The Knights Templar

Now when immigrants are the hot topic. Have you noticed that International Red Cross symbol represent knights Templar logo? Here’s something about Templar:

The Knights Templar or “Knights of the Temple,” were a monastic order founded in 1112 C.E. (A.D.) to protect pilgrims journeying from Europe to the “holy lands” in Jerusalem during and following the Crusades. At least this is what official history teaches; however, the order was established with only nine knights which would have had a hell of a time protecting anyone. Official history also teaches that the Knights Templar was a group that took a vow of poverty, which was rare for knights, but nonetheless; they were referred to as “the poor Knights of Christ.” The “poor” Knights Templar quickly rose to great heights of power and were even endowed with Papal bulls by the church that enabled them to levy taxes and to collect tithing money within the areas that they controlled. The Templar Knights were primarily a military order and they grew to levels of great wealth, power and influence.

Apparently, the original 9 knights were led by Hugues de Payens, and were granted part of the Al-Aqsa mosque, which sat on the alleged site of Solomon’s Temple. The Templar Knights began excavating the temple and discovered a tunnel network, and many hidden treasures. Scholars allege that the Templar Knights found artifacts, scriptural scrolls, codices and documents on sacred geometry, art, science, astronomy and other esoteric knowledge of the Egyptian/Judaic, ancient mystery schools beneath the Temple Mount. Perhaps vast amounts of gold were also found, because the Templar Knights grew to become enormously wealthy. Archeological digs in more recent times have provided evidence of Templar excavations beneath the Temple Mount.

The Knights Templar was a military arm of another secret society known as the Priory of Sion. The word Sion comes from the Sanskrit “Siona” which means “sun.” Apparently, Leonardo Da Vinci became a high initiate in the Priory of Sion, and in some of his famous paintings, hidden, solar symbolism can be observed. Leonardo Da Vinci was backed by the de Medici banking family, which would later sponsor Christopher Columbus and all of the horrors visited upon the Native Americans that followed his arrival. Supporters of the Templar Knights included Saint Bernard, who founded the Cistercian Order, and the French St. Clair family, which changed their name to Sinclair upon their arrival in Scotland.

After their excavations at the Temple Mount, the Templar Knights returned to their native lands, and their headquarters were established in Rosslyn, Scotland. The Knights Templar expanded rapidly, and eventually they became landholders in England, France, Spain, Scotland, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Constantinople. The Templar Knights had recruited noblemen, which had to give over their land and wealth in order to join the Knights Templar.

The Templars were great builders and constructed temples and vast estates in southern France and Jerusalem. They were granted the right to build churches and constructed many of the medieval, European cathedrals based on the principles of sacred geometry and often constructed them on ancient, sacred sites, such as the Chartres Cathedral, located in France, southwest of Paris, which was built on the ruins of an ancient, Druidic site. Churches and temples are constructed on ancient sacred sites, because of the focus of energy upon those particular areas. Certain points of the Earth act as energy grids, and the Consortium constructs churches, monuments, temples, governmental buildings etc. on those energy grids and there is a reason for that as well. Certainly, the Templar Knights brought back from the Middle East, advanced, esoteric knowledge, and put it to use with the construction of their temples and churches, with an advanced style of architecture that Europe had never seen prior to the Templars.

The Templar Knights even established a type of banking system that is still in use today. This involves what has been termed in modern times “fraction reserve lending,” whereby; a fraction of what is physically on reserve is loaned and interest is charged on it. Today, with monetary transactions being mostly electronic, money that does not even exist is loaned, and interest is charged on the non-existent currency. This practice of lending money that does not exist and charging interest on it was originally developed by the Templar Knights and is still in practice to this day. Fraction reserve lending, or simply usury, is one of the ways that the Knights Templar became so wealthy.

The symbol of the Knights Templar was a Phoenician red cross on a white background, the same motif we see on the British flag, and the logo of the International Red Cross. The red cross on the white background appears elsewhere as well. Other Knights Templar symbols included the black and white checkered flag, the skull and crossbones and the watchtower, all of which are still prevalent symbols with the Consortium today. The Knights Templar were responsible for secreting ancient, esoteric knowledge underground, including knowledge of the ancient and mystical teachings of the Kabbalah, the tradition of ancient, Jewish mysticism.

Eventually, the Templar Knights amassed enormous wealth, and were rivaled only by the Roman Catholic Church. Between the treasures the Templar Knights had brought back from beneath the Temple Mount, and their banking/lending practices, they became so rich that the Church of Rome considered them a threat. Aristocrats and noblemen were deeply indebted to the Templar Knights, so a plot was hatched to eliminate them. The Knights Templar had gained enormous control over industry and finance, and had evolved into a formidable military force complete with their own navy. Philippe IV, king of France, (Philippe the Fair) was deeply in debt to the Knights Templar, envious of their enormous wealth, and angered at the Templar Knights refusal to accept him into the order.

In 1305, Philippe the Fair went to Rome to convince Pope Clement V that the Templar Knights were plotting to destroy the Church of Rome, and his word was accepted by Clement. Philippe the Fair and Clement had an agreement, that the French king would support Clement’s position as Pope, if he would help Phillip to destroy the Templar Knights. King Phillip returned to France and issued secret orders to French authorities against the Templars, and drew up a laundry list of charges against them, including heresy.

The orders to move against the Templar Knights were issued on Friday, October 13, 1307, and the French authorities began rounding up all the Knights they could find. This is why to this day, Friday the 13th is considered “unlucky.” The captured knights were imprisoned, tortured, executed and charged with a number of offenses including: necromancy, heresy, blasphemy and black magic.

Many of the Templar Knights (and much of their treasures) escaped the purge and some fled to Scotland where they went underground and eventually emerged as the Scottish rite of Freemasonry. Others that were scattered around Europe became known as the Teutonic Knights and still others joined a group known as the Knights Hospitallers, another military order involved with the crusades. There is even evidence to suggest that a group of the Knights Templar arrived in America in 1308, almost two centuries before Columbus ever set sail. In 1312, the Knights Templar was officially dissolved, and in 1314, the Grand Master Jacques Molay was burned at the stake.

One of the recent myths surrounding the Templar Knights, based on the book Holy Blood Holy Grail, and popularized by author Dan Brown’s book and subsequent film the Da Vinci Code, is the idea that the Knights Templar guarded the secret that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion and that he conceived children with Mary Magdalene, and that they escaped to southern France and seeded what became the Merovingian bloodline. Certainly the Templar Knights possessed esoteric knowledge; however the story presented in recent popular books and films is merely a cover story. In fact, author of the Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown, and his publisher were sued by the authors of a book called, Holy Blood Holy Grail for copyright infringement in 2006.

The aforementioned is just a scratch in the surface concerning the Knights Templar, and I do recommend the book Holy Blood Holy Grail, and there is a large amount of other research available that goes into great depth concerning the Knights Templar.


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