Tag Archives: Reptilians

24 Signs that You could be an Original Annunaki Descendant on the Earth Today

1. Annunaki believe that you can truly create something from nothing.

The Annunaki are rumored to be many things. Supposedly they were the charged with a great task. This was the creating and controlling the physical world, literally not symbolically. They were given the tools to create existence from the energies of the great void of nothingness and had the power to manipulate it. This would have begun this great work sometime around 500 thousand years ago, perhaps longer. The true time frames of such matters are not known to anyone, anymore. Perhaps not even to the Annunaki, this period may have been more like a dream to them.

2. Annunaki are gifted in all of the powers to create matter from energy.

Form was made first by creating matter itself, with the basic building blocks of the universal energies. The Annunaki accomplished this by working from materials they gathered from the Abyss. From there they created space. The reason they created space was so that substance could exist, and then matter itself, beginning with atoms and building from there. It is assumed that this work, although complex, happened at a very high rate of time. Almost instantly, as if they said “Let there be light”, to use a Biblical metaphor. This is up to debate, as this is not recorded in history.

3. Annunaki hate all strict time schedules, especially being held to them.

While creating Paradise, the Annunaki kept begging for more time. They wanted more time, so that they could make the world of matter perfect in every way, shape, and form. They were attempting to do this before setting God’s greatest creation, humanity, in it. They were creating the world of the Earth as we know it now. It can be argued that either they do not exist in a world where time is relevant or observable. It can also be argued that God may not have allowed the creation of Paradise or the Earth to continue, the job was to be finished and there was no more time to be had. This was upsetting to the Annunaki in either case.

4. Annunaki have always been portrayed as having stood against Lucifer in mythology.

Most mythology agrees that Lucifer, or a name that refers to an illuminous fire, was the Archangel that orignally oversaw the Annunaki work. After eons of delay, during which they shaped the Earth and all of its forces, fields, and landforms, but they were still demanding more time for the project. After they had not finished before the final timeline God had officially decreed, the Archangel Lucifer finally put his foot down. Many Annunaki never felt Creation was allowed to be perfected, and more than several nursed a grudge toward Lucifer. He held responsible by the Annunaki for his disruption of their work.

5. Annunaki don’t like being referred to or compared to the other angels.

Originally, the Annunaki had only two forms called the Antu and the Kishar. The Kishar created the Earth and everything upon it, save for life. The Kishar believed in what was called the One Law, they believed in one God, one truth, one purpose and did not have patience for anything other. They were the builders and the first that were set to work on the great project of the Earth’s creation. This would be a bone of contention later in the history of the Annunaki. The Kishar were also deeply loyal to the Archangel Lucifer, some had been under his leadership since the beginning of the Annunaki history.

6. Annunaki understanding of gravitation and physics would be beyond gifted.

It was late in the creation process that the Antu came into play. The Antu made movement and travel upon the Kishar’s creation possible. Their work often took them away from the other Elohim, leaving them somewhat separate and having time to develop different beliefs from their angelic brethren. The Antu came to believe in what was called the Strict Observance. This was an idea that they came up with, but it basically caused them to return to the belief that there were many Gods, goddesses, energies and influences on the universal powers. They also came to believe that God may not have been the original creator of the universe. This belief was greatly at odds with the Kishar and the One Law.

7. Annunaki are overly self conscious especially about their bodies.

When it came time to make humanity, the Annunaki were responsible for the creation of the body itself. They were very proud of their creation, they synthesis of material energies into DNA, the construction of the skeletal system, mapping out blood vessels and nerves, and placing the organs. They even created unused pathways within the Brain that could be altered or mutated later, as the human species grew within its Earthly evolution. When they were finished, even they found no fault with what resulted and proudly presented their creation to the Creator God.

8. Annunaki are capable of love, but it does not always serve them well.

Originally the Annunaki had no intentions of try to inhabit, influence and they did not even intend on having any control over the world we live in. They fell in love with their own perfect production of the human being. This was futile, the Annunaki proudly presented their creation with love, only to have that love shattered when the Creator God told them they could never reveal themselves to their most accomplished creation. That humanity was to remain ignorant of the first creation of the Universe, the Annunaki, the original Abyss and many other things. This was the day that many Annunaki came to believe, what many of them had long suspected, that the Creator God may not be the true Creator.

9. Annunaki are opinionated, but do not debate what they think or know is true.

The resentment that many Annunaki always felt towards the Creator and their suspicions that he or it, was actually a Demiurge. Word of these suspcions slowly leaked itself, these rumors spread through the Angelic heirarchies and the other Elohim began to bubble over with controversy. Then one of the Elohim named Ahrimal had an apocalyptic vision of the Earth, it fortold the Fall of humanity from God’s grace and a great war in the heavens. When the Annunaki heard of Ahrimal’s vision, they were concerned, but still felt that taking sides over the creation was not worthy of debate. For most Annunaki already knew where they stood and what their opinions had always been.

10. Annunaki took the side of humanity in mythology.

The Archangelic powers and the Elohim called upon all of their bretheren for what was called the Great Debate. The Archangelic powers had come to quarrel over wheather God was the source of all power, or wheather the Archangels derrived their power from that source. Thus was God the original Creator or not. When the Annunaki refused to join the Great Debate, they kept true to their belief in pure neutrality and thus were left keeping their grief and arguments to themselves. Both the Antu and the Kishar were in agreement with each other on this. In the end, over half of the Annunaki left Heaven to take up sides with humanity.

11. Annunaki are very earthy, having a love of precious gems and metals.

The Fall of humanity was either true, or was the result of the angels acting on Ahrimal’s vision. Either way the Annunaki had seen this before. They remembered the Fall of the first Earth, during the war between the Atlantean and Lemurian root races. The Annunaki were the fifth house of angels, and the only group to present themselves at the Fall ofhumanity. They came to the human species presenting precious metals and jewels before Adam and Eve, or the original tribes of humankind. These may have been fragments left over from the great weapon that had caused the Fall of Atlantis, and the destruction of the first Earth.

12. Annunaki made one very big mistake in judging humanity.

Humankind was as divided and caught up in the propoganda of the Fall as anyone. The curse that came soon after would be for humans use the tools that the Annunaki had created. Humanity sought to use these tools for their own was. This sparked rebellion within the Annunaki, who agreed that their tools could be used as a means of destruction, rather than creation, as they sought to control and master Creation; with this, the rebellious Annunaki became known as the Malefactors. Although different intentions and purposes prevailed, the Malefactors and the remaining true Annunaki continued to work together to ensure the survivial of the human species.

13. Annunaki are naturally creative, and love creating useful new tools.

It became clear to the Annunaki, that they needed help of humans if they were to survive, as well. They needed us, much more than humanity needed them. After the Fall of humankind, the Malefactors were determined to help humans survive. They offered to create tools and shelter for Adam and Eve, but they were determined to create things themselves. By now the various Archangelic powers had finished their Great Debate, and no resolution was come to or agreement. The Archangel Lucifer had drawn the line in the sand, having decided that since the angels themselves were going to argue forever, he would take up sides with the Annunaki to defend the human species. Many of the other angelic powers left as allies with Lucifer.

14. Annunaki are natural inventors and teachers in many disciplines.

The teaching of the Annunaki would be one of the many things that left their mark on humanity. While constructing a house of stones, Adam had difficulty in moving one large rock, and so one of the Malefactors created the lever to help him. In teaching mankind how to create and use tools, new orders within the Annunaki evolved. After the Fall, and long after the War that was about to begin between Heaven and Earth, there would come a great flood. During this period after the flood the it would be the Annunaki who had originally taught man how to domesticate animals, do agriculture, mathematics, writing, engineering, metallurgy, calendars, astrology, science, and many other arts. But this would not be for an epoch and humanity would be blissfully unaware that these ideas were genetically encoded within their bloodline DNA, thanks to the Annunaki and the Malefactors.

15. Annunaki in war are likely to be consciencious objectors.

The heavenly powers cursed the angels that sided with Lucifer, calling them the Fallen or the Nephilim. When the armies of Michael began to fall upon the fallen, Lucifer organized the Legions so the fallen and their allies could defend themselves, they used their knowledge to forge weapondry and prepare what was called the Iron Legion. Many Annunaki joined with the Iron Legion, building what the fallen and humanity would need to survive and prepare for the War against the Demiurge and the forces of Heaven, but over half the Annunaki refused to join the war itself. The Iron Legion annointed themselves in the holy enemy war rituals, they had become unified in the belief that the Creator God had not been the Creator, and was a false God. “The Demiurge must now Fall” was the only command ever given by Lucifer.

16. Annunaki are responsible for creating most weapons of modern war.

The other half of the Annunaki began working on new inventions that would give humanity an even bigger advantage, including demonic relics that could be used to protect humans. It was not with total agreement that the Annunaki and the Malefactors began sharing the secrets of transmutation, transmigration and the all essential art of Alchemical transformations. It is not recorded historically, but many suspect that the Annunaki also made the realization that during the creation of matter and the Earth, they had developed an usually powerful untested weapon. It was this power of harnessing the nuclear atomic energies that would provide the ultimate weapon in the Earthly third dimension. It was never decided amonst the Annunaki if they should have shared such secrets of weapondry construction with the humankind.

17. Annunaki are unsure how to react to many human emotions.

Somethings were beyond the human scope of understanding, at least at this point in their evolution. In fact, the more complex tools they gave humans, while marvels, could not actually be used by mortals as they did not have the Faith that the Malefactors had. This was the case with the idea for a nuclear weapon, modern man now knows that this Faith is called the Observer Effect in quantum mechanics. Many Annunaki tried to demonstrate and work the tools for them, but many humans became resentful and frightened and began to turn from them to do things on their own. The humans that were on the side of the Iron Legion, now turned their attentions against all of the Archangelic powers, the Annunaki and even both sides of the great War. Humans declared they would fight only for the side of humans.

18. Annunaki take things very personally and take rejection very hard.

The Annunaki were greatly hurt by this second rejection, and many began to despair that they could never be with humans on their terms. It was equally hurtful, when most of the human species declared war against their proud creators. The choice and opportunity is always before humanity for us to remember more of who they are. Even as the humans rebelled against the Anunnaki so long a time ago, although deeply saddened they also had never been more proud of the creation. Seeing the human species step up and take a hold of their evolution, maybe the reason why most of the Anunnaki left. What does this say about the human species and the Annunaki? Many have pondered this question, but it is something that cannot clearly be known for sure.

19. Annunaki are morally neutral, believing in sprituality and science.

When the great War first began, Lucifer and the Iron Legion swore to defend and never kill any member of the human species. When humans went to war against the Archangelic powers, the humans that wanted to remain neutral were considered traitors to the human species. The leader of the consciencious objectors that followed the Annunaki model of pacifism was killed by his own brother. This is the story of Cain and Able, or Enki and Elil in modern Annunaki tales and mythology. When the first murder occurred, the many of Annunaki were among the first to turn from Lucifer decree and peaceful ways. They wanted to remake Creation on their terms, and began to use their abilities, relics, and tools to harm fallen and human alike. This is where the peaceful story of the Annunaki ends in most histories.

20. Annunaki are natural healers and often this power was misused.

They experimented on the bodies and souls humans, trying to further perfect what was once their perfect creation; these Annunaki were the first to use souls to power relics. The more peaceful Malefactors continued to teach and protect humans, as well as help Lucifer in his campaign to round up the errant Legions. The Malefactors helped in all ways that they could and healed many humans back from death during the War to use for experimentaion. This gained many human allies as the Malefactors prepared and began the kingship of Earth. Modern theories say that all of european royalty, american presidents descend from these aliens, this maybe a bit extreme but is what the histories point to. It is also rumored that throught these earliest alliances, the Annunaki and Malefactors gained power, wealth and status, in modern times they started the industries of insurance, banking, governments, police, the justice system and the media to maintain supreme control. Again, there is almost nothing to backup such claims.

21. Annunaki believe in perfection, and actively seek it in everything.

The Malefactors took up arms with humanity, sharing in the spoils of war, but not fight against the remaining Iron Legion. Regrouped, the Annunaki began to create tools that could be used by the hybrids and mortals, as well as teach them how to shape and create tools of their own. Humans began to show their true potential. The Annunaki decendants and their bloodline mingled with humans creating powerful hybrids that became the creators of the pyramids, stonehenge, mermaids, Goliath, the Illuminati, Merovingians, great emperors of Asia, the Nagas of india, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl and the Mayan calendar, olympiads of Greece, noah and his descendants, Melchizedeks, Thoth, the Pendragons, the Tuatha de Danaan, Argartha, Shamballa, Pacal Votan, Jesus of Galilee, Vlad the Impaler, the Egyptian Pharohs and Julius Ceasar. Many natives from the americas and africa speak of the ancestors as dragon or serpent people who came from the sky. All of these may be partial bloodline decendants, just to name a few of the supposed lineage survivors of the Annunaki.

22. Annunaki are easily corrupted by the quest for power.

One of the Annunaki leaders named Cepta, became convinced that if mortals and fallen mated, their children would be the perfect creatures they had sought to create in the first place. The artifact that she eventually created allowed the fallen to take on fleshy forms and parent children, but perfection was not the result. The genetic alterations, modification and cross hybrid technologies was not capable of what the Annunaki sorceress believed. But it did alter humans in another way, it made our genetics into a stable and viable food source, through the mingling of the bloodlines. This is what many scholars believe the Annunaki came to sustain themselves on after the flood, that they are now psychic parasites who use us as food. Or at least the few Annunaki that chose to remain on Earth and survived, this is a matter of some debate.

23. Annunaki are deeply aware of the world and its darkest problems.

Instead, the product of these unholy couplings were the what the Bible refers to as the Nephilim. It was the nephilim who caused the downfall of humanity, and the Annunaki realized they had made their most bitter mistake in a misguided attempt to once again attain humanity’s love. This is a karmic burden that has not finished playing out itself on the Earth. Humanity is currently a combination of our past and present, creating our future selves. The dark resonance of history repeating itself was one of greatest concerns the Annunaki had, but there was no time to do anything about such matters. Because the great flood that is written of all throughout human history, was about the cast its waters across the Earth. All of the Annunaki had to decide what their fate would be, to try to survive the flood or choose to cease to exist.

24. Annunaki believe in the Law of One.

The Strict Observance was over, although the Annunaki would never believe in the one God as the Creator, it was the false God or the Demiurge that had won the War. This even caused the Annunaki to unite their entire tribe in belief, faith and history, the Annunaki united under the One Law. All that is exists and should not be changed, and cannot be changed. In the end, there was not much left for the Annunaki but to sadly end their existences or surrender to the Host of Heaven. They watched, together, as Heaven destroyed their great creations before marching into the Abyss when they could bear no more. The Annunaki in their second Earth incarnation and the first incarnation of humanity, they fell under the waters of the flood.


The Secret Mars Colony

I have been rather busy with another projects, but I will try to do more postings when these projects end. But here’s a nice article about Nazis and their Antarctica and Mars Colonies:

William Tompkins reveals an astonishing secret acquired by U.S. Navy spies embedded within Nazi Germany’s advanced technology projects during the World War II – the Nazi war effort was being assisted by extraterrestrial visitors.

The spies had reported to a covert Naval Intelligence operation, located at Naval Air Station San Diego, that Adolf Hitler had signed a secret agreement with representatives of a Reptilian extraterrestrial race.

In today’s newly released ExoNews TV interview, Tompkins reveals how “Reptilian consultants” were helping the Nazi SS develop advanced weapons technologies

In the interview, Tompkins discusses the Reptilian consultants helping the Nazis:

They had, if you want to call them, “consultants”, who are Reptilian consultants assisting on all of these different things that it takes to design and build these spacecraft carriers, and propulsion systems. So this is an extremely well developed program and documented like crazy. Getting copies of the documents was hard for them, hard for our spies. This was an open program in the upper level of the SS Link.

The spies learned that the goal of the Reptilian plan was not only to assist the Nazis to win the war and achieve planetary conquest, but to build fleets of antigravity spacecraft carriers that could be used for interplanetary conquest in other star systems:

Holy cats the thing went way beyond that (world conquest). Again, what we just said about this was the tip of the iceberg of what they were doing. Already Reptilians were doing it to other stars’ planets all over this area of the Galaxy…. These young kids, the operatives, they couldn’t believe half of what they brought back, what was going on. But some of them were really good people, and they knew how to get into places and listen to what’s going on, and finding what that guy he had talked to, or he heard, and going to so and so, because yes they were doing that over there.

Tompkins information is startling, but it is not the first time claims have been made about Nazi Germany receiving extraterrestrial help during the War. The father of German rocket science, Herman Oberth, said the following in response to a question about Nazi Germany’s rapid technological development:

We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped.” When asked by whom, he replied, “the peoples of other worlds.

In a 1998 interview with Linda Moulton Howe, a former CIA agent, who from 1957 to 1960 was given access to highly classified briefing files, said that the documents revealed that the Nazis had indeed been helped by an extraterrestrial race in their advanced aeronautical weapons projects:

When Vril was building that first craft, the Vril had one or two of the aliens that worked with them in Germany where they fired rockets from Peenemunde. The documents I read in Washington said that’s where the first Vril vehicle was made…. They (aliens) were helpers to Germany.

More recently, Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode says that from 1987 to 2007, he read intelligence briefings on smart-glass pads that detailed what had happed during World War II.

He describes how German Secret Societies were helped before and throughout World War II by Draconian extraterrestrials who were assisting the former in the development of advanced antigravity space battle fleets.

At the same time these (German Secret) Societies had made contact with the Draco Federation and another group that avoided the Draco’s. The German Occultists were very busy from the early 1900s, especially the time just before, during and after World War One. Their major breakthrough’s occurred in the late 1930s.

Goode said that the ultimate goal of the Reptilians, in helping German Secret Societies and the Nazi SS, was to create advanced space carrier groups that would be capable of interplanetary conquest. The eventual German/Nazi space battle groups became what Goode described as the “Dark Fleet.” It operates outside of our solar system, and is described at length in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances.

Consequently, the whistleblower testimonies by the CIA Agent and Corey Goode support Tompkins’ claims that intelligence briefing files dating from World War II did indeed refer to Nazi Germany being assisted by extraterrestrials. Significantly, the ultimate goal of the German Reptilian alliance went far beyond planetary conquest, as Tompkins claimed the U.S. Navy had learned from its spies.

In addition to the preceding whistleblower testimony, there are important documents that support Tompkins extraordinary claims. In his autobiography, Selected by Extraterrestrials, Tompkins supplied a number of significant documents.

The two most pertinent to his specific claims that Navy spies were reporting on advanced Nazi aerospace projects, are Tompkins’ mission orders and two passes he received to enter and leave Naval Air Station with multiple “information” packages.

His mission orders confirm that he was authorized to work as a “Disseminator of Aircraft Research and Information.” This is compelling documentary evidence that the packages Tompkins was carrying contained classified Naval intelligence on advanced aircraft designs, which included those developed in Nazi Germany.

In last week’s ExoNews TV interview, Tompkins revealed how he participated in the debriefings of Navy spies, who returned periodically from Germany to give updates on what they were seeing in advanced technology projects. Tompkins job was to then design briefing packets that he would disseminate to leading U.S. corporations, think tanks and universities that could properly study and evaluate the information.

Over the four years of his covert Naval Intelligence service (1942-1946) Tompkins estimates giving 1200 briefings at different locations, where he revealed Nazi secrets to those U.S. scientists most capable of understanding what the Germans were secretly developing.

This interview is likely to be deeply disturbing to those believing the question of extraterrestrial life is still largely a speculative question, arising from thousands of sightings of UFOs. Tompkins information sheds considerable light on probably the most closely guarded secret in the entire history of the U.S. Intelligence Community.

Nazi Germany had been secretly helped by a race of Reptilian extraterrestrials prior to, during and after the Second World War!

The U.S. Navy was to subsequently play the lead role in developing a strategic response to this threatening alien alliance, which would continue long after official military hostilities had ceased in Europe.

Podesta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, and Clinton campaign chair said the 42nd president once “asked for some information about some of these things, and in particular, some information about what was going on at Area 51.”

Asked if there is evidence of alien life, Podesta said, “That’s for the public to judge once they’ve seen all the evidence that the U.S. government has.”

When it came to his own beliefs about beings from outer space, Podesta said, “There are a lot of planets out there.”

And he made clear: “The American people can handle the truth on UFOs.”

The U.S. government could do a much better job in answering the quite legitimate questions that people have about what’s going on with unidentified aerial phenomena,” Podesta said.

Podesta has made his interest in the possibility of alien life and conspiratorial leanings toward Area 51 well known. During his time serving in the Obama administration, Podesta tweeted, “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files.


William Tompkins reveals an astonishing secret acquired by U.S. Navy spies embedded within Nazi Germany’s advanced technology projects during the World War II – the Nazi war effort was being assisted by extraterrestrial visitors. (video below)

>> The Secret Mars Colony (Video)


THEY LIVE (1988)

One of my favorite movies and you must remember what lead role actor Roddy Piper said, “It’s a documentary”. I think that elite killed him, because of this.

THEY LIVE (1988)

Remember the movie They Live? It’s the 1988 John Carpenter film about a group of elite aliens that control human beings on Earth through a TV signal that keeps people subdued with messages to obey government, consume and stay asleep like good little sheeple.

A drifter realizes what’s up by looking through the Hoffman sunglasses and seeing the true from of these alien controllers and their brainwashing campaign for what it really is. Tagline: “They live, we sleep.”

For 1988, the movie even had flying taser drones. So basically it’s a lot like America today (except the lizard alien part, which is debatable depending on who you ask).

Wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper played the drifter in that film, and recently he announced on his Twitter account that They Live actually wasn’t a work of fiction, but a documentary.

Directly preceding this announcement was a flurry of pro-Second Amendment tweets in direct reference to a key line in the film where the drifter walks into a bank wearing those sunglasses and says, “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubble gum.”

Those of us who consider ourselves ‘awake’ to America’s descent into a total police state dictatorship understand these references all too well. Sadly, it can be tough to watch They Live and not flinch at the fact that, on many levels, it hits very close to home (sort of the way a charming reality TV show would).

In fact, this video shows the movie may hit a little too close to home:

>> Video


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20 Accounts of Alien Abduction

All of us have heard about abductions. Here is a collection of 20 of them:

20 Accounts of Alien Abduction

>> Video

Alien Contactee / Abductee #1: Billy Meier

Billy Meier (Eduard Albert “Billy” Meier) of Switzerland is perhaps the most famous of all alien contactees. He claims to have been in contact with “extraterrestrial humans” since he was 5 – and still has an ongoing relationship with these ETs whom he calls “The Plejarans” (since they said they were from the Pleiades star system). Specifically, Meier talks of his relationship with a female ET named Semjase, who imparted many wise words of wisdom to him, including important information about the current state of our world and the future of the human race.

The most incredible aspects of Meier’s case are over 1000 clear daytime pictures of UFOs/ET craft (as well as live video) – the vehicles used by the Plejarans. This was done in the 1970s – well before the advent of modern computers and software programs like Photoshop. It would have been very difficult (or even impossible) to fake these photos.

Alien Contactee / Abductee #2: Alex Collier

Alex Collier is an alien contactee, well-known for his interactions with a highly evolved ET species from the Andromeda Galaxy – hence called the Andromedans. Collier claims to have been taken under the wing and mentored by 2 Andromedans, Vissaeus and Morenae. Collier remains a widely beloved and respected figure for the astounding array of information he has brought forth from his Andromedan relationship.

Way back in this interview in 1994, Collier was talking of the phenomenon of missing children, the coming New World Order, the control of world politicians by dark forces, the existence of Reptilian ETs and much more. Since then, he has brought forth information about the Moon, Mars, the holographic nature of reality (he reveals how the Andromedans operate their entire society with holographic technology), the variety of ET races currently on Earth and the possibility of humanity maturing and becoming mentored by advanced ETs. Collier once revealed one of the most spiritually profound things ever told to him (by Vissaeus): “The love you withhold is the pain you feel.”

Alien Contactee / Abductee #3: Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes, a modern alien contactee, lives in England, where as also serves in local government as a councillor. Parkes claims to have had relationships with several ET species – Greys, Reptilians and Mantids. He is closest to the Mantids, having actually started a family with one.

Parkes has stated his belief in the idea of the soul net / trick of the white light, where at death, our souls face the choice of whether to go towards the white light. Parkes believes mankind’s psychological schism occurred when we found out that the reptilian “gods” (the Annunaki, perhaps Enlil and Enki) were not our real creators, but rather just posing as them. He believes every experiencer (alien contactee) has an agreement with the ETs taking them, but are often not permitted to remember.

He also states that the main alien agenda is to repopulate the Earth with hybrids, and that the Mantid ETs are cooperating with the Reptilian ETs to achieve this – but that the Mantids are ultimately subservient to the Reptilians. Additionally, Parkes claims that for their abductions, hostile ETs target races which have not traditionally married outside their own race much, meaning their genetics are more “pure” and closer to the original human. He also claims that, according to the Mantids, certain Reptilian overlords had contact with Hitler before he came to power. Like Collier, Parkes is full of incredible information, and like Collier, much of it is hard to prove one way or another.

Alien Contactee / Abductee #4: Whitley Strieber

Whitley Strieber is a famous alien contactee or abductee with books and his own radio show. Strieber has for decades warned the public that there is overwhelming evidence of a disturbing alien agenda which already well under way – that of building a hybrid human-alien race. Strieber points out that in many abductee testimonies, men’s sperm and women’s eggs being forcibly extracted; women are being unknowingly implanted with babies; and abductees are being given alien implants under their skin. Why? Strieber proposes that the hostile ETs doing this cannot physically experience Earth in their own bodies, so they appear to be trying to experience it through others.

Alien Contactee / Abductee #5: Jim Sparks

Jim Sparks claims to have a long-term relationship with intelligent ETs who call themselves The Keepers. These phenomenal beings have conquered death and live for thousands of years retaining their youthfulness and vigor. According to The Keepers, this isn’t the first time humans have gotten to this critical point (in our history) and have self destructed, but there is a good chance we can evolve this time and avoid self-destruction. Sparks outlines the exact steps advised by The Keepers of how humanity can save the Earth, save itself as a species and join the galactic neighborhood.

Alien Contactee / Abductee #6: Alec Newald

Alec Newald of New Zealand wrote the book Co-evolution about his contact / adbuctee experience, where he claims he was taken to a UFO or ET craft for 10 days. Soon after his return, Newald was covertly harassed by government scientists who apparently didn’t want him to go public about the fact he had had a friendly ET interaction.

Newald reveals how these very human-like ETs were technologically advanced; they had biological technology to raise their vibration to make it less dense (so that they could become capable of space travel); they could splice animal and plant genes to grow anything; they grew “houses” which were alive and obeyed their thoughts; and they communicated via frequencies, especially color vibrations. Their UFO craft was biological and an animal/plant mix; they were part of the vehicle and would operate it with their consciousness. These ETs didn’t eat anything, but rather only drank a cosmic solution, akin to something like monatomic gold. They were trying to gather DNA from current life on Earth so they could re-integrate themselves (a common alien agenda) and they needed a bio-suit to survive, especially in space.

Alien Contactee / Abductee #7: Clifford Stone

Retired Sergeant Clifford Stone is somewhat of an ET interpreter. A Vietnam veteran, Stone had a personal relationship with a green ET called Korona and has numerous alien tales, many involving his time in Vietnam where he went on UFO crash recovery missions. He has even helped an alien escape from military custody! Stone cares for the rights of ET visitors to our planet and speaks of the need for empathy for each other if we want to evolve into the galactic community. Importantly, Stone claims he has seen documents proving that there are at least 57 alien species already interacting with humanity and on the Earth right now.

Alien Contactee / Abductee #8: Charles Hall

Charles Hall worked in the USAF (US Air Force) and became familiar with Areas 53 and 54 (known as “Dreamland”) and the Dogbone Lake field where the ETs land their craft. He actually lived with ETs! He describes the race he met as tall and thin, with large eyes and transparent hair, and with the ability to dress and look like humans. Hence, he refers to them as the Tall White ETs or Tall Whites, and claims they have developed the semi-magical ability to grow again once they get old!

Alien Contactee / Abductee #9: Ernie Sears

Ernie Sears is, in many ways, an ordinary man who has had many extraordinary experiences throughout his whole life. A great storyteller, he has talked about his numerous paranormal encounters, from OBEs (Out of Body Experiences) to NDEs (Near Death Experiences) to ET abduction. He literally flew as a young boy, became an energy-healer (due to his ability to see otherworldly spirits), met alien-human hybrids and was inside a UFO several times. His stories have a deep ring of validity to them, and are told in a no-nonsense down-to-earth manner.

Alien Contactee / Abductee #10: James Gilliland

James Gilliland is a wise, down-to-earth alien contactee who has an ongoing relationship with many spirits from other dimensions – and teaches others how they can have the same. He has a property in Washington state that has an astonishingly high amount of UFO activity; every night the sky above his ranch is scattered with lights, and orbs often descend down to mingle with joyous people celebrating on the fields. As Gilliland says, “ETs are here – get over it!”

Aliens Are Here – Get Over It!

Induction by R. AyanaGiven the amount of evidence not only for the existence of extraterrestrials or aliens, but also that they are already interacting with humanity, it’s high time we stopped debating if they existed and whether they will visit us, and rather turned our attention to questions such as:

– How do we want to present ourselves as a race to ET visitors?

– Are we emotionally, mentally and spiritually prepared to interact with aliens?

– What are we doing to analyze and discern the various alien agendas and motivations of these ET visitors?

– What are we doing to protect ourselves from hostile ETs?

There are many areas that are crying out for attention, and it’s time to confront the truth.

Alien abductee and contactee cases are far more common than the average person believes. This is the 2nd part of the 2 part series on alien abductees and contactees (click here for part 1). The list continues on – although with these 10 individuals, there are more alien abductee cases than contactee cases, showing a darker side to the whole phenomenon. Some of the alien abductees’ accounts are truly scary and horrifying. There are many alien agendas that exist simultaneously, and it’s not all love and light:

Alien Abductee / Contactee #11: Bonnie Meyer

Bonnie Meyer claims to have come into contact with a race of advanced ETs (Extraterrestrials) who have a humanoid, duck-like appearance. According to Meyer, these ETs were loving and compassionate, and followed the ideal of non-interference (a theme which crops up in alien research, and was made famous by the science-ficton series Star Trek, which promulgated the “Prime Directive” of never interfering in the development and evolution of another race).

These beings warned Bonnie about the entrenched unholy alliance between the US Government and the Greys, as well as the existence of weather manipulation programs. They also firmly stated that they were here to help – not save – humanity.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #12: Niara Isley

Niara Isley exposes how, while serving in the USAF, she was forced at gunpoint to “forget” all the UFOs she saw near the Tonopah base in Nevada. She testifies to the reality of out-of-body travel, Reptilians, free-energy devices and humanity’s psychic abilities, and how the coming ET disclosure and raising of human consciousness will allow us to regain these powers and reactivate our full DNA. Although Isley is a self-admitted MILAB (military abductee), it is fair to also think of her as an alien abductee, since there were Reptilian ETs involved.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #13: Nadira Duran

Nadira Duran is another fascinating case of an alien abductee who learnt a lot about the alien agenda through her abduction experiences. Duran claims to have actually met a female Grey ET. This Grey revealed she was wearing a mask and uniform, because the Greys are fragile, and in an Earth-type environment, human germs/bacteria would kill them. To her surprise and shock, Duran discovered her gall bladder was missing – without a visible scar – and recalled it was removed by advanced ET technician!

Duran came to believe that time travel was intimately connected to the alien agenda, and that the Greys are future humans going back in time to prevent an undesirable outcome. She states that if humanity keeps on current path, we will end up in fragile bodies, emotionally deficient, unable to reproduce, with short lifespans – the exact reasons why the Greys went back in time.

Interestingly, this theme of the desensitization of humanity – of humans breeding out emotion and becoming purely logical, rational and passionless – is definitely a part of the NWO (New World Order), because the dark forces guiding this are themselves emotionless. Duran’s story has a deep ring of validity to it. Food for thought.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #14: Susan Reed

Susan Reed went public in her book The Body Snatchers to expose her traumatic relationship with a reptilian consciousness (who had overtaken a human host), who seduced and began a relationship with her. Through this she learnt much about how Reptilian ETs think and behave, and what they want. This is highly significant if you want to understand what is happening on Earth now, and in which direction we are being pushed, since many sources indicate the Reptilians are at the top of the extraterrestrial hierarchy and are the overlords of the New World Order.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #15: Maarit

Maarit is the pseudonym of an anonymous, brave Scandinavian woman who is a MILAB (military abductee) and an alien abductee. Her story is an eye-opener for anyone, especially those foolishly believing that only benevolent ETs exist. Maarit explains how hostile ETs (such as Draconian Reptilian ETs [from the star system of Draco]) not only exist, but have been actively carrying out mind control operations, abductions, mutilations and other forms of control against humanity. She reveals how she is herself genetically modified, and how these aliens use soul recycling and cloning technology to keep mankind in submission.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #16: Kim Carlsberg

Kim Carlsberg has provided us with a fascinating glimpse into the world of ET contact. She was abducted by aliens and put in a program for many years where she was part of a genetic experiment the aliens were conducting on the human race. She discovered other abductees’ experiences and published a book called The Art of Close Encounters, which contains 150 illustrations along with each person’s intimate story about their encounter. Like many other alien abductees, she alludes to the ongoing alien-human hybrid programs.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #17: Frank Stranges

Have you ever wondered why aliens don’t just land on the White House lawn, if they are real? Well guess what? According to Dr. Frank Stranges, they already have. Stranges claims that in 1959 a humanoid alien from Venus called “Valiant Thor” visited Washington DC and met US President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon. Stranges met Thor and got to know him.

He claims Thor stayed at the Pentagon for 3 years, offering to help humanity become free of poverty and disease, but his offers were rejected by Eisenhower, Nixon and other top US officials, who allegedly said the reason for their refusal was that “it would hurt the American economy”! They also refused to tell the public about Thor’s existence, because they said it would cause too much chaos. This fits in with what we know of the massive amount of secrecy around the ET/UFO/Alien issue ever since the Roswell crash of 1947 and the rise of the military-industrial-intellignece complex after WW2.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #18: Stan Romanek

Stan Romanek claims to have had incredible ET encounters and even had alien visitations in broad daylight. He even managed to catch an ET, and other inexplicable balls of light, on video. Like other alien abductees, what Romanek has experienced changed his life, and helped him realize how important and powerful the human race is. Fascinatingly, top physicists validated certain mathematical equations

Romanek came up with during his hypnotic regression in July 2002, after his first abduction experience. As a side note, Romanek has been affected by this learning disability all of his life and his math competency was estimated to be at a 4th grade level. Romanek’s equations were no only real but extremely advanced, and it seems clear that he had no way of knowing about or fabricating them. Romanek’s overall message is that humanity has forgotten who it is – but we are on the road to recovering that knowledge.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #19: Thomas Reed

Thomas Reed has an incredible story of multi-generational alien abduction which spans 50 years and 5 states! Reed first discovered he was an alien abductee when he was 6 years old. He reveals how he and his entire family were the subject of various visitations over the decades, some scary, some neutral, some enlightening. It has changed his life forever. To this day Reed still continues his search for the reason why all this has happened to him and his family.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #20: Bridget Nielsen

Even among alien abductees, Bridget Nielsen’s story is extremely remarkable. Nielsen claims she has not only been taken aboard ET craft, but has actually mothered numerous children with ET fathers – in other words, she claims she has created alien-human hybrids. She claims that Greys are humanity’s genetic ancestors, and states that the Greys are borrowing/taking (depending on how you look at it) human genes, like breeding a racehorse, to find certain gene sequences that have special energetic frequencies which they need to construct people.

According to Nielsen, the Greys are taking DNA from 8 species: Arcturian, Orion, Pleidian, Sirian, Obsilo, Annunaki, Zeta Reticulan and Homo Sapiens. Nielsen further says the Greys are also taking energetic (not genetic) imprints. Nielsen talks about her relationship with self-admitted Grey ET “Bashar”, channeled by Darryl Anka. Bashar has joked about “abduction dating services” where people are meeting and procreating aboard alien ships. According to Nielsen who quotes Bashar, around 47% of humans are involved in ET abduction programs!

How Much Validity is There to These Cases and Accounts?

Ultimately, you have to decide how much you believe in what these 20 people are claiming. Whether you believe every little detail and word or not, there are undeniably valid themes in the cases of these 20 alien contactees / abductees, comprised of unconnected individuals of both genders, many countries, many personality types and all ages. When different, unconnected people tell stories which contain the same basic themes, over and over again, it is a sign there is a real validity to it, regardless of whether every small point can be proved to the satisfaction of the rational mind. Truth is greater than reason and logic.

Conclusion: Alien Contact and Abduction is a Very Real Phenomenon

The above 20 cases are not isolated. There are tens of thousands of documented cases of alien contact and abduction, and in reality probably many more we don’t know about, since some people either don’t recall the incident (self-imposed memory suppression as a psychological defense mechanism to protect against trauma, or externally imposed memory wipes/mind control), or are too afraid to go public with it for fear of ridicule, ostracism or other reasons. MILABs or military abductees can not account for all the abductee cases (as some like Dr. Steven Greer suggest)! There are simply too many variables in play here.

What About “Contact”?

So where does all this leave us? Well, for starters, contact has already happened. ET is not coming; he’s here. However mass contact has not yet occurred. When considering the reasons for this, Marshall Vian Summers does a good job summing it up:

Approaching the Essence by R. Ayana“The unpopular truth is that the human family is not ready for a direct experience of Contact and certainly not ready for an intervention. We first must put our own house in order. We do not yet have the species maturity to engage with other races in the Greater Community from a position of unity, strength and discernment. And until we can reach such a position, if ever we can, then no race should attempt to directly intervene in our world. The Allies are providing us much needed wisdom and perspective, yet they are not intervening. They tell us that our fate is and should be in our own hands. Such is the burden of freedom in the Universe.

Regardless of our lack of readiness, however, Intervention is occurring.”

The extraterrestrial issue is not just some side issue. It is hard to imagine a topic of greater importance to humanity. Also, for those interested in knowing the truth of who is running the world and how they are doing, the extraterrestrial issue is vital, because when you follow the trail to the very apex of the New World Order pyramid, you discover that it is non-human entities who are really running the show.

It’s time to stop ignoring this crucial issue. Even if we do a great job exposing political corruption, GMOs, geoengineering, secret societies and Satanism, we can’t hope to uncover the full truth while denying the existence of ETs, UFOs and the various alien agendas converging on this planet at this time.


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Donald Marshall: Vril lizard agenda

This is very important info!!! Donald Marshall’s story binds everything together and tells the Truth. Just look around you and all the ancient cultures. Please read and share:

>> http://www.donaldmarshallrevolution.com/

Donald Marshall: Vril lizard agenda

Marshall claims that there is a secret that has been kept by members of the Illuminati for more than 70 years, a secret of such great importance, as to effect the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the planet. Marshall states that his mission in life is to share this secret with the world, so that all can know the truth and plan for the future.

In order to fully understand this secret, it will be necessary to return to the events of Postwar Germany, following the end of World War I, where, in 1923, Hitler was named the leader of the new Nazi party. Following a failed attempt to overthrow the federal government, Hitler was arrested for treason. While awaiting trial in Landsberg prison, he read Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 novel: Vril: The Power of the Coming Race about a master-race of beings who call themselves the Vril-ya. They claim to be the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis, with access to an extraordinary force called Vril, an unlimited source of energy that supplies all their needs and can be controlled at will. Hitler believed the novel to be true and once made Chancellor of Germany, he would send teams of spelunkers into caves and mines all over Europe searching for the Vril-ya. He dispatched regular expeditions to Asia, especially Tibet, where Nazi explorers made significant connections with influential Tibetan lamas, who had expert knowledge about the underground tunnel and cavern systems around the world. Legend was these Tibetan lamas guarded a secret entrance to the Inner World, known as the Red Door, hidden within the Potala palace in the mountain city of Lhasa. Once a Nazi-Tibetan alliance was formed, the lamas agreed to share with them that for centuries, they had been helping to hide an indigenous race of lizard living deep within the planet since prehistoric times, known as Vril lizards. It seems that these lizards knew the location of an abandoned military base dating back from the time of Atlantis, filled with ancient aircraft, weaponry and technology hidden within the tunnels and caverns of Antarctica. The lizards had no use for the tech, but they were willing to trade for something else they wanted. The lizards were carnivorous and preferred to consume fresh human flesh. And so, a deal was made. The Nazis got the ancient Atlantean tech and sold out the human race.

But according to Marshall, this is not the first time Vril lizards have interacted with humans. He claims that for centuries, royalty, powerful heads of state and trusted religious leaders around the world have kept a secret pact with the malevolent lizards. World leaders would receive valuable resources buried deep within the planet, such as gemstones, gold and other minerals and, in exchange, these leaders would conceal all evidence of the Vril from the surface population, so no one would learn of their existence. In addition to helping them hide, Vril lizards required that they be provided with a steady supply of humans to consume.

However, Marshall says that keeping the Secret of Vril not only refers to hiding the lizards and denying their existence, but also refers to an even bigger secret. Being a parasitic race, Vril lizards have the unique biological ability to invade the human body, take over the brain, and by accessing their memories, they can look, act and seem human in every way. After a period of recovery, the human is able to return to its normal activities, except the brain is now under the complete control of the Vril parasite.

Much like the 1956 scifi classic The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which the inhabitants of a small California town are replaced, one by one, with identical copies of themselves, Marshall warns us that we’ve already been invaded, we just don’t know it.
Marshall explains that Vril lizards are essentially parasites, and like all parasites, have a biological drive to invade, dominate and take over. Marshall refers to this biological takeover as “bodysnatching” and explains that the human victim dies once the Vril lizard takes over.

Marshall says that with the help of the Illuminati, bodysnatching Vril lizards have infiltrated all levels of society and hold positions of power all over the world.

This is done in order to remove key people and replace them with Vril hosts. Marshall states that Vril hosts can be found everywhere, in all levels of government, business, banking, military, law enforcement, journalism, media and entertainment.

Just how is this bodysnatching process accomplished?

According to Marshall, Vril lizards have a natural proboscis at the top of their head, from which they eject a type of thick cerebrospinal fluid. When this fluid enters the human, usually through the eye and from there, to the brain, a chemical transformation immediately begins to take place. The victim essentially dies, leaving the lizard parasite in complete control of all brain function. After a period of recovery, the Vril host can return to its’ regular activities, looking, acting and seeming completely normal.

Marshall reports that the Illuminati even hold a special bodysnatching ceremony to celebrate this Vril lizard takeover. Guests watch as the victim, conscious, though usually bound, is restrained and forced to sit still, until the lizard transfer is complete. Marshall claims to have seen this sick bodysnatching ceremony many times.

Marshall claims that the Illuminati bodysnatch many people, in every country, all over the world. They sometimes choose victims from incarcerated prisoners or longterm patients in hospitals and medical facilities; anywhere they have easy access to people, they will bodysnatch and replace them with a Vril host.

Anyone can be bodysnatched and, according to Marshall, he’s even seen this done to young children. Furthermore, Marshall claims that all loyal families within the Illuminati are expected to offer one of their children to be replaced by a Vril host. They comply since there is the unspoken threat that should they prove to be difficult, they can be bodysnatched at any time. Marshall says he has even seen bodysnatching done with just a couple of guys holding someone down while the victim is screaming, no ceremony required.

According to Marshall, the Illuminati utilize this unique parasitic ability of the lizards to further their own dark agenda. They are able to remove those resistant to their goals without anyone even noticing, and with Vril bodysnatching, the troublesome person is now replaced with an Illuminati spy, infinitely loyal and willing to report back everything they see and hear.

It is crucial to understand Vril lizard psychology, since Marshall maintains that all Vril lizards want to be human. They admire human intelligence and the beautiful human form. They want to crawl out from deep underground into the light and walk unnoticed among humanity. However, they are not human and have no capacity to feel human emotions. In fact, as malevolent lizards, they enjoy causing pain and suffering. Marshall reveals that Vril hosts are responsible for much of the senseless crimes and spree killings that occur. However, Vril hosts are excellent mimics and make convincing humans. And since there is no way to detect the presence of a Vril host, except with an MRI scan of the brain, most members of the Illuminati pretend to like the lizards and are friendly to Vril hosts, since no one is ever certain if they are talking to a host or human.

According to Marshall, prehistoric Vril lizards have been bodysnatching humans throughout history, even during ancient times. He claims that they are, in part, responsible for the destruction of the island of Atlantis, where legend tells lived an advanced civilization that existed in the Atlantic ocean. Marshall reports that Vril hosts had bodysnatched and infiltrated their way into positions of power throughout Atlantean culture, where they destroyed themselves with advanced weaponry, causing cataclysmic flooding and earthquakes.

Marshall asserts that Vril lizards often infiltrate human societies, by targeting individuals in the ruling class, royalty or priesthood. Once they are in positions of power, Vril lizards attempt to convince the humans to worship them as either gods or demons; something to be feared and obeyed without question.

As gods, Vril lizards would demand human sacrifices as a show of loyalty and devotion. In these cultures, it was considered an honor to be bodysnatched and chosen to become a god. The people didn’t understand the biological nature of the takeover of the brain, and thought it was some kind of mystical or magical transformation.

As demons, Vril lizards were deeply feared. Old legends warn travelers against going into certain haunted caves and mountains, and to beware when darkness falls as this was the time when demons would creep about, stealing babies and livestock. When Vril lizards would bodysnatch a victim, the person was later said to be demon possessed and various means would be attempted to drive the demons out.

Many cultures around the world attempted to limit Vril lizard infestation, and Marshall says most, at some point, “start sharpening pointy sticks”. For example, The Hopi Indian culture successfully drove off Vril lizards, while the ancient Anasazi Indians of New Mexico, were forced to leave behind their elaborate cliff dwellings in order to relocate far away from nearby Vril infested caves.

Throughout history, the lizards stayed hidden underground, in dark caves and tunnels, trying to avoid discovery. Some royal families kept Vril lizards as pets, and used them to instill fear in those not showing the proper loyalty to the crown. Some world religious leaders also knew of the lizards, had secret alliances with them, and agreed to help them.

In the 1940’s, a secret pact was forged between the Nazis and the lizards making them mutual allies. Conditions of the pact required directing tremendous resources to assist the Vril lizards, including the building of deep, underground military bases worldwide. This would allow the lizards a way to interact directly with humans which, in turn, would permit the massive, government sponsored bodysnatching so prevalent around the world today.

If we can assume that all this is true, that bodysnatching malevolent lizards have infiltrated human society and are replacing us, one by one, without raising any alarm, one might ask: Wouldn’t someone try to tell people and save humanity?

According to Marshall, President Ronald Reagan tried to warn the public on numerous occasions from 1985 to1988. In an important speech to the United Nation General Assembly on September 21st, 1987, at the height of the Star Wars space race with Russia, Reagan mused, “In our obsession with the antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask: is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our people then war and the threat of war?”

Marshall states that the Illuminati forgave Reagan’s comments at first, but when he continued to talk about aliens living among us, they “blew his mind and called it Alzheimer’s”.

Marshall encourages us to remember the ultimate Vril lizard agenda, which he claims has remained unchanged for centuries: to infiltrate human society and take over the planet. Marshall warns us to act quickly to spread the news, as anyone can be bodysnatched. As the ending from “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” warns us: They’re already here. You’re next.



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