The Souls Journey

Many of you have been awaken, but have you noticed that you may become angry when you try to tell other people how the things are? That’s OK, they have chosen the slow path and it’s totally OK, because the journey’s end is the same…

Everything is happening as it should, we should be proud of ourselves, we have passed many trials and tribulations, we have ascended even further, we have acknowledged and accepted our missions and have been enacting them quite well. So much is changing at such an alarming rate and as time continues to accelerate so to will the reality of many truths. We feel the sadness of the world and it has and continues to dissipate.

People around the world are all waking up to the truth and it will continue like the domino effect. This is a grand achievement for the simple fact that it tells us that our civilization is ready for higher realities, but this will be in such a way that it will be introduced to us according to what we can handle. For many this will be a slow process, for others it will come on quite suddenly but the first step has begun. More and more old paradigms will come crashing down as we progress further and further in to our own development.

There are still many who don’t see the changes. Sometimes we become sad or angry that others close to us or even total strangers aren’t seeing the obvious conscious shifting events going on in our world, but rest assured it is happening, whether one, two or a hundred people aren’t taking notice at this particular moment. Those who refuse to take notice aren’t ready. It is is their own free will, and they are freely entitled to take the slow lane!. They are still beloved children of father/mother God(dess). We all are and will enter the age of Aquarius, our Earth is birthing a new reality and we have begun to open the door of infinite possibility.

It is out with the old and in with the new!, it is time to wash away our old reality, ascend beyond the limits because we are all limitless beings, but we have forgotten who we are, we have lost sight of the amazing powerful beings we really are. Within us all lies the energy of the stars. Our bodies are but vessels, our souls are immortal, we die for a short period of time and are reborn, then we forget, then we begin the journey to find ourselves again, this is done subconsciously until we have reached the time of our awakening. This is the journey of man, It is the realization that living is just not enough, we realize we have an alien but yet very familiar force within.

At the time of our awakening we begin a constant search to advance and understand ourselves and what is going on within, we begin to have a flooding of knowledge that we within know has not been obtained by the usual means. No, this knowledge is much greater, much more profound, we have dreams, visions, a flooding of information psychically received as we awaken, and this is our souls remembering once again our souls journey and everything we have gathered from past lives. We do not need any gimmicks or tools to awaken to our true celestial nature, the soul awakens on its own as it was meant to.

Sometimes we don’t want to accept this reality, we fight with our own ego, our own indoctrination, we ignore the force within but once awakened our bodies react and we begin to crave knowledge, a more physical and spiritual well being and a way to emulate the light growing within. We remember our spiritual immortality, our souls journey, we remember that the only purpose we have is to create the same heaven on Earth that we have growing within.


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