Tag Archives: Annunaki

Anunnaki Message Published In UFO Magazine in 1958!

Interesting article about the Anunnaki and more interesting it makes the aspect, that until now no-one knows who wrote it. So here we go again:

A message from the Anunnaki – MANKIND IN AMNESIA (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)

Exhibit 19) Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)

“We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching, and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose. Now, however, our numbers have been increased in preparation for a further step in the development of your planet: a step of which you are not yet aware… We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your fellow creatures, as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. You will find records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt, where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends. Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. (The United States of America) It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind.”

“We have left you certain landmarks, placed carefully in different parts of the globe, but most prominently in Egypt where we established our headquarters upon the occasion of our last overt, or, as you would say, public appearance. At that time the foundations of your present civilization were ‘laid in the earth’ and the most ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so many thousands of years ago. Since that time the whole art of building, in stone, has become symbolic, to many of you, of the work in hand—the building of the human race towards its perfection.”

“Your ancestors knew us in those days as preceptors and as friends. Now, through your own efforts, you have almost reached, in your majority, a new step on the long ladder of your liberation. You have been constantly aided by our watchful ‘inspiration’, and hindered only by the difficulties natural to your processes of physical and moral development…”

“You have lately achieved the means of destroying yourselves. Do not be hasty in your self-congratulation. Yours is not the first civilization to have achieved—and used—such means. Yours will not be the first civilization to be offered the means of preventing that destruction and proceeding, in the full glory of its accumulated knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment upon the earth.”

“However, if you do accept the means offered you, and if you establish such a ‘millennium’ upon the basis of your present accomplishments, yours will be the first civilization to do so.


In a sense they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equaled their success. Human acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never knew our actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of their own experience. For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylized by many copyings, of one of our traveling machines became the ‘Eye of Horus”, and then other eyes of other gods. Finally, the ancient symbol that was once an accurate representation of an important mechanical device has been given surprising connotations by the modern priesthood of psychology.”

“The important fact is, however, that we are here, among you, and that you, as a world-race, will know it before very much longer! The time is almost ripe but, as with all ripening things, the process may not be hurried artificially without danger of damaging the fruit. There is a right time for every action, and the right time for our revelation of ourselves to your era is approaching.”

“Some of you have seen our ‘advanced guard’ already. You have met us often in the streets of your cities, and you have not noticed us. But when we flash through your skies in the ANCIENT TRADITIONAL VEHICLES  [Vimanas, see Exhibit 14, this paper—GJ]  you are amazed, and those of you who open your mouths and tell of what you have seen are accounted dupes and fools. Actually you are prophets, seers in the true sense of the word. You in Kansas and Oklahoma, you in Oregon and in California, and Idaho, you know what you have seen: do not be dismayed by meteorologists. Their business is the weather. One of you says, ‘I saw a torpedo-shaped object’. Others report, ‘disc-like objects’, some of you say ‘spherical objects’, or ‘platter-like objects’. You are all reporting correctly and accurately what you saw, and in most cases you are describing the same sort of vehicle.”

“… Now that the art of manufacturing plastic materials has reached a certain perfection among you, perhaps you can imagine a material, almost transparent to the rays of ordinary visible light, yet strong enough to endure the stresses of extremely rapid flight. Look again at the great nebulae, and think of the construction of your own galaxy, and behold the universal examples of what we have found to be the perfect shape for an object which is to travel through what you still fondly refer to as ‘empty’ space.”

In the center of the discus, gyroscopically controlled within a central sphere of the same transparent material, our control rooms revolve freely, accommodating themselves and us to flat or edgewise flight. Both methods are suited to your atmosphere, and when we convert abruptly from one to the other, as we are sometimes obliged to do, and you are watching, OUR MACHINES seem suddenly to appear—or to disappear. At our possible speeds your eyes, untrained and unprepared for the maneuver, do make mistakes—but not the mistakes your scientists so often accuse them of making.”

“We pass over your hilltops in horizontal flight. You see and report a torpedo-shaped object. We pass over, in formation, flying vertically ‘edge-on’… Or we go over at night, jet-slits glowing, and you see an orange disc. In any event you see us, and in any event we do not care. if we chose to remain invisible, we could do so, easily, and, in fact, we have done so almost without exception for hundreds of years. But you must become accustomed to our shapes in your skies, for one day they will be familiar, friendly, and reassuring sights.”

“This time, it is to be hoped that the memory of them, passed on to your children and their children, will be clear and precise. That you will not cause them to forget, as your ancestors forgot, the meaning of the diagrams and the instructions we will leave with you. If you do fail, AS OTHER CIVILIZATIONS HAVE FAILED, we will see your descendants wearing wiring-diagrams for simple machines as amulets, expecting the diagrams to do what their forefathers were taught the completed article would accomplish.

Then their children, forgetting even that much—or little—would preserve the amulet as a general protective device—or as an intellectual curiosity—or perhaps as a religious symbol. Such is the cycle of forgetfulness!”

– The Anunnaki

In5D Addendum

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com

I tried to find the original source to this article to no avail.  However, I did find this…:

According to Trench, the editor/author and publisher of the Nov-Dec 1958 issue, the original article was found in the November 1947 issue of ‘Fantastic Stories’ (USA), written by a pseudonym, Alexander Blade.  Remarkably enough, after 54 years, the ‘Flying Saucer Review Magazine’ is still being published (or was at least in 2010), but I have not been able to find it online.  Also, 1947 triggers memories in the mass consciousness from the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico. So, the Sirians have (and they apparently admitted to this in 1947) been around since ancient time, and just like I’ve said, never left. Interesting in this article is that they at that time gave us hints of what is to come. They are talking about our ‘liberation’, and that they will be a part of that.

and this:

According to Brinsley Le Poer Trench, editor of Flying Saucer Review Magazine, an unknown person using the pseudonym ‘Alexander Blade’ wrote the above article that originally appeared in the November 1947 issue of Fantastic Stories (USA).

One has to ask the question: who was Alexander Blade?

A representative or liaison to inner-earth – Agharti? According to this article, the instructions and techniques used for building these “ancient traditional vehicles” are within the possession of a chosen few, and based on my research, this is indeed the case.

I must admit, the ‘Alexander Blade’ article speaks volumes! And it seems the Germans wanted to be part of the “chosen few” club as well. From what I’ve uncovered they received vital information that eventually gave them a ‘shot in the arm’ necessary to jump-start their esoteric technology campaign – the ‘flying-disc’ program.

I argue Germany’s pre-war secret societies, such as Vril and Thule, were actually communicating with inner-earth emissaries for the purposes of acquiring this ancient technology.

According to Gregg Braden’s research, we are only utilizing 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA, thus suggesting that our DNA was genetically manipulated, most likely by the Anunnaki.  If this premise is true, then imagine being able to fully access all 64 codons in your DNA?

Conversely, is this the reason why the Anunnaki created us to become slaves in order to mine gold for them?  It certainly explains why there is such a high demand for gold and who the “All seeing Eye” is at the top of the pyramid.

To me, any benevolent message from the Anunnaki would most likely have a hidden agenda to keep us subservient to them.  The last thing they want is to see our DNA codons fully open.

According to the research of Robert Morning Sky, our DNA is actually superior to the Anunnaki because we also have the DNA of the AKU, which gave us consciousness.  This is known as the “Gift of the Feather” and is why we feel something magical when we see a random feather in our every day lives.

From the Sumerian texts, we also know that the Anunnaki co-mingled with us, thus giving us their DNA as well.

As our masters, the last thing they want you to know is that YOU are more powerful than they are once you figure out how to activate the remaining codons in your DNA.

I’ve been experimenting with this and will be publishing an article on In5D about what I’m doing to activate mine.

In the meanwhile, always question everything, especially from alleged benevolent sources because most likely, there’s an agenda behind it.


Read more from Auricmedia:


ANUNNAKI: FALSE GODS Our Ancestors from Nibiru

Last months results of the “Poll Of The Month” question “Do you think that the Elohim will return? ” were:

Yes  62.96%
Who?  33.33%

No  3.7%

So I think, that most of us believe that some of our ancient gods or creators will return. Here is the one story:

ANUNNAKI: FALSE GODS Our Ancestors from Nibiru

ANUNNAKI: FALSE GODS New Book on Our Ancestors from Nibiru
by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. Anthropology, U,C.L.A. & Janet Kira Lessin, CEO, Aquarian Radio
“Anunnaki: False Gods” extends Zecharia Sitchin’s translations from clay tablets that underlie the Bible. 10,000 years ago, scribes in ancient Sumer (Iraq) wrote on these tablets what they said the Anunnaki gods (tall people from the sky) dictated. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin keep public attention on his legacy by creating an educational program.

The Anunnaki are Homo sapiens like us but who live hundreds of thousands of years. They said they rocketed to Iraq 450,000 years ago from a planet called Nibiru to harvest gold to send back (via Mars) to Nibiru to powder into an atmospheric shield. They mined abundant gold in Africa until, 300,000 years ago, their miners mutinied. To replace the mutineers, Anunnaki geneticists created short-lived slaves, called Adamites, adapted from their own genome but modified with a bit of clay, copper and genes from an intelligent hominoid, Homo erectus (Bigfoot’s ancestor) already living in Africa.

Two hundred thousand years ago, Enki, their Chief Scientist, begat a line of Earthlings called Adapites with two Adamite girls. Fifty thousand years ago Enki and an Adamite beauty begat Noah, who carried Enki’s longevity genes and ruled the Iraqi city of Sharuppak. Enki saved Noah and many of his subjects from the Deluge of 13,000 years ago. The Anunnaki had Noah’s people and other flood survivors proliferate and build cities in the Middle East and Egypt with up to 50,000 inhabitants. The Anunnaki ruled the new civilizations as gods with descendants of Noah’s sons as intermediaries.

The Anunnaki gave us the best and the worst of planet-wide civilization–kings, historians, taxes, temples, priests, bicameral congresses, record-keeping, law codes, library catalogs, furnaces, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicines, cosmogony, cosmology, festivals, beer, food recipes, art, music, music instruments, music notes, dance, textiles, and multicolored apparel. Sumerian schools taught mathematics, architecture, theology, writing, grammar, botany, zoology, geography. They displayed but did not pass on a world-wide energy grid, air, submarine and interplanetary transport vehicles and advanced computers.

They also gave us hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt and war that featured genocide and weapons of mass destruction. In 2024 BCE Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But some stayed.

They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day. They and their spawn created and perpetuate exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving. Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors, as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold. Fortunately, the Lessins contend, the genetics team that created us also gave us the capacity and preserved the histories Sitchin and others translated so we can overcome the liabilities they left us.


Read more from Auricmedia:


Reptilian agenda and other alien species

Important information about reptilian agenda and other alien species:


As far as the history of this planet is concerned, you can consider that everything you ever learned is a complete lie. All history and science books are rewritten to accommodate the agenda of the controllers of this planet. These books are just as false as the New Age material spewing forth from such places as Sedona and Santa Fe, to name a couple of Illuminati meccas.

Disinformation is rampant everywhere. My information comes from my Montauk Project indoctrinations, experiences, conversations with scientists involved in Illuminati programs, communications with alien and interdimensional beings whom I met at various government projects, and through the probing of my own Oversoul.

I cannot offer you physical proof at this time. I can only tell you that it is available in certain places. Although all existence is simultaneous, and time and space are merely illusions of physical reality, for the purpose of this book I will present the majority of history from a linear perspective. There are also infinite universes, both physical and non-physical, but for now, I will only tell you about this one.

To understand how the Illuminati came to power, or even to comprehend what they are, it is important to understand the beginning of life on this world and its progression.

I do not believe in any religion, organized or otherwise. All religions, no matter what they are, are forms of group mind-control designed to manipulate large masses of people to stop thinking for themselves. I do believe in God. It has no religion.

In the subsequent years following the publication of my last book, much has been written about by other researchers concerning Reptilians and their rituals. This theme has found its way into the psyche of the public. Most people are still not willing to accept or even entertain the idea that hybrid Reptilians are in control of this planet and perform blood rituals and ceremonies using humans as the source of food and hormones. I wish it were not true. But I cannot change history, current events, or what I know to be true.

The controllers plan the pattern of coming events in such a way to purposefully disorient the masses while they alone see the destination and the order of life. The masses are lead to believe that haphazard events amidst chaos shape their existence.

In true reality, there is no such thing as chaos. Chaos is simply a pattern not yet understood or perceived.

Think about an ant crawling over a designed, tiled floor. The ant may seem confused or disoriented; not knowing which way to go. But a human being watching the ant from a higher perspective clearly sees the floor pattern and knows which way the ant can get to its destination. To the ant, there is only perceived chaos. To the human, there is a prescribed pattern.

To the controllers, the humans are the ants. The controllers are interested in directing the people in such a way that they do not know that they are being directed. The controllers work slowly and methodically from a global perspective to accomplish their goals.

With awareness, you too, can perceive order from the chaos, make some conscious decisions, and gain control of your own life and destiny.

The Transparent People

When I worked at Montauk, I encountered an occasional alien species known as a Reptilian. They seemed to pop in and out of physical reality. The Reptilians primarily use the lower astral realms as their reference point, or point of entry, into physical reality. This is the origin of the legends of astral demons. My Montauk controllers explained that these beings were brought to the Draco star system eons ago by another group unknown to anyone. Further, they explained, no one knew anything of their true origins.

Communication with me was entirely telepathic (the Draco reptilian). Mentally, it told me that it came from the far future where humans no longer existed, and that its species was not from this reality. Continuing, it said that its species had traveled back into the distant past to create a race of beings, which I knew as the Reptilians, to antagonize and test humans.

It also told me that they were assisted by the Sirians of Sirius A in the creation of the Reptilians and their placement in the Draco star system.

For the Reptilians to function in physical reality, they needed physical genetics. The transparent people took genetics from the now physical Lyraens, who had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. These genetics were mixed with the transparent peoples collective energy, thus manifesting physically as the Reptilians. This is why the current Reptilians need the energetics from Aryan-type people to survive on the physical plane.

Once the Reptilians were created in the astral, they needed a physical home base from which to accomplish their task. For this, they were taken to many different physical realities in which they could become the dominant species. Mentally, they were programmed to conquer and absorb all of the races and species that they encountered. Those that could not be absorbed were to be destroyed. The purpose of all of this is to determine the most perfect form in physical reality that can exist in any environment. Think of it as a gigantic, cosmic Survivor contest.

The Reptilians are programmed to believe that they are the superior physical form. Scientifically speaking, Reptilian DNA does not change very much over eons of time. It basically remains the same. For them, this is their proof that they are already perfect, without any need to adapt. Mammalian life, on the other hand, evolves and changes form constantly to survive.

To the Reptilian mind, this denotes weakness and inferiority. Reptilians are also androgynous, meaning male and female in one body. This is comparable to all non-physical forms that have no gender like God-Mind. For this reason, the Reptilians believe themselves to be more godlike because of their androgyny. Due to their ethnocentric values, they also consider it their right to control and conquer all of space and time.

Although the Reptilians operate out of a general group mind, they are separated into seven different Reptilian species, each created to perform specific functions.

This is their hierarchy, and is based on the nine level Angelic Hierarchy that I discussed in The Healers Handbook – A Journey Into Hyperspace (Sky Books, 1999).

As an aside, the Hindu caste system is a direct replica of the Reptilian hierarchy.

Commentary from Winter:

The politics of the interventionist Draco trading colonies (see Dune – whose Arrakeis – the home star of Dracos and Dune – is correctly located in Alpha Draconis) – definitely became represented by Enlil/Yahweh/Michael side of the An Anunnaki family. Also should be seen as the roots of insurance and banking on Earth. The templar followers of the MAG (draco matriliny) line are often credited with ’inventing’ insurance and banking for the west. This is absurd – since they had already installed such industry – so close to fear and extortion – to HARVEST COLONIES on hundreds of planets. The “skull and bones” – Orion– origins of the Piracy and Extortion story is an example of insurance and banking that loses its public relations budget. More on the skull of the Mag below.

Later – as Enlil/Yahweh under the name of “God” Michabo (Michael) installs genetic rules in Aboriginal Australia and the America’s he is following the Drac tradition entirely focused on preventing change – and facilitating harvest of colonies- like forests whose only purpose is to be cut down.

At a deeper level we should investigate the connection between loss of DNA implosion – the physics of loss of soul & access to BLISS – called NEPHILIM which befell these Draco (lost Seraphim) families. Loss of fire in the blood created loss of lucid dreaming, loss of “ensoulment” and LOSS OF LONG TERM MEMORY. Part of their problem was loss of ability to navigate in time travel (’`Guild Navigator’ in Dune – star navigating time travelers, able to warp space from within) – due to this loss of DNA coherence.

Not unlike one of their resultant cultures – TIBETAN – who are intensely aware that their is no steering their collective cultural direction (time travel) without a leader who IS able to remember past lives. This is exactly what Draco lost. It is profound to compare this to Zulu shaman leader last week bemoaning to us how his grand children lost the ability to lucid dream just after they suffered being immunized. This is an example of how borg – fallen Drac empires – treat DNA. By not loving their genes enough to set them free – they blind their children.

Is This Planet Taken?
In the below – we suggest comparison to Lysa Royall’s “Prism of Lyra” book – a ’channeled’ more romantic and intuitive account- which at least agrees surprisingly about the Lyraen origin of today’s humans.

Because the Lyraens did not have a defense system in place, they were a sitting target for the Reptilians, also referred to as the “Draco”. After being brutally attacked by the Draco Empire, the survivors of the Lyraen society dispersed to other locations throughout the galaxy. The remnants of the Draco attack on Lyrae are still seen by today’s scientists.

In 1985, a newspaper article stated that scientists are able to observe remnant waves of a blast that fan outward, and emanate from a central part of this galaxy. They believe this blast to be several million years old and of such intense proportions that the wave is still traveling toward the edge of the galaxy before dissipating. They claim not to have any idea of what created the blast.

These survivors went to Orion, Tau Ceti, Pleiades, Procyon, Antaries, Alpha Centauri, Barnard Star, Arcturus, and dozens of other solar systems. In this solar system, the refugees colonized the planet now called Mars. At that time, it was the third planet in the solar system. A world called Maldek was the fourth planet in this solar system, and was also colonized.

The Lyraens were all blonde-haired, blue-eyed people, with an occasional red-haired or green-eyed person. In Lyraen society, red-haired people were considered special with extrasensory powers that connected them to non-physical realms. They were especially desired for breeding purposes. Special permission to breed with a red-haired person was required because of the extra, or superhuman, abilities that came with the offspring.

For this reason, red-haired people were kept separate from the rest, and even had their own subculture. They were also coveted by the Reptilians, who as a species did not have much psychic ability. Often, when Reptilians came to a world for occupation, the Lyraen refugees offered a group of red-haired people to appease them for a while. This practice eventually degenerated into sacrifices to appease the demons.

The planet Earth in those days was a water world in second orbit from the sun. There was little land above the surface. The only intelligent inhabitants were an amphibian race that was completely without technology. The atmosphere of the Earth was mostly liquid. The planet definitely could not sustain any type of human life forms.

The dispersed Lyraen descendants developed their own cultures over the eons of time. Even their genetics manifested differently as a result of the mind-patterns of each of the colonies. For instance, Mars and Maldek were similar to the current Earth environment, with warm to temperate climates and an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The gravity on Maldek was denser that Mars, so those people developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude.

Eventually, skirmishes developed between the occupants of the two planets. Mars was rich in resources. The people of Maldek thought that they deserved these resources for survival. The Martians asked the beings of Sirius A, from the planet Khoom, for defense technology to shield their planet from attack, not only from the Reptilians, but from their humanoid neighbors and cousins. The Sirians are known throughout the galaxy as merchants of technology. They have the best, even sharing it with the Reptilians.

So, the Sirians created a defense mechanism located in the Mars underground.

Mars is a hollow planet, as are Earth and Jupiter. Planets created with material ejected from a star have hollow interiors. As a molten ball is thrown from the star and starts spinning away, it begins to cool. The centrifugal force of the globe spinning and moving at great speed pushes the molten interior to the sides, forming the crust of the planet. This, in turn, forces hot gases out of the poles to form openings at both ends. The molten core and gases that remain get trapped between the hollow interior and the plates below the crust of the globe. These are pushed out periodically in the form of volcanic activity.

The nexus point on any such globe is always at the 19th parallel of the planet. It is evident on Earth by the Hawaiian volcanoes, located at the 19th parallel; by the Mons volcano on Mars located at the 19th parallel; and at the red spot on Jupiter, also at the 19th parallel.

The geometry built into the monuments on Mars by the Sirians and Lyraen colonists explains about the 19th parallel through its geometric equations and measurements.

This geometry is also replicated and contained within the Giza Plateau in Egypt.

Compare this to Richard Hoagland – still clue less to WHY dolmen like Giza and Cydonia are at tetrahedral latitudes. By modulating (adjusting) the spin rate of planets at tetrahedral hand holds – planetary spin comes into phase with zodiac spin – this self similar spin relation (implosive collapse) is critical to stabilizing gravity and therefore atmosphere.

The Reptilian Agenda

The Reptilian agenda was, and is, to seek out the human refugees for destruction or assimilation, and to use their blood and hormones for sustenance.

It is said those (Ophanim? Seraphim? winged Dracs? Ciakar? Cherubim?) who placed the Draco in our galactic sector knew that the humanoid remnant would need an aggressive parasite to trigger development. Further the result of the part of the humanoid blood on Earth today receiving a blood line cross from Draco (URu cross with Ibi) – is beneficial. (see Lawrence Gardner defending his Drac family root). This is related to usually AN or Celtic or British RH negative blood. The reptilian Drac blood Enki (RA – abRAham) crossed with the cro-magnon monkey blood had DNA was LESS vital than the indigenous (RHesus) monkey blood. So the reptilians had to keep in-breeding (as in Holy Blood Holy Grail) – consistent with what Swerdlow says below. Areas (UK) where this RHESUS Monkey blood is absent (RH negative) may lead the world in lack of compassion. E-liz-a beth (from Lizard born) breeds a line where no permission to cry produces a stiff upper lip.

The remnant Lyraens who colonized other planets formed an alliance against the constant Reptilian attacks. They called this alliance the Galactic Federation, comprised of 110 different colonies. The colonies belonging to the Federation wished to maintain their new identities, and no longer associate with the old way. Together, the Federation colonists managed to repel the Reptilian attacks.

There were three primary groups who did not join the Federation. These three groups were considered extremists, or nationalistic idealists, seeking to recreate the glory of the old Lyraen civilization. One group was the Atlans, located on a Pleiadian planet. The Pleiades actually consists of thirty-two planets orbiting seven stars. At that time there were sixteen different colonies of Lyraen descent throughout the Pleiades. These colonists all wanted to oust the renegade Atlans because they remained independent and did not assist their human cousins.

The other two groups were the Martians and Maldekians, who were already at odds with each other. For this reason, the Reptilians turned their attention toward this solar system with its two human colonies. In the Reptilians estimation, it would be easy to divide and conquer.

The Reptilians love to use comets and asteroids as weapons and ships, using them to travel through the stars. First, they create a small black hole as a propulsion system that pulls the larger planetoid towards its destination. When used as a weapon, they use a particle beam accelerator to create a blast that hurls the comet or asteroid to its target. All of the technology was obtained by the beings from Sirius A.(1)

In this way, they hurled a huge ice comet aimed at Mars and Maldek. The Reptilians, not being very technologically oriented, miscalculated the trajectory. The pull of the gigantic gas planet, Jupiter, pulled the comet off course. The ice comet then headed directly for Maldek. The citizens of that planet asked the Martians for help. Even though they were at odds with each other, they allowed some of the Maldekians to move to the Martian underground. The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet got caught between the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. (2)

The explosion pushed the ice comet close enough to Mars to rip the atmosphere off that planet, leaving only an extremely thin atmosphere. The explosion also pulled Mars further away from the sun.

The comet then continued on toward the Earth. The heat of the sun and the gravitational pull between the two globes forced the watery atmosphere of the Earth to polarize. This polarization pulled most of the ice from the comet to the polar regions of the Earth, thus covering most openings to the inner Earth, while at the same time exposing huge land masses for the first time.

The comet then switched places with Earth, taking up the second orbit from the sun, becoming the planet now known as Venus. The heat of the sun melted the ice on the comet, creating a cloudy covering to this new planet. The Earth was pushed out to the third orbit occupying the previous position held by Mars. The Earth was now ready to be colonized. Most of the surviving amphibians were transported to a new home on Neptune. Some stayed in the newly formed oceans.

The Reptilians who were inside the hollow comet, now Venus, came to the surface of this new world. They built seven domed cities, one for each of the seven groups in the hierarchy. In the mid-1980s one of New York’s daily papers, Newsday, reported that a Soviet space probe penetrated the cloud layer of Venus and photographed seven white domes the size of small cities, all in a row.

After a page-long diatribe, the American scientists concluded that this was all a natural formation.

The Reptilians drove a large, hollowed out object into Earths orbit to begin the colonization process. This object is now called the Moon. Conventional science considers the Moon natural, yet it is the only known object in space that does not spin on its axis. The Moon faces the Earth in the same position all of the time, leaving one side in complete darkness. A sonic resonance sent to the surface of the Moon makes a pinging noise like a hollow object. If the Moon were solid, the noise would sound like a thump or thud. The Moon is hollow. A recent article in an astronomy magazine said that the Moon was being reclassified because it is considered to be hollow.

The Reptilians chose a large continental landmass to begin their civilization on the Earth, now referred to as Lemuria or Mu. This was a vast area in what is now the Pacific Basin, extending from Japan to Australia, and from the coast of California to Peru. The Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of this one-time landmass.

Here, an androgynous Reptilian culture developed. They brought with them the creatures that were their sustenance the dinosaurs. All beings create beneath them animals and plants that are a reflection of the mind-pattern. Reptilians create dinosaurs, humans create mammals. They are not designed to coexist on the same planet.

Additionally, the thinking process of the Reptilians differs from the human thinking process. Because Reptilians do not evolve rapidly and remain unchanging, their expansion is also slow moving and insidious. It would take several millennia for the Reptilians to decide whether or not they would coexist with humans. After all, Earth was still an outpost far from the centre of the Draconian Empire.

In the meantime, the Martians were now living underground with their hostile Maldekian guests. Something had to be done quickly to prevent them from destroying one another. So, the Martians petitioned the Galactic Federation to remove the Maldekian refugees to another planet. The Galactic Federation also received a petition from the Pleiadian Council at the same time, asking the Federation to remove the Atlans from their star cluster.

The Federation thusly decided to use the Atlans as a counterbalance on Earth. If the Atlans survived, the Maldekians would also be sent. The human/Lyraen descendants were literally throwing their own riffraff to the Reptilian colonists on Earth. In this way, the Federation would get rid of their undesirables. The undesirables would occupy the attention of the Reptilians. The Federation would gain valuable time to build their own forces against the Reptilians.

When the Atlans arrived on the Earth, they colonized what became known as Atlantis. Their continent stretched from what is now the Caribbean Basin to the Azores and Canary Islands, as well as several small island chains reaching up to what is now the East Coast of the United States, including Montauk Point.

The industrious Atlanteans rapidly grew to a large, prospering civilization needing more territory. The dinosaur population was rapidly increasing and becoming dangerous to the human colonists. The Atlanteans began destroying the dinosaurs to protect themselves. This did not sit well with the Reptilians. Soon major battles occurred on the Earth between the Lemurian Reptilians and Atlantean humans.

At the same time, the Maldekian refugees arrived on Earth. They created a large human colony in what is now the Gobi desert, northern India, Sumer, and other parts of Asia.

The Maldekians attacked the lunar surface where the Reptilians guarded their Earth outpost from invasion. The Maldekians also bombarded Atlantis and Lemuria with laser weapons. The dinosaurs were wiped out.

Additionally, the Martians also attacked the Reptilians from space since they, too, were searching for a Reptilian-free environment in which to live. This might be considered the real First World War on this planet.

It was a mess!


1. The Sirians were at war with the Orion system. This hostility exists to this day. It is intriguing since the beings in Orion were once very human, as Lyraen colonists, and then were taken over by the Reptilians. However, the Sirians and the Reptilians trade with each other and the beings from Sirius A sell weaponry to the Dracos! A complex political situation indeed.

2. The comet also caused the planet Uranus to flip on its side. It is the only known planet that rotates north-South instead of East-West.

The loss of the Martian atmosphere caused by Draco’s playing billiards became the “Total Recall” legend (movie about Martian history and the oxygen war). The Draco bases there today still have no hesitation to shoot down a NASA probe, although increasingly as the US government becomes a satellite of the shape-shifters- they begin to let a few Earth probes in.

Conflict & Creation

To stop the fighting and make the Earth peaceful enough for colonization, a meeting was held by a council from the Andromeda Galaxy, on a planet called Hatona.

This meeting took place outside of the Milky Way Galaxy with a neutral council because all civilizations within the Milky Way Galaxy were in some way connected to the fighting, and all had some sort of stake in belonging to the winning side.

Interesting prequel to letters from andromeda from Alex Collier (author of “Defending Sacred Ground“).

The Hatona Council convened for many decades as the fighting continued in this solar system. Finally, with their intercession, an agreement was reached between some of the human factions and the Reptilian Earth colonists. Keep in mind that this agreement was without the participation of the Reptilians from the original Draco Empire.

The agreement stated that a new breed of humanity would be created on Earth that would contain the DNA of all interested parties who participated in the “peace” process. A designated area on Earth would be set aside for the creation of this new species. The Earth-based Reptilians of Lemuria agreed to this under the condition that the Reptilian body be the foundation for this new being.

This is why the original Bible states, “Let us make man in our own image.” This is a plural statement because it was a group project.

To achieve a new species from a Reptilian androgynous body, it was necessary to separate the genetics into male and female components. This is the allegorical story in the Bible of Adam and Eve. Creating Eve out of the rib of Adam is actually the story of separating the androgynous Reptilian body into male and female. This is why all humans on this planet have Reptilian DNA with Reptilian traits. This is also why human fetuses go through Reptilian-style development in the womb before looking humanoid.

Many prototypes were developed over millennia. Under the supervision of the Hatona Council, races were created and then destroyed when it was not acceptable by all parties. This explains why ancestors of mankind appear and then suddenly disappear in layers of archaeological analysis.

Twelve humanoid, and one Reptilian, groups donated DNA for this purpose. Mankind was developed in the area now known as Iran/Iraq, as well as parts of Africa. Hybrids were also developed on Atlantis and Lemuria. Remnants of these are seen today as the Bigfoot or Yeti in North America and Asia; the aborigines of Australia; and the pygmies and Watusi in Africa.

The African versions were created by beings from a nomadic, artificial planet known as Nibiru, or Marduk. These Reptilian-like beings travel in a manufactured world looping our solar system.

The Sumerians called them Anunnaki.

It is here, we would have to assume, the family of AN, with son’s Enki / Enlil (Lucifer / Michael – Adon / Yahweh) arrived from Sirius techno craft, with all the Nephilim genetic disasters we called THE RETURN OF ENKI. While people like Sitchin can add useful puzzle pieces like how their home atmosphere repair could gain the necessary gravity fractality using gold deposits, the Sumerian basically did not give him a clue as to the bigger galactic politic mess than triggered Enki’s (Abraham) genetic experiments. After repeatedly encountering the Enki/Enlil story in Australia (fish or dolphin god vs snake god -LEVITE), it was cool to listen to Creto Mutwa tell the Zulu KILIMANJARO means ENKI mountain!

The cosmic joke to this project is that all of the groups donating DNA secretly programmed sequences to cause their genetic strand to be predominant. This set the precedent for eternal conflict. Humanity was doomed to fight and be controlled. No one group would ever be in charge. The project was doomed for failure before it even began!

Such DNA programming invites tyranny and oppression. Soul-personalities attracted to such a planet have a victim mentality. Many advanced cultures call Earth a prison planet, and dump their criminals here as punishment.

Once in a while, one of these soul-personalities reveal themselves, such as Richard Dahmer, Charles Manson, Richard Speck, and Vlad the Impaler (Count Dracula), to name a few.

DUNE was a prison colony, like Australia. Earth fits the archetype. Like in Dune however, in Earth’s genetic cauldron of survival, the strongest DNA emerges: A ’VACCINE’ for the Orion wars? built by design? The current expression of the 2 brothers still tossing nuclear bombs then called East of Eden, today called the Middle East Conflict, may be a perfect healthy fractal of the Orion Wars, with the main warring galactic elements all nicely staged to work out a galactic conflict in a micro-cosm.

This may be more however than a tempest in a teapot, because the galactic players appear to be willing to up the stakes with more intervention if their chess piece starts to lose. Enlil as Yahweh (the encoder in Bible Code) may not be willing to stand aside as his Israel under the hex Draco flag is destroyed by yet another nuclear blast. (predicted by Bible Code and Fatima & others) .

As wingmakers so nicely pointed out – only the TRON (BST technology) with (ignited) DNA more time travel capable can defeat such predatory ET’s. These genes which time travel are precisely the jewel that always eludes Yahweh Enlil’s reptile (levite) family – they are stuck in THE CUBE, genetic software environment of the tetra (Hebrew alphabet) which can only make a golem.

Israel was originally the genes of Enki when his Thoth Ptah line Akhanaton, took the gold from Egypt, assuming the Moses identity to start the Essenes. Trouble with the 12 tribes – genetic implosion symmetry – was when the oriental (queen Drac) Ashoka Ashkanazi, usurped the Sephartic, installing Enlil’s control in Israel. (also founding the Bank of England – described below as owning the US banking).

The Reptilians ensured that the new Man would be forever attached to the Reptilian frequency because the foundational prototype was Reptilian. This meant that the new Man could easily be mentally controlled by them.

Upon discovery of this information that the Reptilians wanted control of the new race, the Atlanteans began a severe electromagnetic bombardment of Lemuria. This bombardment caused the bulk of the continent to submerge into the ocean, now called the Pacific Ocean. The only parts left above the water are the Hawaiian Islands, the California coast west of the San Andreas fault, Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific Islands, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and the islands of southeast Asia.

The Reptilian survivors went to Northern India, the Earths interior, the planet Venus, and parts of Central and South America. Inner Earth became the “homeland” for most of the surviving Reptilians of Lemuria. Here, they created a vast underground civilization.

This started the legends of hell and demons living in fire under the Earth. They built tubes containing fast, subway-like vehicles that can travel to any point on the Earth within a few hours. They created the famed underworld cities of Akkadia, Agartha, Hyperborea, and Shamballa that are sought by explorers to this very day. These cities are built along the inside wall of the inner crust that lines the interior of the Earth.


Remember, the hollow Earth is not a theory, but a scientific fact caused by the cooling and spinning of a planet as it is ejected from a star or sun.

Shall we check to see if Meredith Lady Young, author of “AGARTHA” (book about the civilization of the inner earth) agrees?

The primary entry points to the inner Earth are via the North Pole, where there is an opening of 1300 miles, and the South Pole, with an opening of 950 miles. These can be seen from space. That is why commercial aircraft are not allowed to fly over these areas; not because of magnetic disturbances, which is the “official” reason. Admiral Byrd reported on these openings in the 1920s until his information was concealed by the government.

At the very centre, or nucleus, of inner Earth, there is a globe of energy left over from the creation of this planet that acts as an inner sun. It is the light from this object suspended by gravity and centrifugal force that causes the light of the aurora borealis.

Numerous cave entrances to the inner Earth exist in the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Mountains in the western United States, as well as less numerous openings in the Ozarks and Appalachian Mountains. Entries also exist in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, and the Caribbean. There are also numerous sub-oceanic entry points, particularly in the deep trenches of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Atlantic submarine mountain ranges especially on or near the Azores, Canary Islands, and the Falklands.

All of these areas are closely guarded by local governments and N.W.O. elite forces. Artificially created entrances exist under the new Denver airport, the Giza Plateau in Egypt, major Air Force complexes around the world, and many of the Temples in India and China. A major Chinese entry point is under the Shensi Pyramid that is out of bounds for everyone in Western China.

Of course, with the Reptilians off the Earths surface, the Atlanteans were free to play with this new mankind and establish humans as the ruler of this planet. They established colonies all over the remaining portions of land. They invited the Sirians to come and play with them. They booted the Marduk beings off-world and took control of their slaves. They created new hybrids for sea and land, one of which became the Merfolk, a genetic blend of human and dolphin. The dolphin species was brought here from the Andromeda Galaxy to monitor all of these events.

Whenever the Atlanteans detected underground Reptilian activity, they blasted the inner Earth with lasers and electromagnetic pulses to kill them. Unfortunately, this weakened the upper crust of the Earths top mantle riding over the trapped magma between the upper and lower crusts. After several millennia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent started to break up. Their civilization began to break up as a reflection of the physical deterioration of their continent. The Atlanteans became even more belligerent as fear and destruction overtook their mind-patterns. Black magicians and sorcerers took the place of scientists and religious leaders.

Fortunately, the population foresaw the destruction that was coming. Many refugees relocated to what is now Egypt, Peru, the Appalachian Mountains and Western Europe, just before the continent collapsed into the upper crust of the Earth. This collapse caused the Earth to flip on its axis, creating the legend of the Flood written about in the Bible, and in other world cultures.

This catastrophe was used as a window of opportunity by the groups that donated DNA to create mankind. They immediately began reorganizing the humans into new groups that became the basis for future nationalism.

  • The Sirians helped to create the ancient Egyptian culture
  • Those from Tau Ceti organized the Slavic culture
  • The Rigelians were busy in China and the Orient (3)

While all this was transpiring, the Reptilians saw an opportunity and seized it!


3. For further details of the flow of genetics an alien intervention in mankind, please refer to the Milky Way Galaxy chart on the book.


The inner Earth provided a subterranean locale for the Reptilians to regroup and formulate plans to retake the surface. At this point, the Reptilians were completely cut off from their home in the Draco constellation. Their spaceship, the Moon, was in human hands. They were alone, isolated on a now hostile planet. They needed to defend themselves.

They developed a plan to insidiously retake the surface by blending their genetics with the genetics of the surface humans. Because the human prototype already had Reptilian genetics, it was easy to access the mind-pattern. The Reptilian frequency was already established in the brain stem as well as the Reptilian brain section of these hybrid humans.

The population of Sumer was chosen as the starting point. These humans were primarily descendants of the Martian, Maldekian, and Lyraen refugees. The Reptilians have a preference for the genetics of blonde-haired, blue-eyed people whose mind-patterns and genetics are so easily controlled. They abducted members of the ruling classes, including political leaders.

Using these humans, they began a new hybridization program that took several generations to perfect. Their goal was to reach a human/ Reptilian genetic 50/50 split. This would produce a human-looking Reptilian that could easily shapeshift from Reptilian to human, then back again. Shapeshifting was accomplished simply by concentrating on the genetics the hybrid wished to open, or lock up, whatever the case may be.

For this program the Reptilians engaged the help of the Sirians who had the technology to implement such a program. The Sirians knew a lot about genetic alterations and mind-programming, which they freely shared with the Reptilians.

Once the hybridization program was complete, the Sumerian leaders were now shapeshifting Reptilians. The new Reptilian hybrid became the elite of that culture. Their blood, because of the increased Reptilian DNA, contained more of a copper content.

Since copper-based blood turns blue-green upon oxidizing, these Reptilian hybrids were called “Bluebloods”.

American government is probably the main focus of the current reptilian shapeshifters. Your attention is drawn to the vertical slit eyeballs which shape shift in to many US military leaders – Norman Russbacher, Rupert Murdock, etc. Pictures: were at wiolawa.com We suggested new rules requiring all government decisions and voting must take place in 20% oxygen air, to kill the shapeshifters.

The Bluebloods quickly realized that with a 50/50 human/Reptilian genetic split, it was necessary to intermarry to maintain the 50/50 split bloodline necessary to shapeshift. When the split increased too far to the Reptilian side, shapeshifting became difficult, and holding human form became impossible. In these cases, it was discovered that the ingestion of human hormones, flesh, and blood, allowed the Reptilians to maintain the human form.

Human form was necessary to maintain to avoid scaring the population, which was now not accustomed to the Reptilian form.

Control of the masses was easier when the orders came from a humanoid. The Reptilian format was kept to religious icons and legends. The statues of their gods and goddesses reflect the Reptilian influence, even showing a female Reptilian holding a hybrid baby. (click image right)

The shapeshifting Reptilian Bluebloods asked the Sirians for help with the daily maintenance of their human forms. The Sirians determined that feeding the hybrids human hormones and blood in an altered animal form would be the easiest way to do it unnoticed by the population.

The sacrificial animal used by most Middle Eastern people was the wild boar, so the Sirians chose it as the basis for this new animal hybrid. Human genetics were mixed with those of the wild boar to create the domesticated pig. This animal was served daily to the Bluebloods as a method of temporarily maintaining their human form until they could use an actual human in a sacrificial ceremony.

Because the domesticated pig is a combination of human and animal genetics, eating it is a form of cannibalism. This explains why the Hebrews considered it unclean to eat. This is also why the pig is considered to be the most intelligent animal on Earth, why pig skin can be grafted directly onto humans in burn cases, and why pig heart valves can be used in humans with little difficulty. Cancer drugs and other chemicals are often tested on pigs before humans.

The domesticated pig frequency, or group mind, is the perfect vehicle for animal species to enter before entering human form on their evolutionary progression. In many respects, pigs can be considered a form of humanity. To a lesser degree, the same is true about cats.

As time progressed, the civilization of Sumer declined and transformed into other cultures. Vast migrations from Sumer to other locations in Central Asia occurred. The migrating peoples took their Blueblood leaders with them, as they were their royalty and kings.

The Sumerians became known as the sum-Aryans, or just, Aryans. They spread out across Asia into the steppes of Russia and into the Northern Indian subcontinent. In India they encountered the dark-skinned Dravidians, who were Reptilian remnants from Lemuria. The Dravidians were driven to the central and southern parts of India, while the Aryan hybrids took control of the north, and into the foothills of the Himalayas.

The Aryan leaders, all Bluebloods, became the Sultans and Rajas of legend and history. Sumerians also created Babylonia.

The Sumerians also migrated to the area known as the Caucasus Region, where the Khazars developed. From the Caucasus Region, the Blueblood kings and their people spread west toward Europe, developing into the Franks, Cambrians, and Teutonic nationalities. These nationalities were also being manipulated by various alien cultures like the Antarians, Arcturians, Aldebarans, Tau Cetians, and other remnants of the Lyraens, such as the Atlans. The Atlans located here eventually became the Celts.

To back-track for just a bit, I had said in a previous chapter that the descendants of the Reptilian hybrid Sumerians went into Central Asia and the Middle East. They mostly established themselves in the Caucasus Mountains and became the Khazars. From here, they spread west toward Europe, seeding the national identities for the Vikings, the Franks, the Teutonic peoples, and the Russians. Keep in mind that when Atlantis sank, some of those refugees went to Western Europe and developed into the Celts. Some went to Greece and others to the Italian Peninsula.

These peoples were here before the hybrids moved in. It was during the interim time period from the destruction of Atlantis until the Sumerian descendants moved in that other alien groups started to add their genetic mix to the pot and develop individual cultures based on their home worlds.

These Blueblood leaders also infiltrated the Middle Eastern peoples, such as the Biblical Canaanites, Malachites, and Kittites.

At the same time in Egypt, the Sirians were reorganizing the Atlantean descendants there, known as the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were blonde-haired, blue-eyed, with some green-eyed, red-haired people among them. The Phoenicians colonized the coastal Middle East and the British Isles. They even colonized parts of the North-eastern North American continent, all the way to the Great Lakes area. Some of their mines and writing son stone tablets can still be found in the woods of North America.

The Sirians were also genetically creating the ancient Hebrews. The Jewish people are actually a combination of these genetically manipulated Hebrews and the Sumerians. These Jewish people were then released into the Palestinian territory. The name, Palestine, comes from the ancient people, the Philistines, who were actually Phoenicians.

All of these mixed in the coastal plains of Palestine and created a new religion based on sacrifice and an avenging alien controller, that they called God, or Elohim.

Similarly, when the Aryans mixed with the Dravidians in India, they created the Hindu religion, which is actually a recreation of the Reptilian seven-tier hierarchy. The caste system of India is a direct copy of the Reptilian division of function.

At the same time that all of this was going on in western and central Asia, the Rigelians, were developing the remnants of Lemuria who escaped to the coast of eastern Asia. The Rigelians were a human civilization that was controlled, and eventually assimilated, by the Reptilians. The Rigelians assisted the inner Earth Reptilians in developing a hybrid that included Rigelian DNA.

The Rigelian/Reptilian hybrids set up dynasties in what is now Japan and China that developed independently of their western cousins.

In their mania for control, the Reptilians used the various races that donated DNA to the original human project. They fastidiously monitored these related sections of hybrids to determine which was best suited for overall control, and which for subservience. All the hybrids could be controlled through the Reptilian brain that hooked them into Reptilian mind-patterns, but some were more controllable than others.

In Europe, the Bluebloods insidiously took control of the various tribes and groups, becoming their kings and royalty. They infiltrated the Arcturian experiment, called the Etruscans and started to create a new global empire through the Romans. These European Bluebloods then entirely eliminated the Antarian experiment in Greece, and instigated their plan for globalization through the Roman Empire.

The Reptilians even offended the Sirians by infiltrating the Egyptian experiment and implementing their religion there.

The Reptilian hybrids became like the endometriosis of the known world, slowly growing into all areas and creating control through the Blueblood system.

Other alien groups

While the Reptilians were the first colonists on Earth, they were not the only ones who interfered with human development on this planet. In all there are twelve other groups who donated DNA to the production of the experiment.

Add the Reptilians to the twelve groups, resulting in human beings with a genetic mixture of 13 different strains.

The result was a general free-for-all. While all these humanoid aliens were Lyraen/Reptilian descendants, each group was culturally and physically manipulated by different groups. This is similar to a lab professor who leaves the door open while he is gone, and all his assistants add their own genetics to the experiment.

The Tau Ceti aliens centered their attention on the eastern European area, from what is now Serbia to the slopes of the Ural Mountains. From here, they influenced the Slavic and Russian peoples. The geographic conditions resembled that in the Tau Ceti star system, and its colony Epsilon Eridanus. The Tau Ceti added their DNA to the human prototypes that were already established there, creating what is now known as the Slavic peoples. The results were a race of humans who were stocky, barrel-chested, and averaging 5’6’’ to 5’9’’ in height, with a dense bone structure and dark eyes. They were aggressive, and preferred a cold climate.

These Tau Ceti/humans were virulently against the grey alien race and the Reptilians, because their worlds had been attacked, and their children stolen and killed by both races. The Tau Cetians vowed to follow the grey race and destroy them.

In the 1950s, the Soviet Union signed an agreement with the Tau Cetians to use bases in Siberia and under the Ural Mountains. For this reason, the city of Sverdlovsk, named after my great-uncle, the first president of the Soviet Union, was closed to outsiders (click image left).


Many experiments involving radiation on the public were performed here from 1958 through the 1980s. A United States spy plane was shot down over Sverdlovsk in the early 1960s when the United States was trying to learn about the secret activities taking place there.

In central Europe, the German tribes were genetically manipulated by beings from Aldebaran. These people are very intelligent and scientifically-oriented. They are generally blonde-haired and blue-eyed, with a minority of dark-haired, light-brown to hazel-eyed people. They are militaristic, and prefer to keep to themselves. For almost 2,000 years, the Aldebarans have been energetically connecting to the Germanic peoples, telepathically sending information to them and promoting a national sentiment.

Many humans of the Aldebaran frequency have mixed with the Tau Ceti descendants in the Slavic area, particularly in Poland and Russia. Hitler knew this. That is why he was so adamant about invading those countries and incorporating them into his empire.

Hitler was only half Germanic. His father was a wealthy Jewish businessman in Austria. His mother worked at the home as a maid. She had an affair with the master of the house, and when the wife found out about it, had the maid thrown out. The Jewish businessman did nothing to help Hitler’s mother. For this reason, Hitler hated the Jews and sought to destroy his own genetic lineage, basically because he hated himself. He was also deeply mind-controlled.

The Aldebarans also genetically infused the Vikings. These Nordic people inherited the aggressive and militaristic tendencies that are also seen in the Germans. The Vikings plundered and raped across Europe for centuries, but did not have the technological ability to stay in power.

An accidental manipulation of genetics occurred on the Italian peninsula 3000 years ago. A ship from the Arcturus star system crashed landed on Etruscan territory. These humans were actually extremely spiritually-minded, and instead of trying to get back home, stayed and blended into the humans of that part of Earth. Their descendants became the Romans who were then infiltrated and mixed with the Central Asian hybrids.

Beings from the Antarian star system were behind the genetic manipulation of ancient Greece. These people were a society predominantly based upon homosexuality. Females were used for breeding only. In fact, there were Antarian observers at the Montauk Project who were interested in the programming aspects of sexuality as they related to the Wilhelm Reich methods.

The Antarians are dark, often with olive skin, dark eyes, and short, thin bodies. They have a fabulous musculature due to the density of their home-world, and are known for their body-building goals.

The Greek-Antarians colonized Spain and Portugal. Their descendants further mixed with the Romans, and Arabs who are predominantly Sumerian/Reptilian. These then colonized Central and South America, mixing their genetics with the native Indians who were of Atlantean-Procyon descent.

The Procyon star system does not have much technology. The Procyons were brought to this planet after the fall of Atlantis to boost the survival rate of the refugees. They became the Maya, Aztec, and Inca. They were given ancient Lemurian and Atlantean outposts in the Andes and Sierras of Mexico. They tried unsuccessfully to recreate these cultures, including emulating the building of the pyramids, performing medical procedures, and finally, sacrificing to the Reptilian gods. This is why their legends speak of blond men returning in chariots from space to take them away.

The Anasazi Indians of the American southwest were also brought from Procyon. It was the Sirians who so generously provided transportation. The Sirians even attempted to bring the Hebrews to the American west. Ancient Hebrew coins were found in New Mexico and other parts of North and South America.

Over the millennia and recent centuries, movements of nations, colonizations, war, and famines, have thrown the Earths population into a giant melting pot. Strands of genetics have continuously mixed with one another, especially in North America, Europe, Australia, the Caribbean, and South America. The result is that there are few pure races left, and the racial and cultural unity makes it easier for group control.

While all of this was going on in Europe and the Middle East, the Chinese Empire was expanding over East Asia, and the Dravidian-Reptilian culture in India was being replaced by the Aryan (Ari- and Sum-Arian) hordes from Central Asia. In South America, the Inca Empire was flourishing as it was mixed with the genetics of the Procyon star system.

The same mixture was happening in North and Central America creating the Toltecs, Mayans, and Aztecs. All of these cultures, used blood-ritual and human sacrifice. This indicates that the Procyonians were themselves conquered by the Reptilians and did their bidding, even though they were humanoid. All of the Central and South American cultures used snakes and Reptilians as symbols.

These people have a unique blend of Lemurian/Draco and Atlantean/Human genetics mixed with the Procyonian DNA.

The Crystal Skull

When the Hatona Council convened to determine the development of life on Earth, they pondered two questions. First, if the Earth beings were left to develop on their own, how would they know their true origins, and second, if there was no interference, how could they be prodded in the correct direction.

One E.T. group that was primarily non-physical decided to leave a repository of knowledge for those who evolved enough to understand it. These muscular beings were tall with golden-bronze skin, golden hair, and violet eyes. On an etheric level, this E.T. group created an object that contained within it the sum total of knowledge of the Mind of God as they knew it. They also programmed this object with the history of the universe and all the technology that would ever be necessary.

For the object this group chose the shape of a female human skull without any racial features. The skull represented all humanoids, symbolizing brotherhood and harmony. The female was chosen because it was to be placed in physical reality as a symbol of ego being overcome.

Crystal was chosen because it represents the highest vibration possible in physical reality – purity, clarity, focusing, and magnification. The movable jaw piece (click image right) symbolized the fact that it was a communication device. The E.T. group left the Crystal Skull with the first Lyraen/ Atlantean civilization where it was placed in a temple pyramid to be energized by the Lyraen/Atlanteans over many aeons of time.

When the Sirians infiltrated the second-generation Lyraen/Atlantean civilization, they negotiated with the Atlans to study the Crystal Skull. Over time, they created an exact duplicate that they brought back to Sirius A. Other alien groups made inferior copies of it for use with their own human creations. By the time the third-generation Lyraen/Atlanteans were well established, the true purpose of the Crystal Skull was almost entirely forgotten.

Those in power tried to use it for negative purposes, not realizing that this magnified and reflected back all their evil deeds and intentions. In addition, the Crystal Skull was created in such a way that whatever is thought in its presence reflects back, becoming a part of the thinker’s experiences. The Crystal Skull teaches that the physical universe mirrors thoughts.

When Atlantis sank, high priests fleeing the continent brought it to Central America to where the Procyonians brought the Maya. Here, it was used as an object of worship and reverence until the Maya were removed from the Earth. Eventually, the Crystal Skull remained buried in ruins until its discovery in the early part of the 20th Century, when the Crystal Skull allowed itself to be discovered.

The Crystal Skull operates through the trinity of communication color, tone, and archetype. When any combination of these three is beamed or thought of in the presence of the Crystal Skull, it opens a program that is coded to a particular frequency resonance.

An infinite number of combinations can be used, and any one will unlock a program in the Crystal Skull to teach mankind. The left-brain represents language, and the right-brain represents pure thought. The pineal gland of communication balances and translates the left- and right- brains with the use of archetypes.

Archetypes can be geometric shapes, letters, numbers, Ancient Hebrew symbols, pictograms, or any combination of these. Colors are also part of the triad with a language all their own. The left-brain is dark, the right-brain is light, and once again, the pineal gland balances and translates this through colors. Tones also represent the trinity of sound, balancing music and silence. In the same way, the Crystal Skull balances the Mind of God and physical reality.

At times, the Crystal Skull becomes non-physical. Because it was created without a body, this symbolizes the needlessness of the physical body. The Crystal Skull is a bridge between all levels of reality.

Anyone who knows the sequences of the trinity of communication becomes all-powerful and omniscient.


Realm of The Ring Lords

If you have read Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings saga, this article would be very interesting to read:

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is one of the most enchanting and successful tales of all time. First issued in the 1950s, this famous trilogy could just as well have emanated from the Dark Ages or medieval times, for it has all the qualities and attributes of the most ancient Grail and Ring traditions. This was made possible by the fact that Tolkien (an Oxford professor of Anglo-Saxon and English language) had the legendary wealth of ages at his fingertips and moulded his story accordingly.

In considering the history of the Ring Quest, its parallel association with the Quest for the Holy Grail becomes increasingly apparent, as do the origins of fairies, elves, pixies, sprites, gnomes and goblins. Ring lore is also deeply rooted in many of the best loved nursery tales, and provides the essential facts behind numerous time-honored characters of popular legend.
Grail stories are generally associated with Arthurian knights roaming the Wasteland in search of the sacred relic. But the genre also embodies many other questing tales, incorporating such characters as Cinderella, Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty and Count Dracula. Each account holds its own separate mystery and fascination, but it is not generally understood that they all stem from a common historical base which is rooted in the ancient culture of the Ring Lords.

Even though some of the themes have their origins in very old lore, the majority of these tales were newly slanted from the Dark Ages onwards, when the Church set its sights against the Ring tradition. This was especially the case from medieval times when the persecution of heretics was in full swing, leading to the brutal Inquisitions which began in the 13th century.

From around 4000 BC, the Ring was a primary device of the Anunnaki overlords, who were recorded as having been responsible for the establishment of municipal government and kingly practice in ancient Mesopotamia. In view of this, it is of particular relevance that, in 1967, when Professor Tolkien was asked about the Middle-earth environment of The Lord of the Rings, he wrote that he perceived its setting to be about 4000 BC.

In this respect, the root of Tolkien’s popular tale was extracted directly from Saxon folklore and was not actually new in concept. Indeed, the early Saxon god Wotan (the equivalent of the Sumerian Lord, Anu) was said to have ruled the Nine Worlds of the Rings – having the ninth Ring (the One Ring) to govern eight others.

The contested ownership of the One Ring, as related in The Lord of the Rings, is little different to the enduring quest for the Holy Grail; they are both quests for the maintenance of sovereignty. But, in both fact and fiction, the Ring and the Grail are each seen to be misappropriated by those who perceive them as weapons of power.

As the generations passed from ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian times, the ideal of dynastic kingship spread through the Mediterranean lands into the Balkans, the Black Sea regions and Europe. But, in the course of this, the crucial essence of the old wisdom was lost and this gave rise to dynasties that were not of the original kingly race. Instead, many were unrelated warrior chiefs who gained their thrones by might of the sword.

The sacred culture of the ancients was, nevertheless, retained in the Messianic line of King David of Judah (around 1008 BC), whose significance was in his pharaonic heritage, not in his generally portrayed descent from Abraham and the Shemite strain. It was because of this particular inheritance that David’s son, Solomon the Wise, was enabled to create his Egyptian-style Temple project in Jerusalem.

This led to a Holy Land revival of the pharaonic and one-time Mesopotamian Rosi-crucis movement at a time when Egypt was beset by foreign influences, first from Libya, Nubia and Kush, and then from further afield. Resultantly, the traditional marriage arrangements of the pharaohs and princesses gave way to diplomatic alliances.

The Rosi-crucis (whose supporters were called Rosicrucians) is often misidentified as if it referred to a Rosy (or Red) Cross – but in fact the term has a rather different origin. It stems from the old Greek ’rosi’, meaning ’dew’, and from ’crucis’ meaning ’fire-cup’ (as in the word ’crucible’). Hence, the Rosi-crucis was the dew-cup of fire – or fiery cup of the waters.

In symbolic form, the Rosi-crucis was the original and longest standing mark of sovereignty – and this is where the secondary Rosy Cross definition comes into play, for this insignia was indeed a red cross within a ring. The early Bible writers condemned this royal device as being the Mark of Cain.

This same emblem was deemed to be symbolic of the Holy Grail, whose representative form as the Dew-cup (or Chalice) emanated directly from the Sumerian word ’gra-al’. This defined the ’nectar of supreme excellence’ – the prestigious legacy of the Anunnaki queen Nin-kharsag, great mother of the kingly bloodline.

Originally, and for the longest time, the Ring was a symbol of perpetually divine justice, which was measured by the Rod. In ancient depictions various Sumerian overlords, kings and queens are individually portrayed holding the Rod and Ring devices – characters such as Marduk and Lilith, Shamesh, Ur-Nammu, Ashur, Samael and others from the 3rd and 2nd millenniums BC. In some instances the Rod is clearly marked in calculable units (like a modern ruler). In Babylonia it was referred to as the Rule – and the one who held the Rule was the designated ‘ruler’: which is from where the governmental term derives.

In time, rather than holding the golden rings, the sovereigns began to place them on their heads where, from a general course of ornate embellishment through the ages, they ultimately became crowns, while the Rod (or Rule) evolved into the royal scepter. In the course of this, the Rosi-crucis emblem of the cross and circle also became a solid object – a cross surmounted on a sphere – to become the Orb of sovereign regalia.

In all the Grail romances, and in the tales of the Ring, the message is relentlessly clear: in the wrong hands, both the Ring and the Grail can bring disaster. The power of the Ring has to be withstood, otherwise it will enslave its master, whereas the Grail will retaliate with a vengeance if misused. Either way, the moral is the same in that, ultimately, power is self-destructive when achieved through selling one’s soul. Consequently, the Ring can be a halo or a crown, but it can equally become a noose.

There is, however, an essential difference between Tolkien’s ’One Ring’, which is portrayed as dark and divisive, and the Golden Ring of Grail romance, which is a ring of love and enlightenment. The latter (the ring with which Arthur made his vow to Guinevere) was further symbolized by the iron-clad ring of knights who sat at the Round Table – a Ring that was broken (leading the land into chaos and waste) when Guinevere was unfaithful to Arthur with Lancelot.

Prior to the year 751, kings of the Grail succession were priests in their own right; they were priest-kings, known as Fisher Kings. But, when their rights to priesthood were undermined by the Church, the legacy was forsaken in all but the Gaelic realms.

Before this, the representative substances of priest-kingship were Gold (for nobility), Frankincense (for priesthood) and Myrrh (for knowledge). These were the very substances presented to Jesus by the Magi in the New Testament, thereby positively identifying him as a dynastic priest-king of the Grail bloodline. The significance of this Magian presentation has been lost however, within a contrived fable of humble birth in a stable, which is not mentioned in any original Gospel.

Yet, for some obscure reason, the Grail symbolism was retained by the Church in its Eucharist – the Communion sacrament, wherein the wine (figuratively the Gra-al blood of Christ) is drunk from the sacred chalice of the Rosi-crucis. In this regard, the true symbolism of the ancient custom, which began in Anunnaki times, has been strategically veiled, while both Grail lore and Ring lore are denounced by the Church as unofficial heresies.

As confirmed in historical records, the disputes between the descendant Grail family and the Church establishment prevailed for centuries because of their conflict of interests. From the 1st century, Imperial Rome had decreed that the Messianic heirs should be hunted down and put to the sword. Then, once the Roman Church was formally operative from the 4th century, the sacred dynasty was forever damned by the bishops.

It was this formal damnation which led to such events as the Albigensian Crusade in 1209 and the subsequent Catholic Inquisitions, for these brutal assaults by the papal machine were specifically directed against the upholders and champions of the original concept of Grail kingship, as against the style of pseudo-monarchy which had been implemented by the Bishops of Rome. In practical terms, Church kingship has prevailed from the 8th century and has continued, through the ages, to the present day. But the fact is that, under strict terms of sovereign practice, all such monarchies and their affiliated governments have been invalid.

Church kingship is precisely that with which we have become so familiar. It applies to all monarchs who achieve their regnal positions by way of Church coronation by the Pope or other Christian leader (in Britain, by the Archbishop of Canterbury). In terms of true kingship, there was no necessity for coronation because kingly and queenly inheritance were always regarded as being ’in the blood’ – to be precise, in the DNA of the Gra-al.

In order to understand the legacy of the Ring, we must look at how Church kingship was made possible in the first place by way of a document called the Donation of Constantine – a document which led to just about every social injustice that has since been experienced in the Christian world. All monarchical and governmental practice has, for centuries, been based upon the initial precept of this charter but, in reality, its dogmatic precept is wholly invalid.

When the Donation of Constantine made its first appearance in the middle 8th century it was alleged to have been written by Emperor Constantine some 400 years earlier, although strangely never produced in the interim. It was even dated and carried his supposed signature. What the document proclaimed was that the Emperor’s appointed Pope was Christ’s elected representative on Earth, with the power to ’create’ kings as his subordinates since his palace ranked above all the palaces in the world!

The provisions of the Donation were put into operation by the Vatican in 751, whereupon the Merovingian Fisher Kings of the Grail bloodline in Gaul were deposed and a whole new dynasty was supplemented by way of a family of hitherto mayors. They were dubbed Carolingians and their only king of any significance was the legendary Charlemagne. By way of this strategy, the whole nature of monarchy changed from being an office of community guardianship to one of absolute rule and, by virtue of this monumental change, the long-standing Grail Code of princely service was forsaken as European kings became servants of the Church instead of being servants of the people.

The fact is, however, that over 500 years ago in the Renaissance era, proof emerged that the Donation was an outright forgery. Its New Testament references relate to the Latin Vulgate Bible – an edition translated and compiled by St. Jerome, who was not born until AD 340, some 26 years after Constantine supposedly signed the document! Apart from that, the language of the Donation, with its numerous anachronisms, is that of the 8th century and bears no relation to the writing style of Constantine’s day. It is known today as “the most famous forgery in the world“, but despite this, the Donation’s overwhelming dictate, which cemented the Pope as the supreme spiritual and temporal head of Christendom, has prevailed regardless.

Prior to the Grail’s formal subjugation by the Church Inquisition in the Middle Ages, the victimized heterodox Christians (or ’heretics’ as they were called) included the Cathars – the Pure Ones of the Languedoc region in the South of France. The Cathars were fully conversant with the Ring Lord culture and, in accordance with tradition, referred to the Messianic bloodline as the Elven race, venerating them as the Shining Ones. This is of course wholly indicative of the very same style afforded to the ancient Anunnaki – the great sons of Lord Anu, also called the Anna-nagge: the Shining Ones.

In the language of old Provence, a female elf was an ’albi’, and Albi was the name given to the main Cathar centre in Languedoc. This was in deference to the matrilinear heritage of the Grail dynasty, for the Cathars were supporters of the original Albi-gens: the Elven bloodline which had descended through the Grail queens of yore such as Nin-kharsag, Eresh-kigal, Lilith, Miriam, Bathsheba and Mary Magdalene. It was for this very reason that, when Simon de Montfort and the armies of Pope Innocent III descended upon the Languedoc region in 1209, it was called the Albigensian Crusade.

Through some thirty-five years, tens of thousands of innocent people were slaughtered in this savage campaign, all because the inhabitants of the region were upholders of the original concept of Grail kingship, as against the inappropriate style of monarchy which had been established by the papal machine and its fabricated document of charter.

The concept of calling the princely race of the Grail the Shining Ones, while also defining them as Elves, dates well back into ancient Bible times and can be traced into Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and Canaan (Palestine). The ancient word ’El’, which was used to identify a god or lofty-one (as in El Elyon and El Shaddai) actually meant Shining in old Mesopotamian Sumer. To the north in Babylonia, the derivative ’Ellu’ meant Shining One, as did ’Ilu’ in Akkad. Subsequently, the word spread across Europe to become ’Ellyl’ in Wales, ’Aillil’ in Ireland, and ’Elf’ in Saxony and England.

The plural of El was Elohim, the very word used in old Bible texts to denote the gods, but strategically mistranslated to conform to the Judaeo-Christian ’One God’ image. Interestingly, in Gaelic Cornwall, South West England, the word ’el’ was the equivalent of the Anglo-Saxon ’engel’ and the old French ’angele’ which, in English, became ’angel’.

There exists in Iran (ancient Persia) and the Canary Islands a large plant called the Dragontree. This plant is of the lily variety, and its resin is known as dragon’s blood. The red extract was used as a ceremonial dye in the East, where it was referred to as ’lac’, whose derivative ’lac’ or ’lake’ pigment is found today in the artists’ paint colour Scarlet Lake.

Dragons were very important to the descendant Shining Ones, who were anointed upon their kingly installation with the fatty oil of the sacred dragon – essentially a large four-legged monitor native to the Euphrates valley. In Mesopotamia, this creature was called the Mûs-hûs, and in Egypt his equivalent was the Messeh. On anointing, the kings were reckoned to gain the prowess of the sacred beast, becoming Messehs in their own right – and it is from this that the Hebrew term Messiah (meaning Anointed One) derived. Jesus was in no way unique in this regard – all the successive kings of the early Albigensian line were Messiahs.

By virtue of the Dragontree, it is easy to recognize why the blood of the dragon was always associated with the essence of the lily – and indeed why the Grail queens of yore were often given applicable names such as Lily, Lilith, Luluwa, Lilutu and Lillet. It is, in fact from the very tradition of the ’lac’ pigment that the family name of du Lac became prominent in Arthurian lore – as for example the Burgundian dynasty of Queen Viviane du Lac, mother of Lancelot du Lac. This was translated into English to become Lancelot of the Lake, but its more correct representation was Lancelot of the dragon blood.

Alongside this, the Grail dynasty was also variantly styled the House del Acqs, meaning ’of the waters’, from which came the queenly tradition of the Ladies of the Lake. The Rosi-crucis (or Dew-cup) – the emblem of the Holy Grail – was itself identified with the Messianic blood held within the sacred chalice of the maternal womb. It can, accordingly, be seen that the styles of du Lac and del Acqs are entirely synonymous, as are the historical traditions of the Dragon and the Grail. These conjoined traditions are especially significant in the story of the ’blood and water’ which flowed from Jesus’s side at the Crucifixion – being emblematic of the fact that he (Jesus) was truly a kingly dynast of the Shining Ones (Anunnaki).

The concept of fairies (the fair folk) was born directly from Dragon and Ring Lord cultures, being a derivative of the Greek ’phare’, meaning ’great house’. (it is from this that the word ’pharaoh’ also derives). In the Gaelic world, certain royal families (especially those of the Pendragons) were said to carry the fairy blood – that is to say, the fate or destiny of the Grail bloodline and of humankind at large – while the Elf-maidens of the Albi-gens were the designated guardians of the earth, starlight and forest. It is for these reasons that fairies and elves have so often been portrayed as shoemakers and lamplighters, for the fairy cobblers made the shoes which measured the steps of life, while the Shining Ones of the elven race were there to light the way.

In national terms, although fairies present a widespread image, they are particularly associated with Ireland, where they are epitomized by the ancient people of the Tuatha Dé Danann. This formidable king tribe was, nevertheless, mythologized by the Christian monks, who rewrote the majority of Irish history to suit their own Church’s vested interest in Eire. From a base of the monastic texts (which arose onwards from medieval times) it is generally stated that these people were the supernatural tribe of the agricultural goddess Danaë of Argos, or perhaps of the Aegean Mother-goddess Danu. But their true name, rendered in its older form, was Tuadhe d’Anu – and as such, they were the people (or tribe) of Anu, the great sky god of the Anunnaki.

Onwards from the year 751, the Church sought all possible measures to diminish the status of any royal strain emanating from the original Ring Lords so that the fraudulent Donation of Constantine could be brought into play. Henceforth, only the subjugative Church could determine who was and was not a king, while the elves and fairies of the Albi-gens were maneuvered from the forefront of history into a realm of apparent fantasy and legend.

In this regard, it is significant that the Elves in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings are quite unlike the cute little characters of many fairy tales; they are actually larger and more powerful than average mortals. They are also endowed with greater powers of wisdom; they ride magical horses and closely resemble the ancient king tribe of the Tuadhe d’Anu. Settling in Ireland from about 800 BC, the Tuadhe d’Anu hailed from the Central European lands of Scythia, the Black Sea kingdoms which stretched from the Carpathian mountains and Transylvanian Alps, across to the Russian River Don. They were strictly known as the Royal Scyths and their classification as fates or fairies occurred because they were masters of a transcendent intellect called the Sidhé, which was known to the druids as the Web of the Wise.

As the Church rose to power following the 8th-century implementation of the Donation of Constantine, so the ’underground stream’, which supported the true Albi-gens, found strategic methods of preserving the old culture of the royal bloodline. In the course of this, and based upon a traditional principle of folklore and legend, the fairy tale concept was born – stories which were not unlike many of the parables inherent in the New Testament Gospels. They were likewise contrived ’for those with ears to hear’, while others among the uninitiated would perceive them simply as fanciful children’s entertainment.

A key focal message built into these fairy tales was an understanding of the importance of perpetuating the family line of the Sangréal (Blood Royal), regardless of the power of the bishops and the Church’s puppet kings. The whole scenario was presented, time after time, as if it were a struggling nightmare, wherein the female (the Elf-maiden who carried the essential mitochondrial DNA) was out of reach of the Grail prince, so that his torturous quest to find her was akin to the quest for the Holy Grail itself.

Consequently, many of the tales which emanated from this base were stories of lost brides and usurped kingship, based upon the Church’s subjugation of the Grail bloodline. The fairy tale ideal was essentially geared to relate the truth of these persecutions. They were allegorical accounts of the predicament of the Messianic family – the Ring Lords of the Sangréal, whose fairies and elves (having been maneuvered from the mortal plane of orthodoxy and status quo) were confined to a seemingly Otherworld existence. They emerged as tales of valiant princes who were turned into frogs; of Swan knights who roamed the Wasteland and of Grail princesses locked in towers, or put to sleep for hundreds of years. In the course of their persecution, the Elf-maidens were pricked with bodkins, fed with poisoned apples, subjected to spells or condemned to servitude, while their champions swam great lakes, battled through thickets and scaled mighty towers to secure and protect the matrilinear heritage of the Albi-gens.

These romantic legends include such well-known stories as the Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White and Rapunzel. In all cases, the underlying theme is the same, with the princess kept (through drugging, imprisonment or some form of restraint) out of reach of the prince, who has to find her and release her in order to preserve the dynasty and perpetuate the line.

It was during the period of France’s Carolingian dynasty (the dynasty of Emperor Charlemagne), which began in 751, that the seeds of most of these popular stories were planted, and it is because of the inherent truths which lie behind the stories that we find them so naturally appealing. Some academics argue that fairy tales survive and thrive because they are often based upon a ’rags-to-riches’ doctrine, but this is not the case. They survive because deep within the Western psyche is an inherent, inbred awareness that the Grail (symbolized by the Lost Bride) has to be found if the Wasteland is to return to fertility.

The Rapunzel story relates that, in order to function as an effective seer, Rapunzel was confined to a tower by an enchantress as a measure of protection against the world at large – in essence to preserve her maidenly virtue and the supernatural power related to that virtue. Hence, as in all similar stories, although the lost bride has been confined (whether by fair means or foul), she always emerges in a fit mental and physical state for the Grail prince.

Another important facet of the desired virginal portrayal, as evident in the tale of Rapunzel, is the allegorical symbolism of long hair. Rapunzel’s golden locks are presented as being plaited into a lengthy braid which the prince used to scale the tower. Before eventually being freed, however, Rapunzel’s hair was cut off by the enchantress, thereby implying the release of the maiden’s chastity to the wilderness. The importance of very long hair was that it afforded an appropriate veil of modesty even when in a naked state. Although perhaps physically or metaphorically divested of clothes (as symbolized by the willing or compulsory subordination to another), the Elf-maiden with tresses was never vulnerable; her dignity was always preserved and neither her body nor soul was ever bared until the appropriate time.

The oldest complete version of the Ring Cycle comes from the Norse mythology of the Volsunga Saga. This was described by the English poet and designer William Morris as “the great story of the North which should be to all our race what the tale of Troy was to the Greeks”. Compiled from more than forty separate legends, the 13th-century Icelandic tale relates to the god Odin, to the kingdom of the Nine Worlds and to a dark forest called Mirkwood – a name later repeated by Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings.

It also tells of how Prince Sigmund of the Volsung dynasty is the only warrior able to pull the great sword of Odin from a tree in which the god had driven it to its hilt – as replicated in the Arthurian story of the sword and the stone. Additionally, we learn of the Water-dwarf Andarvi, whose magical One Ring of red-gold could weave great wealth and power for its master – precisely as depicted in all related Ring legends.

Contemporary with the Volsunga Saga was a very similar tale which appeared in and around Burgundy in the 1200s: a Middle High German epic called The Nibelungenlied. In this account, which follows a similar path, the hero is called Siegfried and the tale is given a knightly gloss of the Gothic era, while unfortunately losing some of the pagan enchantment of the Northern legend. No musical composer has done so much to preserve the legacy of Ring lore as Richard Wagner, whose renowned opera, The Ring of the Nibelung, was largely drawn from the Burgundian folklore of The Nibelungenlied and, to some extent, from the Volsunga Saga.

Over the years, many people have likened Tolkien’s wizard, Gandalf, to Merlin of the Arthurian tales. At the same time, Tolkien’s Aragorn has been likened to King Arthur but, as Tolkien himself pointed out (in a letter written in 1967), there was really a closer similarity between Aragorn and the historical Charlemagne. The challenge which faced Charlemagne in the 9th century (having been charged by the Pope to establish a viable Empire from various disunited kingdoms) was not unlike that which confronted Aragorn, who reunited the divided kingdoms of Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings. But there was a marked difference in practice, for Aragorn was far more like Arthur in having an advisory wizard, whereas Charlemagne did not because the Church would not consent to royal counsellors outside its own appointees.

Aragorn’s was, therefore, more of a Gaelic-style environment, with his enemy being the evil Sauron of Mordor. Charlemagne, on the other hand, was supposedly a champion of the Roman Church whose adversaries were the supporters of the unlawfully ousted Merovingian establishment – an establishment to which Aragorn would personally have been well suited. The difficulty one has in understanding Charlemagne is that, for all the apparent Carolingian attachment to the Vatican, he does not seem to have been wholly committed to the Roman ideal and clearly inherited a strong contrary legacy from his mother, who was a daughter of the Merovingian Princess Blanche Fleur.

Undeterred by the Donation of Constantine, which had enabled his father, King Pepin, to usurp the Merovingian throne, Charlemagne retained advocates of both the Grail Church and the Roman Church at his Court. He was not even too keen on the idea of becoming Holy Roman Emperor but, on Christmas Day in the year 800, while in the Roman Basilica of St. Peter’s in the company of several bishops, Pope Leo III crept up behind him and placed the Imperial crown on his head without warning!

Traditionally, the Albi-gens (Elven bloodline) has been identified with water – a concept that can be traced back some five millennia to Tiâmat the Dragon Queen. Her Akkadian name actually means ’salt waters’ and had its equivalent in the Hebrew ’tehôm’ (or ’tehômot’ in the plural), as used in Old Testament references to ’the deep’.

The name Mary, which is associated with the Messianic line (as in the Blessed Mary, Mary Magdalen, etc.), was itself linked to the sea (as in the French: ’mer’, and its Latin equivalent) – also with water in general. It is an English form, based upon a Greek variant of the Hebrew Miriam along with the Egyptian Mery, meaning ’beloved’ (as in Merytaten: Beloved of Aten). For this reason, in some conventual orders, the nuns still use the titular style of Mary in front of their baptismal given names: Sister Mary Louise, Sister Mary Theresa and the like.

Alongside the Mary Magdalene movement in 1st-century Provence was that of her colleague Mary Jacob. She was the New Testament wife of Cleopas (as given in the Gospel of John) who had accompanied the Magdalene to Gaul in AD 44, as detailed in The Acts of Magdalene in the Vatican Archives. St. Mary Jacob was a Nazarene priestess, who became better known in Europe as Mary the Gypsy or Mary the Egyptian (from which the word ’gypsy’ derived). In England her cult was widespread in medieval times and her Oath of Wedlock was referred to as the Merrie – from which the verb ’to marry’ derives, as does the tag applied to Merrie Englande. Often depicted with a fish-tail, Mary the Gypsy was an original ’merrie-maid’ (a mermaid), and she was given the attributive name Marina in the Middle Ages. She is portrayed as such alongside Mary Magdalene in a window at the Church of St. Marie in Paris, and her memory is preserved in Maid Marian and the Merrie Men of the Robin Hood legends.

In ancient Egypt it was common practice for the pharaohs to marry their sisters in order to progress their kingship through the female line. These wives were often the pharaohs’ half-sisters, born of their mothers by different fathers, for it was the mitochondrial DNA of the matrilinear succession that was important to the dynasties. (Although mitochondria is inherited from mothers by both sons and daughters, it is only passed on by the daughters, since this DNA resides within the female egg cells.)

It can be seen from plotted genealogical charts of the era that, although Egypt had many successive kingly dynasties, these houses were only renamed and renumbered when a pharaoh died without a male heir. The important thing was that his queen had a female heiress, and it was upon that daughter’s marriage into another male line that a new dynasty began. Many pharaohs had a number of strategically chosen wives and often married into the various strains of the original royal blood of Mesopotamia from which the early pharaonic dynasties were themselves descended. In such cases, the crown princes would marry the daughters of their fathers’ second or junior queens, thereby perpetuating an apparent patrilinear descent, but in fact heightening the female blood of their line in favour of successive generations.

The story of matrilinear royal descent traces back thousands of years to the very dawn of recorded time when the great Anunnaki Lord of the Sky was Anu. He is documented on clay tablets and cylinder seals from the 3rd millennium BC, discovered in the Sumerian delta eden of the Persian Gulf. His queenly consorts were his sisters: Antu, Lady of the Sky, and Ki, the Earth Mother.

Anu had two sons: Enlil (whose mother was Ki) and Enki (whose mother was Antu). Enki had two wives, one of whom was his half-sister Nîn-khursag, the Lady of Life. By the same token, Enlil similarly had two wives, including Nîn-khursag who was, therefore, consort to each of her brothers. This deiform family had descended from the great Mother Goddess Tiâmat – described in the Enûma elish (the original Creation account which preceded the writing of the Old Testament’s book of Genesis by more than 2000 years) as ’She who bore them all’.

The rule of kingly descent through the senior female line appears to have been established from the outset when a dispute over entitlement arose between the brothers Enki and Enlil. The Anunnaki overlords were said to have governed by way of a Grand Assembly of councillors who sat at Nippur. They consisted of eight members (seven males and a female), who held the Rings of divine justice, along with their president, Anu, who held the One Ring to bind them all. This conforms precisely with the Nine Kingdoms of the Volsunga Saga, which cites Odin as the ultimate presidential Ring Lord. As the original god-kings of Mesopotamia, this Assembly was said to have introduced kingly practice which, according to the Sumerian King List (dating from before 2000 BC) was ’lowered from heaven’.

The Anunnaki fraternal dispute arose when Anu resigned his presidency of the Grand Assembly, at which point his elder son Enlil became the apparent candidate. His brother Enki challenged this on the basis that, although he was younger than Enlil, he was the senior son and royal successor because his mother, Antu, was Anu’s senior sister, whereas Enlil’s mother, Ki, was Antu’s junior. Therefore, claimed Enki,

“I am the great brother of the gods. I am he who has been born as the first son of the divine Anu”.

As such, it was his mother Antu who held the primary office of queenship, and among her variously recorded titles, the later Kassite Kings of Mesopotamia (from around 1750 BC) called her the Lady of the Fire-stone, granting her the name Barat-Anna. This derived from the Kassite royal stem BRT (rather like the modrn HRH) and from the Akkadian An-na (meaning Fire-stone).
Barat-Anna (Barati to the Phoenicians) was the Great Mother of the Air and Sea, the Goddess of Light and Fire who was later identified with Diana of the Nine Fires. Her symbol was the Rosi-crucis (the Cup of the waters) – a cross within a circle which, as we have seen, was the original emblem of the Grail bloodline from the 4th millennium BC. On early Phoenician coins, it is significant that Barat-Anna is portrayed sitting on the sea-shore with the Rosi-crucis emblem beneath her chair. This very same image was transported by the Kassites into the Gaelic realms of Europe and, eventually, found its way onto the coins of Britain, where Barat-Anna was redefined as Britannia and given a torch to signify her fire-alchemy status.

From the 17th century, when Frances la belle Stuart (the daughter of Lord Blantyre) modelled for the updated Britannia image used on British pennies until recent times, the Rosi-crucis emblem was enlarged and adapted to become the Union Jack shield, but it remained a rounded device. Also, the torch of fire was replaced by a lighthouse and Britannia was given a trident but, in all other respects, this supposed unique symbol of Britain’s tribal goddess is not British at all; it is ancient Phoenician.

The Kassites of Mesopotamia, who venerated the goddess Barat-Anna, were kin to a line descended from the biblical Esau. The book of Genesis explains that Esau had a number of wives, one being a princess of the old line called Bashemath, by whom he had two prominent grandsons: Nahath, Lord of Edom, and Shammah-si, also Lord of Edom. Despite their listing in the Bible (only to be sidestepped in favour of pursuing a junior course from Esau’s brother Jacob), the powerful Lords of Edom are still given an amount of temporary prominence, being cited as ’The kings that reigned in the land of Edom before there reigned any king over the children of Israel’ .

Not only did the family of Esau inherit Edom, but they became Kings of Assyria and Lords of the Babylonian Sea Land from around 1780 BC. Later successors of the line were the Hyksos Kings of Egypt: the shepherd-guardians who reigned in the Nile Delta simultaneously with the 17th pharaonic dynasty of Thebes. During that same era, from about 1750 BC, their cousin line of Kassites governed Greater Mesopotamia, bringing a return to law and order after some 200 years of turmoil since the departure of the Anunnaki overlords. Subsequently, from around 1600 BC, they ruled more specifically in Babylonia and Sumer for another 500 years.

What emerges from these coextensive tribal histories is that there were common Sumerian roots in Anunnaki times between the Kassites and the biblical family of Esau who, as Genesis explains, descended from the patriarchs of Ur. Their mutual interest in horse-drawn vehicles is also significant since it pulls the families back beyond Sumerian times to the Kurgan race of Scythia and the Russian steppe-lands who originated the concept.

In recent times there have been some astonishing discoveries in this regard – discoveries which prove that Sumerian was not the first written language as is commonly portrayed, and that the Sumerian culture (generally held to be the earliest cradle of civilization) had an older origin of its own. Indeed, the Ring Lord culture and the notion of earthly kingship did not begin in ancient Sumer; it began long before in the Balkans, specifically in Transylvania and the Carpathian regions.

Since these discoveries are especially relevant to the fairy lore of the druidic Sidhé, we shall consider them at a more appropriate later stage of our investigation. Meanwhile, in preparation for this, we should continue our journey with the Kassites. These people gained their name from the word Kassi, which meant ’Place of Wood’ – the place in question being a sacred royal mound dwelling, variantly called a Caddi. By virtue of this, the Kassites were designated Wood Lords.

In the 12th century, Melusine’s descendant, Robert de Vere, 3rd Earl of Oxford and legal pretender to the Earldom of Huntingdon, was appointed as King Richard I’s Steward of the forest lands of Fitzooth. As Lord of the Greenwood and titular Herne of the Wild Hunt, he was a popular people’s champion of the Sidhé heritage – as a result of which he was outlawed for taking up arms against King John. It was he who, subsequently styled Robin Fitzooth, became a prototype for the popular tales of Robin Hood.

Of all the monarchs who ever sat upon the Throne of England, the Tudor Queen, Elizabeth I, was by far the most in tune with ancient cultures and wood lore. She was even called the ’Fairie Queen’ and, before being formally crowned, she was installed by the people as their Queen of the Greenwood. This was an ancient ritual of the Shining Ones – the elven race of the Albi gens. The ceremony was conducted in the mist of early dawn in the depths of Windsor Forest and, to facilitate the installation, the customary Robin Hood legacy of the House of Vere was brought into play.

At that time the Queen’s Lord Chamberlain was Edward de Vere of Loxley, 17th Earl of Oxford, and it was his office to invest Elizabeth by first deposing the Caille Daouine. This was the traditional King of the Forest (whose name had given rise to Scotland’s Pictish realm of Caledonia) – the mighty Stag of the Seven Tines, upon whose back Lord Vere rode into the ceremonial clearing.

Edward de Vere of Oxford was a friend and student of the Rosicrucian alchemist and Secret Service operative, John Dee, and he worked closely with the statesman and philosopher, Francis Bacon (later Viscount St Albans). Between them (along with others) they comprised the Royal Court Syndicate, which was responsible for providing much of the material for the works of their playwright colleague, William Shakespeare.

As mentioned in connection with Melusine, fountains, springs and water in general were always associated with the Ring Lord female line. This stems from the very earliest times of the Anunnaki, whose founding mother (as explained in ancient Mesopotamian literature) was Tiâmat the sea-dragon. In later times these queens were commonly represented as mermaids (mere maids), and were often called Ladies of the Lake. This was a style granted to Mary Magdalene when she had settled in Provence from AD 44.

While the male descendants of her and Jesus became the noted Fisher Kings in Gaul, the female line retained its Dragon Queen status, in a quite separate dynasty, as the matriarchal Queens of Avallon in Burgundy. They were known as the House del Acqs (the House of the Waters) and among their number was the great 6th-century Queen Viviane, revered as the Lady of the Lake in Arthurian romance. This heritage was so important to the Celtic Church that, when King Kenneth MacAlpin united the Scots and Picts in 844, his extant installation document made special mention of his descent from the Queens of Avallon.

The true significance of King Arthur was his immediate joint descent in both the male and female lines of the Albi gens. His father was King Aedàn of Dalriada, the Pendragon of Britain in the year 559 – a descendant of the Wood Lord, Beli Mawr. His mother was Ygerna del Acqs, the daughter of Queen Viviane, whose grandson (by Ygerna’s sister, Viviane II) was the legendary Lancelot del Acqs. Ygerna (sometimes called Igraine in the Grail tradition) was the High Queen of the Celtic kingdoms and her daughter, Morgaine (by her first husband, Gwyr Llew of Carlisle), was High Priestess of the Sisters of Avallon.

There have, over the years, been any number of speculations concerning the historical Arthur, but these are mainly fronted by tourist establishments endeavouring to claim the Arthurian heritage for their particular parts of England or Wales. The fact is, however, that (in line with the traditional accounts) there was only ever one High King of Britain called Arthur. There was only ever one Arthur born as the son of a Pendragon. There was only ever one Arthur whose mother was Igraine of Avallon and whose grandmother was the recognized Lady of the Lake. There as only ever one Arthur with a son named Modred, and there was only ever one Arthur with a sister called Morgaine (or Morganna as some of the stories refer to her). In this regard, the old annals of Scotland and Ireland, along with the records of the Celtic Church, are unanimous in identifying Arthur mac Aedàn of Dalriada. He was invested as Sovereign Commander and High King in the year 575 by the druid, Merlin Emrys, and his primary seat was at Carlisle in the north of England, from where he controlled the military defence of the English-Scottish Border country.

Reverting, once more, to the Raths (or royal mound dwellings), we should perhaps consider the fact that, as mentioned, these Portals to the Netherworld were called Tepes – for this was the very style afforded to one of the most enigmatic of all Gothic figures – Count Dracula. Historically, and quite outside the Christian propagandist mythology which surrounds the vampire character of Bram Stoker’s famous novel, Dracula was Prince Vlad III of Wallachia, who is often referred to as Vlad Tepes.

Since the word ’Tepes’ relates to wooden poles, it is often thought that Vlad’s descriptive nickname relates to his individual method of executing enemies of the State by impaling them upon wooden stakes. Hence, Vlad Tepes is sometimes said to mean Vlad the Impaler. This, however, is completely untrue. He was called ’Tepes’ (as were many other druidic elders before him) because, within the ancient Ring Lord culture of the Sidhé, he was an appointed Creachaire Portal Guardian.

Vlad Tepes, a 15th-century Prince in Romania, founded the capital city of Bucharest. His popularized name, Dracula, means, ’Son of Dracul’, and Dracul (or Dragon) was a style by which his father was known within the Grail fraternity of the Ordo Draconis (The Imperial Court of the Dragon) from 1431. During this past century, ever since the 1897 novel, Dracula, was published, Vlad has become an archetype of the Church-promoted Gothic tradition. However, the establishment’s real fear of Dracula was not his harsh treatment of enemies, as is so often cited, nor that he was a blood-sucking vampire in the Stoker tradition. What they feared was his in-depth knowledge of alchemy and the fact that he was truly an operative Oupire – a venerated Overlord of the Rath – a Portal Guardian in the ancient Yulannu manner of the Ring Lords.

Those of you who have read Bloodline of the Holy Grail, or maybe even Genesis of the Grail Kings, will be familiar with the terracotta portrayal of the Sumerian goddess, Lilith (below image), from around 2000 BC. In this depiction (as in those of other Anunnaki hierarchy) Lilith is seen to be holding the Rod and Ring of Divinely Measured Justice. The Rod was actually an instrument of measure – and in some portrayals it is very clearly marked in calculable units (like a modern ruler). By Babylonian times, it was referred to as the Rule, and the one who held the Rule was the ’Ruler’ – which is from where our governmental term derives.

The Ring (as mentioned at the beginning of this talk) was a symbol of wholeness, unity and eternity. It represented a continuance of divine justice – a justice that was measured by the Rod (or Rule). Hence, the Ring was the ultimate insignia of the Anunnaki overlords – the enigmatic Oupires who were responsible for the establishment of municipal government and kingly practice – for they were the progenitors of civilization from about 4000 BC.

In view of this, it is of particular interest to note that Tolkien answered (when asked about his book’s Middle Earth environment) that he perceived its setting to relate to somewhere around 4000 BC.

“The cauldron has always been boiling”, he said, “We simply add new ingredients to the soup”.

In this respect, his popular tale, although enthralling, was not actually new in concept. From the earliest of European times, the Saxon god, Wotan (or Odin – the equivalent of the Sumerian Anu), was said to have ruled the world with eight rings – having one more, the ninth ring (the One Ring), to govern the others.

During the medieval days of the Church’s persecution of heretics and, indeed, through the Middle Ages and beyond, all manner of Grail-related subject matter fell prey to the wrath of the bishops and friars. Unsuspecting victims were accused of any number of apparently unsavoury practices, and any association with the Ring culture was proscribed. Indeed, when Joan of Arc was accused of witchcraft, one of the charges laid against her by the bishops was that she used magical rings for enchantment and curative purposes. As a result, she was burnt at the stake in 1431. But recently, in 1920, the Church reconsidered her case and she was pardoned and canonized!

As detailed in Bloodline of the Holy Grail, not only were proscriptions levelled against the Prophesies of Merlin – with a good deal of other literature confined to the supposedly ’lost’ coffers of the Dark Ages – but pictorial art also came under close scrutiny and many new rules were made. One of these was that the Virgin Mary must only be portrayed wearing blue and white (just as she is commonly depicted today). The reason for this was that other colours, especially the red of the cardinals, might have implied that she held some form of ecclesiastical office within a Church that afforded no clerical status to women.

What is not so commonly known is that the Church’s regulations also applied to music – in particular ancient music which could be traced to cultures other than that of Rome, Greece or Lydia. It is by virtue of these implemented regulations that so many of today’s reference books determine that, for the most part, music evolved either from Greece, or from various parts of the Roman Empire.

It is precisely the same with the English language, which is largely, but quite erroneously, said to derive from Greek or Latin. To cement this notion very firmly into our culture, we are taught from the classical literature of Homer and Virgil – but what is always forgotten is that both the Greek and Roman languages themselves evolved from other, far older, sources. Much of the language of Europe, including the English language, can be traced back into Phoenicia, Syria, Egypt, India and Mesopotamia – with many of the word stems being thousands of years old.

In the world of music, we have the very same scenario and, by virtue of discoveries made in the past few decades, there is no doubt that structured and sequenced music played a major role way back in the days of the Babylonian kingdoms and beyond. Silver pipes, bells and drums, along with beautifully ornamented harps and lyres, have all been unearthed in ancient Sumer from graves dating back five or six thousand years, and it is known that lutes were also used.

Buried along with kings and queens of the Dragon succession, these finely produced instruments were clearly ceremonial, and would appear to have been used in ancient Star Fire and Fire-stone rituals described in Genesis of the Grail Kings. The Fire-stone ritual (the ritual of the goddess Antu – or Barat An-na) was largely a levitation ceremony conducted with the monatomic, superconductive element of the Highward Fire-stone (the White Powder of Gold).

Even in modern times, music has been used to perform levitational feats – notably in Tibet, where prohibitively large stone blocks have been lifted and positioned high in the mountains by using anti-gravitational sound frequencies. The ritual involves 19 musicians and, behind them, 200 monks, radiating outwards in lines (in groups of five) at 5-degree intervals facing towards a mountain cave.

The musicians use 13 barrel-drums of variant sizes (weighing up to 150 kilograms apiece) – suspended from wooden frames and directed towards a bowl-shaped cavity in which the required boulder is placed, between the musicians and the cave. Also, there are six long trumpets positioned at intervals between the drummers. On command, the trumpets and drums begin, with the monks at the rear providing a baffle whilst chanting. The time-span before levitation of the stone occurs is four minutes and, in this manner, stones have been lifted some 400 meters to be lowered into their necessary mountain temple positions.

Having made an intensive study of the intricacies of this ancient procedure, Adrian Wagner has recreated a musical enactment in The Phoenix and the Fire-stone track of the Genesis of the Grail Kings album – strategically breaking the sequence with a Golden Mean partition and concluding immediately before the four-minute deadline. Locked within this are frequencies that are so low as to be inaudible to conscious awareness, but which resonate directly with the frequency of the pineal gland. This, as many of you will know, is the gland responsible for heightened states of awareness and perception.

Also included within the Genesis album are aspects of musical harmonics which were banned by the Vatican in the Middle Ages, subsequent to their use by the Knights Templars and Cistercian monks in the construction of their Magdalene-dedicated Notre Dame cathedrals, which are noted for their architectural defiance of gravitational theory. The Knights of this particular branch of the Templars (constituted by King Baldwin of Jerusalem in 1118) were called The Guardian Princes of the Royal Secret.

One of these musical sequences is the most famous of all – a Tritone dubbed by the Church as the ’Devil’s Interval’. This is a direct extraction from the discovered harmonic scales of ancient Mesopotamian deities, which include the Enki Scale, Enlil Scale, Anu Scale, Marduk Scale, Kingu Scale, Inanna Scale and others.

No composer has done so much to preserve the legacy of Ring lore as Adrian’s great-great-grandfather, Richard Wagner. His renowned 16-hour, 4-part Nibelungen Ring Cycle (The Rhinegold, The Valkyrie, Siegfried and Gotterdamerung – The Twilight of the Gods) was largely drawn from Burgundian folklore, and to some extent from the very old Norse mythology of the Volsunga Saga.
The Ring’s ultimately key character is the warrior Siegfried who, while under the spell of a potion, betrays the woman he loves – a goddess turned mortal called Brunhilde – who then masterminds his death. Subsequently, however, she realizes her error and throws herself upon Siegfried’s funeral pyre to be with him in eternity. The magical Ring that Siegfried gave to Brunhilde is retrieved from the ashes by the Rhinemaidens – the rightful water guardians of the gold. And, by virtue of this, along with Brunhilde’s self-sacrifice, a hitherto curse (placed upon the Ring by Alberic the Nibelung, Dwarf-lord of the Underworld) is lifted.

The Ring had originally been stolen from the Rhinemaidens by the Nibelung, who lost it to Brunhilde’s father, the sky-god Wotan. Then Siegfried had won it by killing a dragon. But, upon the final cleansing of the Ring by the Rhinemaidens, Wotan perishes, together with his dream kingdom of Valhalla. With the Ring now back in its rightful hands, the world is redeemed and the Cycle is complete.

And so, once again the traditional Ring lore is apparent – just as in Tolkien and the Grail stories, for the Ring is finally seen to destroy those who hold it without the right of affinity. The golden Ring itself (forged from the enchanted flat-stone of the Rhinegold) had the power to afford its master the lordship of all the world, but only at the cost of forsaking love and selling his soul to the Ring’s awesome power. In terms of the straightforward Messianic line of King David and Jesus, the most powerful of the Ring Lords was King Solomon who, in the traditional Judaic writings of the Talmud, was said to be the mightiest magician of his age. His great wisdom and considered judgment as a sorcerer-king were directly attributed to his ownership of an enchanted ring, and the legend of King Solomon’s Ring was clearly a major inspiration for Tolkien.

In the same manner as Solomon, Tolkien’s Ring Lord, Sauron, used his One Ring to command all the demons of the earth. Solomon used the demons to build a Temple of Jerusalem, whilst Sauron used them to build the Tower of Mordor. The rings were also similar (as is usual in the tradition) in that each had the power to corrupt and destroy its master. Solomon’s ring achieves his downfall through the agency of the demon Asmodaeus, whereas Sauron is, in effect, his own destructive demon.

Along with the rings, there are also story similarities concerning the possession of light-radiating jewels, with Solomon’s being the Schamir and the Elf-king Thingol’s being the Silmaril – each of which is said to be an heirloom of the respective King’s race.

By virtue of such Jewish writings, the Dominican wrath of the Spanish Inquisition (from about 1480) was largely directed against the Jews – especially those connected with Kabbalistic studies – and it was really as a direct result of this persecution that the witch-hunts began.

Prior to that, the Roman Inquisition had been more concerned with heterodox Christians: those heretics who were Christians of one sort or another (Arians, Nestorians, Nazarenes, or whatever), but were not members of the Roman Church and whose culture revolved, to some extent, around traditions of magic and alchemy that were outside Church control. But, here were the Jews putting forward their own versions of the old lore – particularly those in the Narbonne region of the Spanish Marches, where the House of David had once been given privileged rights of princely independence by Emperor Charlemagne. It was recognized, therefore, that the net should be cast over a wider arena, so as to take account of those of completely different persuasions. It was no longer a matter of the Church simply endeavouring to clean up the Christian house. What of the Jews? What of the Muslims? What of the pagans in general?

And so, from the late 15th century, the Inquisition began a thorough process of ’ethnic cleansing’. No one who was other than a full-blooded and obvious Catholic was safe. But, there had to be some new form of classification to pull all the prey into the ever expanding net. The Grand Inquisitor at the time was the brutal Tomâs de Torquemada, senior confessor to Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella of Spain. Under his direction the answer was found and, very soon, the friars had set their sights upon what it called ’the most diabolical heathens who ever conspired to overthrow the Roman Church’.

In 1484, two Dominicans, Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, published a book called The Hammer of Witches. This evil but imaginative work gave full details of what was perceived to be the hideous new threat posed by all the practitioners of satanic magic. The book was so persuasive that, two years later, Pope Innocent VIII issued an official Bull to authorize the suppression of this blasphemous sect. Up to that point, the cult known as ’witchcraft’ (to the extent that it existed at all) had not really constituted a threat to anyone. It rested mainly in the continuation of pagan ritual and fertility rites by the peasant classes.

In real terms, it was little more than the vestige of a primeval belief in the divine power of natural forces, focused above all on Pan, the mischievous Arcadian god of the shepherds. Pan was traditionally portrayed with the legs, ears and horns of a goat, but the creative Dominicans had other ideas about the pipe-playing Horned One, and they blackened his image so that he was seen to correspond to the very Devil himself. However, since the Inquisitors were all men, it was determined that witchcraft must be a form of depravity linked to the insatiable wantonness of women!

The problem was that nobody really knew who these presumed witches were – and so a series of ludicrously tragic trials and tests was devised to root them out. In the midst of all of this, the harsh Puritan sect became politically allied to the Roman strategy, implementing their own witch-hunts in England and, later, in America. Over a period of some 250 years, more than a million innocent men, women and children were murdered by the delegated authority of the witch-finders.
It was against the backdrop of this religious fanaticism and persecution that the Renaissance movement was born – an era of rebirth and resurrection facilitated by an environment of democratic free-thinking. This era (with its height in the early 1500s) was the age when Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo developed the harmony of classical art to its highest form. And it was the age in which the excitement of pagan-orientated scholarship re-emerged in a burst of colour to cross new frontiers of science, architecture and design.

During the course of this, in 1614 and 15, two tracts known as the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged from Germany. These were immediately followed by an associated romance called The Chemical Wedding, written by the Lutheran pastor Johann Valentin Andreae. The publications announced a new age of enlightenment and Hermetic liberation in which certain universal secrets would be unlocked and made known.

In view of the advent of Britain’s scientific Royal Society and the inspired work of Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke, Edmund Halley, Christopher Wren and others a few decades later, the prophecies were correct enough but, at the time, they were veiled in allegory and appeared to convey an even more pertinent message. The writings centered upon the travels and learning of a mysterious character named Christian Rosenkreutz – a Brother of the Rosy Cross. His name was plainly designed to have Rosicrucian significance, and he was depicted wearing the apparel of the Knights Templars.

The action of The Chemical Wedding takes place in the magical Castle of the Bride and Bridegroom – a palace filled with lion effigies, where the courtiers are students of Plato. In a setting worthy of any Grail romance, the Virgin Lamplighter arranges for all present to be weighed on the scales, while a clock tells the motions of the heavens and the Golden Fleece is presented to the guests. Music from strings and trumpets is played throughout, and all is cloaked in an atmosphere of chivalry, while knights in Holy Orders preside.

Beneath the castle stands a mysterious sepulchre bearing strange inscriptions, and outside in the harbour lie twelve ships of the Golden Stone flying their individual flags of the Zodiac. Amid this curious reception, a fantasy play is conducted to tell the compelling story of an unnamed princess who, cast ashore in a wooden chest, is discovered by a prince, whom she marries, thereby causing a usurped royal heritage to be restored.

This is another Lost Bride fairy story of the type we have already seen. But, when combined with the two earlier publications, The Chemical Wedding’s Grail significance was blatantly obvious, and the Church wasted no time in bringing the full weight of its condemnation against the Rosicrucian movement.

Having considered the historical fairies, pixies and elves, we can now take a look at some others of the so-called Shining Ones: the sprites, goblins and gnomes.

The definition ’sprite’ means no more nor less than a ’spirit person’ – one of the transcendental realm of the Sidhé. The original Sprites were the ancient Scythian ghost warriors, who painted their bodies grey-blue to look like corpses when they entered the battlefield.

In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the character, Puck, is described as a ’sprite’ and, in traditional English wood lore, Puck is identified with a certain Robin Goodfellow, who was said to be a ’goblin’. His father was Herne the Hunter. Hence, Oberon and Herne are one and the same. The name, Oberon (a variant of Albrey the Elf-king, as we have seen) is itself a derivative of the Scythian Oupire (meaning ’over’) and Ron (meaning ’reign’). Oberon, therefore, means ’Over Reign’ – which is the same as High King or Pendragon.

The description of ’goblin’ stems immediately from the Germanic word, ’kobelin’ – and the ’kobelins’ were said to be mine-workers or those who worked underground. In the context of the Ring culture, goblins were, in essence, attendants of the Oupire Portal Guardians of the Rath – the mound dwellings of the Tepes gateways to the ancestral Netherworld – and they were just as human as the Oupires themselves.

Gnomes, like goblins, were said to be the guardians of the underground treasures – which is why the word is today associated with banking, as in the Gnomes of Zurich. The word root is in the Greek equivalent of gno, from which we get gnosis and gnoble (noble). The gnomes were, therefore, once again, of the noble race and were referred to as the Wise Ones. Their job was indeed one of guardianship: they were guardians of the gnosis (the knowledge) and of the sacred bloodline of the Albi gens. It is by way of the noble (or gnomic) distinction that the fairy race in general was referred to as the ’gentry’ – particularly the druidic caste of the Pict-sidhé (the pixies) who were the ultimate custodians of law and culture. Their female counterparts were the Behn-sidhé (the Banshee), which, in old Irish, simply means ’wise women’.

In life, when presented with a seemingly unsurmountable problem, one can either submit to the stress and pressure that it causes or, alternatively, one can mentally diminish the problem. That does not mean that it goes away, but it can appear less harassing and more controllable. Well, that was precisely what the Church did with the Dragon succession: the Ring Lords of the Albi gens – the sacred Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

By way of redefining all the original names: fairies, elves, pixies, gnomes, goblins, sprites or whatever, they diminished the problem by miniaturizing the nominal significance. In so doing, the transcendental race of the Sidhé were portrayed as minute little figures and were moved into the realm of mythology. The fraudulent Donation of Constantine was then brought into play and, henceforth, only the Church could determine who was and was not a king!

If this strategy did not work sufficiently on its own, as was indeed the case in the Renaissance (a period of a more general awareness and enlightenment), then Par t-2 of the plan was brought into operation. This was more specifically targeted at the key members of the Messianic strain – the ultimate Dragon succession of the Albi gens: the dynastic kings and queens of the Sangréal and their senior Oupires. These people were real, and everyone knew that – so they could not be confined to the superficial realm of fantasy. They could, however, be portrayed as if (being of the Dragon blood) they were of a weird, half-human strain, beyond the Christian pale. At best, they were perhaps mermaids and, at worst, they were vampires but, either way, they were the evil shapeshifting emissaries of Satan!
The fact that anyone believed such nonsense is difficult to comprehend in these more level-headed times. However, the myth is still operative and, to some extent, it is still working with a vengeance. It is even working on some whose apparent mission in life is to expose such propagandist dogma, but who (by way if its own cleverly contrived strategy) have actually fallen prey to it. In this regard, at this very moment, there are some well-known, supposedly intelligent folk, who should know better, claiming that the British Royal Family, along with myself and others, are really hideous reptiles from another planet!

One of the most surprising things about the Scythian Ring Lords is that their preserved remains from thousands of years ago (discovered even as far north as Siberia) show their bodies substantially tattooed with ring-tailed lemurs. Lemurs, we are led to believe, are native to (and pretty much restricted to) Madagascar and the Comoros Islands off Mozambique – but here they are, where we are told they never were, in Northern Europe and the Black Sea regions!

It has long been known that there was once a continent, inhabited by a great king-tribe, which was noted for its lemurs. Hence, it has been dubbed ’Lemuria’ – setting a good many enthusiasts searching for its sunken whereabouts beneath the Atlantic, Pacific or Indian Oceans, as if it were the Lost City of Atlantis. Maybe such a concealed territory does exist. However, the fact is that (by whatever name it was once known) the mightiest Lemurian land tract was never lost. It was the great mainland continent which still exists today – stretching across eastern Europe through the one-time USSR.

This was the original realm of the great Ring Lords – tracing back to about 40,000 BC – the homeland of the Oupires of the Pict-sidhé. It was the land of the mighty Warlords of the Dragon before they migrated and battled their way southwards in the ever cooling climate of the last Ice Age. Undoubtedly, the environment was once very warm there, as is proved by the fact that the lemurs travelled about as far south as they could possibly go by land before Madagascar and the Comoros broke away from the southern African mainland.

What did these early God-kings look like? Well, they are now thoroughly identifiable from their preserved remains, which have been excavated at various sites from as far afield as Transylvania and Tibet. With their light-brown to red hair and pale eyes, the leather-clad men stood at least 6ft 6ins and upwards, while even the women were over 6ft tall. Undoubtedly, these forebears of the Gaelic and Celtic High-kings were among the most awesome warriors of all history.

Of particular interest is the fact that the Anunnaki gods were as much a part of the Sidhé culture as they were of the Mesopotamian tradition. It was not for no reason that the settlement of Anu was hundreds of miles north of Sumer on the Caspian Sea. It was not for no reason that the ancient centre of Scythopolis (Sidhé-opolis), which the Syrians called Beth-Shean (the House of Power), was 800 miles away in Galilee.

Indeed, It is now suspected that the Ubaid culture of southern Mesopotamia – the culture which introduced municipal structure from about 5000 BC – was actually the ’Uper-ad’ culture: that of the Scythian Overlords – the Upers (or Oupires). It is also reckoned that the subsequent culture of the region, phonetically called ’Sumerian’ (pronounced Shumerian), was actually Sidhé-murian (Shee-murian). In fact, the case for this is now considerable, since the early Ring Lords of Scythia (the Tuatha Dé Danann king-tribe) were actually called the Sumaire. And in the language of old Ireland – to where many of the caste migrated – the word sumaire meant ’dragon’.

So, why have we not learned about these people in our histories? The answer is straightforward. They were, in practice, the real Elves and Fairies of our heritage, but their story was quashed from the earliest days of Roman suppression and subjugation – as the diminution of their figures caused a parallel diminution of their history.

The fact is, however, that for all we have been told about our cultural identity being from the classical scholarship of Greece, or from the imperial majesty of Rome, these things are entirely untrue. Such establishments appeared very late in the day.

The true sovereign heritage of our culture – the culture from which derived all the so-called myth and legend which sits so comfortably within our race memory (no matter what the Church and academics might say in their attempts to sway us) – comes from one place alone. It comes from a place and time that might just as well be called Middle Earth as by any other name. It comes from the long distant Realm of the Ring Lords.


Reptilian Characteristics and Carl Jung’s Serpent ID-Entities

Almost in every culture there are pictures and tales of reptilians, snakes or dragons, why? That’s what we are trying to find out and here’s again some info about the puzzle:

The following is a list of characteristics regularly manifested by the reptilian possessed or reptilian hybrid (those sharing equal amounts of human and reptilian DNA).

These “people” are not rare, and in fact, humans with very little reptilian DNA are becoming exceedingly rare. (A recent series on the History Channel did a good job of explaining the interbreeding with humans that aliens have done for thousands of years.)

These “people” are also called snake people and the serpent seed.

  1. If questioned they respond to only that which they choose to respond to or not at all. This is very easily recognizable in e-mail communications.

  2. They are expert manipulators. They often leave out crucial information rather than lie outright because then they can come back and appear to be blameless later on.

  3. They are highly sexual, because they are energy vampires and sex is one of the easiest ways to harvest the human energy field.

  4. They are compartmentalized. They do not want the people they know to meet. They split off people and groups so that they can present differently to different people.

  5. They are greed-based. They value money above all things.

  6. They are experts at projecting. Whatever they are, they accuse others of being/doing. i.e. If they are having an affair they will accuse their partner of having an affair. People who are in relationships with reptilians often feel crazy.

  7. They are emotionless, even robotic. Their facial expressions are plastic and often cold.

    They are, however, masters of mimicry so they know what they are supposed to be feeling or what humans feel, so they will make believe they are feeling real emotions, including fake crying.

    They harvest the human energy field by making those around them upset/angry/afraid/sad. They almost appear high in these situations as they get to vicariously feel instead of experiencing only their natural numbed state.

  8. They use mind control to get what they want and to control all situations. People obey them and they are highly magnetic. They are programmed that those who can discern them must be destroyed, hence those who know the truth and are in grave danger.

  9. When they consume meat they exude a foul body odor (this begins to occur as full reptilian possession occurs.)

  10. They are cruel and care about no one but getting their way.

  11. While found in all walks of life, they are most prevalent in positions of power and control:

    • police officers

    • administrators

    • bankers

    • attorneys/judges

    • school administrators and often teachers

    • clergy (where there is hierarchy)

    • politicians

    They are also found wherever children are, as children provide a pure food source (energy) for them and can be used as bait to lure and destroy light being parents.

    Look for fully incorporated demons/reptilians as court-appointed custody evaluators, teachers, coaches, principals, club leaders, church youth group leaders, pastors, etc. these inhabited people are magnetic, charming, and beloved by their unconscious communities.

    Reports of abuse are denied and covered. The recent exposure of the pedophile at Penn State is typical of the millions of occupied individuals who interface with the children all over the planet.

  12. Both men and women are highly misogynistic.

  13. If left unchecked they are pedophiles, as are reptilians within their own species.

  14. They are extremely dangerous. Psychology has attempted to understand this phenomenon by using the labels of narcissism, sociopath and psychopath.

  15. They do not like the sun and prefer cold, dark rooms. They overheat easily and will wear sunglasses indoors and sit in the shade.

  16. They are hierarchical and seek positions within hierarchy where power and control can be increasingly exerted as they are promoted. They are obedient to corrupt authority and are mechanically unquestioning of those above themselves in the hierarchy.

  17. Related to #16 above, they have a “hive mentality”. They cannot function alone. They prefer work settings where they operate in networks such as,

    • government agencies

    • the military

    • legal systems

    They will always outnumber their victims.

  18. They despise True Light Beings and feel intensely superior to humans whom they view only as a food source, breeding vessel and slave force. The hatred they feel is palpable.

  19. When enraged, they will involuntarily shapeshift. This may be experienced as a momentary flash of green skin or scales or claws, often leaving the viewer disbelieving what they saw.  They are duplicitous, and regardless of all attempts to point out their contradictions, they appear unphased.

  20. They know the majority of the population is under mind control and so they will appeal to factions of polarized interests without any concern for their own blatant incongruities.



Jung’s Ring and Serpent ID-Entities

World renowned Swiss born psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung (1875-1961), was one of the finest explorers of the ever mysterious human mind. He was a pioneer in the field of human psychology and an expert in interpreting the symbols that our subconscious brain uses when communicating with our higher, awakened consciousness. So remarkable was Jung’s insight into human psychology that his numerous books were translated in several languages and distributed around the world.

Carl Jung’s work introduced the world to the concepts of synchronicity and the three part psyche (ego, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious). Over the years, his books and articles have shared with us his deep understanding of aspects of human psychology and their relationships with spiritual nature.

According to Jung, the most fundamental symbols that our brain uses to communicate subconscious messages are known as Archetypes. Some of these primordial symbolic images are:

  • the Ego (me, myself and I)
  • the Anima-Animus (gender role playing)
  • the Persona, (the image a person “acts out” or outwardly projects)
  • the invitingly mysterious, yet inherently frightening, Shadow Self or veiled side of our Ego.

What this author finds most interesting about Carl Jung, the ’father of modern psychology,’ is that the serpent was one of the most important symbols that he ever discovered during his personal spiritual journey through life. To Jung, it was a reflection of the Omnipotent and Omnipresent power of “God” that lives within every human. In fact, the serpent was such an important image to him that, despite the social risks of bearing such a maligned and misunderstood symbol, he proudly displayed it on the ring that encircled his finger.

When asked about the ring on his finger during an interview, he said…

” It (the ring) is Egyptian. Here the serpent is carved, which symbolizes Christ. Above it, the face of a woman; below the number 8, which is the symbol of the Infinite, of the Labyrinth, and the Road to the Unconscious. I have changed one or two things on the ring so that the symbol will be Christian. All these symbols are absolutely alive within me, and each one of them creates a reaction within my soul.”
C.G. Jung

from ” Interviews and Encounters,” W. McGuire and R. F. C. Hull p.468

Shamans around the world, by whatever cultural label they are called, have often spoken of how important the image of a serpent is in their worship of God and their visions of the “other side.” Whether stirred from slumber by meditation or dreams, once this primordial living symbol within man is awakened, it can provoke extremely powerful emotional reactions of either paralytic fear or enduring fascination and love.

For many years, anthropologists have been puzzled as to why the serpent image was the most common symbol used by ancient man to represent the image of God. How is it that this wondrous creature came to play such a powerful role in human psychology and spirituality? Why did Carl Jung, Moses, the Freemasons, the Baptists and so many other groups of people throughout history looked upon the image of a serpent and, through handling the image without fear, represented it as a symbol of our our unquestioned love for God and our divine spirituality. Why are dreams of snakes, dragons, lizards or other reptilian animals seem so real and provocative at times?

The answer to these questions may be found in the fact that, according to evolutionary science, reptiles were at the root of a genetic matrix from which all land vertebrate life evolved. Millions of years of biological divergence from the trunk of the vertebrate “Tree of Life” resulted in a world full of back boned animals that, despite their dissimilar outward appearance, share the same parental lineage—an encoded past locked in their DNA. A code which we humans share with other land vertebrate life forms.

Considering the entire history of our human emergence into the animal world is forever recorded (repressed) deep within our genetic code, certain aspects of our ancient animal nature may lay dormant, just under the surface of our expression, ready to be drawn upon by accident or intentional focus.

By embracing the Gnostic (serpent symbolized) Christian faith, Carl Jung himself may have been intuitively drawing upon the very best of his own pre-human inheritance while searching for the source of the human soul. By spending untold thousands of hours studying tradition religions and symbolism, Jung just might have discovered why the Serpent / Dragon image was humanity’s most powerful psychological motivator; the spark that had the potential to illuminate the face of one’s own inner ID-Entity.

The ancient tenet of “Know Thyself,” to “Seek the Kingdom of God within” and even the modern word “Insight” all point those on the spiritual path in the same direction: inwards. By recognizing or re-imagining ourselves as descendants of the ancient reptiles, we might be able to rekindle a relationship between who we are today and the animal we used to be, but have been conditioned to fear, namely the reptiles of the ancient past.

Could Carl Jung have realized through his studies that the ancient Hebrew, Egyptian, Aztec, Hopi and Far Eastern priest-kings (amongst others) either knowingly or unknowingly evolved snake symbolism so as to promote psychological and possibly psychical stimulation? Although we may never know for sure, the symbol of a serpent on Jung’s ring and his own comments as to their meaning in his life quite obviously touched something deep within him and spiritually propelled him along his journey though life.

Carl Jung rejected the traditional (old fashioned) interpretation of the serpent’s role in Christian religion and embraced it as a symbol of the power of Jesus within his soul. Could a man so educated in human psychology and religious symbolism, so respected throughout the world by millions of people, have been secretly entertaining evil in his heart? No, it’s much more than that. Jung found a secret that religious leaders and secret societies have withheld from the ’common man’ for far too long. His peaceful, patient nature, along with his courage to search beyond the borders of entrained perception, provided him a window through which he leaned the benefit and powerful side of our mysterious and provocative reptilian subconscious.

It is interesting to note that, according to the ancient Tibetan Book of the Dead, the darker side of one’s own nature (their “Shadow”) sometimes reveals itself in the serpentine form in the afterlife. It becomes a form of mirror through which a person can encounter the feelings or thoughts they repressed when alive. In other words, the frightening serpentine forms we see in the afterlife, are not symbols of evil, as western tradition has conditioned us to believe, but they are symbol of all that we fear to see in ourselves.

Tibetan priests teach people who are about to die that, unless they act neutral or passive towards these reptilian forms in the afterlife, they will become engaged in conflict with something that can never be ignored or destroyed and they will forever be trapped in that particular stage of the afterlife.

“You will hate them! You will panic! You will faint! Your own visions having become devils, you will wander in the life cycle.”
The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Translation: Robert Thurman, Bantam 1994. p162

If this psychological mirroring is true after death, then it might also apply to our “Dream life.” So, if you or someone you know constantly dreams of dragons, snakes, lizards, or even Reptoids, it might be wise to follow this ancient Tibetan advice. Don’t fear these reptilian images, but rather recognize them, not as foreign or independent life forms, but as reflections of your own Self ID-Entity which must be embraced to reach total spiritual balance.

When our conscious mind shuts down during sleep, our subconscious reptilian ’R-Complex’ brain (which regulates respiration and heart rate) rules the darkness of our dreams. It could be that in some dreams we have, the most powerful, healing and loving archetypal symbol that Jung discovered occasionally stirs to life, emerges from the cave of our subconscious and acts as a stimulant to psychological and spiritual transformation.

There is no greater form of personal transformation than from a physical reality to a non-physical afterlife. In considering this remarkable journey in which we all will embark one day, two things come to this author’s mind:

First, the scientific fact that free energy in a vacuum never travels in a straight line. It always moves forward while oscillating as a waveform. This forward, oscillating motion results in an elongated spiral or vortex of energy. The ancients somehow intuited this knowledge and symbolized it as a serpent moving along the deep waters of space.

Secondly, numerous ancient cultures picture the “Tree of Life” as having serpents entwined around its trunk or at its roots. While the leaves reach out to receive the energy of the sun, the roots receive the nutrition of the soil and water. One cannot exist without the other. In life we often acknowledge the leaves, but ignore the roots of our existence.

So, as Carl Gustav Jung exhaled his final breath, his life energy was released from his physical form and he embarked on an even more fascinating journey than life. He ventured forth, at peace knowing that…

The image of the serpent has been corrupted by the will of man,
yet beyond the scope of his vision, it readies itself at his root,
preparing to return him to the Godhead upon his death.
