Tag Archives: Social Engineering

Triumph Of The Beta Male

This is social engineering to the core. They just want to destroy the strong family units so that they can control people better. And what could be better way than feminize men and make them weak gays. Then when men are weak and families are broken and disabled they can take the absolute control of us. If you want to know more about this, all of it is designed and on the list of Elite/Illuminati or whatever you want to call them.

Here are couple of links for more info about social engineering:

And here is a good video about how gay-agenda is infecting Hollywood etc. :

An here is the small post from this agenda:

Gross no thanks; so unattractive. This image is being sold to males, and maybe started as a metro-sexual image thing.

These types as a BF or husband (lol) mean it’s ME that’s checking the oil and water on their (THEIR) car, me that relights the pilot light in a storm, mows the lawn, fixes things around the house as they appear, me who’s sanding and staining the coffee table, me that carried all the heavy stuff when moving, me that schedules car service, tradies, vet visits, me that notices the white ants in the timber, me that can use a gun, a router, a chainsaw, drive a truck, dig and prune the garden, climb the roof to check the roof leak, etc!!

I can do all those things myself (and I never wait for someone else to do something for me) – but I wouldn’t consider a man my ‘equal’ unless he can do them too.

‘Beta males’ would leave me no time to do anything because I’d be babysitting them. I need time to cook, clean, sew, and keep healthy so I can be Alpha Goddess to your Alpha Godlike persona!

Girly men are 100% Friend-zoned!

Males – get your Alpha on! – Impress us ladies with all that masculinity that we only have bits of from our little testostorone levels. We are different, and we like that you are too.

As a man, your goals are to grow big and strong and super-smart to protect your wife, children, mother, and grandmother.

#alphamalesftw #dontbelievethehype

This is not a joke. This is an actual major Hollywood magazine. This is what they have been politically, electronically and chemically nurturing men to be.

Women prefer alpha males. All of nature prefers the alpha. What more fucking proof do we need that The Beast, Hollywood and Mainstream Media/Pop Culture are trying to condition us against nature, make us backward, and thus dysfunctional? When men like this become the norm, who is going to fight for what is Right? These guys? Maybe by remote control or keyboard, and only insofar as they cannot get in trouble that way.

Can you see it?


Conspiracy Theorists by Jolly Roger

Have you been called a “Conspiracy theorist”? It’s just a tool to ridicule people who think with their own brains instead of just believing every rubbish story, that mainstream media tries to stuff down with their throats. Here’s a nice little article about this situation:

 Conspiracy Theorists

by Jolly Roger  slicingthroats@yahoo.com

Everyone has heard, and has probably used the term “conspiracy theorist,” and the fact of the term being in common use, also indicates that we generally agree on what it means. I saw a movie by that name, and the title character was a raving lunatic who kept his food in thermoses with combination locks to reduce his chances of being poisoned by imaginary enemies.

Regardless of how the stupid movie turned out, what’s important here is the common perception people have of someone to whom that label is applied, and just as important, is who it is that applies the label. The common perception is that someone who is labeled a “conspiracy theorist” is suffering from some type of psychological disorder, and that label is usually applied to people by our government, and our news media. The next thing to consider, is that the label is applied to anyone who questions our government’s version of events in any matter. Doesn’t it logically follow that the media are teaching us to assume that anyone who questions the government is insane? When that label is applied to a person, doesn’t it become easy to dismiss everything they say without even hearing it? How convenient for them.

I think the label first became widely used to slander people who questioned the details surrounding the JFK assassination, and forty years later, there aren’t too many thinking people who still believe the Warren Commission’s “lone gunman” explanation. That explanation is doubted by everyone who has taken the time to look into the details, and believed only by people who refuse to.

Which is “theory” and which is fact? In the absence of a full confession, this can only be decided by a preponderance of evidence, and it would be silly to come to a conclusion on any matter without looking at all the evidence available. This is only common sense, just as it is safe to assume some degree of guilt or complicity on the part of anyone who lies about an event, or tries to hide, plant, or destroy any type of evidence.

Conspiracy theories arise from evidence. After the government releases an explanation of a particular event, a conspiracy theory is only born because evidence exists to disprove their explanation, or at least call it into question. There’s nothing insane about it, unless you define sanity as believing whatever the government tells you. In light of the fact that our government lies to us regularly, I would define believing everything they tell you as utter stupidity.

In July of 1996, flight 800 exploded over Long Island. Shortly after their terrorist explanation failed scrutiny, our government then explained the event by claiming that a faulty electrical system caused a spark that ignited a fuel tank, and the people who doubted this explanation were quickly labeled “conspiracy theorists.” More than a hundred witnesses saw a missile travel from the ground up to the plane just prior to its explosion, but rather than being treated as eyewitnesses to an event, they were labeled “conspiracy theorists,” which label allowed all subsequent investigation to ignore the strongest evidence in the matter.

Our “investigative” news agencies decided to accept and disseminate the official story, and they helped us forget the U.S. naval station nearby, the fact that missiles were regularly test fired there, and naturally, they paid no heed to more than a hundred “conspiracy theorists” who saw the plane get blown out of the sky by a missile. I believe that the U.S. Navy accidentally shot down flight 800, and that’s my belief because it’s the most sensible explanation that can be drawn from the available evidence. I’m not theorizing about conspiracies, but there are conflicting explanations of the event, and if the Navy did accidentally blow a passenger plane out of the sky, who would have a motive to lie about it? The U.S. government, or a hundred witnesses?

Then of course, there were the “crazy conspiracy theories” arising from the bombing of the Alfred Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. In that matter, audio tapes and witnesses agree that there were two explosions, the first of which occurred inside the building between eight and ten seconds before the truck bomb exploded. Explosive experts agree that Timothy McVeigh’s fertilizer bomb could not have destroyed the building, and the FBI’s counter terrorism chief, and members of BATF lied about their whereabouts during and prior to the catastrophe. The evening news decided not to tell you any of this, and they will label anyone who tries to a “paranoid conspiracy theorist.” In light of the evidence, we would be complete fools if a conspiracy theory didn’t exist.

There were no conspiracy theories arising from the explosion of flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and there were no conspiracy theories arising from the work of the uni-bomber, so the newly invented psycho-babble that tries to explain the malady of conspiracy theorists, also needs to explain why millions of conspiracy theorists all decided not to theorize about those events. There is no psychological malady. There was simply no evidence to indicate a conspiracy.

The real question is not why people theorize about conspiracies, but why people choose to believe the government’s version of events when it’s obvious that they’re lying. One reason is that most people never see the evidence because our “news” industry hides it, and another reason is that the same news industry will quickly associate anyone who questions the government with the people who see Elvis, Bigfoot, and UFO’s.

But sadly, I think the main reason people choose to believe the government’s version of events despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, is because it’s easier, and safer. If you ignore most of the evidence, and accept as plausible whatever ridiculous explanation the T.V. provides, your life remains simple, and you get to sit on your ass and watch more T.V. If on the other hand, you pluck your head from that same ass and realize you’ve been lied to, as a citizen in a democratic society, you’re instantly burdened with being responsible for doing something about it. Every citizen of the United States has a civic duty to participate in their government, and keep themselves informed of its actions, or government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” isn’t possible. You were warned that “eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, ” but you chose to ignore your government, and believe whatever they told you, and because of this, Americans have lost their freedom. Although presidents and senators are public servants, unlike the dog catcher and mailman, they wield a lot of power over people’s lives, and that’s why they have to be watched, and scrutinized.

Statistical analysts from UCLA and Rutgers University believe that John Kerry won the 2004 presidential election by an estimated 1.3 million votes, and despite the fact that these learned scholars are probably the most qualified people alive to forward such an opinion, our news madia dismisses this as “conspiracy theory.” George W. Bush lost the 2000 election, and he lost the 2004 election, but he’s occupying the White House, shredding our constitution, and stealing our wealth and freedom in a “war on terror” that’s as fraudulent as his presidency because many Americans are too stupid to see it, too lazy to do anything about it, or both.

I’m sorry if I sound angry, but the fact of the matter is that I am angry. While you were staring into the television like an idiot, our freedom, wealth, and constitutional protections have been stolen from us, and because you’re stupid enough to believe the manure being shoveled by our government, you’ve allowed them to commit bigger and more heinous crimes. Because you were too lazy to research their nonsensical economic policies, and see them for the scams that they are, we’ll all soon be living in poverty. And because you’re so lazy, apathetic, and easily lied to, millions have died for the profits of a few. I have every right to be angry, and only a fool wouldn’t be.

Only a small portion of my anger is reserved for the government of the United States, because they only did what can be expected of any government. They grabbed money, power and control where it was easy to do so. Most of my anger is directed toward my fellow American citizens, because they allowed it to happen by believing whatever they’re told, and not doing what’s expected of them. Patriotism in America does not mean waving the flag in blind loyalty to the government. As an American citizen, you have a civic duty to question your government, and hold them accountable for their actions, not use the flag as a blindfold. The American people have been duped once again, and it doesn’t seem like it’s a difficult thing to accomplish.

America’s latest “conspiracy nuts” are better known as the 9-11 truth movement. The news media are doing their usual job of slandering them with their usual childish name calling, but for more than three years, they have refused to show you the documented fact, scientific data, expert testimony, photographic evidence, or the credible eyewitness accounts that prove U.S. government complicity in the events of September, 11, 2001. If this were just a “crazy conspiracy theory,” I don’t think people in our government would have worked so hard to destroy, hide, and lie about the evidence. The White House tried to derail every investigation into the matter. If we had an honest government, we wouldn’t have conspiracy theories. We would have honest investigations, and fair trials, but these things are disappearing from America.

There are disturbing facts regarding the events of September 11 that every American needs to be aware of , but naturally, none of it will be on T.V. I’ve met a lot of people in the 9-11 truth movement, and I can assure you that none of them are crazy, paranoid, or even “conspiracy theorists.” One generalization I can make about them is that they all seem to be very intelligent. Maybe the smartest thing you could do would be to start listening to them. The Arabs don’t “hate your freedom.” The White House hates your freedom, because it’s the only thing that stands between them, and unlimited power. – Jolly Roger

“Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Freedom” – Thomas Jefferson

911truth.org 911review.org 911review.com physics911.org wtc7.net

Anything written by “Jolly Roger” is the property of the American Resistance Movement, and the author hereby grants permission to anyone who so desires to post, print, copy, or distribute this letter as they see fit, and in fact, the author encourages you to do so.


Read more from Auricmedia:


MK-ULTRA, NSA Mind Control Technology and Social Engineering

This mind control topic is so huge, that I just have to make another post of it. The field is divided in half, another side is the military black OPS and another is the mind control aimed for us the normal citizens. First I post some links about NSA Mind control technology:

Surfing the web, I came across a series of articles that analyzed the NSA Remote Neural Communication Platform and the artificial intelligence that underpins the entire operation.

The articles are surprising, in that, they are mostly technical and very in-depth. I have seen nothing like it on the web anywhere else.

I grabbed a full list of the articles and their associated links, so that we can discuss it here. I have read through most of these, so I will give everyone a chance to read first, then we can discuss the technology.

Synthetic Telepathy – The Hidden Truth

Computer Mediated Synthetic Telepathy: A Conceptual Design

Synthetic Telepathy – The Legal Question – Updated

Evaluating The A.I. Behind Synthetic Telepathy

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Physics Revealed

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Physics Revealed – Part 2

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Physics Revealed – Part 3

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Physics Revealed – Part 4

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Physics Revealed – Part 5

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Eye-Witness Testimony

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Hunting For The Signal

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – The Target’s Story

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – The Target’s Story – Part 2

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? – Time To Come Clean

NSA Disinformation – Watch The Watchers With Me

NSA Disinformation – Watch The Watchers With Me (Part 2)

The NSA – Behind The Curtain


There you have some links and you can do you homework of searching those. Then I have to post a video of social engineering. This is a huge important, because if you don’t know what they have planned for us and are doing to us, it is hard to fight against this manipulation of minds:

Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century explores the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems. Topics covered include behaviorism, scientific management, work-place democracy, schooling, frustration-aggression hypothesis and human experimentation.

Scott Noble, the filmmaker behind the extraordinary and informative documentary “Psywar” has made another revelatory and important documentary, available free to the public, called “Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century”.

“Essentially”, says Scott, “this film is about the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems.” The film includes original interviews with: Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Rebecca Lemov (World as Laboratory), Christopher Simpson (The Science of Coercion), George Ritzer (The McDonaldization of Society), Morris Berman (The Reenchantment of the World), John Taylor Gatto (Dumbing us Down), Alfie Kohn (What does it mean to be well educated?) and others.

Read David Ker Thomson’s review of the film. He writes: It answers the significant events of the last century the way a glass answers the implicit questions of a man who peers into its reflective surface, point for point. It corresponds, in short, to reality.


Then I add some information in MK-ULTRA saga. First I have to post an official Duncan O’finioan YouTube site, because here you can see, that he’s not talking bullshit. Here you can actually see how he is a trained killing machine:


>> Here you can find more Duncan’s training videos on YouTube

Then we have another story about survivor of a secret mind control project aimed at creating the super soldier with psionic abilities called Andy Pero:

An exclusive interview with Andy Pero, survivor of a secret mind control project aimed at creating the super soldier with psionic abilities.

Andy Pero was unwillingly subjected to a mind control program off-shoot the Monarch Project-a trauma based mind control program similar to what Cathy O’ Brien describes in her autobiography by Mark Philips, “Tranceformation of America“.
Andy Pero claims to have been created through a combination of genetic manipulation, trauma based mind control and Silva Mind Control training resulting in superhuman feats and psionic abilities. In addition to this, Mr. Pero alleges to have been unwittingly used in covert assassinations as a Manchurian Candidate and also in missions connected to the Montauk Project, such as time travel.

Andy Pero first went public with his story in August of 1998 as a special guest of Preston Nichols while at a lecture series hosted by Bob Eure of Philadelphia, PA. I was so astounded with Andy’s testimony, that I interviewed him personally so that his story could be shared with readers of Unknown Magazine. For those who are unfamiliar with me, I have worked for ten years investigating and counseling UFO experiencers, abductees and occasionally survivors of various forms of anomalous trauma, such as ritual abuse and mind control. Because of my background in alien abductions, paranormal, the occult and anomalous trauma, I recognized Andy as an extraordinary survivor of trauma based mind control, one whose story should not remain hidden.

>> Read the whole interview here

Then we have another MK-ULTRA assassin called White Wolf Von Atzingen and here you can read more about him:

About White Wolf

White Wolf Von Atzingen

White Wolf Von Atzingen

White Wolf Von Atzingen is the founder of the Ways Of The Wild Institute and is the Alpha Guide for all wilderness courses and workshops. White Wolf has extensive experience in the ways of the wild. He  trained in the wild during his youth under an old Native Metinuwak (“medicine man”) and warrior. White Wolf will be however the first person to tell that he is in no way a “Medicine Man” or “Shaman”. He always says that he is merely a guide.

His native guide and Teacher taught him the old ways of living with the earth. White Wolf became a 10th degree black belt and Grandmaster in Small Circles of 5 Animals Jujitsu. In school he wrestled for 5 years. He also holds the rank of first degree black belt in Shao-lin kung fu, 18 hand lohan kung fu and Muai Thai.

Since he was 9 years old, White Wolf has held the Earth Path and Wilderness Ways in his heart. He has taught Earth Path Ways—The Ways of the Wild, Small Circles of 5 Animals Jujitsu, Kenjitsu and Combat Awareness around the country. He has lived primitively using the Earth Path Wilderness Ways for extended periods of time in wilderness areas around the United States in all seasons.

White Wolf will be the first to tell you that there are no such things as “Experts” in “Survival”. He once said, “Survival isn’t something you become an expert in. It’s more of the ability to adapt and surpass any situation where survival is the main objective. You can talk as much about how to work wilderness survival skills as you want, but you won’t get any better at the actual skills. The only way to get good at the skills is to use them, practice them as much as you can under as many different conditions as you can. I don’t talk about the skills, I do them, I work them and have been for almost three decades. But even with all that time and experience under my belt, I will never claim to be an expert in survival.”

He has climbed nearly 20 mountain peaks over 14,000 feet in the Rocky Mountain Range as well as over a dozen 13,000 foot peaks. These peaks were climbed in spring, summer, fall and the frigid ice packed winter. He tells some fun filled stories of being above 14,000 feet with 80 mile per hour winds and temperatures that dropped down to 60 below zero! Not to mention his harrowing experiences plummeting down permanent ice fields at 13,000 feet, braving hordes of mosquitoes living primitively in the forests of northern Maine, swimming with water moccasin snakes in the south and navigating the wild mountains of Honduras and river-lands of Nicaragua alone and without gear!

He is also an Energy Worker and Spirit Journeys guide. With many past combat injuries from 16 years of combat involvement in service to this country, he has worked diligently in his healing abilities using himself as a perfect subject. When he was in his mid teens he was forced into a highly specialized training division of the Central Government through the Central Intelligence Agency. After 3 years of training, he was employed by the Central Government for 13 years of “active duty”.  All the details of this aspect of his life, as well as his escape and healing from severe trials can be found in his book entitled Shadow Scorpion.

His life is dedicated to teaching the ways of the wild, defending the medicine balance in life and seeking always to attain his highest purity. He now lives within the remote areas of the Green Mountains with his wife and son.

As do all teachers, White Wolf teaches many skills but his specialties are (in no particular order) awareness, hand to hand combat and martial skills, 4 element energy work, spiritual journeys, survival,  totem work and assisting others in finding their personal power.

He is in all reality a warrior and guide. Specializing in guiding those who seek Medicine Wisdom to assist them along their sacred path of evolutionary healing and growth.

Not only does he teach Ways Of The Wild to groups, but also privately and volunteers quite a bit of time to the local elementary schools teaching these way to children, specifically, Robinson Elementary in Starksboro Vermont. Children Summer Camps are always a big hit in which a variety of skills are taught. He has also mentored through the Pathways Program in Addison County Vermont. White Wolf teaches outdoor skills as well as the “Medicine Ways” (natural ways to tap onto elements and pure areas of life to assist someone in their daily life)  and the secrets hidden behind the Central Government he was taught many years ago.

For more information on White Wolfs credentials, trainings and experiences please see his autobiography entitled “Shadow Scorpion”, which is available on this website. You can also find out a great deal of incredible information in his radio and Internetinterviews.

“Wolf is the Grand Teacher. Wolf is the sage, who after many winters upon the sacred path and seeking the ways of wisdom, returns to share new knowledge with the tribe. Wolf is both the radical and the traditional in the same breath. When the Wolf walks by you – you will remember.”


And here you can hear White Wolf Von Atzingen’s radio interview on radio New World Order:


And finally, for now I post a video, which first lead me to the world of mind control in 2002. Story of Monarch Mind Control slave Arizona Wilder:

There you have some more stuff about Mind Control and I hope, that these postings can open your eyes to see what mind control really is and what they can do to us if we don’t be vigilant.