Chronic Fatigue and Spiritual Awakening

Have you noticed that if you are spiritually awaken it could be very consuming? I have been very very tired lately and keeping this blog is like burden. You try to awake people into this reality, but they are in sleep. You think that you are the only one who is awaken and the whole World is against you. Here are some tricks you could use to ease your fatigue:

Today’s topic is about the fatigue that many of you feel during your awakening shifts. It can be pretty intense. You may feel like you can never get enough sleep at night, and after awhile, all you want to do is sleep. But sleep may not be the right nourishment here, and I’ll talk a little bit about how I dealt with this fatigue and some of the issues that it may be representing.

What Is Not Awakening Fatigue

But before we go too far, let’s set some ground rules. If you are really super tired a lot of the time, you should definitely consult a doctor. The reasoning is that there are lots of strange illnesses out there, and I strongly encourage you to use all available tools before jumping to a conclusion that you must be having a spiritual awakening if you’re so tired.

Furthermore, let me illustrate a few scenarios about what is also not awakening fatigue:

  1. You do 19,000 different things during the day and get only 4 or 5 hours of sleep at night.
  2. You’re very psychic and have gotten entangled in hexes or trying to save other people energetically.
  3. You don’t sleep/you’re an insomniac (While those of us who get waves of energy may have nights where we can’t sleep, being an insomniac is something else).

These are a couple of instances that come to mind immediately that I’ve noticed some people attempting to connect with a spiritual awakening.

For most people, the answer is this: do less. For the psychics, the answer is to disentangle from these psychic wars and/or psychic savior nonsense that you’ve gotten involved in. You should NEVER be trying to harm another energetically. There are terrible consequences to everyone involved for doing something so mean and unconscious. Perhaps almost as bad is the way some psychics link up energetically to others to try and help or save them. We all have the lessons that we are here to learn, and it’s not up to us to try and save people like that.

Learning How to Learn on the Spiritual Path

What Spiritual Awakening Fatigue Is

Okay, so I think we’ve covered the important basics, i.e. see a doctor, don’t do 9 million things in a day, get a full night’s sleep, etc. Now, for those of you in awakening, you’ll go to a doctor, and they’ll find nothing wrong with you. If you are also doing 9 million things a day, then that has to go to. But you’ll find as you do less, that you are still really, really tired. It’s like eating, meditating, and maybe…MAYBE an afternoon walk is all the energy that you have. You are also moving through moments of profound silence, stillness, and love (These are the real signs of awakening, btw. Check out “5 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening” for more on this). When all of this is coming together, you can be pretty sure that the fatigue you’re feeling is from awakening.


Part of what happens is that we’re being transformed on every level of ourselves. Some parts of us transform very easily. Some do not. We will find more resistance or density in certain areas of ourselves. But just because there is density there doesn’t mean that there’s anything bad in you. It’s just dense…like a rock. How much energy do you need to turn a rock into a gas? Come on physicists out there. I’m sure you’ve got an equation for this. But you get the point. You need a lot. For those of you going from a liquid into a gas, you still need a lot of energy to make that transformation, and with most or all of your energy tied up in that transformation, you don’t have much energy for the world.

Letting Go of Resistance

The biggest thing that most of us learn is to let go of resistance. Whether it’s the mind not believing that it can get through this transformation or the wounded heart believing it’s not worthy of all this divine love, resistance slows down the transformation. The greater resistance you have, the greater and greater exhaustion you’re likely to have after your spiritual awakening.

Consider that we’re like caterpillars going into our chrysalises. We need a lot of time in there to become butterflies, but we can’t fully give ourselves to that transformation if we’re already trying to fly before we have wings or if we’re still trying to crawl all over the place. I know that you think that you don’t have time, but if you don’t make time, you’re going to crash. And it won’t be pretty.

Because inside, your soul–the real you–has already chosen this path. And you need to come into acceptance of it. If you don’t, then you’re still resisting the change. It’s time to let go of that resistance. It’s absolutely exhausting. Resisting your spiritual awakening will take away every last bit of energy you have until you can’t get off the floor and people are deciding to put you in a mental facility.

Well, serious help is already here; it’s you. It’s you and God, which are becoming one and the same. Because we are all God. We are all both the parts and the whole of God. This is what happens when we lose duality and blend into the Divine oneness. So just let go. If you are tired, then rest.

It’s okay. Really.

Meditation and Energy Support

For about 3 to 4 years in my awakening shift, it felt like my subconscious was on overdrive to integrate all the energy that had poured into me. I was integrating all of me. It’s amazing how much bigger we are than what we perceive. It’s amazing how cut off we are from ourselves, and we are cut off by our own unconscious choosing. That makes the re-merger intense. Many of you who are going through this intensity know what I mean. The biggest things that I’ve found to help through the fatigue have been meditation and other energetically supportive tools. But even these only go so far. So much of shifting is allowing, and then engaging in making changes that feel true to your heart after allowing.

In years past, after a night of sleeping but not sleeping, I would meditate in the morning. Sometimes I did energy visualizations to replenish my system. By the end of meditation, I would feel like I had some energy to do things. Having friends, a spiritual community, or a spiritual teacher to support us is also important at different times. Some people who are close to nature will go for short walks to energize. And if you naturally get a lot of energy from nature, perhaps you will stay out there longer. Some of you practically are flowers and seem to do photosynthesis. I had one friend who immediately perked up when she went out in the sun.

So you get the idea. The fatigue is coming from lack of energy or rather, a lack of energy for doing anything but transforming. You actually have tons of energy, but it’s otherwise pre-occupied. It’s kinda like having 20 GB of RAM, but it’s all being used right now. Your computer can’t do anything else until the first set of operations are done. But just because you do get a little energy from time to time to do more things doesn’t mean that you should do lots of things during this time period. Do what you have to, and then trust that the rest will attend to itself.

Helping Others to Understand Your Needs

One of the biggest things people have trouble with is explaining to others their needs during these shifts. I encourage a lot of people to have journals so that they can understand what’s going on. Until you can explain to yourself what’s going on in your own words, you won’t be able to explain it to anyone else. Of course, this is part of why I write this blog: I’m encouraging you to find your own words and to realize that nothing is wrong. You’re doing fine. Just relax into this shift. Make space for it, and let go.

I know some of you are married, have children, live with family, and/or are in committed relationships, and this can cause a lot of strain on the other person/people at times. There’s no easy way around it, but as I said, you’re going to need to find your words to help the people in your lives understand what’s going on. People who really love you will work with you. If not, your awakening has simply shown the rotting foundation that you’ve been trying to build relationships on. It’s best to go find a better structure to build a new one on, but first, you’ve got to finish demolishing and re-building this relationship with yourself.

The Shadow and Dispelling the Darkness Phase

The Return of Normal Sleep

Because awakening can move a lot of energy, people often have their sleep disrupted, and that disruption can lead to a lot of fatigue and tiredness. There’s a whole host of ways that people no longer sleep normally as the initial shifts and transformation rolls through. Night time psychic visions and sudden abilities to have out-of-body experiences are some of the things that can change someone’s sleep as their hidden talents emerge thanks to the awakening. The processing of old pain and issues submerged in the subconscious is another thing that can turn dreams into serious nighttime workouts. Finally, the amount of energy moving through someone is like being wired on caffeine all night long. It can be difficult to calm things down enough to go to sleep much less to get any deep, normal sleep.

Personally, I had quite a few issues with sleep for the first several years of awakening, but in one of my huge shifts at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012, I really opened to this fatigue and accepted just how little energy I had for anything else. After that shift, my heart opened up to a new level and all kinds of things transformed including my ability to sleep restfully at night, which I have been forever grateful to have back. So what I’ll remind you repeatedly in these blogs is this: your shifts after awakening are temporary, and allowing them is the quickest and most painless (but not discomfort-free) way to shift and grow.

For more about spiritual awakening and sleep in general, I encourage you to check out this blog post.

Last Thoughts on Spiritual Awakening and Fatigue

Spiritual awakening is never about punishing you. Nothing is going wrong. You are transforming. Things are actually going very right, perhaps for the first time in your life. All the suffering that you perhaps didn’t know was there is coming up to be processed and released so that you can be happy, healthy, and whole. As you heal, you can open further and go deeper. Deeper wounds can be illuminated, and your spiritual growth can expand you even more. It is a beautiful and powerful cycle of healing and growth and opportunity to find the truth about who you really are.

The Process of Releasing Pain from Your Energy Body

However, as I mentioned about transforming the rock into a gas, it can take a lot of energy to transform. All the tools that I mention in this blog serve to help you make this process easier–to break apart the rocks that you can break apart and to let go of the things that do not serve you. In so doing, you can alleviate any mental suffering that may arise during this sacred process. And you can rest assured that as you relax more deeply into the awakened space, you will have all the energy available to you to do whatever it is you are here to do.

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