Did Iron Maiden knew about Jimmy Savile?

This was my first thought today when I woke up. I have listen Iron Maiden and other heavy metal bands a lot and there was this one line in the Iron Maiden song called Holy Smoke, which stuck in my head. Did Iron Maiden knew back in 1990, that Jimmy Savile was a reptile/beast pedophile which molested hundreds of kids? And because band is from England they could have known the evil doings behind BBC curtains.

Here are the lyrics of this song called Holy Smoke:

“Holy Smoke”

Believe in me – send no money
Died on the cross and that ain’t funny
But my so called friends are making me a joke
They missed out what I said like I never spoke
They choose what they wanna hear – they don’t tell a lie
They just leave out the truth as they’re watching you die
Saving your souls by taking your money
Flies round shit, bees around honey.

Holy Smoke, Holy Smoke, plenty bad preachers for
The Devil to stoke
Feed ’em in feet first this is no joke
This is thirsty work making Holy Smoke

Jimmy Reptile and all his friends
Say they gonna be with you at the end
Burning records, burning books
Holy soldiers Nazi looks
Crocodile smiles just wait a while
Till the TV Queen gets her make up clean
I’ve lived in filth I’ve lived in sin
And I still smell cleaner than the shit you’re in


They ain’t religious but they ain’t no fools
When Noah built his Cadillac it was cool
Two by two they’re still going down
And the satellite circus just left town
I think they’re strange and when they’re dead
They can have a Lincoln for their bed
Friend of the President – trick of the tail
Now they ain’t got a prayer – 100 years in jail



This is the line “Jimmy Reptile and all his friends” Isn’t it weird, that they use the word “reptile”, when that is the most common way to describe sexual predators?

Then just look at the cover of this single. Its all about how Illuminati controls media. Also Illuminati is behind these pedophile organizations for example Ninth Circle, which operate in all levels of societies.


Iron Maiden tried to cover these pretty obvious lyrics in hilarious video, which would take all the attention:

Here is something about the Savile’s case. Just look, “Sir” Jimmy Savile. This just tells how the monarchs are also covering these kind of monsters, because they use their services.:

Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Jimmy Savile (1926–2011) was an English DJ, television and radio personality, who was well known in Britain for his eccentricities and, at the time of his death, was generally respected for his charitable work. He was knighted in 1990. In September and October 2012, almost a year after his death, claims were widely publicised that he had committed sexual abuse, his alleged victims ranging from prepubescent girls and boys to adults. By 11 October 2012 allegations had been made to 13 British police forces,[1] and this led to the setting-up of inquiries into practices at the BBC and within the National Health Service.

On 19 October 2012 the Metropolitan Police Service launched a formal criminal investigation, Operation Yewtree, into historic allegations of child sexual abuse by Savile and other people, some still living, over four decades. It stated that it was pursuing over 400 lines of inquiry, based on the claims of 200 witnesses, via 14 police forces across the UK. It described the alleged abuse as being “on an unprecedented scale”, and the number of potential victims as “staggering”.[2][3] By 19 December, eight people had been questioned as part of the investigation. The Metropolitan Police stated that the total number of alleged victims was 589, of whom 450 alleged abuse by Savile.[4][5]

The report of the investigations undertaken jointly by the police and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), Giving Victims a Voice, was published on 11 January 2013. It reported allegations covering a period of fifty years, including 214 alleged acts by Savile which, though uncorroborated, have been formally recorded as crimes, some involving children as young as eight. The report states “within the recorded crimes there are 126 indecent acts and 34 rape/penetration offences.”[6] Alleged offences took place at 13 hospitals as well as on BBC premises, according to the report.[7][8] In October 2013 it was announced that inquiries had been extended to other hospitals.[9] On 26 June 2014, the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, reported on the findings of the investigations led by Kate Lampard. He said that Savile had sexually assaulted victims aged between five and 75 in NHS hospitals, and apologised to the victims.[10] Further investigations, in hospitals and elsewhere, led to additional allegations of sexual abuse by Savile.

Much of Savile’s career involved working with children and young people, including visiting schools and hospital wards. He spent 20 years presenting Top of the Pops before a teenage audience, and an overlapping 20 years presenting Jim’ll Fix It, in which he helped the wishes of viewers, mainly children, come true. During his lifetime, two police investigations had looked into reports about Savile, the earliest known being in 1958, but none had led to charges; the reports had each concluded that there was insufficient evidence for any charges to be brought related to sexual offences.[11][12][13] In October 2012 it was announced that the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer, would investigate why proceedings against Savile in 2009 were dropped.

The scandal was a major factor leading to the establishment of the wider-ranging Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse which was announced by the Home Secretary, Theresa May, in July 2014. In February 2015 the inquiry was reconfigured as a statutory inquiry to be chaired by Justice Lowell Goddard.

Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile

An ITV documentary, Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile was broadcast on 3 October 2012. It was researched and presented by Mark Williams-Thomas, a police investigator in the successful prosecution of Jonathan King over sexual offences involving children in 2001.

In it several women said that, as teenagers, they had been sexually abused by Savile. It was said Savile obtained access to teenage girls through television programmes such as Top of the Pops and Clunk, Click (1973–74), and his charity work. Savile’s former colleagues said he made no attempt to hide his interest in girls from them, while another said she had walked in on him french kissing an underage girl. One woman who said Savile had sexually assaulted her when she was 14 in 1970 explained she had not pursued her complaint to police in 2008 after being told it would lead to a “media circus“.[34] The founder of ChildLine, Esther Rantzen, was shown the interviews by Williams-Thomas and commented that “There were always rumours that he [Savile] behaved very inappropriately sexually with children.”[35]

An update to the original documentary, Exposure Update: The Jimmy Savile Investigation, was shown on ITV on 21 November.[36] It won a Peabody Award in 2012.[37]


It just makes me sick if that these bands know about things and just hide the facts in their songs. They should openly tell about these things so that innocent people won’t suffer in the hands of these monsters.

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Duncan O’Finioan: the Ultimate Warrior

I found Duncan when he did this Project Camelot interview and I want to bring him up again, because Earth is facing troubling times and I think Duncan knows things about Vatican and CERN, which we all should know about.

First here is a small briefing about him from Project Camelot days and then some words from him now.

Duncan O’Finioan was the Ultimate Warrior… brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a highly classified MKULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT.

From a thousand others trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, the only one of 20 left alive to tell the story.

In his powerful and compelling testimony for the camera – one of the most extraordinary we have ever heard – Duncan describes:

  • His mission to “terminate” the very drunk, future President of the United States… George W Bush

  • His dizzying enhanced physical and psychic abilities… including the abilities to hurl someone across the room with his mind, and walk through a solid wall

  • How he and 11 other children were flown to Cambodia to deliver a targeted death blow to all the surrounding Khmer Rouge troops… using only the combined power of their minds

  • How his right arm is “hardwired” and is capable of astonishing speed and strength

  • His struggle to regain his memory, aided by a car accident which led to the discovery of a cranial implant uncovered by an MRI machine… deactivating the implant and causing the MRI machine to catch fire

  • His role as a programmed assassin, targeting Americans under the command of an undisclosed agency

  • The selection, torture, and brutal training process that he endured… and which children are undergoing to this day

…and more…

Twenty years later, Duncan (who is of mixed Cherokee and Irish blood) comes forward to tell the truth about the Ultimate Warrior project:

how he was chosen, groomed and tortured into becoming the perfect fighting machine, combining physical superiority with the extraordinary mental abilities of a psychic spy.

Fearless, principled, and determined to regain control over his life, Duncan O’Finioan tells his story in detail.

And then here’s a very good video about Duncan now and listen what he tells about Vatican and how we have 2 popes. Things about CERN, how it’s a portal/gate of negative forces.

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Donald Marshall books, videos & info

If you see the insignia of DM somewhere it means Donald Marshall. His info is the most crucial to know if you are trying to find the Truth. His info is gathered in 2 free books, which you can download from this page. Here you can find also videos, which explain his info in a very good way. Here’s the introduction and the books and some other info…


Just  read  it.  Every  word  in  this  document  is  true,  and  it  is  the most  important  document  to ever  reach  the  internet. This document is  written to  empower  good  people  of  the  world against  the tyranny which exists all around  us  in our world today. Effectively,  the document presented  here discloses concealed information about  the extent  to which  medicine, science, and technology  has advanced  in our current era. Moreover, I am disclosing this  information because I  have been extensively abused, and I am  victim of  current advances  in medicine, science, and technology, which  I describe  in  detail below.  There  are  many,  many, other victims  of abuse,  including  myself, and  therefore  it  is  our plea  that  you  read this  document with  an  open  mind and  you  investigate ALL statements  which  may  initially  irk  you  and appear ‘suspect’  to begin  with (the  circumstantial  evidence  is  available  all  around you); because  as  a  victim  of  abuse,  I  can  honestly  say, there  is  nothing  worse  than  experiencing abuse, and those who have the power to protect you from your abusers, ignore you.

I  will  now  discuss  what  qualifies  as  whistle  blowing  disclosure.  After  detailing  the  criteria which qualifies for whistle blowing disclosure, I will detail aspects of the Serious Crime Act, and  preface  a  foundation  which  defines, explains,  and  references  key  information  for  the  reader to understand as well as explore the extent to  which medicine, science, and technology has  advanced  today; all  for  the  express  purpose  of  compelling  the  reader  that  medicine, science,  and  technology, has  advanced  at  an  incredible  rate; that current advances  in medicine,  science  and  technology  are  withheld  from  public  knowledge; and  finally  these advancements  in  medicine,  science, and  technology,  have  been  and  are currently used  to commit serious unspeakable crimes against  humanity  and our  environment  here  on  earth. Moreover, it  is  my  aim  to  present  this information  as coherently  as  possible  to  assist the reader  to  save  me,  and save many,many  others  who  experience  abuse  daily  resulting  from concealed advances in technology.

Here is the original Donald Marshall disclosure letter and the 2 books, which you can download (pdf):

And here you can find more info about Donald Marshall:

Here is a list of small videos, which you can watch and share easily to new people and spread the information:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/animated-short-clips-of-donald-marshall-info/

I found these cool videos made by Youtube user called The Elvish Magic. They explain simply the issues, that Donald Marshall has told in his interviews. So if you don’t have time to check out all the Donald Marshall info you can watch these small videos about the different topics:

Donald Marshall – R.E.M. Consciousness Transfer

Donald Marshall – Cloning: Replication and Duplication

Donald Marshall – The Cloning Floor

Donald Marshall – Project Muffin

Donald Marshall – Clone Types

Donald Marshall – Vril Synopsis

Donald Marshall – Droning Process

Donald Marshall – Atlantis

Donald Marshall – Recorded Consciousness On Microchips

Donald Marshall – The Awakening

Donald Marshall – Project Camelot

Donald Marshall – Nostradamus Prophecies

Donald Marshall – The Pharisees

Donald Marshall – Animated Interviews

Donald Marshall – Justin Bieber


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Sanity Requires Discernment & Self Discipline

If you are planning to keep on fighting The Truth & Freedom. You have to keep yourself healthy and strong mentally and physically.

Sanity Requires Discernment & Self Discipline

There is an imbalance in our lives. 95% of our thought goes to saving our skin; hardly anything to saving our soul. As a consequence, we are slowly going crazy individually and collectively.

“Amassing details about the Illuminati or corruption isn’t going to save us. We can foil the Satanists by having a moment-to-moment relationship with God. They want your soul. Nothing would infuriate them more than a massive worldwide religious revival.”

(revised from Dec. 2 2013)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

We are becoming more “externalized” than ever.  What does that mean?

We seek satisfaction, knowledge and meaning outside ourselves, i.e. souls.  Our happiness depends on manipulating the world to give us “ego strokes” . Facebook has turned us into “likes” addicts. If we write on someone’s wall and they don’t reply, we are miffed.

We are like squealing chicks waiting for benefactors to bring us juicy worms in the form of money, sex or recognition (“love.”) This sense that our happiness comes from outside ourselves is the cause of all addictions.OUR BIGGEST MISTAKE

The biggest mistake is conformity. In Thoreau words, is that “All anyone knows is the wind that blows.”  Humanity is pretty clueless as to where it came from, why it is here and where it is going.  Satanists control education and the mass media and their first priority is denying the existence of God, and our spiritual connection to Him.

We are born alone, tread a solitary path, and meet our maker alone, yet we spend our lives evading God, our constant companion. This Self evasion is experienced as emptiness and loneliness. Seeking happiness or guidance from society is looking into a “wilderness of mirrors” in T.S. Eliot’s words. When we watch a movie or even listen to music, we are stuck in the mindset of the artist.  Entertainment rarely inspires, uplifts or nurtures the spirit. Human companionship often leaves us feeling dissatisfied and empty.

I once saw this graffiti: “If you hate being alone, other people must find you boring too.”


God is our constant companion by virtue of our soul.The Illuminati Satanists have made “God” a dirty word. God cannot be evaded or denied. He is Reality: Truth, Goodness, Justice, Love, Beauty, Bliss, things we all crave because they are inherent in our spiritual nature.  How can “atheists” deny God when He is spiritual ideals. Can they deny the existence of spiritual ideals?

“God is a Spirit, and we must love (worship) Him in sprit and in Truth,” said Jesus (John 4:24). “Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect,” Mathew 5:48.

Atheism is simply a smokescreen for Satanism.  Who can deny our craving for perfection?

Imagine the soul is light emanating from a slide projector. The slides are our thoughts. These slides are provided by entertainment and the mass media. We see a thought-slide of a steak, we salivate. A sexy person and “we” feel lust. We see a stock going up and “we” feel another kind of lust- greed.

The Illuminati is adept at providing an endless supply of these diversions. We are bombarded with nubile young women selling everything including the “news.”  The Illuminati are constantly pushing sex in our face, a form of spiritual control.

Our real identity is not the mind or its thought-slides.  It is the light. By keeping our minds still (clear), or thinking positive and eschewing negative ones, we can experience the light – immanent truth, beauty, goodness, and love.

“Muddied water, let stand, becomes clear,” said Lao Tzu.

Cambridge Platonist poet Henry More (1614-1687) wrote:

“When the inordinate desire after knowledge of things was allayed in me,  and I aspired after nothing but purity and simplicity of mind, there shone in me daily a greater assurance than ever I could have expected, even of those things which before I had the greatest desire to know.”

(“My soul is a candle that burned away the veil; only the glorious duties of light I now have.”  St John of the Cross.)

Amassing details about the Illuminati or world corruption isn’t going to save us. We can foil the Satanists by having a moment-to-moment relationship with God. They want your soul. Nothing would infuriate them more than a massive, worldwide religious revival. This is the only thing that will stop the NWO.God is not an abstraction or something to be found in books. He is our soul. We need only locate Him in our being and defer to Him in our words and deeds. This is the essence of all true religions. Islam, for example, means “Obey.”Gradually, our identity shifts from the thought-slides to the light, and we distance our self from our animal behavior. This is the purpose of life. Self-perfection. By becoming the light. By shining the light. En-light-enment. I expect Jesus literally shone. He referred to himself and his disciples as the “light of the world.” The light is life and the path of human development. Worldly desire is the path of death and destruction.This quest is the dedicated life. I haven’t been able to achieve this but at least I have a goal. Our religion is our day. Not what we espouse but what we do.


The imbalance in our lives is because our “secular” society is a disguised satanic cult that denies the existence of the soul and God. Religion used to provide a balance between flesh and spirit. But our Cabalist masters have eradicated religion or rendered it meaningless. So the challenge is to fill the vacuum either by finding a genuine religious practice or by some other means. Ideally, we will devote time each day to restoring psychic balance by nourishing our spiritual identity through obedience to God.

Note: For those who want to explore this further, check out Thomas a Kempis or Eckhart Tolle:


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My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”

Very important whistle blower Fiona Barnett is telling the truth about pedophile network, which destroys people all around the World. She is very brave woman to bring this out so please read and spread her story so this can be stopped, thank you.

My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”

This all written and drawn by Fiona Barnett, who lives in Australia, fears for her life and wishes her story spread widely. She names some prominent people. First she gives her explanation as to why she has posted the information and this is followed by her story “Hang on for the Ride” in words and pictures. Her facebook is on this link [1] :-

My statement concerning my 13 ‘Hang on for the Ride’ posts:

My reasons for posting this information is as follows:

1. With the exception of the 2 detectives who took my statements in Sydney on 2-3 November 2015 – the NSW Police force have refused to protect me from my neighbour who moved next door form Wollongong 10 years ago. Ever since then, he has assaulted my family, poisoned my dog, constantly harassed and intimidated and threatened my family including 2 children. Further, police have targeted me for harassment during the past 10 years since I advocated for the many children abused by the Tweed Shire pedo ring.

2. I know from past experience that the 2 good officers who took my statements will be prevented from doing their job and investigating my claims. Dr Reina Michaelson attests that she witnessed a good female officer’s career destroyed by her command, because she pursued claims of ritual abuse and VIP pedo network in Victoria involving politicians, police, Channel 10 making kiddie porn, etc. I do not want these good officers attacked form within like Peter Fox was. Peter Fox’s police command rang his private doctor and insisted she declare Peter Fox medically insane.

3. Many victims of the same VIP pedophile network that I described to police have contacted me in the past month. Not one of the stronger capable group of these people have publicly supported me by joining me and speaking out. Consequently, the pedophile network have severely targeted me. I believe my life is at risk because the police and Royal Commission have failed to support me with witness protection.

4. I am exhausted. I have no other means of protecting my family other than sharing the information that places my family at risk as long as it remains a secret. It is out now – perhaps now my husband and children are safe.

5. I share this information so that other victims may recognise their own abuse experiences and know that they are not crazy, not alone – that YES this did happen to them.

6. Most importantly – I speak out to give a voice to the 100+ children I witnessed raped, tortured and murdered throughout my nightmare childhood. I saw children bred in captivity beneath Holsworthy to be used as human guinea pigs in horrendous unethical medical experiments – all in the name of national security. THESE CHILDREN DID INDEED EXIST!!

7. I would like to thank my supporters, including SNAP and others – they know who they are.

8. And now, on a deeply personal note – I acknowledge that many victims have been abused in the name of religion. God is not reflected in churchianity, Hillsong, the Roman Catholic Church, or any of the other infiltrated organisation. I know that many victims reel when I mention God, which is why I have avoided it. But many people ask me, what is the source of my strength and hope. My strength, perseverance and survival are a testimony to the existence and authority of God and His only Son Jesus Christ. That is what I believe. That is all I have to offer besides my witness testimony. That is all I had to comfort me throughout my abuse.

Hang on for the ride!

Part 1:

Prostituted by the Australian government to RICHARD NIXON at RAAF Fairbairne military airport, Canberra. Operation Attest refused to investigate this incident. They promised to at least investigate and tell me whether or not there was a centrifuge at the base, used to train pilots in – to validate my memories.

Hang on for the ride! Part 2:

Being used as a guinea pig, subjected to child rape, electrocution & torture at Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, for the JASON PROJECT by John GITTINGER and Dr Antony KIDMAN – with the full knowledge and approval of the Australian Government.

Hang on for the ride! Part 3

A former Holsworthy officer confirmed that an Asian man named named Chan was recruited in the army at Holsworthy. This man is thought to have been in the Army Reserves, but when I saw him he appeared to outrank all the Australian soldiers I witnessed under his command. Chan received the dead body of a girl named Michelle who was abducted by Engadine Boystown pedos, murdered beside the Weir on Heathcote Rd, and delivered to Chan through a side gate at Holsworthy.

Hang on for the ride! Part 4

Dr ANTONY KIDMAN was trained by Gittinger and others in the employment of torture, unethical hypnosis, and drugs to artificially induce a state of dissociation in children. He also was in a kiddie killing cult. His MK-Ultra programming was structured on a pentagram – the same emblem that featured in his inner Sydney City cult.


Hang on for the Ride! Part 5

Prime Minister GOUGH WHITLAM & his lover Governor General JOHN KERR raped me at a pedo party at Parliament House. Operation Attest refused to investigate this on the grounds they are dead – even though that federal police task force was established to investigate HISTORICAL child sex offences.

Hang on for the ride! Part 6

I was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged & raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM – Richard Nixon’s pal, in a pink bubble room. I was also made to dress up like a teddy bear and play hide, seek & rape. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a person by politicians dressed up in robes. I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal. On the way home I was drugged, raped and beaten at an exclusive, after hours, pedo gathering at Disneyworld. Yes, Walt Disney was a pedo. Why do you think the Mickey Mousketeers go nuts and shave their heads? Why did pedo Whacko Jacko build a Neverland based on Disneyland?


Hang on for the ride! Part 7

Yes, ritual abuse does exist in Australia. A kiddie killing cult underpins the Roman Catholic Church, Engadine BoysTown, Holsworthy Army Base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Here are the only photos I can present as evidence. First we have Leonas Petrauskas (aka Dr Mark) performing an abortion on me beneath Engadine BoysTown. Next we have the statue of ‘DAGON’ located on the ground floor of the 6-7 story underground facility at Holsworthy, located far from the main entrance gate. Then we have Dagon statue in fish form, kneeling beside a murky pool, on the ground floor of Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Lucas Heights, like Pine Gap, are CIA facilities where the Jason Project was conducted. Both facilities were built by the same group.


Hang on for the ride! Part 8

Here’s a couple of cult rituals to their god ‘Moloch’ – the same one they pretend to sacrifice humans to at Bohemian Grove. Apparently, according to their religious beliefs, Moloch is happy when people are burnt alive in his name. One took place at Caltex Oil Refinery at Kurnell. The other on a remote Kurnell Beach.


Hang on for the ride! Part 9

And here is the nicest person I met in the pedo organisation – Grande Dame Veronica. No idea if that was her true name, considering they changed peoples’ names so I couldn’t ID them easily later. Veronica was my surrogate mother, tutor, mentor within the pedo network, from age 5 until age 14 when she was ritually murdered on the altar at St Mary’s cathedral in Sydney City. The church was packed full of Sydney’s social elite. An organ played, a choir sang, police guarded the doors. Veronica chose to die young because she was sick of abusing children like me. She was a victim forced to turn perpetrator. She lived in private living quarters at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University.


Hang on for the ride! Part 10

And here’s my favourite – the one that epitomises the Australian government’s attitude toward government-sanctioned child trafficking, rape and murder in this country.

Hang on for the ride! Part 11

And now for something completely different! Some more Holsworthy secrets – an underground railway connects major sites in Australia, including Pine Gap, Lucas Heights/Holsworthy. Also, Gittinger used some kid of prop/virual reality program called Candyland, which had ‘Disney’ trademark written on it

Hang on for the ride! Part 12

And now for the pista resistance! At age 5 I was raped by future Prime Minister BOB HAWKE in a zucchini patch, at a BBQ, in a suburban Canberra backyard.

Another Bob Hawke victim, the daughter of Hawke’s architect Kevin Borland, was assaulted by Hawke after a party at her family home when she was 14. Hawke entered her room at night, awoke her in her bed, and digitally penetrated her. She immediately told her entire family who recall the incident today.

When I was 8, Dr Leonas Petrauskas took me to a crime scene at a secluded Kurnell Beach. There he met with prime minister Paul Keating who had raped and murdered a 5 year old boy and shallowly buried him in the sand. Keating was into necrophilia. Petrasukas was called in by Keating to do a clean up job. Petrauskas ordered me to dig up the body. As I did this, I heard the men talking about Petrauskas fabricating the child’s cause of death as a blue ringed octopus sting.

Operation Attest lied in their response to my complaint, saying they would not investigate mt claims because the alleged perpetrators were all dead. Last I checked, Keating and Hawke were still alive.Hang on for the ride! Part 13

I was also raped by actor BRUCE SPENCE, at Bathurst City Hall when I was 15. I met an apprentice carpet layer who laid carpet in Spence’s Sydney flat. He said Spence’s lounge room walls were covered in kiddie porn.

I was also raped by Shakespearean actor JOHN BELL, in the company of Dr Antony Kidman, on the eve of my 15th birthday, after a Nimrod Theatre post production party held at Kidman’s house that was attended by the Shakesperean play’s well-known cast. The following morning, Kidman tied me to a chair and beat me in front of his daughter NICOLE KIDMAN who stood there and smirked at me, with her arms crossed.

I witnessed actress JACKI WEAVER, playwright JOHN WILLIAMSON, and author of Puberty Blues KATHY LETTE at pedo ritual gatherings in Sydney. Kathy was based at Regina Coeli cathedral in Beverly Hills.

Other victims have identified Jacki Weaver to Dr Reina Michaelson, on whom the Australian Government placed a D Section gagging order, on the grounds that her disclosure of the government’s involvement in child trafficing etc would undermine the Australian public’s confidence in the Australian government.



[1] Fiona Barnett facebook https://www.facebook.com/fiona.barnett.940

[A] Sanctuary for the Abused http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.co.uk/2006/07/for-survivors-coping-with-triggers-if.html

[B] NAPAC http://www.napac.org.uk/

[C] One in Four http://www.oneinfour.org.uk/

[D] Havoca http://www.havoca.org/HAVOCA_home.htm

[E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post http://survivorsjustice.com/2014/02/26/triggers-what-are-they-and-how-do-we-work-through-them/

[F] SurvivorsJustice Blog http://survivorsjustice.com/

[G] Jim Hopper Mindfulness http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/

[H] Jim Hopper Meditation http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/#cultivate

This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected please email cathyfox@bigfoot.com

cathyfox the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free


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