That Keeps On Giving” because till the end of time, Stanton Friedman will continue to brag about how knowledgeable he is about modern technology based on his involvement on the NEPA Nuclear Airplane Project which was a complete joke.

On the oxymoronically titled “History Channel” Friedman appeared on a segment of UFO Files known as “The Day After Roswell.”  Friedman along with the rest of the debunkers dismissed the late Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso’s claims that Corso had helped seed alien technology into the commercial sector.  Corso stated in his book and in many interviews that he provided samples of alien technology obtained from the Roswell Crash Retrieval to a number of Research and Development centers around the United States.  The analysis of items led to the creation of night vision goggles, fiber optics and lasers to name just three.  Friedman and the other debunkers insisted that all technology present on Earth is the result of human ingenuity.  In other words there has never been any attempt to determine the full potential of all the alien technology recovered over the years, let alone exploit this technology by the Global Elite.

In the recent past a book was published entitled “An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion” written by Travis S. Taylor and Bob Boan along with R.C. Anding & T. Conley Powell. This motley crew of writers routinely refers to Ufologists and UFO Whistleblowers as “UFO Conspiracy Theorists.”  Yet they have the audacity to refer to the late and unlamented CIA debunker Karl Pflock as a “UFO Researcher.”  In order to drive home the point that the Earth needs to prepare itself against an alien invasion, they frequently cite Hollywood films such as Independence Day and The War Of The Worlds as examples of what will happen if the Earth is caught by surprise.

Nowhere in this book are there references to the well documented intrusions of UFOs over Strategic Air Command bases which have resulted in the deactivation of Nuclear Missile Launch Control Facilities and tampering of the nuclear warheads themselves by low flying UFOs.

To give but one example of the seriousness of these events consider the testimony of former Air Force Lieutenant Robert Salas.  Between March 14th  and 16th 1967 at Malmstrom Air Force Base near Great Falls Montana, low flying UFOs described as brilliant reddish orange balls, hovered over two Nuclear Missile Launch Control Facilities (LCF) which resulted in up to twenty nuclear missiles suddenly going into “NO GO” status.  The Minuteman II missiles were divided equally between Echo Flight and Oscar Flight, each flight having its own missile LCF.  These twenty missiles silos were spread over a vast area of Montana

Technicians conducted an evaluation of the system and determined that for some inexplicable reason the Guidance and Control system malfunctioned.  The eyewitnesses included launch control facility personnel as well as members of the Sabotage Alert Teams.  Not exactly “UFO Conspiracy Theorists.” Veteran UFO investigator Raymond Fowler worked on the Minuteman II Planning Board at Sylvania, one of the contractors for that missile system.  Fowler is also a former member of the Air Force Security Service (now known as the Air Force Electronic Security Command), the Air Force subsidiary of the National Security Agency.  Fowler confirmed from his own sources that numerous incursions of low flying UFOs over Strategic Air Command missile bases did in fact occur during this time period.  Moreover communications within the LCF sites were disrupted during the UFO visitations.

Similar events occurred at Minot AFB in North Dakota in 1968 and along the northern tier of SAC missile bases in November of 1975.  The 1975 SAC incursions were well documented in such books as “Clear Intent” written by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood.  Clear Intent was later re-published under the title The UFO Cover-up.

Sightings of UFOs above sensitive Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) facilities by highly trained personnel such as scientists, security personnel and air force pilots have been recorded since the late 1940s.  Sightings of UFOs over the AEC Hanford Facility in Washington State and the AEC Oak Ridge Facility are well documented.  The documents I refer to are documents pried from a variety of U.S. Agencies via the Freedom of Information Act.

One of the most frightening examples of UFOs manipulating the control systems of nuclear missile launch facilities occurred in the former Soviet Union.

According to Vladimir Plantonov, on October 14th 1982 a UFO hovered over a Soviet ICBM base for hours near the town of Belokoroviche, northwest of Kiev, Ukraine.  Many eyewitnesses reported that the craft was saucer shaped and was over nine hundred feet long.  Plantonov, a missile engineer stated to ABC News Correspondent David Ensor that the missiles suddenly went into pre-launch mode, something that is only supposed to happen after Moscow sends authorizing codes to initiate the launch sequence. The missiles didn’t launch but the occupants of the UFO certainly got their message across:  We control your weapons systems.  We can disable them or we can cause them to launch thus initiating a planetary nuclear holocaust.

It is important for the readers to understand that these are well documented cases of UFOs disrupting and manipulating the guidance and control systems for the most powerful weapons systems known to exist.  Why didn’t the authors of “An Introduction to Planetary Defense:  A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extraterrestrial Invasion” mention any of these cases?  Likewise why didn’t they write about the well documented and numerous cases of Jet Interceptors being scrambled after UFOs sometimes resulting in the loss of the planes and aircrew?  The writers of “An Introduction to Planetary Defense” have an agenda.  This is obvious from the fact that they dedicated the book to the people who lost their lives to the “terrorists” attacks of September 11th, 2001.  There have been scientific peer reviewed papers which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that nano-thermite explosives as well as thermate cutting charges were used at the World Trade Center Twin Towers.  This is not open to debate no matter how uncomfortable it makes people feel and its obvious to me that a great many UFO Researchers want no part of 9/11 Truth, cowards and ignoramuses that they are.

So why are these authors who promote the 9/11 Lie writing about planetary defense against aliens now?  More to the point, why do they believe conventional and even “advanced” directed energy weapons will even stand a chance against UFOs and their occupants?  Pitting “modern” publicly known weapons systems against the known offensive capabilities of the aliens is worse than stupid.  This is very much like lining up a dozen Greek Hoplites in a phalanx formation and asking them to stop the advance of a  SS Panzer Corps.

This is an important question to ask because the issues I will soon bring up about Time Travel and Cloning would be dismissed as being ludicrous and beyond the pale by messiers Taylor, Boan, Anding and Powell and others like them. This is why I took the time to describe what UFOs had done to modern weapons systems in the past.  Once again we have these relative non-entities trying to create parameters around what is considered credible and non-credible information about UFOs.


The Cloning of Milabs

This leads me to the next salient point: The Cloning of Milabs is a fact.  I have spoken to many milabs who have described seeing clones of themselves. Sometimes the clones are younger, slimmer and more physically fit. Other times the clones look exactly as the milab does at the present time.  Milab clones have been seen in suspended animation.  Sometimes two or more clones are seen to be animated.  They have feelings and emotions and have expressed anguish over the things that are done to them.  One female milab I know saw two of her clones placed into a large plastic box and kept there.  Her two clones struggled desperately to get out of the box.  They were screaming and crying and the female milab was distraught over the treatment meted out to her clones.

Katherina Wilson described meeting two of her clones in an underground installation.  They told her they were being used as prostitutes by the military and scientific personnel and were absolutely miserable about their situation.

Cloned bodies are used for training purposes.  The deep black military has the means to transfer the consciousness of a sleeping milab into the body of a clone.  The clone will then be made to perform a variety of training scenarios and perhaps even find him or herself used in “real world” ops, either on this planet or elsewhere.  Confirmation of the use of clones for training purposes has been provided by other milabs.  It is quite common for milabs who are acquainted with one another and who live in widely separated places, to see each other in underground installations, training scenarios and actual ops.

If one milab is known to be overweight but appears to be slimmer and in better shape than his or her “real” body, than it is a certainty that a clone was used.  If the overweight milab has memories of the same training scenario or op that was described by the other milab, than we can infer that his or her consciousness was transferred into a cloned body for the duration of the event.  In this fashion a comprehensive amount of training and operational experience can be imbued into the subconscious or alter personalities of the milab without the attendant risk of injury or death to the real individual.  The milab may remember only fragments of the experiences in question but the total memories are maintained in the subconscious and the alter personalities, ready to be utilized and exploited by the milab controllers in the future.  Moreover, if the cloned milab was compelled to perpetrate some act that would be morally repugnant to the milab, the memories of such activities can be neatly compartmentalized via the mind control programming. Some milab memories may be state dependent, that is, certain memories may only be remembered by the clone or clones!

The use of clones may be directly related to the Time Travel ops that many milabs have described.  Again, milabs are legitimate alien abductees.  They are essentially a hybrid form of human being with enhanced metaphysical capabilities due to their alien DNA. Thus they are ideal candidates for Time Travel projects.  Keep in mind that the DNA of some milabs may contain genetic information from a number of different ET races, not just one.  The reptilians factor in the lives of a great many milabs, whether they realize it or not.  The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and are metaphysical operators par excellence.  It is this capability that the deep black military controllers seek to harness within certain milabs.


Time Travel Ops

The mission objectives of these Time Travel projects can vary greatly. Some milabs describe being sent on teams into a divergent parallel time line either in the past or the future.  The trips to the past in whatever time line often have as an objective the retrieval of alien technology.  These ops present their own unique circumstances and problems.  One Milab team leader told me he was never certain if the other team members emerging from an artificially created portal after him were the same team members he started out with.  It stands to reason that if time travel ops are being conducted in this timeline, it is quite likely that other milab teams in other timelines are conducting the same or similar ops.  This means that a milab who is a part of these time travel and timeline ops can never be sure what timeline he or she is in.  One milab I spoke to recalled coming back from Spain in the late 1930s during the Spanish Civil War.  Somehow the milab and a female milab accompanying him were detained by two foreign women from the present time period.  The two milabs were drugged and debriefed about a variety of subjects.  Eventually the two milabs were released or somehow freed from these two women and found themselves back in the current time period in a large underground installation simulated to look like a very large empty airport.

They were being escorted by military personnel dressed in apparel similar in appearance to the uniforms of commercial airline crews.  The two milabs were brought into what appeared to be an office.  The personnel handling them ran a hand held device over their bodies, apparently in search of new implants.  Both of the milabs remembered this experience, one more than the other due to the effects of the drugs.

It is possible that the Time Travel ops are used by the controllers to either gain an advantage against real or potential adversaries in the present time period and into the future.  Conversely Time Travel ops may be used to minimize damage wrought by other groups that exploit similar Time Travel technology.  We cannot forget the prime role that certain non-human races such as the reptilians play in this scenario. The reptilians or factions thereof are the controlling factor on this planet.  Based on my discussions with very knowledgeable milabs and abduction researchers such as my mentor Barbara Bartholic, there are human appearing beings that are commonly known as Pleidians.  Unlike what is commonly written about the Pleidians in the UFO Literature, there are factions of the Pleidians that are working to advance an agenda that is inimical to the interest of the Human Race at large.  Some of these Pleidian factions work in conjunction with  certain factions of the reptilians.  This is a very unpopular notion amongst many new agers and self described “contactees” but to suggest that all Pleidians are of necessity, “good” from our standpoint is patently absurd.  The Pleidians are major players in the field of Time Travel. A number of my colleagues whose research I find highly credible have also found a time travel component with the milabs they have interviewed.

It should be noted that the aforementioned Dan Sherman was told by the Greys he was in communications with that the Greys are indeed involved with time travel ops.  Sherman was told that the Greys “go around” time.  My colleagues and I are satisfied that the faction or factions of the Greys working with the deep black military also work for the reptilians.  Again, the controlling factor appears to be the reptilians.  Today we have exopolitics movements that do not address these facts.  Milabs are at the cutting edge of this developing situation.  Milabs should not be regarded with awe nor should they be regarded with trepidation.


Milab Females Should Not Consult “Fundies”

A disturbing trend has emerged wherein self described “Counselors” and “Researchers” of a distinctly Fundamentalist Christian outlook have taken it upon themselves to “help” milab and monarch women who are coming to grips with their often traumatic experiences.  At first the “Fundie” displays a lot of compassion and sympathy with the female milab or monarch.  This is the first stage.  The second stage consists of questioning her motives and the accuracy or validity of the experiences she has shared with him.  He becomes judgmental towards her even accusing her of fabricating these experiences just to gain attention.  The third stage features the Fundie telling the woman she is a sinner and if she would just stop sinning,  she would stop having these problems.  The Fundie counselor makes it clear that SINNING is the main problem in the woman’s life.  The reptilians, milab controllers, illuminatti operatives, electromagnetic beaming, and various and sundry forms of psyops and harassment have nothing to do with it.

If the woman makes the mistake of mentioning she has psychic abilities and that on occasion her milab controllers or the ETs force her to utilize this capability, the  Fundie will lambaste her for using “evil” and “satanic” powers that are the work of the devil.  Despite her protest that she really has no control over the situation, he will continue to berate her and abuse her.  We can see the progression quite clearly:  The Fundie starts out as someone wanting to help the female milab but eventually morphs into a psychologically abusive misogynist. In all likelihood, some of these Female Milab and Monarch abusing Fundies are mind controlled themselves.  They have a “Christian Front Alter” and are part of a control mechanism to further disempower and destabilize women in these projects, thus ensuring they remain under mind control.  The final step is the most pernicious:  The Fundie goes online and begins to impugn the character and integrity of the female milab or monarch who has come to him for help.  The female milab at this point feels psychologically abused and her trust has been violated. This is par for the course.  I have been given the names of a number of these controlling fundies.  They simply must be part of an effort to maintain control over these women and prevent them from obtaining the help they need.

I have never met a Fundie who knows even the basic rudiments of Milab and Monarch Ops.  If they do not even know the basic facts about these issues how can they be expected to be of any help to an actual milab or monarch? I mention Monarch females in this section because they are frequently the target of these misogynistic fundies.  Note these fundies never castigate and psychologically abuse male milabs or monarchs.  The reason for this is simple: They are likely to receive a black eye at the very least were they treat male milabs the way they treat female milabs.  Please don’t misunderstand me: I have very close friends that are Fundamentalist Christians.  Indeed some of them are female milabs and monarchs!  But I do take exception to this form of outrageous abuse these fundies mete out to women who have already endured so much suffering and trauma.  They need to be exposed and castigated themselves.

One final thing the public at large needs to be aware of is that the public is being inoculated to the reality of Milab Operations.  Note the proliferation of shows with a distinctly Milab theme. Now it has reached the level of absurdity with television shows such as “Chuck” which is a comedy, yes a comedy about a mind controlled citizen who works in a department store. His Intelligence Handler is a beautiful woman.  There is nothing remotely funny about milab operations to those having to endure them.  It is deadly serious.  It is not unusual for milabs to come down with serious illnesses such as brain cancer, kidney cancer and a variety of other serious illnesses.  I hope this paper will help the newly aware milab that they are not alone and that help is available.  At the very least a milab can find compassion and understanding from other milabs.  That being said, each milab should be judged based on their actions and how they treat others.  There are some milabs I want no part of.


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Ufologist Questionnaire

I have posted couple of articles from James Bartley website, which is pretty good place if you want information about abductions/Milabs. Here’s a little briefing about James:

Name –

James Patrick Bartley (not the same guy who was allegedly swallowed alive by a whale!)

Birthdate –

November 7th 1964.  A Scorpio born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon.

Occupation – Writer, Researcher

Qualifications or Career Skills –

Previous experience in the Insurance Industry, Telecommunications Field, Semiconducter Field and County Government.  I also worked as a civilian in an Intelligence related capacity for the Department of the Navy.  I’m a student of History with an emphasis on Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and Special Operations.  I have made an in-depth study of the Corporate, Intelligence, Financial, Occultic, and Political aspects of the New World Order and the Globalist Agenda, both of which are part and parcel of the Reptilian Overlordship.

Religious Affiliation –

I consider myself a Christian, however I have an implicit belief in Reincarnation.  The two are NOT mutually exclusive despite what the religious dogmatists would have us believe.  No two people were as well versed with the Old Testament or the New Testament as Edgar Cayce and General George S. Patton.  Yet both believed implicitly in Reincarnation and had extremely detailed past life memories.

Groups and Societies you associate with –

The only people I interact on a constant and daily basis with are other abductees and milabs.

Why did you become interested in Ufology? –

I have had UFO Sightings and Alien Abduction experiences since childhood.  Some of my abduction experiences occurred during normal waking consciousness.  The entities I have encountered included various species of reptilians, dracs (the winged gargoyle species) reptilian greys, and a diminutive brown skinned being that appeared in my bedroom when I was about five years old.  Those are just the beings that I have the clearest memories of.  There have been others.

Many of the faceless UFO debunkers claim that alien abduction experiences are only remembered through hypnosis or were the result of sleep paralysis.  This is complete nonsense.  My UFO sightings were not mere “lights in the night sky” either.  I have seen various types of UFOs at close range including a daylight sighting of a globe shaped UFO which created its own cloud bank to hide in.  I’ve seen a reddish orange cigar shaped UFO at close range.  This cigar shaped craft had a double wide row of windows with yellow light streaming out of the windows.  A three or four foot red flame came out of the rear of the craft and it made a “whooshing sound.”  On another occasion I witnessed at close range reddish orange “plasma balls” that shot out beams of bluish white light in my direction.  This happened after a blackout in my neighborhood.  The plasma balls performed erratic maneuvers at the base of a power transformer.  The blackout was probably due to the plasma balls interfering somehow with the transformer.  I saw a gleaming silver saucer streak right over the runway by the main terminal building at Oakland International Airport.

Those are just a small sampling of my UFO sightings.  On numerous occasions I have observed what I believed to be “Man Made UFOs.”  A common debunking tactic is to dismiss ALL UFO sightings as merely the observation of advanced U.S. “Stealth” aircraft.  Again, this is complete nonsense and only works on an uneducated ignorant audience.  In the first place “Stealth” has nothing to do with the visual spectrum.  The idea behind “Stealth” is to reduce the Radar Cross Section or RCS to a point where ground based radar cannot “lock on” to the aircraft thus preventing a Ground Control Intercept (GCI) station from vectoring fighter aircraft to intercept the intruder.  Since aircraft cannot be vectored towards the stealth aircraft, the onboard weapons systems of the interceptor which rely upon radar or detection of the heat signature of the intruder are useless.  Likewise radar controlled anti-aircraft artillery (Triple A) and radar controlled surface-to-air missiles are also useless.

The idea behind “Stealth” is to utilize radar absorbent materials and alloys and design the aircraft in such a way that there are no flat surfaces on the exterior of the aircraft which would reflect radar beams back to the radar station.  This does not necessarily make the aircraft entirely invisible to radar.  That is another common misperception.  It just means that the Radar Cross Section is too small for ground based radar and airborne radar to lock onto the aircraft long enough to bring either ground based anti-aircraft weapons or airborne weapons systems into play.  So for all intents and purposes, the Stealth Aircraft becomes “invisible” to the air defense system.  The heat signature from the engines is also reduced to prevent heat seeking missiles from attaining a lock on the aircraft.  Lastly the Stealth aircraft are painted black and are flown exclusively at night so ground based air defense systems and airborne interceptors reliant upon visual identification cannot see the aircraft.  Hence the Lockheed F-117 is known as “The Nighthawk”

A “Stealth” aircraft that flies during the day or lights up the entire countryside at night (which some legitimate UFOs are prone to do) defeats the very concept of “Stealth,” which again, has absolutely nothing to do with the visual spectrum.  Moreover many UFOs are seen in broad daylight over heavily populated cities.  Considering the enormous size of the test ranges in the Southwest, why would “stealth” aircraft be test flown over a city?  Nevertheless these debunkers insist on using the “Stealth Card” whenever compelling video footage is presented or expert eyewitness testimony is given by highly credible witnesses.  This is the age of the Camcorder and a debunker, no matter how hard he or she tries, cannot ridicule video footage and dismiss it as a “UFO Believer.”

To my knowledge the first person to use the testing of “Stealth Aircraft” to explain away UFO sightings was none other than retired Admiral Bobby Ray Inman.  This was the same Admiral Inman who was caught on audiotape admitting in a phone conversation with UFO researcher Robert Oeschler that the United States had recovered alien craft.  Later Inman claimed the statement was taken out of context.  Admiral Inman was formerly the Director of Naval Intelligence, the Director of the National Security Agency, the Vice Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Deputy Director of the CIA.  In other words I don’t believe a damn thing Admiral Inman says.  His comments about UFOs being stealth aircraft sound to me like animal noises.

Memo to the retired Admiral Inman:  “Baa Baa Baa…Oink oink oink…Moo moo moo.”

Have you had any ET experiences? –

As stated above I have had personal encounters with non-human life forms in my home, in my car and on board alien craft after I had been taken “onboard.”  But the ET experience encompasses far more than just face to face encounters and UFO sightings.  The ETs routinely conduct “dream hacking” and create “stage managed dreams” while we are sleeping.  Some of these dreams can be highly symbolic in nature or could be efforts at indoctrination and/or training.  An abductee could wake up from such “dreams” and feel compelled to tell the world about the wonderful benevolent ETs who are bestowing upon him knowledge and wisdom.  This creed is fortified by numerous alien inspired synchronicities.

The ETs strive to activate the ego of the abductee and make him or her feel as if they are a “chosen one” who must bring forth the ETs message to the world.  I call abductees who succumb to this very basic form of alien indoctrination and brainwashing “muppets” and there are no shortage of muppets within the abductee community.  The ETs also frequently interact with our astral bodies and will trigger out of body experiences within abductees when it suits their needs.  The ETs can also telepathically communicate with the abductees but oftentimes these messages are metaphysical pablum mean to reinforce the indoctrination they are already receiving.

The ET manipulation of abductees is far more pervasive and all encompassing than the mentally rigid abduction researchers would have us believe.   Most of the mentally rigid alien abduction researchers have never even had ET experiences themselves so I don’t take them very seriously.  What irks me about them is they consistently and persistently downplay certain aspects of an abductee’s experiences such as reptilian encounters or military abductions.

In the field of Alien Abductions I have benefited enormously from the tutelage of Barbara Bartholic, whom I consider to be the greatest alien abduction researcher on the planet, bar none.  I am proud to call myself a protégé of Barbara Bartholic’s and join a distinguished line of other protégés including the late great Dr. Karla “Kandy” Turner whom I had the great good fortune of meeting and befriending.  Another researcher that I owe a debt of gratitude to is Eve Lorgen.  Eve Lorgen is also a protégé of Barbara Bartholic’s and is an outstanding researcher in her own right.

Do you believe abductions are “upgrading humans?” –

I believe some ET groups and especially the reptilians have “upgraded” humans insofar as they can more easily control them and use them to their own advantage at the expense of the human race.  Many people have alien manipulated DNA.  The Aliens want to instill their own attributes into their human-alien hybrids.  Reptilian-human hybrids are a case in point.  It should come as no surprise that a person who comes from a reptilian bloodline would become a pedophile, serial murderer, satanist or habitual abuser of women.  The reptilians sow these unpleasant characteristics into their hybrid bloodlines through genetic manipulation.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that the reptilians are always doing the genetic manipulation.  Certain alien races that are vassals to the reptilians, in particular some of the “greys” may be doing the actual genetic manipulation of a given human bloodline but the result is the same.

Do you support channeled data? –

If the trance medium (the old spiritualist term) is channeling for a group that ultimately has a negative agenda than some of the information may be factual.  Some of the information will actually be directives and tasks for the group to accomplish.  Even within such a group only a very few or perhaps even one person knows of the existence of the negative agenda, which from the standpoint of the channeled entity or entities is NOT negative.  On the other hand if the channeled entity is seeking to spread metaphysical pabulum and disinformation about the subject, it will seek to deter the people they are manipulating from obtaining truthful hardcore information.

Channelled information is different from interdimensional or angelic beings providing information, insight or encouragement.  In order for a channeled entity to come through, the trance medium must willingly dim their own consciousness and allow another consciousness to momentarily (?) take over.  This is a risky prospect at best.  The channeller has to hope that the entity is a benevolent one and is not bent on sowing chaos and confusion.

Would you like an ET/Earth Alliance to occur? – I believe it is already happened but it has been to the detriment of the Human Race.  I believe the series of crashes in and around Roswell New Mexico in 1947 was a “Trojan Horse” operation that allowed the negative ET groups and particularly the reptilians to gain control over large parts of the military-industrial complex involved in the back-engineering of alien technology and the development of alliances with various ET groups.

This was accomplished by ensuring that rep and drac human hybrids working towards the New World Order agenda attained positions of authority within the deep black UFO program, as they have throughout every meaningful institution of Human Society.  The Human Race is suffering from what has been described as “Planetary Confinement.”  It is the destiny of a small percentage of people to depart from this polluted strife torn world and head out towards the Cosmos.  Those remaining will have their numbers drastically culled and the survivors will be mindless automatons working on a global plantation.

A parting statement about the progress of Ufology –

Ufology has actually regressed.  There are less people researching and lecturing today about alien abductions than there were fifteen years ago.
Moreover, the majority of information, or disinformation as it were, that’s being disseminated about alien abductions originates from the same group of non-abductee-abduction researchers.  The latter an oxymoron if I ever heard one and I stress the second syllable “moron(s).”

There is not enough quality research being done about reptilians, the ruling reptilian-human hybrid elite and the Reptilian Overlordship in general.  Likewise there is not enough research done on Milabs or the various and sundry ways ETs utilize abductees.  There needs to be more written about the deep black interaction between non-human entities and human military/scientific/medical personnel.  If 90 % of all UFO researchers stopped researching, we wouldn’t miss anything.  Most researchers don’t even see a connection between UFOs, Aliens and the reptilians in particular with the New World Order.  Some researchers and abductees have been manipulated into promoting the New World Order without even realizing it.

Treatises I have written – Astral Dreamscape Manipulation; Understanding the Hive Consciousness; Understanding the Reptilian Mind; Alien Civil Affairs Parts 1 and 2; On the March; Alien Abductions in the 21st Century; Unmasking the Disruptors in UFO/Conspiracy Research Parts 1 and 2 (Co-Written with Eve Lorgen); and Milab Operations.  I am a contributing writer in the Universal Seduction Book Series Volumes I, II and III.  Designer Foes, Designer Wars is my contribution on Volume III.

Your Website – http://www.angelfire.com/nm2/aona/james.html

Radio Interviews – I’ve been interviewed numerous times on Dave Allen’s “Night Hawk” radio show from Northern California.  I had my own radio/internet audiocast show on the Night Search Paranormal Network (NSPN).  My show was called “The Bureau of Alien-Human Affairs – Directorate V Reptilian Section” or BAHA, D5, RS for short.  I was co-host with Eve Lorgen on the “ET Insider” show on the NSPN network.  I was also a guest on Guy Malone’s “Live From Roswell”  show.  I’ve lectured at the UFO Friendship Campout at the Lil A’Le Inn at Rachel Nevada.  I also gave a Memorial Speech on behalf of the late Dr. Karla “Kandy” Turner in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.  My most recent lecture was in Memphis Tennessee in February 2006.

Contact Details – dr_dannieljaxson@yahoo.com


An Interview with Angelia Cardwell, a Milab

If you don’t know the consept of a MILAB go here >> http://theuniversalseduction.com/bartley/16/a-primer-on-milab-abductions and here is one of the MILAB stories:


By James Bartley – Copyright with all rights reserved

This is an interview with a female Milab from England. “Angelia Cardwell” (pseudonym) is one of the most important milabs to ever surface. In this exclusive interview, Angelia provides information about a variety of subjects. Angelia has endured horrendous abuse including frequent gangstalking, electromagnetic harassment, psychic attacks from satanic covens, abductions from Dracos and vitriolic abuse from shills and gatekeepers within the Mind Control Survivor community. Despite it all, Angelia has emerged as a leader in the Milab community. Angelia has provided encouragement and validation for many other milabs. It is an honour and a privilege to have been taken into the confidence of such a unique, brave and intelligent woman as Angelia Cardwell. In this interview the initials “JB” will refer to me and “AC” will refer to Angelia. “MC” stands for Mind Control.

JBCan you describe your background, genetic heritage and your upbringing?

AC – My background in terms of my family upbringing would seem fairly normal to any outsider but is far from it. As with most families used by the Illuminati, there are hidden depths that even some of my family members may not have been aware of, especially in terms of having been deliberately brought together to produce offspring with potential  capabilities through certain genetic bloodlines. My family background in terms of genetics is a little varied:  I am German, Latvian, English and Irish blood lines, making me Norse/Latvian, Germanic and Celtic in terms of bloodline, although I was made aware that there is a Babylonian bloodline in my family also through my mother’s side. There are Nazi connections on my father’s side, but Germanic blood lines on both sides (mother and father). My upbringing was in a fairly normal suburb, and most family members have run their own businesses or been quite academic, some work as part of the Christian Church, which was fundamental to my upbringing, God and the church were a huge part of my childhood and programming. I was always recognized as being very good academically from a young age, which is one of the things they look out for, especially if you seem good at visual learning and art but also good at problem solving, math etc. I was always taught that the occult was wrong, although there are hints that this was not totally rebuked by all family members. I believe that this was to give a “normal” front for our family life. I do know that I am the third generation I know of from my mother’s side to have experienced some things such as UFO abduction, out of four I have become aware of.

My mother and father were both deeply religious, and both had some troubled family backgrounds. They are both highly intelligent and also in my opinion both naturally psychic, although neither of them really explored that to any deep level on the surface. I do believe that they were both used in terms of a genetic pairing, and also both suffered from emotional traumas, and this is something else they look out for, as it makes offspring from such a couple potentially easier for programing through dissociation, especially with a magical genetic heritage. They were also both drawn to mystical aspects of spirituality even within the church. I had a weird childhood, whilst gifted at school, I found it hard to relate to some of the other children, things they felt and acted upon just did not make sense to me, including bullying, I just saw no point, which sometimes made me a target.

At home, I was expected to behave in a very strict environment, fraught with tensions, and also expected to behave in ways that were too adult for a child, with some of the sexual abuse I encountered from my step-father. From this I would often fold up into a world of my own, always reading books and imagining myself as certain heroes, which was great for dissociation. There are many large gaps in my memory from my childhood, which relate to places I have been taken to for programming and training which were memories hidden in alters. I have alters that are based on some childhood heroes from books and TV programs I watched.

There is nothing in surface memories to indicate at first glimpse any occult goings on, but on further inspection there are things that occurred that are not normal, and I believe my mother has also had some programming in that regard, and also was meant to pass on certain forms of visualizations and even local occult lore from the area I grew up in relating to local deities including Black Annis used by the cult. My family is multigenerational psychics, there are histories of healers and mediums and some Secret Society members. I believe some family members knew more than others what was going on. Some became willing participants and others were more reluctant but being born into that sort of lineage does not make it easy to say no. I have suffered greatly from my family alone, since speaking out and making it plain I will not return, let alone other members of this group and others. I would often find myself brutally punished for the slightest offence as a child, and locked in cupboards and held down, fingers bent backwards, arms locked and beaten. The sexual abuse was the worst, and the pedophilia group who used me, who also would take photos of their work and also videos which I am sure were passed around and sold on the black market. I was groomed for my step-father sexually and this was often overlooked or ignored, until I spoke out to a member of the church who took it seriously and friends at school. I suffered greatly for that also and was punished for it and have been for years by my family. The sexual abuse is just more of the programming though, and it leaves a person vulnerable to further abuse from future partners in life, which is what happened to me, constantly craving love you never really got at home, and then finding yourself trapped by it in a current relationship. Punishment and reward systems are used greatly by these cults as a form of control, including love and careers and friendships.

JBWhen did you first start having paranormal experiences, including UFO sightings, alien abductions, encounters with demonic and/or angelic beings and psychic phenomena? Can you describe some of the entities you encountered?

AC – I first started having paranormal experiences as a very young child, about three years old, although from recovered memories, I was already having experiences such as astral projection whilst in the womb. My first UFO abduction recovered was at three and a half years old, and was linked to sightings and experiences my mother was having at that time also. This was a typical Grey or Zeta Reticuli encounter, which originally manifested as an Owl appearing at both my own and my mother’s bedroom windows, but was in fact no Owl at all. There were also sightings of shadow beings at this time also, my mother and her friends would notice shadows flickering out of the corner of their eyes and moving around the house, as would I, although I was also strangely enough being told that there was nothing but my imagination in this. I would often notice strange energy spots, hot and cold in the home, and had many astral visits from beings and from agents I now know or at least feel were NSA. I remember having “relatives” from the afterlife, telling me bedtime stories as a child, and explaining what I had come here for in this life, like a dead great aunt or great grandfather, and also visits from mantids and greys. I would also do a lot of day dreaming which I now know to be astral travelling with some beings. I had a vortex or portal open in my bedroom wall in one encounter, after an entity telling me about the hardships I would endure in this life, and becoming quite distressed, I tried to do what I could to “shut down” or try to leave my body and go to God, go home, and as I tried, the portal opened and I was taken to a cave deep within the earth and told in no uncertain terms by a reptilian that “YOU HAVE TO LIVE THIS LIFE”. It was very threatening and demanding and after scaring the bejeezus out of me brought me back to my bedroom, where my mother found me screaming in terror and fear, although, I also see this incident as another form of programming that was taking place by these entities. I had many encounters with fae or fairies as a child also, and saw dead people a lot.

JBDid you always have recollections of the Mind Control and SRA which you endured from childhood or were the memories of the abuse part of a gradual process that began at a certain point in time?

AC – I had always thought that some of the abuse I suffered as a child was normal, that everyone went through this, so it took me many years to discover that it was not and that I was and had in fact been abused. I did not recover anything other than abuse in the home, until nineteen years old, when I had a first bleed through of a memory to do with a temple group who met in a certain location, but passed it off as a dream or fanciful thinking, as it just did not equate to what I thought was my life at that time, but now know it to have been a very important memory bleed through, which of course, they were keen to keep me from realizing what it really stood for. After that, my life became slowly more and more paranormal, as it always had been really, but I slowly came to realize that what I had been told was my childhood imagination was far from it, and that I was psychic. Many strange coincidences occurred after that, and my life was definitely being observed and pre-arranged for me, even in terms of education and career and love and social life, none of it was anything but pre planned and orchestrated really, which I find frustrating. My life feels very contrived in that regard. It has taken me many years to acknowledge that things I thought were normal were a part of the abuse, and things I had been told did not happen actually did, such as being whipped, which I was originally told was my imagination. It has been a slow process since the age of twenty three that I have recovered many memories and the others have come into proper perspective.

JBDuring this process of Self Discovery, were you aware of increased surveillance and efforts designed to keep you from learning more about your past?

AC –  There were indeed many efforts to keep me from understanding what was really going on in my life, and who I was. The surveillance was actually carried out by friends linked to the local cult in the area I grew up in, and also family members, but there are people who were also in my workplace that were a part of this. I was constantly advised to keep away from the occult after I met my ex-partner, although he seemed to be having quite a few paranormal experiences of his own, including a meeting with a demon who wanted to befriend him that he told me of. His family was completely against any talk of the occult though, and I was encouraged mainly in academic and career terms and the occult was only encouraged as a philosophical viewpoint, not as an actual practice, which, again I feel was a part of the training and programming to a greater or lesser degree. I was advised that I had never really been abused as a child by his and my own family, which was quite hurtful and painful, and another form of abuse in and of itself, and also that I had a fanciful memory, and should use this maybe to pursue some form of art career instead of looking at past family hurts. There was a great deal of hush hush work in that regard, and also when the gang stalking started at twenty three years old, a lot of gas lighting by friends and family members and my partner, who were all keen to tell me that I was potentially mentally ill. My partner was greatly abusive most of the time, mainly emotionally more than anything, but this graduated to social situations where he would put me down in front of our friends and when they did finally get me to agree to taking pharmaceutical drugs to help with my mental problems, they chose one that brought about a form of catatonia, and I could not move or speak, I know I was raped by my partner during this, and his reply was that “I just don’t know what has gotten into you, I still love you but this has to stop”, and he would growl and walk away, whilst I was hungry and in pain and unable to barely move or speak.

When I started to recover (I came off the drugs without telling anyone), I found that I was being attacked by astral adepts from my local area, and also demonic entities. I ran for my life from my partner and went to stay with friends, who also encouraged that I was just mentally ill and was having a nervous breakdown. I stayed after a few weeks there, with an Aunt in another country, and she also encouraged the mentally ill aspects, whilst there were many strange incidents that occurred there also. This Aunt is known for her connections to the occult, but strangely enough, did take me to a reiki healer, who said I was myself a potentially very gifted healer, I think that this was my family’s mistake on their behalf, that reiki did more for me than anyone could imagine, as soon as I had someone say “Your psychic, you’re a healer” my internal world changed and I got strength again, and saw through a lot of lies meant to keep me disabled and compliant. That was their biggest mistake, she gave me my power back in that way, and I soon left my aunt and went to pursue my life again. I still had them trying to control my career and social life, but it was getting harder for them to keep out the fact I was slowly deprogramming and becoming aware, which true spirituality does to you anyhow. They have fought it tooth and nail but have ultimately failed. My ultimate handlers have always been friends and family carefully placed around me, and any signs of me showing deprogramming or knowing the truth brought about more gang stalking.

JBCan you describe some of the methods utilized to keep you from breaking out of programming and to prevent you from networking with other survivors of MC?

AC – The main tool was my ex-partner. Soon after living with my Aunt mentioned above, he persuaded me to take him back into my life, which was a huge mistake, but at that time, after the whole emotional roller coaster I had been on, love was a much needed thing and they used that. He was in all essence my handler, and was also receiving training in programming, using me as a guinea pig, especially for hypnotic commands. Even after I left him, I was made to feel that mental health was the only way forward and when I persisted with my psychic and spiritual abilities, they soon found ways to use that also, ensuring that my spiritual contacts were in touch with the cult and also that I could then hopefully be persuaded into darker forms of the occult, instead of reiki, which I started to see for what it was and quickly left. I received huge amounts of astral attacks during this time, and astral break-ins, meant to destabilize my reiki and spiritual training, and I was gas lighted in this regard also by pre-eminent psychics in the area. Only one psychic took me seriously: A Cherokee medicine woman who was living in and touring England at that time. She knew who I was and what was really happening although I did not, and she encouraged me to look at ET’s and the alien agenda and mind control. By others, I was encouraged to stay away from the conspiracy theory arena what is now known as the Truth Movement, and also to see it as too fearful and also full of lies. They also fell foul on this, when one warlock advised me to read up on Jordan Maxwell, and after that, some things started to fall into place. Most astral attacks then, and even now, have been sexual in nature, or have been demonic. I did get covens trying to break in and also adepts from temple groups. I was with new handlers by this point, I had left my partner for good and they knew I would not return to him, so it was down to a few select psychics to gas light me and keep me in line, who also did energy work they said to heal me, but which in reality was meant to cause me further distress and even destabilize my grounding abilities. I have had some similar experiences within the truth movement also, with people who claimed to be deprogrammers and healers, who are anything but in reality, and then claimed I was not taking enough personal responsibility for myself or ungrateful and have tried gas lighting me on some of my experiences. The worst attacks were by far from Freemasons, their magic is exceptionally powerful, and caused me many problems, they have abilities you will not find taught in any books or general pagan or spiritual groups, and have caused me some problems in the past which I had to fight to correct and get out of.

JBIt is fashionable in some circles within the MC survivor/research community to dismiss all accounts of Aliens and UFOs as merely being the result of the MC of the survivor and the stage managed viewings of advanced man-made craft and alleged “Blue Beam” holographic technology. Can you give us your perspective as someone who has had alien abduction experiences, why there really is a non-human Extraterrestrial/Interdimensional aspect to Milab experiences? What are the implications of this non-human element?

AC – The non-human element is very real. Whilst there are very human elements to this, with virtual reality, implants etc, there are very real beings working with these groups, who do work for their own agenda also who abduct either physically or astrally humans for their own purposes. Some may be for what is known as egg harvesting, some is for their own mind control experiments, and some is for implants, which are not always just for tracking purposes, but to enable them to be able to connect astrally to you once you’ve been physically abducted with these implants in place, and even affect your mind and energy state. The implications for me from my own perspective, is that we are being used, by beings who do not care for human sovereignty or for human beings at all, we are just as much a tool or food source to them, as horses and cows have been for us. I believe that there is much in the way of cloak and daggers and shadows and mirrors with the human and alien agendas, each trying to use the other for their own nefarious purposes which are to do with total mind control of an entire population of a planet, for use as slaves. One thing I can say about whether the experience has been mind control in terms of virtual reality or false memory or a real abduction, is that these beings smell, they also have a texture to their skin, and you cannot fake a memory that has all five senses, especially if it has a beginning and an end when running it through.

JBCan you describe your experiences with the Draco and your thoughts on the role they play in the overall scheme of things?

AC – The Draco would have you believe that they are our Gods. They would have you believe the same way that an adept or warlock would, that they are the embodiment of God and Gods will, much in the way Crowley in his Thelemic teachings does. They are highly psychic and very scientific, they are also exceptionally brutal as a species, and do not care for us or have any empathy at all, but will use and manipulate us by these forces that we know of as love and care if it is to their agenda. They are in my experience beneath the Winged Serpents and above the Greys in hierarchy, but even the Winged Serpents have their masters. We are a food source in terms of emotional energy, but also I believe they have technology that utilizes human energies for other purposes which I am currently investigating, linked to the occult and magical practices that we have taken for granted, with people not asking who and why and where these magical occult schools of form ever came from. I would urge anyone to check and re-check the lineage of any psychic or occult school and who these people are linked to. I hope to have more to say about this at some point, but I will see what happens in that regard. You never really know what entities you are being linked to, and there are beings that shape shift, not just the Djinn that play many games with us in the astral realms and in other ways also. I believe that certain magical schools have been directly influenced by such beings in my opinion, for the energies and mind sets that they create, to create human agents and assets to their agenda. The ultimate goal though is about control, the reptilians are all about control, nothing else.

JBMuch has written about the role that “Shadow Beings” and “The Djinn” play in the control and manipulation of the human race. Have you observed these Shadow Beings and the Djinn in your experiences?

AC – Shadow beings work closely with the Greys, mantids and the Draco and other reptilian beings. They have their own agenda, and consider the Earth to be theirs, you need to read Rosemary Ellen Guilleys book the “Vengeful Djinn” to further understand this, but they have a vested interest in the manipulation of human beings, right down to a spiritual warfare game, which I personally believe has been played out on humans for millennia. I believe George Kavasillas also has huge insights here also. The Djinn are like smoke in form, and are certainly made of fire in terms of plasma. They are highly intelligent and it is my belief that they have also had a huge impact on magical lore and training of humans also. Enochian magic and Solomonic magic is much to do with Djinn as with other forces also. They were certainly used to train us psychically as children in MILABS and also observe us in the home setting…part befriending us and part brutal teachers. You get taught your psychic abilities through a fight or flight scenario with these beings, which really causes chakra problems later on in my experience. I believe that there are people in the military that have had much to do with these beings and I know from memories in that regard there is strange stuff going on, it is quite scary actually. Portal technology and Djinn technology have and are being researched, that should be making us shudder.

JBThe controllers know that within certain human-hybrid bloodlines, there exist latent metaphysical capabilities. Within the context of the ritualistic and/or technological aspect of these milab programs, can you describe how the energies/frequencies from the chakra system of milabs are accessed and how these frequencies are utilized to advance the agenda of the controllers?

AC – This is a huge topic of its own which I have been investigating for some time and have much to say on and will have more to say later on. We are multidimensional beings and we are being used as magical tools in a way by forces incomprehensible to most humans for these abilities. We are in short nothing more than a magical tool to manifest the wishes of the masters who hold us as slaves in these programs, much like an athame or a wand, to command and instruct energies to their will and agenda. Humans are linked to an energetic grid system and we also have the ability to use that for our highest good to heal and become Gods in our own right. These programs use those abilities for government and alien agendas. There is much to do with portals and time travel in this, based in part on what is known as magical alchemy in terms of the ratio of time and energy created by each chakra and also the links with the human soul in terms of platonic solids and manifestation. Sexual energy is most important in this. It is pure creation energy, it does not just give birth to children, utilized well it can help with manifestation. It is thought that Aleistar Crowley used it to affect time and open portals. This probably explains a lot about the sexual manipulation of the human species especially by Greys for kundalini. The stargates and portals that are opened are much to do with time control and the ability to manifest the will of these interdimensional forces for their agenda on our time line, as well as travelling from dimension to dimension. I have alters that only work in certain dimensions, that they are tailored through programming to do work there on other planets. This is why so many MILABS get sexual programming, it is a part of the energy they need you to manifest that they can use and manipulate.

JB When in the presence of ETs, milabs often manifest metaphysical capabilities such as walking through solid objects, the ability to interface with ET technology, telekinesis etc. Can you describe your observations and insights into the multi-dimensional/metaphysical capabilities of milabs and milab alters?

AC – Many of our original metaphysical capabilities were greatly enhanced through the use of genetic manipulation in one form or another. For instance, it is known that some ET technology will only work with a particular genetic group or species, and in order for a MILAB to be able to use this technology they would need a DNA addition or change. I have several such DNA changes made to myself to be able to interact with and work with certain ET groups and their technology. We also as a result of this DNA enhancement can become greatly enhanced in our abilities to be telepathic, remote view etc, which is very useful for the military as well as the ET’s. There are also implants given which also work alongside this, which also lock our abilities down when we are not in use by these species or the military, which can be greatly frustrating, especially when you have memories of being able to levitate and find it impossible in “normal” day to day function. The alters fit into this by the way that some of them are placed or created through chakra alignments. For instance, I once asked my higher self where the genetic structure or code is for levitation, I was guided to my solar plexus and taken through a series of energetic channels to find the pathway through my body which would enable this ability. Part of the problem is down to spiritual lock down and mind control in front alter personality that I could not access this ability, the other part of the problem was down to the implants used to lock this ability away. When in a particular alter, I do have this ability to levitate and have the memory even of where it was taught, but whilst this alter is locked away and also with the implant activated, I would find it at this time impossible. Alters are often for this reason, created through particular meridian and chakras levels and channels to be able to have certain functions and also as a result depending on what they need you for, will call through more than one alter, you may have a team of alters with specific energy functions and capabilities depending on what they need you to be able to do called up before you are sent on any mission. This is why the merging of alters is an important key to be able to access our abilities, as well as overcoming the implant situation.

JBA number of milabs have reported that the military has the capability of installing “shadow entities” into milabs. Can you comment on this?

AC – This is something I touched upon in my interview with Randy Maughans and Miranda Kelly on the Off Planet Radio site. I know that I had placed in my chakras, etheric implants which looked like cylinders, these greatly enhanced some of the psychic abilities through the chakras but also contained some of what I thought originally were alters. One of the things that I then found was that they housed or contained certain entities, including shadow beings when not in use. If you think of Djinn or shadow beings, being placed like the genii in a bottle, it is kind of that effect, although, in my opinion, not just shadow beings are used in this way.

JBAn “Angelic” language such as Enochian, which was recovered by Dr. John Dee, the Astrologer Royal of Queen Elizabeth I, is frequently discussed in milab and monarch circles. Are you familiar with the use of Enochian and other angelic or ET languages in regards to milab programming and milab ops? Likewise, many milabs have stated they have alters which can speak one or more present-day languages. Can you comment on this as well?

AC – I know that I was trained in magic from a young age, and so believe that some of the languages I speak were because that alter was trained in that language. I know that I also speak some other languages such as “shuraim”, which is the language of the Djinn, this may be in part due to many interactions with these shadow beings over the years, as well as being hooked up to them energetically for use. I know that certain magical languages have come originally from other off world beings and dimensions. The other part to the language use that I have found is it’s vibrational aspect, especially when looking at Hebrew language for instance, and its effects magically on DNA, which is why when certain words are uttered they literally produce a magical effect when used in conjunction with will and concentration. Noam Chomsky’s early work into language and DNA is very important to look at and understand as a part of this process. Language is another form of energetic programming in this way also, especially for mind states and dissociation. This is known of by those who practice certain forms of mantras and trance states produced and used heavily by trance magicians for invocations, which I was also used in as a form of magic. Some MILABS feel that they have what is called “Universal Translators” or some kind of implant or microchip which helps them access certain ET languages, this would make sense to a point, but I myself have several ET alters and they speak different languages associated with those ET groups. I do also believe that we get downloaded with information about ET languages also though as well as customs, manners and behavior. In regards to speaking Earth based languages, I do believe that we are used in programs on this world where they are needed. I have memories of being used in assassinations against certain mafia style groups, where this would have been most useful, as well as any customs related to that cultural group and setting. I am sure that we get taught these languages but that there are also downloads placed in us to further access such information.

JBThere seems to be a number of deep black programs which exploit milabs and monarchs. There may be overlap between some programs but it seems that a number of them run parallel to one another. Yet, many milabs seem to think that what they observed and the manner in which they were programmed is the “Be All and End All” of the milab experience. This absolutist and dogmatic mindset sows the seeds of acrimony and disharmony. Can you comment on this?

AC – I believe that we are all used in conjunction with what they see in us energetically from a karmic/akashic, perspective right down to DNA and ancestry. That at the end of the day is what they have to work with. They also have in programs and out of them used and pitted us against each other in such ways through knowledge of our core personality traits also. This is no more than knowing the key core personality of a person and their soul and how to manipulate it and use it for an agenda. There is no be all and end all of the MILAB mind control experience. So many of us have been used in so many different dimensions and forms, for varied purposes, and this all has to be taken into account. Each person will have a unique perspective as well because of this, as well as their normal subjective interpretation of events they went through and that of others. One person may remember working well with benevolent mantid beings, whilst another may remember them as less than pleasant, it depends on what they wanted you to do, and also even remember once reclaiming your memories. I know of people who remember me as being a frightful bitch in the programs and evil as hell, but I also have memories of others being this way to me also. It does not mean anything to me personally other than, that is how they or I were programmed to be in an alter personality in those circumstances and experiences. It is not the totality of who we are. I accept that these memories are traumatic though, and as such people deal with trauma in different ways. At the end of the day, the culprits are the people who programmed us. They are the ones everyone should be annoyed with and getting mad at.

JB There are aspects of the milab experience which seems to have been sensationalized or glamourized. Many male milabs in particular think of themselves as “supersoldiers” forgetting that they have been used as MC’d slaves to advance an agenda that may be inimical to the survival of the human race. This mindset has led to endless infighting amongst members of the MC “Truth Movement.” Can you comment on this?

AC – I am of the opinion that we are more than the programs, and we are more than just a “super soldier” or “alpha” or “omega” unit, which are terms I hate as it actually negates the slave aspect of what we were built for. No one is a mere MONARCH, or Super Soldier, we are all mind controlled programmed individuals, and we are all more than a mere label given as a social or scientific term for what occurred, and we would all do well to remember that. We are humans, as we are Gods as we are part of the God consciousness, to see oneself or anyone else in the programs in any other way is just plain stupid to me personally. Labeling people to categorize them is more of the divide and rule mind set, it does not promote unity, peace, or spiritual growth and people in my opinion should snap out of it. It is like saying a cancer patient is the cancer, or a rape victim is just a rape victim, it is just stupid and lacking empathy. I have been attacked for this opinion many times, maybe because people do find a sense of self and power through such archetypes of being after trauma, but the truth is different, and to allow yourself to feel that way actually promotes more of the dissociation, and further seals you away from your true core self. I was not prepared in that regard for how people would react to my opinions, and people become precious about their identities and experiences, especially after probably being told how crazy they are for years, so I understand it, but personally don’t see it as healthy. There is a spiritual warfare within the truth movement also, and this does nothing to help us help each other. Whilst the truth movement is certainly needed, there are people within it who definitely have their own agenda, and have set priorities and also decided to set boundaries on what is truth and what is not. My thoughts on this, are to thoroughly research and investigate any one’s claims, even my own, to see how they stand up, and also know that people still need help, compassion, and healing regardless. You cannot dismiss everything out of hand, but neither can you create limitations that don’t allow for people coming forward. Those who use the mind control “meme” to brush anyone off, are not recognizing that we are all on this planet, mind controlled, and we are all trying to heal, and the truth will all come out eventually regardless. Use your intuition is my opinion on this.

I have had people who sabotaged my psychic safety, attacking me during the satanic holidays, to deliberately deplete my energies and safety during these times, these people were in the truth movement and other spiritual groups, and thought they were teaching me a lesson, whilst in fact they were being most unkind and most brutal and allowing the Illuminati to win in my opinion. You cannot heal a person through psychic attack, or change their mind set or opinions or beliefs through psychic warfare, that makes you more Draco than the Draco and helping the Illuminati, we can only defeat them by at least honoring each other and sometimes agreeing to disagree. Anything else will cause us all problems and allow more distrust to occur.

JBWhat do you believe is the “End Game” of the Draco/Reptilian Overlords?

AC – Control in part, experimentation and for them fun! They want complete power that is their drive and motivation. They have also been manipulated I feel in some regards, if you read their history or accounts from the internet or books, they will tell you what they were taught about themselves by the beings that placed them there in Alpha Draconis, that they are the first born in this physical universe, and that they are the divine emanation of Gods true will and power (note the absence of love here), and that they are to rule. I have wondered that, as we have genetic aspects to us that predetermine a spiritual experience that they may have had the same thing done to them but negatively, so God as oppressor is what they manifest. It makes you wonder what the agenda was behind the beings that created the Draco to begin with and brought them here. They are certainly doing their best not just to control us and other beings, but even in my memories and experience, planets, solar systems and stars to some degree or another, through use of technology.

JBWhat can Milabs do to regain control of their own metaphysical abilities?

AC – Deprogram. Heal. The more that you do these two, the more your alters merge, the more memories you gain of your abilities, the more you unlock your DNA. Even with implants, there is no reason why we cannot override these to gain our abilities back, and also get some of them out, or have them rendered inoperable.

JBWhat would you like to tell all milabs and monarchs, especially those who are considering going public with their experiences?

AC – You are gifted unique and special or they would not have chosen you for your abilities. They needed you. Without any of us, their agenda could not have occurred. We have therefore what they lack, and this is our biggest tool and defense, and knowledge in that regard is power you can take back.

On going public; this is down to the individual but should be considered carefully. Whilst we need more people giving their testimonies we also need them to be prepared for what may occur, both within and outside of the truth movement. Surveillance even by ET’s will step up, and also from adepts and agents. You need to be prepared for that. It is a spiritual war going on at this time. Also, the truth movement is full of personalities of all forms and shapes, and people will not always agree with you, believe you or honour you. This is a shame but this is how it has been for some who have come forward. You have lived a life that is more sci fi than a sci fi novel or movie, and some people are used to opinions and thoughts in their minds to categorizing things in a way that feels safe. The fact is, this stuff is real and has been for eons and people need to wake up to it, so if you can recognize this and still come forward, you are being quite a warrior, helping to break paradigms of reality. You need to also take into account you social position though, and assess this carefully. I have no dependents, so had no problems there, but others do, and this can make things tricky. You may lose your original friend and social groups, and you have to contend with what your family may think if they find out, not everyone has caring supportive social structures, in fact few do in this regard.

I don’t want to put people off, far from it, but be careful and consider your position before coming forward for your own emotional and physical and psychic safety.

Also be aware that people are not always as sympathetic as you may think, even in the truth movement, and some seem to be in competition with other researchers and experiencers. Your story and experiences are valuable, treat them as such, and make sure you find someone who honors your experience and values your testimony and you as a person.


Angelia raised some key issues in this interview.  She described the “swarming” aspect created by the cult, of which her family and boyfriend were a part, which was intended to ensure she stayed in a mind controlled compliant state. She was “gaslighted” endlessly by family members, her boyfriend, co-workers and members of the MC Truth Community. (“Gaslighting” refers to a psyop in which handlers, cult members or internet trolls strive to invalidate the perceptions, feelings and memories of milabs and other survivors of MC projects. The term comes from the movie “Gaslight” starring Charles Boyer.) Angelia described the dangers of associating with people who claimed to be deprogrammers but were in fact, part of the system to keep milabs and monarchs under control. I have personally known of cases where “deprogrammers” deliberately or otherwise, triggered the suicide programming of milabs and monarchs. This happens all the time. Not only do some of these deprogrammers charge exorbitant rates but they operate in such a way as to ensure that the person recovering their memories becomes triggered by something the deprogrammer said or did. So rather than reintegrating and healing, the person’s psyche fragments even further and in some cases, suicide programming is activated. It is critically important for milabs and monarchs who are seeking therapeutic help and who desire to have themselves deprogrammed to find a qualified person with which to work.

As is the case with countless other milabs, Angelia has had lifelong encounters and interactions with non-human entities, including Greys, Reptilians, the Draco, and the Djinn which some refer to as “the Shadow Beings.” She described having entities placed within her and has observed the process of entities including shadow entities, being installed within other milabs. Angelia observed the milab controllers manipulating the chakra system of milabs in order to open portals and stargates. She described how the controllers regarded milabs as “Magical Tools.” This is due to the fact that humans especially hybrid humans with ET genetic markers are for all intents and purposes, electromagnetic dynamos…power sources for the controllers, human and non-human alike in these deep black programs. This fact is of profound significance. If milabs en masse can regain control over their own metaphysical abilities and acquire the knowledge and practical “know-how” of their various alters, I believe the reign of the milab controllers and the reptilian overlordship in general would come to an abrupt end.

Angelia emphasized the need for milabs to heal, reintegrate and merge one’s alters and in the process assume control over one’s own metaphysical powers. Angelia also described the pitfalls of a milab or MC survivor going public with his or her story. I know for a fact that certain people posing as milabs in the MC Truth Community have heaped venomous abuse upon Angelia and have made statements in online forums and publicly which are designed to trigger not only anxiety and panic attacks within Angelia (and any other milab or monarch reading or hearing these statements) but also suicide programming. This is pure evil. These triggering statements usually have to do with graphic descriptions of  satanic ritual abuse. It is bad enough when well meaning but dangerously naïve researchers or “deprogrammers” say or do things which trigger anxiety attacks and suicide programming in MC survivors. It is another thing entirely when someone who claims to be a survivor of MC knowingly makes statements which almost guarantee the activation of another MC survivor’s suicide programming. This sort of behavior is beyond the pale but it happens all the time.  It is almost always female MC survivors, whether milabs or monarchs who are being attacked in this fashion. Whereas most trolls and shills on the internet and Facebook are males, some of the shills and disinfo artists in the MC Truth Community who specialize in heaping abuse upon female Milabs and Monarchs are women. This is because most of the milabs and monarchs who are the most vocal about their experiences tend to be women. By contrast, male milabs just engage in mudslinging and routine character assassination and debunking amongst themselves but they don’t try to trigger one another’s suicide programming unless they know the specific cues in which to do so.

Beware of those people who call themselves milabs or monarchs and are well versed in “conspiracy research” but remain silent about their own experiences. Some of these people are disinformation artists and may be mind controlled themselves but they are mind controlled for the purpose of attacking and slandering others who are breaking programming and recovering their memories and most important, talking publicly about their experiences.

All milabs and monarchs owe Angelia Cardwell a debt of gratitude for her courage and intestinal fortitude. She has made a positive impact on the lives of countless milabs and monarchs and has helped to expand the knowledge base of these nefarious milab operations.


Overview of the Alien Presence

Here’s a great interview of Tom Montalk who has pretty fascinating information on his site called http://montalk.net/ Here is his interview in three parts:

Recorded: May 11th 2012 – “Veils Afire” with Karrie Reynolds and Tom / Montalk.

Topic: hidden nature of the alien presence, their origins, their capabilities, common types of activities, spectrum of alien types from terrestrials to ultraterrestrials, Nordic aliens, non-humans and hybrids embedded in our population.






So please check these out, pretty cool information. Tom has researched these topics over 14 years so check his website if you want more information.

“A truth that’s told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.”
WILLIAM BLAKE, Auguries of Innocence

Nice coloring book you got there, yeah it’s my Project Blue Book

Now it’s time to move on subject that I have wanted to research, but lack of time has put some limits to my investigations. But did you know that US government has studied UFO phenomenon many times and used people’s tax money to research extraterrestrial life? Yep and they have done this in silence. Just recent years there have been people who have raised these projects to the spotlight and what is more interesting is that in these studies there have been thousands of reports, which include UFO sightings, abductions etc.

So let’s start our journey with maybe the best known piece of the study called “Project Blue Book”. Here is a brief description of it:

Project Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air Force. Started in 1952, it was the second revival of such a study (the first two of its kind being Projects Sign and Grudge). A termination order was given for the study in December 1969, and all activity under its auspices ceased in January 1970.

Project Blue Book had two goals:

  1. to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, and
  2. to scientifically analyze UFO-related data.

Thousands of UFO reports were collected, analyzed and filed. As the result of the Condon Report (1968), which concluded there was nothing anomalous about UFOs, Project Blue Book was ordered shut down in December 1969 and the Air Force continues to provide the following summary of its investigations:

  1. No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;
  2. There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as “unidentified” represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and
  3. There was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as “unidentified” were extraterrestrial vehicles.

By the time Project Blue Book ended, it had collected 12,618 UFO reports, and concluded that most of them were misidentifications of natural phenomena (clouds, stars, etc.) or conventional aircraft. According to the National Reconnaissance Office a number of the reports could be explained by flights of the formerly secret reconnaissance planes U-2 and A-12.A small percentage of UFO reports were classified as unexplained, even after stringent analysis. The UFO reports were archived and are available under the Freedom of Information Act, but names and other personal information of all witnesses have been changed.

Previous projects

Public USAF UFO studies were first initiated under Project Sign at the end of 1947, following many widely publicized UFO reports (see Kenneth Arnold). Project Sign was initiated specifically at the request of General Nathan Twining, chief of the Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Wright-Patterson was also to be the home of Project Sign and all subsequent official USAF public investigations.

Sign was officially inconclusive regarding the cause of the sightings. However, according to US Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt (the first director of Project Blue Book), Sign’s initial intelligence estimate (the so-called Estimate of the Situation) written in the late summer of 1948, concluded that the flying saucers were real craft, were not made by either the Russians or US, and were likely extraterrestrial in origin. (See also extraterrestrial hypothesis.) This estimate was forwarded to the Pentagon, but subsequently ordered destroyed by Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, USAF Chief of Staff, citing a lack of physical proof. Vandenberg subsequently dismantled Project Sign.

Project Sign was succeeded at the end of 1948 by Project Grudge, which was criticized as having a debunking mandate. Ruppelt referred to the era of Project Grudge as the “dark ages” of early USAF UFO investigation. Grudge concluded that all UFOs were natural phenomena or other misinterpretations, although it also stated that 23 percent of the reports could not be explained.

The End

In response to the Condon Committee’s conclusions, Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans, Jr. announced that Blue Book would soon be closed, because further funding “cannot be justified either on the grounds of national security or in the interest of science.”The last publicly acknowledged day of Blue Book operations was December 17, 1969. However, researcher Brad Sparks,citing research from the May, 1970 issue of NICAP’s UFO Investigator, reports that the last day of Blue Book activity was actually January 30, 1970. According to Sparks, Air Force officials wanted to keep the Air Force’s reaction to the UFO problem from overlapping into a fourth decade, and thus altered the date of Blue Book’s closure in official files.

Blue Book’s files were sent to the Air Force Archives at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. Major David Shea was to later claim that Maxwell was chosen because it was “accessible yet not too inviting.”

Ultimately, Project Blue Book stated that UFOs sightings were generated as a result of:

  • A mild form of mass hysteria.
  • Individuals who fabricate such reports to perpetrate a hoax or seek publicity.
  • Psychopathological persons.
  • Misidentification of various conventional objects.

These official conclusions were directly contradicted by the USAF’s own commissioned Blue Book Special Report #14. Psychological factors and hoaxes actually constituted less than 10% of all cases and 22% of all sightings, particularly the better-documented cases, remained unsolved. (See section below for details and Identified flying object.)

As of April 2003, the USAF has publicly indicated that there are no immediate plans to re-establish any official government UFO study programs.


There’s this nice YouTube series called “Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know” and they have small episode of this project:



There’s tons of information about this project, but here is one document series about UFO phenomenon and Project Blue Book “Alien UFO: Project Blue Book Majestic 12”:


So with Project Blue Book we have thousands and thousands of UFO cases filed and archived and still the official conclusion was:

When the Air Force finally made Special Report #14 public in October 1955, it was claimed that the report scientifically proved that UFOs did not exist. Critics of this claim note that the report actually proved that the “unknowns” were distinctly different from the “knowns” at a very high statistical significance level. The Air Force also incorrectly claimed that only 3% of the cases studied were unknowns, instead of the actual 22%. They further claimed that the residual 3% would probably disappear if more complete data were available. Critics counter that this ignored the fact that the analysts had already thrown such cases into the category of “insufficient information”, whereas both “knowns” and “unknowns” were deemed to have sufficient information to make a determination. Also the “unknowns” tended to represent the higher quality cases, q.e. reports that already had better information and witnesses.


My personal opinion is that there are too many unsolved cases and that’s why my conclusion is that… the Truth is out there.