You may have noticed, that there are several gaps in the evolution theory. For example different blood types and missing links in human types. I think, that elite just want to push Darwin’s evolution theory and keep the real origins of mankind with themselves. Here’s a little article about anunnaki and how they maybe created mankind:
Anunnaki: A Perspective (Blog Submission)
I want to start the article by saying that no, I did not decipher ancient Sumerian cuneiform inscribed tablets to get to the following information; what I know about the Anunnaki is from my past life as one of their “Gods” (my name was Utu/Shamash and, of course, I was not a real god – our technology and teachings made us seem as gods to the developing Humans) and from channeling work I do with my son, but mostly from the work of Zecharia Sitchin. He was a scholar who could translate the tablets documenting the origins of Humans from the original Sumerian and he shared the finding that we, as modern Humans, were engineered by the Anunnaki. Their planet of origin was Nibiru (the planet or *LAND* of the crossing?), a 5th dimensional level planet, at the time. The Anunnaki seeded civilizations, and they seeded ours here on Earth by genetically combining the DNA of the indigenous simian Homo Erectus with their own DNA, thus producing us, Homo Sapiens. One of the reasons I believe Humans’ origins were dictated by love and science, rather than exploitation, is the fact that the first hybrid embryos were implanted in the wombs of Anunnaki “goddesses.”
After seeding civilizations, they often leave them to develop on their own, as they did with Earth: Sumeria, Crete (Minoan civilization), Egypt, South America with the civilization of the Aztec, Inca and Maya, Atlantis, are all theirs. Anunnaki Magickal knowledge has survived in some present day Toltec masters. Read Carlos Castaneda and Miguel Ruiz’s books to explore this more in depth. Some say that the Anunnaki were created from the union of Orions and Sirians. They are passionate, seminal, creative, now very advanced spiritually as well as technologically. They observe Humanity’s process of evolution and are supposed to be one of the ET races to come back to visit us after 2012. Keywords associated with them are: Life-givers; creators; manifesters; sacred sexuality (masters of Tantra); positive magick. If you read the Pleiadian channeling books written by Barbara Marciniak, she informs us that Humans were created to be a masterpiece of the universe, with “seeds” from species from all over the cosmos, and that Earth was supposed to be a living library (keeper of multi-galactic knowledge) of the known universe!
The initial reason the Anunnaki came to Earth was to mine gold and produce a dust that could repair Nibiru’s very depleted ozone layer; the reason they stayed was to create an exciting, new, hybrid civilization. I think that the Anunnaki became “fallen angels” in some people’s perception, because some of them wanted to use Humans as slaves, but these were rogue cells, not all the Anunnaki participated. The Igigi, the original Anunnaki gold mine workers, resented Humans; we were being given such a noble beginning, and so they decided WE should be used as slaves. A pact was made, with some powerful Anunnaki who disliked the “Human experiment”, and great Reptilian geneticists, and the Human with double helix DNA was created, some of whom became slaves. Originally Human beings had been given a 12 strand DNA and were meant to be awesome creatures at all levels. This caused the Anunnaki to divide into factions, some pro-Humans and some against them, until such time when all Anunnaki decided to leave Earth.
The Illuminati are, by bloodline and soul, the descendants of the ones who made the infamous pact with rogue Reptilians – the Reptilians in question feed off Human fear and suffering and all sorts of negative emotions. They cannot possess Humans, but they can influence their emotions and thoughts in people who already live at a low vibrational level, that is why the Lightworkers role as “awakeners” is so indispensable to aid Earth in its ascension to a higher energy frequency, which will mean more Light and positivity for all.
The Illuminati have always run a smear campaign against the Anunnaki because they know they will be coming back and they fear losing their hold on Humanity. I believe that the Illuminati are trying to buy gold from people (surely you remember the endless TV commercials and magazine ads two years ago), to bargain to keep their power upon the arrival of the Anunnaki. Many of us know something , some by intuition, ETs “education” or/and past-life memories, and I will tell you this: The Anunnaki, like us, like many cosmic races, have evolved over time (since the seeding of our civilization) and they do not give a damn about our gold! They are coming to redeem themselves and free Earth from the hold of negative powers.
They feel responsible for our issues and they simply want to put us on the right path, not by governing us, but by making us totally aware of our true genesis and history. The Illuminati won’t be able to bargain for their lives with gold. I will leave you with a transcribed channeling session that my son and I received a few years ago, which confirms why I choose to see the Anunnaki as “The shining ones”: “The Anunnaki will return on or after 2012; they will come in peace and approach the Middle East first, their first “stomping grounds.” The U.S., as you know it, will politically fall apart. Canada will stay as is and European countries will become one nation. Here and elsewhere the self-appointed “high” classes will, literally, eat each other up. “People will organize in self-supporting communities/communes; some people will follow their own Gospel without denomination, meaning in the absence of institutionalized religion. “The Anunnaki are concerned with the geo-political future and well-being of Earth, while the Greys, globally, are concerned with the well-being of the Soul.”
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