Shut Up Conspiracy Theorist

It’s time to clear the facts…

Shut Up Conspiracy Theorist

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We exist within extraordinary times. The proliferation of technology has ushered in an age of information and never before has humanity had the ability to gather information so easily, at least in the technologically advanced nations. Essentially, the knowledge of mankind lies at the fingertips of people in much of the world and curiously, a high percentage of people, especially in the west, instead utilize the tools available, not for self education or expansion of ones knowledge base, but as a means of distraction. I mean, really, why educate oneself when you can watch video clips of monkeys hurling feces at tourists? Why expand your knowledge base when you can upload to social networking sites, pictures of your kitty-cat or what you ate for lunch?

The internet is a linking of billions of minds; this technology has moved us forward and has brought the world closer. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, conduct business, gather information and connect with the world. It has also created a global platform for alternative media, which has been the bane of corporate, mainstream controlled, bought-and-paid-for media.

It seems as though whenever information is presented that conflicts with the official, consensus, mainstream version of events, it is immediately attacked and discounted as “conspiracy theory.” It’s amazing to me the way that words get thrown around and often times, their true meaning is lost to the ones using them. Etymology or the derivation of words, can teach us an awful lot. The word “conspiracy,” derives from the Latin word, conspirationem, which simply means: “agreement, union, unanimity.”

The modern dictionary definitions of the word conspiracy are:

1. The act of conspiring.
2. An evil, unlawful, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. A combination of persons for a secret, unlawful or evil purpose.
4. Law: an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud or other wrongful act.
5. Any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

To simplify, the word “conspiracy” simply means: “to breathe together.” I’ve actually heard those among the I believe everything I’m told crowd, with such certainty; claim that there is no such thing as conspiracies. Obviously, when the etymology and definition is understood, that statement is seen for the ill-informed and absurd nonsense that it is. Two or more people plotting to rob a bank would be “conspiring” to do so.

The first use of the phrase “conspiracy theorist” apparently occurred in 1909; in an article published by the American Historical review.Later, in 1967, the CIA adopted the term in a psychological operation to discredit researchers and actual journalists whose findings deviated from the official claims, particularly, with those who were investigating the JFK assassination, and the ridiculous assertions and conclusions of the whitewash known as the Warren Commission Report.

In 1976, the New York Times acquired a CIA dispatch thorough the Freedom of Information Act, which outlined the CIA’s tactics to discredit those whose research and investigations conflicted with official propaganda. The document spells out the CIA’s tactics of psychological manipulation and disinformation. The dispatch outlines certain tactics:

Claim that it would be impossible that so many people would keep quiet about such a big conspiracy.
Claim that eyewitness testimony is unreliable [unless it is in line with the official version of events].
Accuse theorists of being wedded to and infatuated with their theories.
Accuse theorists of having financial interests in promoting conspiracy theories.

In part, the document reads:

To discuss the publicity problem with and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) , pointing out that the [official investigation] made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.
To employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.

I’ve been on the receiving end of the label “conspiracy theorist” more times than I can count, and I would estimate that 99.9% of the time, the person using the term has not even bothered to look at any of my work or even engage in intelligent discussion regarding the particular topic at hand; they simply repeat the label as if by rote, and so few of them would ever bother to look at information that just may challenge what they think they know, or their TV educated mindset. They never seem to engage in any investigation of their own, apart from glancing at a “news” snippet or simply adopting the consensus view as their own. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time that label, or other such nonsense was thrown at me, without even considering what I was saying, I’d be writing this right now from my private yacht, off the coast of Maui!

Critical thinking has become all but extinct; it seems to have been bred out of most people, and the ones that question are at once considered “crazy conspiracy theorists,” often on knee jerk reaction with outright rejection of any information that contradicts their consensus mindset. Author Jack trout summed it up perfectly when he stated:

“The sane person constantly analyzes the world of reality and then changes what’s inside his or her head to fit the facts. That’s an awful lot of trouble for most people. Besides, how many people want to constantly change their opinions to fit the facts? It’s a whole lot easier to change the facts to fit your opinions. Unsane people make up their minds and they find the facts to ‘verify’ their opinions. Or even more commonly, they accept the opinion of the nearest ‘expert’ and then they don’t have to bother about the facts at all.”

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the media, in a lockstep with the corporate apparatus that funds and controls it, engaged in massive smear campaigns against anyone who dared to question the official story. Now, I cannot pretend to know exactly what happened on that tragic day, but I can say emphatically, after investigating the event for years, that the official story is a steaming pile of crap from start to finish, filled with more holes than a Swiss cheese factory.

The laws of physics were somehow suspended on that day. Kerosene fuel burned over 1,000 degrees hotter than its maximum temperature and was somehow able to melt steel. Small, contained fires brought down a 47-story skyscraper that was not even hit by aircraft (building 7). The 200-ton, metal aircraft that allegedly hit the pentagon somehow disappeared upon impact and the public was told that it vaporized. The public was told that a passport of one of the hijackers somehow miraculously survived an explosion of fuel and metal, only to be found neatly amidst the rubble, intact! There are so many anomalies to the official story that it boggles the mind. Even more mind boggling, is the fact that when these events occur, droves of people buy into the official story and immediately adopt it into their beLIEf systems without question.

Here’s a great example of what I’m talking about:

At the time that the Obama administration announced that troops had killed Bin Laden (the CIA asset) I was working in the food service industry. Newspapers were sold there, and of course, when the govt. announced that they killed their former ally, the story was blasted all over mainstream media, on every front page and every news network. No evidence, photographic or otherwise was presented to the public, but of course, this didn’t matter. The “news” was broadcast on every TV network and printed in every major newspaper so it must be true.

I watched a man walk over to the newspaper rack, pick up a copy of the propaganda rag, and claim with glee: “we got em! We got the son of a bitch!” No investigation, no critical thought, hell, he didn’t even read the article! The front page headline was enough to convince him and this is exactly what I’m talking about.

I know osama’s dead because tv tells me so

I wonder if those who simply believe what they are told ever even consider where the information comes from. Do they ever ask who benefits by them believing the official story? Do they ever ask who owns the media, and whether or not those owners have a vested interest in the public believing what is presented to them? Alternative researchers are attacked all of the time, even if their information is credible and true; it wasn’t on CNN or Faux news so therefore, it must not be true or credible. Interestingly, alternative journalists, or “conspiracy nuts” have been very accurate as the passage of time and unfolding of events has shown.

media consolidationWhen one challenges the system or steps out of line, they are at once considered a threat. Swinging the sword of truth at mainstream lies does not exactly win you many friends. When the consensus trance is challenged, people are naturally resistant because their very identity is often built around what they’ve been conditioned to believe. Besides, so many seem to have real trouble entertaining the notion that they may have been wrong about something. The ego doesn’t like that idea very much! Those who question their reality, and what is presented as truth, and report their findings, are viewed as a threat, even if their information is true and valid; if it flies in the face of the mainstream consensus, it must be false, crazy, unfounded, “conspiracy theory.” No investigation required! A talking head in a five-thousand-dollar business suit, with a thousand-dollar haircut has slavishly repeated the official line, so who am I to question? Not thinking is just so much more hassle-free!

Fortunately, due to the efforts of some very brave researchers/presenters, film makers, real journalists, authors and the like, the tide is turning. People actually are beginning to shake off the spell that has been woven around their very consciousness and wake up to the fact that they have been sold lie upon lie and have willingly bought into them. Unfortunately though, there still does appear to be a rather high percentage of those whose minds are guided by the corporate apparatus, the mainstream media and the gatekeeper voice pieces that serve the spin machine.

Taking into consideration the actual meaning of the word conspiracy, and the etymology, the statement that “conspiracies don’t exist,” is simply absurd and nonsensical. Have you noticed that when the word conspiracy is used, it is so often followed by the word “theory?” That immediately discredits the information as per the CIA’s very succesful psy-op.

Was it not a “conspiracy” that hatched the plot to kill Caesar? Do corporate CEOs not “conspire” to figure out how to maximize profits? Don’t war profiteers “conspire” to sell unjustified wars to the masses to gain public approval? Whatever truly happened on 9/11, wouldn’t the perpetrators have had to “conspire” to pull that off? Crazy talk, crazy talk, tin-foil-hat-wearer, shut that person up! It’s making my cognitive dissonance hurt!

I sum it up like this:

“The greatest threat to the establishment today is the person who can think independently and maintains the ability to continuously scrutinize what they think they know. The challenger of conventional thought, the critical thinker, the man or woman of ideas is the enemy, the one who walks alone. She will not join, she will not conform; she will not waver. She has detached from the herd. The free thinker is perceived as the dangerous one. His ideas are a danger to the system, to his peers and to the rigid confines of ego- centered consciousness. He is a rebel in the truest sense. He/she is the sane amongst the unsane, the one whose guidance comes only from within. Think for yourself and watch the lie become dust beneath your feet!”

I’m not sure who came up with this phrase, but it’s perfect:

“I’ll call myself a conspiracy theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist.”


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Donald Marshall talks about Mike Tyson

I was watching a documentary about neanderthal people and what got my eye was, that they had high pitched voice. Then I stumbled against this info from Donald Marshall and again everything makes sense…

Donald Marshall (Sun. June 30, 2013) – This mans name is Mike Tyson. He is the ex heavyweight boxing champion of the world. I was told years ago by him and the illuminati (when they trusted me) that he is a clone of someone’s remains… A famous Pharoah’s most trusted personal bodyguard. Anyway this Neanderthal is a remake of a primitive human being and doesn’t think like you and I. Unknown if he is a parasite host or not BUT Mike is a terrible thing… He tried to molest one of his daughters, she thought he was disgusting and was going to tell others and never speak to him again… Mike then strangled her to death with a skipping rope… The illuminati helped him cover this up and get it rushed through court, they came up with the excuse that she was on a treadmill and there was a dangling skipping rope on the treadmill and she fell while running and strangled herself in the loop of this skipping rope… Mike Tyson killed her. NOW I HAVE to point out… Celebs that get talked about like this IMMEDIATELY seek legal vengeance… This post will be ignored by him police and the government… They don’t want me in a courtroom, I won’t be like James Holmes batman shooter guy, ill be doing a whole LOT of talking… Observe how nothing happens… Even the police don’t want to be implicated in helping him cover it up.

I’ve just defeated Mike Tyson worse than anyone EVER has… And ya know why? Cuz um da champ bebe. LMAO!!! Ahhhhh that felt soooo good…. Oh man… I think ending evils is therapeutic for me…

In 24 hours I will detail another high profile celeb that the illuminati like… We can do this for as long as you want Elizabeth…That’s right bitch.

[ Alice Cooper – Vengeance Is Mine (Lyrics)]

one a day

They sat around the cloning center joking at the expression on her face as he choked her to death… Eventually she tried to pat him in an attempt to survive as if to say ok I won’t tell… But he finished her off…

Mike Tyson is in for a very bad day soon.…/Tragic-death-of-mike-tysons-… The Tragic Death of Mike Tyson’s Daughter


Madeline Sims (August 2014) – I read the stuff about Mike Tyson… he a drone ?

Donald Marshall – might be… he’s not natural,… he’s a remake of an ancient egyptian.

Madeline Sims – Like OBAMA

Donald Marshall – no, Tyson is way uglier than Obama but similar timeframe of origin.  🙂 around  🙂

Maria LovesHumanity StandsagainstZionism (August 2013) –…/Mike-Tyson-reveals-hes-lying-y… ‘I’m a vicious alcoholic on the verge of dying’: Mike Tyson reveals he’s been lying for years about being sober

Donald Marshall – Die Neanderthal. Don’t bother going through the alcohol withdrawals Mike, once people know about the things you’ve done they will put you to death anyway. Drink up cool guy.


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THEY LIVE (1988)

One of my favorite movies and you must remember what lead role actor Roddy Piper said, “It’s a documentary”. I think that elite killed him, because of this.

THEY LIVE (1988)

Remember the movie They Live? It’s the 1988 John Carpenter film about a group of elite aliens that control human beings on Earth through a TV signal that keeps people subdued with messages to obey government, consume and stay asleep like good little sheeple.

A drifter realizes what’s up by looking through the Hoffman sunglasses and seeing the true from of these alien controllers and their brainwashing campaign for what it really is. Tagline: “They live, we sleep.”

For 1988, the movie even had flying taser drones. So basically it’s a lot like America today (except the lizard alien part, which is debatable depending on who you ask).

Wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper played the drifter in that film, and recently he announced on his Twitter account that They Live actually wasn’t a work of fiction, but a documentary.

Directly preceding this announcement was a flurry of pro-Second Amendment tweets in direct reference to a key line in the film where the drifter walks into a bank wearing those sunglasses and says, “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubble gum.”

Those of us who consider ourselves ‘awake’ to America’s descent into a total police state dictatorship understand these references all too well. Sadly, it can be tough to watch They Live and not flinch at the fact that, on many levels, it hits very close to home (sort of the way a charming reality TV show would).

In fact, this video shows the movie may hit a little too close to home:

>> Video


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Donald Marshall & The Cloning Centre’s

More people are waking up to this Donald Marshall info and it’s awesome, because it’s true.

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Donald Marshall & The Cloning Centre’s

Donald has a tremendous amount of info to relay. A lot of people, unaware of the darker and deeper workings of the Illuminated Ones, will find Don’s info hard or impossible to believe, but it seems to fit with what I’ve learned over the years. His 2013 and 2014 interviews are much clearer in audio quality than the initial 2012 videos, so I posted those interviews at the top. Donald Marshall has so much to say, you’ll learn something new in every interview, even though he’s required to essentially retell the same basic story. You can make up your own mind about what to believe. His explanation of how reptilians enter the human eye (the Eye of Horus symbol) in order to access the brain and take over the body is fascinating to say the least. Donald interprets this as “shape shifting,” and says the David Icke version of shape shifting is BS. Marshall refers to this type of takeover reptilian as Vrill. However, there’s photographic and video evidence of human/alien hybrids shape shifting into reptilian form, so we should keep an open mind and not rush to judgment. Marshall does comes across as a sincere person and if his statements about David Icke are true, then so be it, but we should weigh his statements all the same. Marshall says he’s never seen Icke’s version of shapeshifting at the Cloning Center (also called Cloning Station), but reports he has seen David Icke there, and says David is controlled and only reveals what he’s permitted to reveal. It’s important to note that the individuals that Donald Marshall describe as being “seen” at the Cloning Center are human clones of the original person whose consciousness, according to Marshall, has been transferred into the clone’s body while the “original” person is home in bed in REM sleep. Marhsall says that only certain chosen individuals are allowed to retain waking memories of what occurs at the Cloning Center and that he was allowed to retain these memories when he turned 30 years old.

Most of these interviews are friendly and open to what Marshall has to say. The two puffed up geniuses on the March 21, 2014 interview are generally hostile and want to debunk him, but he maintains his cool nonetheless, despite their attempts to sandbag him. According to Donald Marshall, the inner earth reptilians – of which there are more than one group – prefer to identify their species as “saurian”. The type of reptilian that takes over the body of a human being in a process called “body snatching” or hosting, has a very different physical appearance (eyes on stalks for example) than the tall, green/brown scaly reptilains which David Icke describes. Marshall describes two types of human cloning. “Replication” involves growing a clone from babyhood into adulthood in the normal time span, while “duplication” involves growing a full size adult clone in a tank in the space of 5 months, that, when “activated,” are animated by a human consciousness. These are the clones seen at the Cloning Centers.

Apparently, most Hollywood celebrities no longer want to participate in the “entertainment” horrors presented at the Cloning Centers, but are too afraid of saying anything for fear of being killed (E.g. Whitney Houston). It seems that they are hoping that Donald Marshall will carry the ball for them and make these activities widely known.

This info will be far more interesting and intriguing than anything you’ve heard to date, although it’s not pretty. Listen and come to your own conclusions.


>> More info about Donald Marshall

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Structures on Mars & The Secret Space Program

And more NASA (Never A Straight Answer) cover-ups:

Structures on Mars & The Secret Space Program

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General Stubblebine is a retired United States Major General. He was also the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), and one of America’s most distinguished soldiers and chief of U.S. Army Intelligence, with 16,000 soldiers under his command.

He was a major proponent of “psychic” warfare and a key player in the “Stargate” project, which was a remote vewing program. Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It’s the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (sometimes even more) from their physical location.

The results of this project were declassified and published in the peer reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration. In this program, individuals successfully described physical objects that were nowhere near their physical location.

These programs were the inspiration behind the movie “Men Who Stare At Goats.”

Here’s what General Stubblebine had to say about Mars, perhaps thanks to some intel from the Remote Viewing Program?

“There are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976. I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.” (Dolan, Richard. UFOs And The National Security State: New York: Richard Dolan Press)

I’ll let you think about that for a moment. Is it really that farfetched? With all of the recent UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon disclosure happening within the past few years, is it really hard to fathom the existence of structures, bases, etc. on the Moon and on Mars?

U.S. Defence Physicist Spills the Beans on What’s Really Happening on the Moon


“I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.”
– John Podesta, Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Counsellor To Barack Obama.

Dr. John Brandenburg, PhD is a plasma physicist. He did his graduate work in California at Lawrence Livermore National Lab in controlled plasmas for fusion power, and has worked in energy, defence, and space research for a number of years. He is currently a consultant at Morningstar applied Physics LLC, and a part-time instructor of Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics at Madison College.

He is the principle inventor of the MET (Microwave Electro-Thermal) plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion.

Brandenburg was involved in the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. He was the deputy manager of that mission.

It’s noteworthy to mention here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding missing artifacts (lunar rock) and the dissapearance of film footage.

According to Brandenburg:

It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?

He also went on to state that after the completion of the Clementine Mission, they were analyzed by an elite defence department team with the highest security clearance:

They basically kept to themselves and just did their work, and we were told not to interfere with them…

The mission was designed to investigate and map all corners of the moon.

This is a very brief background of someone who is clearly a well respected “academic” in his field. Not long ago, he joined a long and growing list of “academics” who are helping to pull back the curtain that’s been blinding the masses for what seems to be a very long time, even though this subject is still ridiculed by some in the academic world.

It was during the Clementine Mission, more specifically, the mapping of the Lunar Surface, that he began to suspect an extraterrestrial presence on the moon.

Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.

He’s also been quoted as saying:

We were aware there was a possibility of an unknown presence, possibly alien/extraterrestrial near the Earth … There I am sitting in a room of retired army and airforce generals and a few admirals, and we’re watching what looks like a firefight in space. The most senior general there … turned to me and said, “Where do you think they’re from?” and I said, “I don’t know sir, I’ve heard they’re from 40 light years from here.”

Bradenburg was and still is a very respected academic. He did, however, open himself up to much criticism in 2012 when he suggested there was evidence of a thermonuclear war on Mars in the distant past. Since then, he has been heavily criticized, as has any one of the hundreds of credible witnesses that have now come forward to speak about the extraterrestrial reality.

With more and more people like coming forward, the stigma associated with such claims is slowly being mitigated, giving others the courage to share their stories. Here are a few quotes from other “academics,” taken from a very long list:

Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc. … They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.
– Theodor C. Loder III, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)

There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way. (source)
– Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of physics, University of Nebraska.

There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any kind of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.
– Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor

A whistleblower has come forward to claim that he spent 17 years on Mars serving at a secret military base whose main mission was to protect five civilian space colonies. In exclusive testimony released today on ExoNews TV, the whistleblower, who uses the pseudonym, Captain Kaye, said that the Mars Defense Force recruits personnel from different military services. He claims that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section.”

Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars, and the temperature could be warm at times.

He claims that there are two indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. One of these was a Reptilian species that was very aggressive in defending its territory. The other was an Insectoid species that was equally capable of protecting its territory. He said that indigenous Martians are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it. Captain Kaye said that as long as the Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, there would be stable relations.

After serving 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty, events changed dramatically when virtually all combat personnel from the Mars Defense force were asked to retrieve an extraterrestrial artifact from a cave sacred to the indigenous Reptilians. Captain Kaye described how over 1000 men and women were killed in a subsequent battle and only 28 of his colleagues, including himself, survived.

Captain Kaye is currently seeking documents to verify his incredible experiences, and for now offers his testimony as evidence of a break away human civilization based on Mars. Parts of his testimony is consistent with the claims of other whistleblowers who have previously come forward to reveal secret events on Mars. Michael Relfe, for example, claims that he also was recruited for a 20 year tour of duty that involved covert operations on Mars. Also, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of President Eisenhower, claims that covert efforts were made to recruit her to join a colony on Mars that was headed by famed physicist, Dr Hal Puthoff. Finally, Captain Kaye’s claims that Mars has a breathable atmosphere is supported by a number of NASA images revealing small animals on the surface.


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