Understanding OBE, Lucid Dreaming or Astral Projection

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Good info about OBE, Lucid Dreaming and Astral projection. They are not what you think they are…

“..’Out of body’ experiences (OBEs) are personal experiences during which people feel as if they are perceiving the physical world from a location outside of their physical bodies..”

“..The simplest explanation is that OBEs are exactly what they seem: the human consciousness separating from the human body and traveling in a discorporate form in the physical world..”

“..that an OBE begins when a person loses contact with sensory input from the body while remaining conscious..”

“..The vivid body and world of the OBE is made possible by our brain’s marvelous ability to create fully convincing images of the world, even in the absence of sensory information. This process is witnessed by each of us every night in our dreams..”

Understanding Sleep Paralysis

To the sleep researcher, these strange phenomena are remarkably reminiscent of another curious experience, called sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis occurs sometimes when a person is waking from or falling into REM sleep, the state in which most vivid dreams occur.

During REM sleep, the muscles of the body, excluding the eye muscles and those responsible for circulation and respiration, are immobilized by orders from a nerve center in the lower brain. This prevents us from acting out our dreams. Occasionally, this paralysis turns on or remains active while the person’s mind is fully awake and aware of the world.

Continued in this link:


Now explained by Donald Marshall based on the so called OBE’s, Lucid Dreaming or Astral Projection:

Links here:

Donald Marshall on MK-Ultra

Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body-Experiences (OBE’s) & Lucid Dreams https://astral7ight.blogspot.com/p/astral-projection-out-of…

“..It’s like the movie inception stuff… Mental video and audio projection… Tech ya wouldn’t think they could do yet… Even WITH cloning… It’s easier to do to a person as clones..”

“..they’re visual effects, they can only do it to you if your a clone there though..”

“..it’s like the inception movie with leonardo dicaprio… its mk ultra visual effects. sometimes real though..”

“..They trick the smartest people with the mind tech shit so no embarrassment for not knowing how its done. You wouldn’t think people could do this stuff in this day and age. Normally they couldn’t but they stumbled upon Atlantans abandoned tech that they back engineered and them tech levels made leaps and bounds.

The illuminasty use mk ultra on them, mental manipulation and selective memory suppression to mislead them into thinking theyre somewhere else.

you’re not flying, it’s not astral plane,… it’s mk ultra visualizations,… you even feel the air breezing past you but its not there and your not flying,… you just think you are… another woman on my friends list here (not mentioning names) thought she was in the astral plane flying around too… met her as clones we talked, she knows now,… talk to her from time to time as clones. There is no astral plane lol thats just what they tell people,… lucid dreaming same difference. Clone on fuzzy drugs… I watch it happen from the stands..”

“..It ain’t the Astral plane. just cloning on fuzzy drugs with MK ultra visuals. They tell a LOT of people cloed in that they’re I the astral plane. Or another dimension..”

Film scenes based on MK Ultra

The Matrix
The Butterfly Effect
The Source Code
Donnie Darko
Avatar — example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0GowLIIHck

Real stories from Mark 2 R.E.M victims

Phil Chuppa: REM Phase Cloning

Juliet 4/2019

Kate Friday – Video #3 Illuminati Cloning Center Breakthrough (Snippet) Memories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPvijTdM8eA

Targeted Individual Lino Martinez: “Astral Projection” (Consciousness Transfer), MK Ultra & V2K

Donald Marshall – Human Cloning Centres – Full

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