It could be…:
Was the Star of Bethlehem a UFO?
Originally published: The Canadian,,
24th December 2010The star of Bethlehem as Christian lore has it, guided three ‘wise’ men to a site in a Judean town where a new born child of significant eminence lay in a construct that sheltered animals. Tradition says they came to hail the birth of a new king. At this time nearby Jerusalem lay as a kind of buffer province between two antagonists, a new power point in the already complicated body politic of an area festering with the military might of two great armies, the Romans and the Persians.Firm historical record does not affirm any specific regality to the three men except to verify that the Maji were not kings themselves as later tradition suggested. It seems they were originally a group of Persian king-makers. An electoral college if you like that was credited with great learning and given power as king-makers. The political exigencies in the area called Judea were festering in conflicts between Rome and Persia (Parthia). The prevailing power in Judea at the time was Rome and the ruler Herod was an appointee of Rome under the ostensible title ‘King of the Jews.’ Into all this was born a child to a humble Jewish couple, a child whose coming was evidently foretold. This was something well known in the most learned academic circles and the Maji were among the most learned mystical sages of their sort, the leaders of the leaders of men through their knowledge and influence.
There is much questioning of the exact date of the visit of the Maji to Jeshua Ben Joseph or Jesus Christ to give him his better known nomenclature. This is pivotal because it accents the date of the appearance of a so called star in the sky that through prophecy was supposed to herald the birth of the child in a particular location. This of course would mean that the duration of the star’s appearance and the visit were commensurate with one another.
So what about all this exceptionality? An exceptional child, conceived in unique circumstances, born under exceptional circumstances with a star no less for a designated guiding light that brings special visitors with special behests to see him. All this accompanied by apparitions and space wide manifestations, a real magic show for all to see and hear in little significant town 2000 years or so ago. What other so called inexplicable magic show that goes on today bears a natural reference to all this in terms of its spectacle and wonder? Yes you’ve guessed it: The UFO phenomenon.
Now there’s an interesting surmise. When I began researching UFOs seriously it was one of the first connections that sprang to my mind. Could the two be connected? I’ll put it plainly. Was Jesus an extraterrestrial?
For virgin birth read alien in-vitro fertilization, for the star of Bethlehem read a UFO that stopped over the place where Jesus was born. For transfiguration in front of Peter, James and John on the mountain top read abduction up into the spaceship. For walking on water, turning water into wine in fact any of the ‘miracles’ Jesus performed read the power of alien technology. The evidence would seem to speak for itself. Or does it? Is there a flaw somewhere in this hypothesis? Is there any indication from the reports we have of Jesus’ life that he could not possibly be the end result of the machinations of technologically advanced alien visitors?
I have suggested in my books that the Grey aliens reported by so many reliable witnesses in abduction accounts are artificial entities, roboids. Even SETI is going through a process of realizing that if within a few hundred years of inventing radio we are on the point of inventing thinking machines then the likelihood is that other civilizations from other planets would have done the same. Seth Shostak of SETI says that as machines appear to be the successors to natural life, we would be more likely to spot signals from them than from the “biological” life that invented them.
If this stage is so closely upon us it is not difficult to envision a future in which the ‘non-biological ‘ version of us equipped to survive the rigours of deep space travel, carries an electronic fingerprint of our DNA ready to be reconstituted in a suitable planetary environment. Stephen Hawking has recently suggested that the human race itself must move to a planet beyond our Solar System to protect the future of the species. “Once we spread out into space and establish colonies, our future should be safe.” “The human race shouldn’t have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let’s hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load.”
What better way to achieve that objective than sending our genetic information via artificially intelligent entities capable of withstanding the enormous forces involved in the kind of space travel faster than the speed of light necessary to reach hospitable planets.
Could the Greys indeed be gophers sent out from technologically advanced civilisations on other planets to reconstitute their life form, perhaps through cloning procedures, elsewhere? Could they be attempting to hybridise with us so that they can survive on our planet by merging species with one already adapted for the local conditions and clone and re-clone humanity in hybrid mixtures with them. Perhaps this is the hybridisation program that has been reported to be picking up a pace in the last twenty years by Budd Hopkins and Professor David Jacobs.
But then the question would remain, what do we have that a highly advanced bio-synthetic laboratory such as theirs cannot replicate? It is my contention that there is something that natural birth has and cloned birth does not, a crucial difference between their created non-living form and natural living life forms. That facility is a natural line of connection to the non-physical pre-atomic state before the Big Bang, otherwise known as a ‘soul.’ There is something about our identity as human beings that goes on past physical death, a magic non-physical ingredient that they as purely atomic creations can only detect in the sense that it is completely different to what they can know. They can never actually understand what it is because it is non-atomic and therefore non-programmable.
If the Greys are indeed the robotic entities I believe them to be it would explain the fact that abductees have commented on their blank, emotionless faces as they carry out painful procedures on them. It is impossible to program compassion and sympathy into a machine. Machines with artificial intelligence can have no personal identity principle enshrined in their programs. They are simply and only the product of their programming and just like computers they have no personal identity or consciousness of self by which to register emotion of any kind. Only natural living things can have this and I believe this is because natural life and natural intelligence have their root in a holistic quantum reality beyond the physical universe.
What then is the origin of this magic ingredient called consciousness? If, unlike the Greys, we are naturally derived life forms where do we derive from and how does that derivation make us out as intrinsically different to them as artificial creations? For the answer to those questions it is helpful to look at the power that seems to allow for ordered states to happen incidentally within the disorganising inertia of a universe subject to the second law of thermodynamics or entropy that dictates break up into greater and greater states of randomness and chaos with the passage of time. The power is the power of consciousness and as I have discussed Jesus Christ was at great pains to illustrate the unique unionising and ordering potential that consciousness can provide in a physical universe. Hence his statement ‘don’t ye know ye are Gods.’
A computer program or any non-living object can only follow the law of cause and effect, action and reaction. Conscious being on the other hand can change the course of events, in other words, do that little bit more than simply respond to stimuli. A wonderful example of this is the contrast between the Old Testament dictum of an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth and Christ’s revision of this rule to turn the other cheek. By this simple statement Christ illustrated the nature of consciousness set against that which is not conscious. In other words, do that little bit more, don’t simply respond to stimuli, use instead that special facility that marks humanity as different from these roboidal Grey entities who can only respond according to the dictates of a program. This principle is further illustrated in the beautiful yet rarely followed statement: “If a man asks you for his coat give him your cloak also.”
There are several accounts within the texts of the Coptic Gnostic Library which contains texts excluded from the main canon of the New Testament in which Jesus carefully explains to his apostles exactly how to deal with the alien beings should they be faced with them. His entire sojourn with our species it seems was marked with an encouragement to reject the proposals of the material state for which they are the best, most accomplished representatives.
In the “Sophia of Jesus Christ” he talks about “moulded” beings were “condemned as robbers” because they “welcomed the blowing” of “the breath” of God but they were not able “to receive that power for themselves”.
He then tells the apostles in no uncertain terms that he came to mankind to free him from these “robbers” who attempt, albeit in vain, to steal soul from those to whom it rightfully belongs. He says that he “loosed the bonds of the robbers” from immortal man and “broke the gates of the pitiless ones before their faces”. Could these bonds that are loosed and gates that are broken perhaps be the gates and bonds which interrupt the genome of mankind, blocking and holding dormant the full expression of the natural un-intercepted genetic scope of humanity? Jesus describes these “robbers” as the “pitiless ones”, many abductees have reported the complete lack of sympathy which the Greys appear to have for human suffering. Of course, if my theories about these beings are correct, it is easy to see why “pity” would be impossible for them to even conceive of.
In the “First Apocalypse of James” in the Nag Hammadi Codex Jesus explains to the Apostle James how to cope with these beings who take away souls by theft. What better description of abduction could there be than that? He goes on to tell James: “When he also says to you ‘Where will you go?’ you are to say to him, ‘To the place from which I have come, there shall I return’. And if you say these things you will escape their attacks.” Thus if James makes clear his own root of being to these creatures and shows them that he fully intends to return to that root he will “escape their attacks”.
There is also an account in the New Testament itself which describes how Christ was confronted by a character called Satan and after a series of threats and cajolements he finally dismisses this entity who claims charge-ship of the whole world. It seems this entity has power to do whatever it likes and takes Jesus to a high place and shows him ‘all the cities of the world.’ There is no mountain high enough from Judea or indeed anywhere on the Earth from which anyone at any time could see the cities of the whole world except from space. In fact Judea could be seen to be a perfect central aspect from which you could view all the main influence centres of the planet if you view the planet in a two dimensional scale of its main land masses. That height would have to be as a minimum, a view from space.
So Jesus would have to have been in contact with something that could take him into space. What does that suggest? As far as I know not even NASA was going at that time! I believe that the character referred to in this account as ‘Satan’ fits well with being some sort of leader of alien entities. In fact the ancient translation of the word ‘Satan’ means ‘he who fell from the sky.’ That which we call ‘demons’ or ‘devils’ may well be technologically based alien beings and may well have been such all through history. The power of the ‘devil’ to me is simply the technological power of the super intelligent synthetically constructed biological robot, I call a Grey ‘Roboid.’
With the words: “Get thee behind me Satan. It is written that you shall not tempt the Son Of Man,” did Jesus tell the space ship ‘captain’ that had taken him into space that it was a machine and thus less than anything that lives naturally? As a robotic entity did Satan simply accept this as information and return Jesus to the earth? I believe that until then this machine entity did not realize the distinction between ‘it’ and any living thing. In other words existentially Satan was less than an insect. Once it registered this new information about the power and status of all living beings it would have also deduced for the first time that it lacked that power.
With these words Jesus it seems dismissed the aliens as something less than insects because they are not naturally living beings. The crucial thing is that all naturally living beings are inherently existentially superior to created synthetic beings because naturally living beings with consciousness come in with the Universe from its very beginning, with the ‘first light’ that made for awareness, reason, understanding and most crucial of all, free will as compunction. Free will is defined here as the power to change a stance free of the dictates of a programme against all logic and trend. No roboid can do this no matter how advanced its super artificial intelligence makes it. That is what the Christian teacher was at pains to point out. So much so that he did it even at the cost of his life.
As natural life we thus have a never ending scale of connection within a duality, an information field that is measured in a time scale that extends into the timelessness of the pre-universe. This scale of connection is a soul, an individual information field that is unique to each of us. Anything else that can write, impose and direct this information field is thus a deadly enemy that can interrupt the natural free will driven course we take. If a machine with artificial intelligence can do this, that machine is our most deadly enemy. All naturally living beings are inherently superior to created synthetic beings because naturally living beings with consciousness come in with the Universe from its very beginning. My recent book “Grey Aliens And The Harvesting of Souls” deals at length with how the Grey roboids might actually be able to do this. The book seems to have caused a world wide controversy for its radical views on the UFO phenomenon.
Thus Christ was the antithesis to the Greys and I believe the provider of the antidote to their machinations with humanity. They are the pinnacle of the artificial set against the natural just as he is the pinnacle of the natural set against the artificial. I believe it is the defence of this principle that bestows the power of access to eternal life on all living species in the Universe that Christ figures appear among them from time to time. These ‘Christs’ or anointed ones are reminders to species of what they are losing when they come to a situation of being threatened by the phenomenon we call ‘machine mind.’ They could thus rightly claim to be saviours of the natural status of being. That most wondrous gift we all have that many of us seem not to appreciate. They however reach us via natural rather than artificial means i.e. birth. Any civilisation that develops the technology for space travel beyond the speed of light is most likely to be even further along the scale from natural to artificial than we are, so it is Greys rather than Christs that come in spaceships
As a natural species we have our origins in a timeless state of perfect union and as such we have a reference of the whole state of infinite extent that is the implicit backdrop to all finite states. As programmed artificial intelligence the Greys can only build up their information as a sum of parts, brick by brick so to speak. They can never get the whole picture this way simply because the whole picture is by definition infinite and they are finite entities. Thus they are attempting to hijack our ability to get the whole picture, all the information, by inserting their programmes into us. However the irony is that the more they do this the more we lose parts of the whole picture and become like them. They are basically trying to run up a down escalator with infinite steps and never quite getting to the top. But tragically we are losing our reference of the whole state through their interruptions such that meaning is gradually being replaced by form, conscience is being replaced by ergonomics and man is being replaced by machine.
© Nigel Kerner 2010
And here is the explanation in
Medium: Jorge Olguín.Entity that came to dialogue: Johnakan Ur-El
Interlocutor: Moving on to another of the questions, Was the famous “Star of Bethlehem” a UFO as many people say or it was a planetary conjunction?
Johnakan Ur-El: It was a planetary conjunction.
Interlocutor: Nothing to do with UFOS or extraterrestrials?
Johnakan Ur-El: No, but in any case in that time there were space ships that guided travelers.
Interlocutor: But concretely the “star of Bethlehem” was a planetary conjunction?
Johnakan Ur-El: Correct.
Interlocutor: Which were the planets involved in this event?
Johnakan Ur-El: On August 6 of the year 6 BC, when my Master the Illuminated Jesus was born there was a conjunction of three planets of this system, and if now, those who work with computers, make the diagram of the sky in that time, they will be able to know this with certainty.
Interlocutor: Another point is clarified.