Ufologist Questionnaire

I have posted couple of articles from James Bartley website, which is pretty good place if you want information about abductions/Milabs. Here’s a little briefing about James:

Name –

James Patrick Bartley (not the same guy who was allegedly swallowed alive by a whale!)

Birthdate –

November 7th 1964.  A Scorpio born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon.

Occupation – Writer, Researcher

Qualifications or Career Skills –

Previous experience in the Insurance Industry, Telecommunications Field, Semiconducter Field and County Government.  I also worked as a civilian in an Intelligence related capacity for the Department of the Navy.  I’m a student of History with an emphasis on Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and Special Operations.  I have made an in-depth study of the Corporate, Intelligence, Financial, Occultic, and Political aspects of the New World Order and the Globalist Agenda, both of which are part and parcel of the Reptilian Overlordship.

Religious Affiliation –

I consider myself a Christian, however I have an implicit belief in Reincarnation.  The two are NOT mutually exclusive despite what the religious dogmatists would have us believe.  No two people were as well versed with the Old Testament or the New Testament as Edgar Cayce and General George S. Patton.  Yet both believed implicitly in Reincarnation and had extremely detailed past life memories.

Groups and Societies you associate with –

The only people I interact on a constant and daily basis with are other abductees and milabs.

Why did you become interested in Ufology? –

I have had UFO Sightings and Alien Abduction experiences since childhood.  Some of my abduction experiences occurred during normal waking consciousness.  The entities I have encountered included various species of reptilians, dracs (the winged gargoyle species) reptilian greys, and a diminutive brown skinned being that appeared in my bedroom when I was about five years old.  Those are just the beings that I have the clearest memories of.  There have been others.

Many of the faceless UFO debunkers claim that alien abduction experiences are only remembered through hypnosis or were the result of sleep paralysis.  This is complete nonsense.  My UFO sightings were not mere “lights in the night sky” either.  I have seen various types of UFOs at close range including a daylight sighting of a globe shaped UFO which created its own cloud bank to hide in.  I’ve seen a reddish orange cigar shaped UFO at close range.  This cigar shaped craft had a double wide row of windows with yellow light streaming out of the windows.  A three or four foot red flame came out of the rear of the craft and it made a “whooshing sound.”  On another occasion I witnessed at close range reddish orange “plasma balls” that shot out beams of bluish white light in my direction.  This happened after a blackout in my neighborhood.  The plasma balls performed erratic maneuvers at the base of a power transformer.  The blackout was probably due to the plasma balls interfering somehow with the transformer.  I saw a gleaming silver saucer streak right over the runway by the main terminal building at Oakland International Airport.

Those are just a small sampling of my UFO sightings.  On numerous occasions I have observed what I believed to be “Man Made UFOs.”  A common debunking tactic is to dismiss ALL UFO sightings as merely the observation of advanced U.S. “Stealth” aircraft.  Again, this is complete nonsense and only works on an uneducated ignorant audience.  In the first place “Stealth” has nothing to do with the visual spectrum.  The idea behind “Stealth” is to reduce the Radar Cross Section or RCS to a point where ground based radar cannot “lock on” to the aircraft thus preventing a Ground Control Intercept (GCI) station from vectoring fighter aircraft to intercept the intruder.  Since aircraft cannot be vectored towards the stealth aircraft, the onboard weapons systems of the interceptor which rely upon radar or detection of the heat signature of the intruder are useless.  Likewise radar controlled anti-aircraft artillery (Triple A) and radar controlled surface-to-air missiles are also useless.

The idea behind “Stealth” is to utilize radar absorbent materials and alloys and design the aircraft in such a way that there are no flat surfaces on the exterior of the aircraft which would reflect radar beams back to the radar station.  This does not necessarily make the aircraft entirely invisible to radar.  That is another common misperception.  It just means that the Radar Cross Section is too small for ground based radar and airborne radar to lock onto the aircraft long enough to bring either ground based anti-aircraft weapons or airborne weapons systems into play.  So for all intents and purposes, the Stealth Aircraft becomes “invisible” to the air defense system.  The heat signature from the engines is also reduced to prevent heat seeking missiles from attaining a lock on the aircraft.  Lastly the Stealth aircraft are painted black and are flown exclusively at night so ground based air defense systems and airborne interceptors reliant upon visual identification cannot see the aircraft.  Hence the Lockheed F-117 is known as “The Nighthawk”

A “Stealth” aircraft that flies during the day or lights up the entire countryside at night (which some legitimate UFOs are prone to do) defeats the very concept of “Stealth,” which again, has absolutely nothing to do with the visual spectrum.  Moreover many UFOs are seen in broad daylight over heavily populated cities.  Considering the enormous size of the test ranges in the Southwest, why would “stealth” aircraft be test flown over a city?  Nevertheless these debunkers insist on using the “Stealth Card” whenever compelling video footage is presented or expert eyewitness testimony is given by highly credible witnesses.  This is the age of the Camcorder and a debunker, no matter how hard he or she tries, cannot ridicule video footage and dismiss it as a “UFO Believer.”

To my knowledge the first person to use the testing of “Stealth Aircraft” to explain away UFO sightings was none other than retired Admiral Bobby Ray Inman.  This was the same Admiral Inman who was caught on audiotape admitting in a phone conversation with UFO researcher Robert Oeschler that the United States had recovered alien craft.  Later Inman claimed the statement was taken out of context.  Admiral Inman was formerly the Director of Naval Intelligence, the Director of the National Security Agency, the Vice Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Deputy Director of the CIA.  In other words I don’t believe a damn thing Admiral Inman says.  His comments about UFOs being stealth aircraft sound to me like animal noises.

Memo to the retired Admiral Inman:  “Baa Baa Baa…Oink oink oink…Moo moo moo.”

Have you had any ET experiences? –

As stated above I have had personal encounters with non-human life forms in my home, in my car and on board alien craft after I had been taken “onboard.”  But the ET experience encompasses far more than just face to face encounters and UFO sightings.  The ETs routinely conduct “dream hacking” and create “stage managed dreams” while we are sleeping.  Some of these dreams can be highly symbolic in nature or could be efforts at indoctrination and/or training.  An abductee could wake up from such “dreams” and feel compelled to tell the world about the wonderful benevolent ETs who are bestowing upon him knowledge and wisdom.  This creed is fortified by numerous alien inspired synchronicities.

The ETs strive to activate the ego of the abductee and make him or her feel as if they are a “chosen one” who must bring forth the ETs message to the world.  I call abductees who succumb to this very basic form of alien indoctrination and brainwashing “muppets” and there are no shortage of muppets within the abductee community.  The ETs also frequently interact with our astral bodies and will trigger out of body experiences within abductees when it suits their needs.  The ETs can also telepathically communicate with the abductees but oftentimes these messages are metaphysical pablum mean to reinforce the indoctrination they are already receiving.

The ET manipulation of abductees is far more pervasive and all encompassing than the mentally rigid abduction researchers would have us believe.   Most of the mentally rigid alien abduction researchers have never even had ET experiences themselves so I don’t take them very seriously.  What irks me about them is they consistently and persistently downplay certain aspects of an abductee’s experiences such as reptilian encounters or military abductions.

In the field of Alien Abductions I have benefited enormously from the tutelage of Barbara Bartholic, whom I consider to be the greatest alien abduction researcher on the planet, bar none.  I am proud to call myself a protégé of Barbara Bartholic’s and join a distinguished line of other protégés including the late great Dr. Karla “Kandy” Turner whom I had the great good fortune of meeting and befriending.  Another researcher that I owe a debt of gratitude to is Eve Lorgen.  Eve Lorgen is also a protégé of Barbara Bartholic’s and is an outstanding researcher in her own right.

Do you believe abductions are “upgrading humans?” –

I believe some ET groups and especially the reptilians have “upgraded” humans insofar as they can more easily control them and use them to their own advantage at the expense of the human race.  Many people have alien manipulated DNA.  The Aliens want to instill their own attributes into their human-alien hybrids.  Reptilian-human hybrids are a case in point.  It should come as no surprise that a person who comes from a reptilian bloodline would become a pedophile, serial murderer, satanist or habitual abuser of women.  The reptilians sow these unpleasant characteristics into their hybrid bloodlines through genetic manipulation.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that the reptilians are always doing the genetic manipulation.  Certain alien races that are vassals to the reptilians, in particular some of the “greys” may be doing the actual genetic manipulation of a given human bloodline but the result is the same.

Do you support channeled data? –

If the trance medium (the old spiritualist term) is channeling for a group that ultimately has a negative agenda than some of the information may be factual.  Some of the information will actually be directives and tasks for the group to accomplish.  Even within such a group only a very few or perhaps even one person knows of the existence of the negative agenda, which from the standpoint of the channeled entity or entities is NOT negative.  On the other hand if the channeled entity is seeking to spread metaphysical pabulum and disinformation about the subject, it will seek to deter the people they are manipulating from obtaining truthful hardcore information.

Channelled information is different from interdimensional or angelic beings providing information, insight or encouragement.  In order for a channeled entity to come through, the trance medium must willingly dim their own consciousness and allow another consciousness to momentarily (?) take over.  This is a risky prospect at best.  The channeller has to hope that the entity is a benevolent one and is not bent on sowing chaos and confusion.

Would you like an ET/Earth Alliance to occur? – I believe it is already happened but it has been to the detriment of the Human Race.  I believe the series of crashes in and around Roswell New Mexico in 1947 was a “Trojan Horse” operation that allowed the negative ET groups and particularly the reptilians to gain control over large parts of the military-industrial complex involved in the back-engineering of alien technology and the development of alliances with various ET groups.

This was accomplished by ensuring that rep and drac human hybrids working towards the New World Order agenda attained positions of authority within the deep black UFO program, as they have throughout every meaningful institution of Human Society.  The Human Race is suffering from what has been described as “Planetary Confinement.”  It is the destiny of a small percentage of people to depart from this polluted strife torn world and head out towards the Cosmos.  Those remaining will have their numbers drastically culled and the survivors will be mindless automatons working on a global plantation.

A parting statement about the progress of Ufology –

Ufology has actually regressed.  There are less people researching and lecturing today about alien abductions than there were fifteen years ago.
Moreover, the majority of information, or disinformation as it were, that’s being disseminated about alien abductions originates from the same group of non-abductee-abduction researchers.  The latter an oxymoron if I ever heard one and I stress the second syllable “moron(s).”

There is not enough quality research being done about reptilians, the ruling reptilian-human hybrid elite and the Reptilian Overlordship in general.  Likewise there is not enough research done on Milabs or the various and sundry ways ETs utilize abductees.  There needs to be more written about the deep black interaction between non-human entities and human military/scientific/medical personnel.  If 90 % of all UFO researchers stopped researching, we wouldn’t miss anything.  Most researchers don’t even see a connection between UFOs, Aliens and the reptilians in particular with the New World Order.  Some researchers and abductees have been manipulated into promoting the New World Order without even realizing it.

Treatises I have written – Astral Dreamscape Manipulation; Understanding the Hive Consciousness; Understanding the Reptilian Mind; Alien Civil Affairs Parts 1 and 2; On the March; Alien Abductions in the 21st Century; Unmasking the Disruptors in UFO/Conspiracy Research Parts 1 and 2 (Co-Written with Eve Lorgen); and Milab Operations.  I am a contributing writer in the Universal Seduction Book Series Volumes I, II and III.  Designer Foes, Designer Wars is my contribution on Volume III.

Your Website – http://www.angelfire.com/nm2/aona/james.html

Radio Interviews – I’ve been interviewed numerous times on Dave Allen’s “Night Hawk” radio show from Northern California.  I had my own radio/internet audiocast show on the Night Search Paranormal Network (NSPN).  My show was called “The Bureau of Alien-Human Affairs – Directorate V Reptilian Section” or BAHA, D5, RS for short.  I was co-host with Eve Lorgen on the “ET Insider” show on the NSPN network.  I was also a guest on Guy Malone’s “Live From Roswell”  show.  I’ve lectured at the UFO Friendship Campout at the Lil A’Le Inn at Rachel Nevada.  I also gave a Memorial Speech on behalf of the late Dr. Karla “Kandy” Turner in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.  My most recent lecture was in Memphis Tennessee in February 2006.

Contact Details – dr_dannieljaxson@yahoo.com
