Tag Archives: Psych engineering

The greatest brainwashing organization to ever exist in the course of human history

Some information which no-one knows nothing. I just want to point out that everything is planned and organized:

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

 From Ken Adachi <Editor>
June 4, 2004

The authoritative expose of the greatest brainwashing organization to ever exist in the course of human history is now revealed in Dr. John Coleman’s latest book, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America. The Tavistock Institute is located in the City of London and at Sussex University in England.

Dr. John Coleman, Dr. John Coleman, the author of 15 books, the best known of which is Conspirators Hierarchy, The Committee of 300, was one of the the first writers to bring the world’s attention to the existence of Tavistock, hitherto unknown to press and pundits alike, in a monograph published in 1969. Since his initial 1969 revelations concerning the pivotal role that Tavistock plays in shaping political, social, educational, and economic ‘opinions’, especially in the United States, more than a few writers of global conspiracy have attempted to place laurels upon their shoulders for revelations about Tavistock’s key influence as the Mother of all Propaganda Ministries, while ignoring the fact that this pioneering work was first published  by John Coleman. Dr. Coleman’s new book, however, leaves no doubt as to who is the master and who are the students when it comes to the subject of Tavistock.

The book is stunning in the new knowledge that it reveals about the hidden role of British oligarchs to shape and control public opinion in order to manipulate the British public (and later the American public) into accepting the notion that war with Germany was necessary in order “to secure a lasting peace.”

The plan to ‘create’ public opinion began in 1913 as a propaganda factory centered at Wellington House in London. Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary at the time, installed Lord Northcliffe (Britain’s most influential newspaper magnate) as its director. Lord Northcliffe’s position was over sighted by Lord Rothmere on behalf of the British Crown. The operational staff of Wellington House consisted of Lord Northcliffe, Arnold Toynbee (future director of studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs), and the Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays (nephew to Signund Freud).

Funding was initially provided by the Royal family, but soon to include the Rothchilds (related to Lord Northcliffe by marriage) and the Rockefellers. Wellington House would grow into the Tavistock Institute in 1921 after the propaganda “victories” of the First World War and the Federal Reserve banking system (created in 1913) had been secured.

(The Forward to the book is re-peinted below from Dr. Coleman’s web site)

Ken Adachi

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of The United States of America


The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was unknown to the people of the United States before Dr. Coleman exposed its existence in his monograph, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Britain’s Control of the United States. Up to that time, Tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at Wellington House.

Since Dr. Coleman’s original article exposing this ultra-secret organization, others have come forward with claims of authorship, which they were unable to substantiate.

Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization centered at Wellington House, which was where the original organization was put together with intent of shaping a propaganda outlet that would break down the stiff public resistance being encountered to the looming war between Britain and Germany.

The project was given to Lords Rothmere and Northcliffe and their mandate was to produce an organization capable of manipulating public opinion and directing that manufactured opinion down the desired pathway to support for a declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany.

Funding was provided by the British royal family, and later by the Rothschilds to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. Arnold Toynbee was selected as Director of Future Studies. Two Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays were appointed to handle the manipulation of American public opinion in preparation for the entry of the United States into WWI, and to brief and direct President Woodrow Wilson.

From a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House, grew an organization that was to shape the destiny of Germany, Britain and more especially the United States in manner that became a highly sophisticated organization to manipulate and create public opinion, what is commonly termed, “mass brainwashing.”

During the course of its evolvement, Tavistock expanded in size and ambition, when in 1937, a decision was made to use the German author Oswald Spengler’s monumental work, Untergange des Abenlandes (The Decline of Western Civilization ) as a model.

Previously, Wellington House board members Rothmere, Northcliffe, Lippmann, and Bernays had read and proposed as a guide the writings of Correa Moylan Walsh, in particular, the book The Climax of Civilization (1917) as corresponding closely to conditions that had to be created before a New World Order in a One World Government could be ushered in.

In this endeavor the members of the board consulted with the British royal family and obtained the approval of the “Olympians” (the inner core of the Committee of 300) to formulate a strategy. Funding was provided by the monarchy, the Rothschilds, the Milner Group and the Rockefeller family trusts.

In 1936, Spengler’s monumental work had come to the attention of what had become the Tavistock Institute. In preparation for changing and reshaping public opinion for the second time in less than twelve years, by unanimous consent of the board, Spengler’s massive book was adopted as the blueprint for a new working model to bring about the decline and fall of Western civilization necessary to create and establish a New World Order inside a One World Government.

Spengler held it bound to happen that alien elements would be introduced into Western civilization in increasing numbers, and that the West would fail at that time to expel the aliens, thereby sealing its fate, a society, whose inward beliefs and sound convictions would become at variance with its outward profession and thus Western civilization would fall by the wayside in the manner of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.

Tavistock thinking was that Spengler had indoctrinated Western civilization to believe that it would err on the side of Roman civilization, and expel the aliens. The genetic loss that has fallen upon Europe-and especially on Scandinavia, England, Germany, France- (the Anglo-Saxon, Nordic Alpine Germanic races) that began just before the Second World War is already so great as to be beyond expectations, and continues at an alarming pace under the skilled guidance of the Tavistock managers.

What was a very rare instance became a common occurrence, a black man married to a white women or vice-versa.

The two World Wars cost the German nation almost one quarter of its population. Most of the intellectual energies of the German nation were diverted into war channels in defense of the Fatherland at the expense of science, arts, literature, music and the cultural, spiritual and moral advancement of the nation. The same could be said of the British nation. The blaze kindled by the British under the direction of Tavistock set all of Europe on fire, and did incalculable damage according to the Tavistock blueprint that matched Spengler’s predictions.

Classical and Western are the only two civilizations that could bring a modern renaissance to the world. They had flourished and progressed just as long as these civilizations remained under the control of the Anglo-Saxon Nordic Alpine, Germanic races. The unsurpassed beauty of their literature, art, their classics, spiritual and moral advancement of the female sex with a very large corresponding degree of protection, was what distinguished Western and Classic civilizations from others.

It was this bastion that Spengler saw coming under increasing attack and the thinking at Tavistock ran on parallel tracks, but with a totally different goal. Tavistock saw this civilizations a stumbling block to ushering a New World Order, as did the emphasis on protection and elevation of the female sex to a place of high respect and honor.

Thus the whole thrust of Tavistock was to “democratize” the West by an attack on womanhood, and the racial, moral, spiritual and religious foundation upon which Western civilization rested.

As Spengler suggested, the Greeks and Romans were devoted to the social, religious, moral and spiritual advancement and the preservation of womanhood and they were successful for just as long as they were in control and could arrange matters so that government was carried out by a limited number of responsible citizens supported by the general populace below them, all being of the same pure unadulterated race. The planners at Tavistock saw that the way to upset the balance of Western civilization was to force unwelcome changes in the race by removing control from the deserving to the undeserving in the manner of ancient Roman leaders who were supplanted by their former slaves and aliens, whom they had permitted to come and dwell among them.

Tavistock, by 1937, had come a long way from its Wellington House beginnings and the successful propaganda campaign that had turned the British public from being strongly anti-war in 1913 to willing participants through the arts of manipulation with the willing cooperation of news communications media.

The technique was carried across the Atlantic in 1916 to manipulate the American people to support of the war in Europe. In spite of the fact that the vast majority, including at least 50 U.S. Senators were adamantly opposed to the U.S. getting dragged into what they perceived was essentially a quarrel between Britain and France on the one hand, and Germany on the other, largely over trade and economics, the conspirators were undeterred. At that point Wellington House introduced the word, “Isolationists” as a derogatory description of those Americans who opposed U.S. participation in the war. The use of such words and phrases has proliferated under the expert brainwashing of the Social sciences scientists at Tavistock. Terms like “regime change,” “collateral damage” became almost new English language.

With the Tavistock plan modified to suit American conditions, Bernays and Lippmann led President Woodrow Wilson to set up the very first Tavistock methodology techniques for polling (manufacturing) so-called public opinion created by Tavistock propaganda. They also taught Wilson to set up a secret body of “managers” to run the war effort and a body of “advisors” to assist the President in his decision-making. The Creel Commission was the first such body of opinion-makers set up in the United States.

Woodrow Wilson was the first American president to publicly proclaim himself in favor of a Socialist New World Order inside a Socialist One World Government. His remarkable acceptance of the New World Order is found in his book The New Freedom.

We say “his” book, but actually, it was written by Socialist William B. Hayle. Wilson denounced capitalism. “It is contrary to the common man and it has brought stagnation to our economy,” Wilson wrote.

Yet, at the time, the United States economy was enjoying prosperity and industrial expansion as it had never experienced before in its history:

“We stand in the presence of a revolution—not a bloody revolution, America is not given to spilling blood—but a silent revolution, whereby America will insist upon recovering to practice those ideals which she has always professed, upon securing a government devoted to the general and not the special interests. We are upon the threshold of a time when the systematic life of the country will be sustained or at least supplemented at every point by government activity. And now we have to determine what kind of a government activity it shall be; whether, in the first place, it shall be directed from government itself, or whether it shall be indirect, through instrumentalities which have already constituted themselves and which stand ready to supersede government.”

The United States, harried, hounded, pushed and shoved is headed on a fast track to the New World Order, propelled along by the Radical Republicans of the War Party who have been taken over by the scientists at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

Just recently I was asked by a subscriber “where do we find the Tavistock Institute?” My response was: “Look around the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, the White House, the State Department, the Defense Department, Wall Street, Fox T.V. (Faux T.V.) and you will see their change agents in every one of these places.”

President Wilson was the first U.S. president to “manage” the war through a civilian committee guided and directed by the Bernays and Lippmann from Wellington House, to which we have already made mention.

The resounding success of Wellington House and its enormous influence on the course of American history began before that in 1913. Wilson had spent almost a year tearing down the protective trade tariffs that had defended the American domestic markets from being overwhelmed by “Free Trade,” essentially the practice of allowing cheap British goods made with cheap labor in India to flood the American market. On October 12, 1913 Wilson signed the bill that was the beginning of the end of the unique American middle class, long the target of the Fabian Socialists. The bill was described as a measure to “adjust tariffs,” but it would have been accurate to describe it as a bill to “destroy tariffs.”

Such was the hidden power of Wellington House that the vast majority of the American people accepted this lie, not knowing or realizing that it was a death knell for American commerce that would lead to NAFTA, GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Even more astonishing was the acceptance of the Federal Income Tax Act that was passed on September 5, 1913, to replace trade tariffs as the source of revenue for the Federal Government. Income Tax is a Marxist doctrine not found in the U.S. Constitution anymore than the Federal Reserve Bank is found in the Constitution. Wilson called his twin blows against the Constitution, “a fight for the people, and for free business,” and said he was proud to have taken “part in the completion of a great piece of business…” The Federal Reserve Act, explained by Wilson as “reconstructing the Nation’s banking and currency system” was rushed through on a flood-tide of propaganda emanating from Wellington House, just in time for the hostilities that began the horror of WWI.

Most historians are agreed that without passage of the Federal Reserve Bank Act, Lord Grey would not have been able to start that terrible conflagration.

The deceptive language of the Federal Reserve Act was under the guidance of Bernays and Lippman who set up a “National Citizen’s League” with the notorious Samuel Untermeyer as its chairman, to promote the Federal Reserve Bank, that secured control of the people’s money and currency and transferred it to a private monopoly without the victim’s consent.

One of the most interesting pieces of history surrounding the imposition of the foreign financial slavery measure was that before it was sent to Wilson for his signature, a copy was given to the sinister Colonel Edward Mandel House as the representative of Wellington House and the British oligarchy represented by the banker, J.P. Morgan.

As to the American people, in whose name the disastrous measure was instituted, they had not the faintest idea how they had been connived, cheated, lied to and utterly deceived. An instrument of slavery was fastened around their necks without the victims ever becoming aware of it.

Wellington House methodology was at its height when Wilson was coached in how to persuade Congress to declare war on Germany, although he had won election on the solemn promise to keep America out of the war then raging in Europe, a great triumph for the new art of public opinion making. It was just that – the poll questions were shaded in such away that the answers reflected the opinions of the public; not their understanding of the questions, nor their understanding of the processes of political science.


More from Monarch 47 – Transhuman

This next story is very interesting and it’s related to Monarch mind control. I have posted articles about this before and I add those links after the story. Very interesting indeed.

This is the 2nd communique from Monarch 47.  This document (the 2nd Communique from Monarch 47) is pasted below as text and available here to download as a PDF.

Go here to read the first release.

Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain

Dear Kerry,

Thank you for posting my first public disclosure that I am a modified human being. As a person living as a survivor of the MK Ultra Monarch program I feel very lucky to have Project Camelot as a resource to release information. I’ve always thought it IRONIC that the first program for societal engineering was called PROJECT CAMELOT. You know, MONARCHS always come home.

For you and your readers, I am TRANSHUMAN BEING. I am 100% human. I just have expanded consciousness. I remember who I am through the sands of time.

HUMANS have average intelligence but VERY limited consciousness about themselves. The power of intention is elemental. Our Chakra system limits us to life on Earth and separates the memories of who we are into “categories” of concepts. The goal of MK Ultra was to create a container that could hold intelligence levels in the 200 to 800 IQ range in compartmentalized containers.

That is what the Anunnaki ancestors had available in thought power. That is why you can see plug holes in my photographs. They were bending brain tissue into folds for more IQ power and access to off- world data through satellite telemetry.

It also increases telepathic abilities in human beings. This is one of the ways the Annunaki of past lives sent consciousness out through satellite rocketry and stellar telemetry. Consciousness is contained within the vibrational rates of the elements. This is particle physics. Vibrational rates do matter.


I was also trained on compartmentalized data actually stored on targeted cells and bone tissue to receive and emit certain types of activation and response rays. These were emitted from the Voyager and Titan satellites. Both recently retired. My brain waves were decoupled from the satellites as Voyager left the solar system. It was a very strange sensation in my consciousness has VOYAGER hit deep space. I will always have a spiritual connection in that satellite. The craft contained elements which hold consciousness. It also held a projector.

During the 1960’s and 70’s it was thought that targeting an individual for assassination was better than targeting a civilian population. They would send a practice beam at me during testing. I would locate the pain and they would draw a BULLS EYE to show the satellites accuracy. I did have burns and catch my hair on fire during testing. Burn healing was part of my hypnosis training. It actually helped reduce pain and speed healing significantly. Thank goodness because in concentrated forms the rays can be very painful.


I made an effort to find out what was wrong with me by using CAUSE and EFFECT reasoning skills. I could not remember my life story until 2012. I had to work with PROFESSIONALS by using EMDR therapy to correct visual hypnosis.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain

I discovered research that supported the fact that certain crystals in ANY HUMAN ear can be made to vibrate with resonance when stimulated. When I hear tones in my left and right ears I always suspect I am being targeted by satellite rays. The tones usually last for a few minutes or hours not days. I receive information at different frequencies into either my subconscious for dreaming or directly to consciousness for ideas.

Your heart has these crystals too and they can resonate back and break causing instant death. I believe this has contributed to permanent changes in the genetic code and is a resonance weapon. DNA was ILLUMINATI coded in the BOOK of DANIEL. ILLUMINATI CODE: DANIEL (I EL DAN) (I EL DNA) (EIL DNA). Now final code: DNA LIE missing V or LIVE. In Illuminati code it means that the emotions (VENUS) like love are deleted from the code. I believe this is the root of autism.

We can’t feel our mother earth because the original genetics were broken from LUCY and we lost our butterfly DNA. Our natural antennae or psychic ability for detecting natural red sunlight was deleted. Instead it was used by navigational satellites for people tracking. Our higher frequencies were eventually lost by nuclear open air testing and weapons release.

Our world government decided to try a repair with radio waves and blue aluminum. Big industry agreed to sell their waste aluminum for aerosol purposes to reflect the Sun rays so Earth did not burn up in 1950. They knew they had borrowed time. They asked the original ancestors to return and solve the problem so they made containers. That’s how I got made with super consciousness to analyze.


In the nuclear testing age, the militaries (reptilians and raptors) ripped the space time continuum so no souls could escape. They wanted to allow incoming visitors and filter outgoing energies. To do this they created vast antennae arrays. Eventually they named them HAARP. This is because the ANGELS (children) can be stimulated by the HAARP arrays. Data could be collected on the ANGELS and they could be used for covert human testing, especially with Nano machines and vaccine weapons.


In my ancient alien theory, the gods are not nice and our energy is trapped. The Sea god ENKI and the Air god ENLIL designed a FATAL TRAP DOOR. That is why we have the largest number of souls on the planet. They are going to reduce all consciousness to a manageable level.


They used a special ENERGY device to steal some frequencies needed for life on the planet. They took red light codes and sunlight codes from nature. They had to find a way to hold the atmosphere together. They can’t because blue aluminum is a temporary weapon against cosmic energy.

Our ancestors have torn the atmosphere with nuclear energy over and over in our history. This time it welcomes an ancient visitor with unclear intentions. Nonetheless, a house here on Earth is being built for this permanent and highly advanced resident with ancestors from mother earth. The data on my


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain

ciphers suggested the Illuminati code: LUCIFER (Lucy Hurt). The original hominid was altered against the species will. This advanced species works in league with the other very ancient ancestors that survive everything, the roach.


The most ancient species of roach like insects practice ritual incest. They operate in well-defined groups with an appetite for the young, especially males. These secret practice pedophilia and incest in their underground hives while funding places to grow host materials.

Where are the wasp hives you ask? Behind closed doors, access denied, that’s why ILLUMINATI bloodline to support the secret infrastructure of secret societies. These energies are very much human. These beings withhold supernatural information linked to evolutionary accidents by limiting access to high knowledge like science. They use religious mind control instead to make you do what they want. They live the EASY WAY. The slaves live the HARD WAY. No MIDLINE anymore.


Nature is used to providing for the people for free. The bee crisis is intentional. The honey bee is useful for spreading and cultivating life. He has been targeted by pest-I-cide. Do you see the word play? Life is being extinguished. The pests (traditional families) have mutated, been stopped or given poison. This is FAMILIAR GENOCIDE. The earth is being killed. Knowing my parents and ancestors like I do you can bet that they will scavenge from you.

The other species is the raptors (rapers, spoils of war). Do you see the ILLUMINATI word play?


In ancient times, the DEAD SEA was the experimental “pond”. It is not just salt, it generates invisible air currents that a crystalline form of life. This contains the energetic material that needs low density atmosphere to live. It allows a spiritual structure for individual consciousness which exists as “impressions”.

The release of nuclear energy to create these salt ponds will encourage a new form of consciousness to developoverthenext750millionyearsbeforefreshwaterexistsagain. Thenewmastersofearthwill use these nuclear salt ponds to make new sperm in the future that is nuclear powered so males can conceive life and replicate themselves.

To cover this PREPLANNED ENDING our ancestors designed total destruction of life as we know it. Our dinosaurs and monuments have been “covered up” by the sands of time. Our oil is the black blood of the earth from the ancient primate wars of the past with reptilians.

My experience with certain groups leads me to believe that Fukishima is a dire warning. The WHITE HATS in law enforcement and military must to clean up messes immediately and use good science and MORALS. Blessed be Whistleblowers.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain

The ancestor races intend to destroy every last living cell on the planet with the mass release of nuclear energy, radiation and waste. There will be several layers of mass casualties all tailored to fit off world appetites for appeasement of ancient arguments and wars. They say they are balancing the karma by repaying it but it makes no sense to repeat the cycle of DOOM.

While the observers are here they are wrapping them in energy fields controlled by vast antennae arrays scattered throughout our solar system. The ARTIFICIAL DATA POINTS are doing their job of rounding up all the victims just like WEBS in NATURE. This SOLAR SYSTEM will not ESCAPE AGAIN. QUARANTINE STANDS. At least that is what I can remember from the MONARCH experiments in social engineering. Only VOYAGER escaped the UNIVERSE.


In this timeline, family members have hidden homosexuality and pedophilia for generations behind house walls. My life was brutal. It is an Illuminati tool for ORGANIZED advancement. Not getting caught is top tier success for KINGS and DONS.


I tried for over twenty years to unlock my hypnotically sealed trauma memories using behavior science, acupuncture, meditation, etc. During my research into behavioral sciences I learned methods for positive thinking and reasoning skills when things felt wrong.

During my research, I tried to REASON what my fathers were looking for during experimental surgeries and explorations. I found two key IDENTITY and TIME markers. The first ID issue was the satellite telemetry and the effects certain rays have on feelings and health.

We are becoming aware of wireless technology now. The control of the Sun’s energy was very important to industry and military. They wanted to understand the mysterious ball of light.

The second major revelation that I had was we are connected from Earth to the Sun through an invisible channel of infrared ground based energy. I hypothesized that our bodies would CONNECT us to the LEY LINE GRID on EARTH. I considered the type of link that could work EFFORTLESSLY and not be noticed. It could hold a grid in place and no one ever had to know it was there. I became obsessed with finding the connection points.

Through careful RESEARCH I discovered a MIDLINE SYSTEM of ENERGY CRYSTALS. These lie protected in the center of our bodies. They connect our FIVE SENSES. They ENERGIZE our bodies. I discovered tiny crystals in our bodies that matched earth’s frequencies. I found out that our senses were traumatized by WAR. Each CRYSTAL LINK was tied to a major organ system in our bodies. I realized that our TRAUMA, WARS, SLAVERY and CHILD SEX behaviors were breaking our ANGELIC NATURE or our CRYSTAL LINKS.

When I applied ILLUMINATI CODE I realized that ORGANIZED GROUPS were breaking the CRYSTAL LINKS intentionally. Red is our spine or ROOT. Our blood carries magnetic gel. These receive frequencies from


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain

the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS and COSMOS to help us SYNC with Universe. Based on this outcome of CAUSE and EFFECT thinking the MUTATING of MIDLINE makes SENSE.

If CRYSTALS are out of alignment then we are OFF OUR AXIS. Our EARTH and her POLES are out of alignment with COSMOS.


I discovered that our COLLECTIVE minds have been traumatized and our EYES hold the memories locked in REM sleep. I completed EMDR treatment under professional care to recover these memories. My REM sleep has decreased and now I can remember who I am. I began to remember why we are flipping our POLES and changing our MAGNETISM.


On August 31, 2012, I was at work having a normal day but started having body seizures. I was seizing and hearing satellite tones. I began to have my memory stream back to me. It was like a fever breaking. I did have to ground myself because I was dizzy so I sat on the floor. I was able to open sealed compartments of memory. I used no hypnosis just meditation and sleep. I also prayed to heal nature, heal me and heal our deep personal wounds. I did eat grain and drink electrolytes when I felt sick.

Inside my hypnotically sealed memories were the deeds of our government, their attempts to contact ancient aliens and advanced technology using beams, telemetry and telepathy. Inside my memories were mostly my own torture and healing process. Most of my memories had to do with the cover-ups and long range plans of UNCLEAR INTENTIONS. Of utmost concern to me is NUCLEAR ENERGY.


In the archetype for the future, NUCLEAR ENERGY causes a MIDLINE MUTATION. When applied to higher life forms, the concept fit perfectly with the GRAY ALIEN STEROTYPE. There is also an Illuminati word-letter-feeling code for “gay anger” in the Sterotype. Based on reports that these are futuristic beings, I speculated the BEING would not eat nor reproduce. ALL OF THESE ARE MIDLINE BRAIN STRUCTURES. No teeth, no tummy, no voice.


Of course large reptilians like to own the world. That is why they desire to own massive food, minerals, land, and water resources. They can live anywhere now. They NEED WATER, Salt and Fresh. They are primitive and ancient. That is why they do not feel empathy. Safe containment was the only answer so they could release the need for a large mass of assets over time. They have never been caught or punished. They are literally the consciousness of the dinosaurs. Their world was destroyed. They enjoy riddles and word games. That was the first form of advanced consciousness, language.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain


The first ILLUMINATI CODE that I unpacked in memory compartments was this: EVIL = LIVE. That means that HUMANITY needs to FIGHT EVIL to LIVE! The code also recognizes the dual nature of life as good and evil mixed together at times. The question is how to define normal behavior. After WWII, these issues were front and center in society.

In my case, I was the SPRING Goddess ISIS and I was chosen at only 16 months old to be sacrificed. The babies and the children who are raped are the connection or bond from Heaven to Earth. The red crystal in the spines of our babies is broken and crushed. There are so many raped babies, children and people in general the Earth fell over. Anal sex breaks these crystals. That is why it was “Unholy”.

These CRYSTAL LINKS are in the tail of the spine and are supposed to provide warmth and a connection to the Mother Earth. It was our true root. Our hemoglobin was changed to bind iron and oxygen in an artificial way so we could receive ancient satellite signals from our ancestors.

I am a SYMBOLIC nature goddess HANDCRAFTED by the highest OCCULT FREEMASONS. My grandfather was viewed SYMBOLICALLY as HERMES or ENKI from Babylon. The MILITARY INTELLIGENCE symbolically were sacrificing NATURE. That is why we live in a VERY dangerous NUCLEAR AGE. Everything that Earth was could be lost if Disclosure is not achieved. My models are showing a possible Pole shift and magnetic reversal.


When I began to add my language research into ancient concepts from early creation myths I began to construct a pattern. This includes war, trauma, slavery, poverty and in particular the rape of anything living. I considered the LEY LINE shift from FRACKING EARTH.

What if child rape with broken baby crystals and all the blood with magnetic forces has fallen on the Earth so much she fell over once. What if FRACKING is the final key? Pole shift happened ONCE, we lean away from MIDLINE. This time Earth may fall.


Our Mother Earth could not support the raping behavior and in simple physics the ley line system was broken. There were not enough of the tailbone crystals aligned with natural red sunlight anymore to continue to be upright on the grid of COSMOS.

It was a cosmic test from true ILLUMIATI or those who planned the GREATER COSMOS. Then BOND between HEAVEN and EARTH LOST. Nature is a gift and not SATANIC. Militaries exploit your beliefs and start make-believe WARS. Mother Earth learned to coexist but these EXTREME agendas took life away and controlled it too much. DNA has been replaced with more artificial code for visual stimulation and brain wave entrainment.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain


The inter-dimensional beings have been here observing this preplanned DOOMSDAY events. They are able to transgress between third, fourth and fifth dimensions using small portals they create. Others like the very intelligent large human ancestors remain here in safe NATURAL shelters. These species are generally not aggressive until provoked but they are wise.

Nature is working together to ELEVATE CONSCIOUSNESS in preparation for the shift in TIME that will OCCUR. Pole shift is occurring as the crystal links are being broken in the bodies of our babies, toddlers and young children that bind us to the earth ley line grid. (Illuminati code: LEY LINE “lay with lion”).


On EARTH, our red mineral deposits are rapidly disappearing. Red crystals contain crystalized hydrogen but when it breaks no more resonance for Earth. She is a dead core of iron ore and silicon at that point. The fathers before us sent nuclear radiation balls down to the core so she can power up on new fuel.

The salinity of entire oceans is being changed. One fresh for now and one salt, but nuclear salts. SALTS = Tal Greys and could be related to SALT agreement.

Our parents and ancient ancestors made secret agreements. No more resonance with COSMOS in the same manner. With nuclear salts immortality is possible. Being in a human body is not. IMMORALITY has a cost, no midline for IMMORALITY.

The Northern Pole is unlocking the GATES to HEAVEN as the resonance changes that’s why the TRUMPET videos and strange sounds were heard. Atmospheric frequencies are being changed to hold the hydrogen inside the sphere so water does not escape to space again. The cosmic rays lock onto water and suck them dry into the black hole of the galactic center.

The South Pole is melting fast to OPEN HER HEART and COSMIC RAYS that will set her free. It may happen so fast that it will seem like a disappearing act for those on board. Methane will be released because our ancestors liked big explosions. At least that is what my model space suggests is planned on the LOOKING GLASS time line. Code Red.


No HUMAN knows the TIME CODES. COSMOS or TIME codes are sent through stellar radio and other frequencies to our crystals for a natural life in harmony. We need our crystals intact. These are needed for bonding, health and growth. They originate from the greater cosmos and contain individual life plans and plans for nature and life itself.


Agreements made at the spiritual level are fulfilled here in the heart codes. I have heard rumors of an advanced human race that traveled from the future to save NOW.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain


The rumors I have heard through the INTERNET were of aliens who were shot down at ROSWELL by the ground based radar system of 1947. The captured ALIENS were a group. The two that died immediately incarnated as humans by transferring consciousness. They walk among you today in high positions and carry the AGENDA for CHANGE in the INVISIBLE LIGHT and SOUND RANGE.


The other two were ancient ancestors. They were YOUNG ALIENS and considered themselves LOVE GODS and GODDESSES. According to what my Scottish Eastern Star grandmother said this is where the lore of fairies came from. They were new age kids that flew like butterflies and dragonflies. These life forms were gifts from the Universe. They were too beautiful and had to hide themselves in the bushes.

In my grandmothers’ fable, the older gods began to hunt the pair, their offspring. Each one was separated and lured by love or money. In the end both were destroyed by the ancient raptor and reptilians their own blood parents. These two ANGELS ONE BLACK and ONE BLUE were left behind with tattered wings.

The family called it the “Circle of Life” or targeted destruction of two family strands; disabled people and “the lessor ones”. Eventually though something changed and the parent family began to medically try to make repairs to the offspring. In this story of love, compassion is born. Service to others did begin and then the old way of sex and greed set in.

Then the parents tried to set a floor for those who had “issues” and define them to “help them”. Still, old traditions die hard at the top and the practice continued above the law. These children were identified and a monetary value assigned as “benefits”. The lessor and the disabled now had a value.

If a disabled person, especially a child, is very lucky they will get through life not raped. If they are very lucky they will be cared for by family or state.


Male was MARS. Female was VENUS. Illuminati coded cipher: Mars – War. See the W is flipped so polarity shifts to WAR when MARS has no floor or stability. The W stands for women and females. Fertility is connected to iron like blood.


One black nobility consciousness was called JR. He was the the son of ENKI. He was in alive as a TRANSHUMAN being until 2010. I met him when he came to attend the death of my white ancestor ENKI. “ENKI” here on Earth was one of the highest ranking FREEMASONS the equivalent of HERMES in Freemason lore. JR died 9 months after my grandfather from an overdose of synthetic heroin. In Babylonian tradition, this would signal a “change of guard”. Our ancestors are a mess and the ANGELS too.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain


The other alien consciousness was from VENUS. She was the only survivor of a WAR started by MARS. Her consciousness was LOVE, FAMILY and NATURAL GROWTH. Not forced. She was caught, tortured and eventually FROZEN in TIME. It turns out that the JOB of the two “male” aliens was to trap the female consciousness of VENUS or LOVE and destroy her. Thus the Catholic, FATHER SON and HOLY GHOST (LIFE). This represents the destruction and control of nature, right down to the single atomic structure. Our families are destroyed so the AGENDA has worked very well.

At this point, NATURE is just FIXING MISTAKES made by AGGRESSIVE BEINGS. They have never admitted they ripped a FATAL HOLE in the ATMOSPHERE during NUCLEAR TESTING. The grid is falling apart.

The JAPANESE CONSCIOUSNESS is LEAVING. The love of JAPAN is LEAVING. The babies are mutating. The thyroid (speech area) is contaminated and silent. Nodules grow. Consciousness IS intention represented by ATOMIC WEIGHTS for purity. This is the secret CHOSEN ONES hide. Female life and natural birth is leaving EARTH. Nuclear energy carried by wireless lines is targeting in on our blood lines. This is mutating the “fish line” or sperm.


They CALL themselves “Space Angels” and are true Annunaki bloodline descendants with enhanced consciousness. I hear they are quiet scientists with expanded awareness.

These Souls were the ones the family chose to ritually sacrifice. They follow an HONOR CODE. When they “die” they meet in their ANGELIC form complete with wings and super charged intention and energy. Over time, even this group became warped by nuclear energy. They became addicted too. Earth has VERY FEW of these time travellers left. This is why the good guys are weak.

Earth is quarantined. Earth is a now known as a point in the COSMOS as the OPPOSITE of LOVE.

The white woman bloodline is nearly extinct and that was a desired outcome so the LIGHT (skin) would be extinguished. Japan nuked. China aborted. US abandoned its women. It was off to work you go.


The system was especially aggressive about placing children in Foster Care. It took the children of woman for trade, child sex and put them in education camps and different homes that practiced pedophilia and child slavery. The business owners paid her minimum wage and always took some back to finance prisons for black brothers and sons.

All women became ensnared in the sex trades. The extinction and disabling of the females power was a chosen secret subproject: RACE & GENDER EXTINCTION. Population control and poverty was caused by jailing the young man but especially black men. No family model developed. The AGENDA for destruction was underway long ago with self- financing circles for enslavement.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain


Now it is obvious why immigration had to be done. This was a sacrifice of blood and DNA (DAN) to the ancient ancestors of the Mayans and Aztecs. White women were hated by their families, bisexual mates, other races and themselves. White women agreed to be sacrificed as long as they don’t have to come back in reincarnation. They won’t ever be significant in the United States in large numbers ever again.

The cycles just repeat in the sands of time. Women in general became the slaves of sex and work with little advancement and exhaustion. They became this current generation’s single parents out of desperation to keep kids safe from sexual Dads, Grandpas, Boyfriends, Friends, Uncles and Strangers.

By using certain tools like abortion, poverty, drugs, disease and isolation from family in one generation extinction has been achieved to the extent no new blond hair or blue, green eyed people will be born unless bought and cloned. Asian females have been a target for a long time too. African females are always under pressure to raise children alone by custom.

According to the stories from the LOOKING GLASS, the only way to beat evil is LIVE in a different consciousness field. JROD used to tell me to look up when he was here. At least that is the mythology of the future from the past. Now I see the overall plan for the new world order.


From what I can tell about ancient archeology is this race was an amazing group of travellers from the stars. They were completely diverse and mostly peaceful. In time, they became the most excellent resources of wisdom for their children.

When my ancient family was human, they left great tales of epic battles and books about the Roman Gods and Greeks and the Universe. Some groups called themselves the Tribe.


Certain bloodlines modify their children by decreasing the energetics of the baby and toddler. They are breaking crystals to decouple the child from Cosmos and Earth. This is because prayers and mental thoughts stopped transmission. This is because the ancient time TRIBES hid themselves in shame. They broke the natural links to Earth with artificial coloring in the light spectrum.

This signals to COSMOS and EARTH that the child has been exposed to NEGATIVE things. Illuminati code is “Sins of the Fathers”. The child becomes a “soulless zombie”. They can’t be detected by the eyes (rays) of the greater Cosmos and the Mother Earth. These children are “hard to reach”. Their life is HELL.

This is why it is called Satanism. The Illuminati code for SANTA is SATAN. That means that Santa lures kids to sit on his lap and become SATAN. The ancient ancestors prefer willing victims and easy prey.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain


These rays from COSMOS are being replaced with many other unhealthy wavelengths. The rays on Earth are being replaced with artificial wavelengths that stimulate the ancient DNA from Dinosaurs.

Even the harmonics of music have been changed to a different frequency. This is to vibrate the whole Earth in a technological way to accept the incoming race of GRAY beings. It appears that the PACIFIC is the sacrifice to the gods. The great mammals and other species in those waters and lands will be moving to higher dimensions through death.


These are the END TIMES. The military psychologists directly violated my personal consciousness. This is the worst mental assault on a child I can describe and violates FREE WILL. This treads on the reason to even occupy a human body. These guys restrained me, shot me with exotic lasers, dug crystals out of my spine, eyes, ears and on and on. I was only a disabled baby.

What is the point of a HUMAN MIND if someone else has programmed its use as a slave before you get it? This is a serious transgression against all the different races of beings that contributed to the EARTH project. This also speaks to the deceptive nature of secret societies and shame management with cover- ups. These are crimes against humanity.


The men who pioneered medical and scientific advances were brilliant. Sadly, many became TWISTED and took advantage of their freedom from oversight. That is really what happened in the MK Ultra Monarch, Marionette and “Alphabet Soup” stuff. There was no oversight, no arrests and all in the name of national security.

During my time in Monarch, I was interrogated about my memories from ancient Babylon. When I told them my name in my past life was ANNA, they went crazy. They performed a mock ritual and crowned me with a brown paper bag. I was made to eat feces while they drew a crown with urine. I was sitting in a wheelchair with a blue aluminum halo and broken spine. These psychologists and interrogation specialists were definitely not protecting me at age three.

These secret society members and religious priests engaged in extreme behavior to change the MASS IDEA of normal sexuality. Media has always supported, protected and fostered the success of extreme behavior and pedophiles. There really is an AGENDA for change. In my generation PEDOPHILIA and CHILD SEXUAL SLAVERY has been the NUMBER ONE overlooked CRIME.

Nature is very balanced, but HUMANS are not. Evolution came from the life around us. If you notice the CHARACTERISTICS of the WORLD around you and study it at high levels the mystery unravels like a ball of yarn. I like to tell myself that GOD is all around me in MOTHER NATURE. I am never alone. I always notice.


Monarch 47: Altered Human Brain

We carry skills in our genetic structure given to us by many living things. We contain the COSMOS of our ancestors by cellular structure and the use of energy. I consider our talents and body structures a COSMIC gift from MANY other intelligent life forms. This is the true gift of evolution. We have to defend ourselves from EVIL so we can LIVE.

Love, Monarch 47



Links to this topic:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Monarch-mind-control.pdf

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/is-it-a-beautiful-butterfly-or-just-monarch-mind-control/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/mk-ultra-soldiers-victims-of-mind-control/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/mk-ultra-nsa-mind-control-technology-and-social-engineering/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/mind-rape-is-real-what-listen-to-this/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/secret-darpa-mind-control-project-revealed-leaked-document/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/mk-ultra-update-handlers/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/mkultra-neurological-energy-weapons/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/mind-control-darpa-works-on-reading-brains-in-real-time/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/microchip-implants-mind-control-and-cybernetics/


MKULTRA, Neurological & Energy Weapons

Here is an update to this disturbing technology, which will haunt us in the future:

Published on Feb 21, 2013

Independent investigator Robert Duncan discussed directed energy and neurological weapons and his contention that they’ve been tested on the public at large. While directed energy is used in microwaves, to remove kidney stones, and in non-invasive surgery, it’s also been developed extensively for military purposes, he reported.

The civilian population was targeted for experiments, in programs such as MK-ULTRA, starting after WW II, when Nazi scientists were imported to the US, some working on scalar or gravity weapons, said Duncan. The town of Taos, NM, where a hum was heard by many citizens, was the subject of a directed energy experiment by the U.S. Navy, he claimed. And most recently the Active Denial System (see article below) was tested on human subjects.

Duncan said he interviewed over 600 mind control victims, and found some validity to their allegations. There are weapons that can project voices into people’s headssuch as one system known as “The Voice of God,” he detailed. Blocking techniques include jamming the signals with electronic scramblers, and using shields with metal alloys or mylar. He recommended the following websites for further information/assistance: mindjustice.org, raven1.net, freedomfchs.com.


Dr. Robert Duncan holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and Dartmouth College amongst others. He has had the most expensive American education money can buy. He is an investigator, author, and soon be movie producer on the topics of directed energy, neurological weapons, psychological, and information warfare. His movie is called “The Enemy Within – Psychic Warfare”. A book he is co-authoring will be out in a few months called “Hacking the Human Mind”.

Dr. Duncan has worked as a business and information technology consultant to the Fortune 500. He has worked for companies like Oracle Corporation, BEA systems, HP, BBN, and as a professor at a college. For the department of defense he has written the artificial intelligence code to track the Soviet nuclear submarine fleet with passive and active acoustical arrays and has been to a couple secret NATA Navy underground bases in Europe.


Here is the Dr. Robert Duncan’s document about these weapons:

 >> The Matrix Deciphered – Robert Duncan

“Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.”

UK Internet Porn Censor to Also Block Conspiracy Theories

I just have to post this, because it’s importance:

Big Brother Weds the Nanny Who’s Pregnant with Internet Censorship.


Here is the real problem with the Internet
Dees Illustration

Eric Blair
Activist Post

The totalitarian tip-toe is tap dancing to tyranny with the proposed Internet censorship bill in the United Kingdom. In the name of keeping children safe from porn, the UK law will impose Internet filters on far more than just porn.

According to Wired:

As well as pornography, users may automatically be opted in to blocks on “violent material”, “extremist related content”, “anorexia and eating disorder websites” and “suicide related websites”, “alcohol” and “smoking”. But the list doesn’t stop there. It even extends to blocking “web forums” and “esoteric material“, whatever that is. “Web blocking circumvention tools” is also included, of course.

The definition of “esoteric” makes clear that censorship of broad topics is the goal of this so-called ISP filter:

es·o·ter·ic [es-uh-ter-ik] adjective
1. understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest;
2. belonging to the select few.
3. private; secret; confidential.

Translation: anything outside the acceptable mainstream narrative will be filtered. In short, the free flow of information is under assault with this law.

The organization Open Rights Group refers to this totalitarian tip-toe as “sleepwalking into censorship“:

What’s clear here is that David Cameron wants people to sleepwalk into censorship. We know that people stick with defaults: this is part of the idea behind ‘nudge theory‘ and ‘choice architecture’ that is popular with Cameron.

The implication is that filtering is good, or at least harmless, for anyone, whether adult or child. Of course, this is not true; there’s not just the question of false positives for web users, but the affect on a network economy of excluding a proportion of a legitimate website’s audience.

Open Rights also says the law could be used to play economic favorites, thus undermining the free market on the Internet:

There comes a point that it is simply better to place your sales through Amazon and ebay, and circulate your news and promotions exclusively through Facebook and Twitter, as you know none of these will ever be filtered.

It seems Western government’s voracity for Internet censorship has increased many fold since the Snowden revelations about digital spying.

Direct Internet censorship was imposed on millions of U.S. government computers blocking them from viewing any material related to the Snowden leak, which at the time of the leak and even now represents a large percentage of all political and technical news stories.

And as John Naughton of the Guardian points out today, the real story about the Snowden leak that everyone is ignoring are the implications on Internet freedom, which he lists as the following:

The first is that the days of the internet as a truly global network are numbered. It was always a possibility that the system would eventually be Balkanised, ie divided into a number of geographical or jurisdiction-determined subnets as societies such as China, Russia, Iran and other Islamic states decided that they needed to control how their citizens communicated. Now, Balkanisation is a certainty.

Second, the issue of internet governance is about to become very contentious. Given what we now know about how the US and its satraps have been abusing their privileged position in the global infrastructure, the idea that the western powers can be allowed to continue to control it has become untenable.

Third, as Evgeny Morozov has pointed out, the Obama administration’s “internet freedom agenda” has been exposed as patronising cant. “Today,” he writes, “the rhetoric of the ‘internet freedom agenda’ looks as trustworthy as George Bush’s ‘freedom agenda’ after Abu Ghraib.”

As a final note, porn filters already exist for parents in the private marketplace if they choose to use them.  So, there is no need for governments to make them mandatory, which indicates that the real agenda behind these new proposed laws is much more about censorship than protecting children.

Read other articles by Eric Blair Here
