Tag Archives: NWO

Supriem Rockefeller – possessed by Satan?

Supriem Rockefeller – Is it possible for a human being to be possessed by Satan? The idea has been explored in a number of horror films, but there’s a group working for the Old World Order that thinks it can be accomplished for real. They have identified twelve possible candidates, but, at the present time, the name of only one is known for sure: Supriem Rockefeller.

It is said that he considers that he was born as Lucifer, but is now “redeemed” and in synch with the “Supriem” Being. (Contrary to Christian propaganda, Satan and Lucifer are two entirely different beings. Many of the greatest misunderstandings in history have come from wrongly equating the two. A Luciferian has nothing in common with a Satanist; the first is a follower of light and the latter a servant of darkness. The idea of Lucifer being “redeemed” is absurd. Only Satan is in need of redemption.) Supriem claims to see himself as a great benefactor, the long-foretold saviour destined to at last bring enlightenment to humanity. But it would come as no surprise for a Satanist to seek to disguise his true nature.

Below, we have outlined the infinitely strange tale of Supriem Rockefeller. Is he mankind’s future Saviour or Destroyer? Or simply a fantasist, who, by moving in the right circles, has come across snippets of an ancient plan to bring Satan to earth and, to satisfy his narcissism, has decided to put himself in the frame. Judge for yourself.

The Brotherhood of the Shadows

The Old World Order sponsor a number of esoteric societies. One of the most sinister is The Brotherhood (or College) of the Shadows, once known as theOrder of the Golem and composed of Jewish alchemists and Kabbalists. The golem is a creature composed of inanimate matter (a “clay being”), an automaton, which can allegedly be brought to life when a rabbi places in its mouth a piece of paper with the true name of God written upon it. In the world of magic, the true name of “God” is invoked when the most powerful spells of all are cast. Moses allegedly used it to part the Red Sea, and Solomon to harness demonic forces to help him create the wondrous Temple of Solomon.

According to the Bible, Adam, having been fashioned from clay by the Creator and then had life breathed into him, must be considered the first golem. So the human race, tracing its descent from Adam if the Book of Genesis is to be believed, can be said to have the closest of relationships with golems. They are entirely compatible; just different points on the spectrum. Frankenstein, a being created from the body parts of corpses and then animated by a brilliant scientist, is a more modern tale of a golem. Dr Frankenstein could easily be based on a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadows, although there is no sure proof.

The ancient mission of the Brotherhood of the Shadows was to master every aspect of the golem and its interactions with humans. In modern times, they have become experts in artificial intelligence, cybernetics, the human genome, genetic engineering, cloning etc: every aspect of the “science of the double”. Many are elite scientists, being paid vast salaries. They desire to produce a perfect simulacrum of a human being, like the “replicants” of the film Blade Runner. Many of them see it as purely a scientific endeavour, but the higher ranks of the Brotherhood have very different aims.

They want to create 1) “Manchurian Candidates” (perfect, disposable assassins), 2) “doubles” to take the place of leaders in dangerous situations or to produce airtight alibis for leaders while they are engaging in nefarious activities elsewhere, 3) simulacra of soldiers who can be sent on the most dangerous missions, 4) doppelgangers for use in psy-ops against chosen targets (nothing is more psychologically disturbing than to suddenly encounter your own double), 5) young clones of old, dying members of the Old World Order into which their minds can be transferred so that they can be “reborn” in their prime.

Some of these things were done in the past with the help of magic and illusion and they have provided the basis for a whole host of stories, myths and legends concerning the “double” and “doppelganger”. (The legends of King Arthur and the Holy Grail are closely entwined with the “double”. Arthur is conceived when his father, Uther Pendragon, via a powerful spell cast by Merlin, takes on the form of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, and sleeps with Cornwall’s wife, Igraine, Arthur’s mother. Similarly, Galahad, the Grail Knight and more perfect version of Arthur, was conceived when his father Lancelot was duped into thinking he was sleeping with Guinevere when it was actually Elaine of Carbonek, daughter of Pelles, the Grail King. Are these just stories or do they hint at the existence of a real process that existed in the past for creating the illusion of a double? Also, note that both Arthur and Galahad were illegitimate, showing that they were born outside the rules of the Demiurge’s world.) The more technologically advanced of these concepts regularly feature in contemporary sci-fi stories and films. Many of these ideas, which often seem outlandish and far-fetched to ordinary people, are not far from coming to fruition. Humanity is sleepwalking into this disturbing future and has no idea what nightmares are coming.

The Brotherhood refer to all copies of real human beings as “shadows”. (They themselves like to stand in the shadows, hence their name.) Some of them dream of an entire world of shadows over which they can exert complete mastery. The “New World Order”, in the mouths of these people, is a codename for the creation of this shadow world in which the unruly, uncooperative masses are replaced by their compliant, docile simulacra. It is the horrific vision of perfect and permanent control by the Old World Order, in which real humanity is no longer welcome to participate.

(The Illuminati also preach a New World Order, but in the opposite sense to the OWO’s “vision”. The Illuminati want to see the power of the Old World Order utterly smashed, and for humanity to be genuinely liberated for the first time, led by meritocrats – those who demonstrate the greatest ability – who can come from any race, nation, sex or background and are not the children and beneficiaries of privilege. Above all, greed must be eliminated from the New World Order. In the expression Money is the root of all evil, “money” should be replaced by “greed” since it is greed that fuels the desire for excessive amounts of money.)

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For the highest echelon of the Brotherhood of the Shadows, their task is the most sinister of all, but it is by no means a secret one. It is one long foretold and much discussed – to bring forth the “antichrist”, or even one level higher than that: Satan himself.

The Brotherhood of the Shadows reached the peak of their powers between 1600 and 1793. They saved many prominent aristocrats from the guillotine in Revolutionary France by substituting them with doubles.The famous story The Scarlet Pimpernel is said to be based on the activities of a member of the Brotherhood.

“We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven? — Is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel.”

The real Pimpernel was reputedly a master of the art of the double, and hence his singular ability to evade his pursuers.

The most controversial case of all regarding substitution by a double was supposedly that of Jesus Christ at the Crucifixion, which the Brotherhood of the Shadows, led at the time by Joseph of Arimathea, was alleged to have organised. In the Koran, it says: “‘Verily, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the apostle of God’, [they said]…but they did not kill him, and they did not crucify him, but a similitude was made for them…”

In 1793, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Shadows was based in the important French port of Toulon, strongly pro-royalist in its sympathies. In August of that year, the city allowed itself to be occupied by a pro-royalist army supported by the British, Spanish and other enemies of revolutionary France. A powerful British fleet supported the land force. The revolutionary army laid siege to the port and, only after a long and difficult campaign, did they take the city. The inspiration for the revolutionary army was a brilliant young man called Napoleon Bonaparte. He was a Freemason, Rosicrucian and a friend of leading Jacobins, including the brother of Robespierre. Bonaparte, an artillery genius, found the optimal locations for cannons to dominate both the city and the British fleet. A secret task of Bonaparte was to direct cannon fire at the HQ of the Brotherhood of the Shadows. He succeeded in destroying it. Many of the Brotherhood were killed, including their Grand Master. Many of their most precious documents and books were lost, and irreplaceable apparatus that they needed for their work. It was a devastating blow that all but ended the Brotherhood.

As mainstream science grew ever stronger in the period 1800 to the present day, it was believed that the Brotherhood of the Shadows had either been dissolved or gone deep underground. Now, it is thought that they have re-emerged, having combined state-of-the-art science with their ancient occult skills, and they are being massively backed by the power and wealth of the Old World Order. Their leaders have been given carte blanche to focus on the darkest arts. This unholiest of alliances could scarcely be more disturbing. Humanity’s darkest fears may be realised. Why take the risk? Why not do what you can to ensure that the people seize power from the Old World Order and start running the nations of the world in the interests of all of the people rather than those of the privileged elites?

Egyptian occultist Rollo Ahmed said in 1936, “There are people walking our earth whose spiritual self is already dead or has detached itself from being sunk in matter. Some souls cast themselves so wilfully into the pleasures of the material world, living only for its power, its luxuries and riches, bodily beauty, intellectual brilliance and wit, that they lose even the smallest link with the Divine Spark within. Starved and ignored, this gradually detaches itself and returns to the Divine Source, leaving a living and intelligent corpse behind it. Others live lives of physical, moral and spiritual evil; until the ego or soul is literally lost and becomes swamped in darkness.”

This provides an accurate description of many of the members of the Old World Order. What Ahmed doesn’t mention is that it’s possible to prevent a human from acquiring a soul. Certain black magicians have specialised in this “skill”.

In the 1970s, the Brotherhood of the Shadows identified twelve possible candidates to host Satan. These twelve had to be born in particular circumstances. Renegade priests carried out black magic ceremonies to ensure that they were born without souls (because only soulless golems can be taken over by Satan). These “living corpses” seem to most people to be perfectly human, but they all exhibit a strange deadness of the eyes. (If eyes are the windows to the soul then what are the eyes like if there is no soul?)

The Brotherhood are said to have reinforced the DNA of the potential hosts using “triple helix DNA”, to make them robust enough to host Satan’s soul without being destroyed.

Satan, once he has become incarnate, will become the one-world leader, and the Great Tyranny will begin, much worse even than that of the Old World Order. Rex Mundi, the king of the world, the Demiurge himself, will be able to rule his creation in person before the coming of the Apocalypse.

Supriem Rockefeller is said to be the favoured host at the present time, although a prominent member of the Rothschild family has also been mentioned. It is thought that the successful candidate will have to prove his worth by excelling in the financial, political or military world and surpassing the achievements of all of his rivals, or will have to engage in a lethal struggle with the others. The last man standing will have demonstrated that he has what it takes – the requisite cunning, ruthlessness, savagery and lack of conscience.

2012 is said to be the year when the decision concerning which of the twelve empty vessels is to be chosen must finally be taken.

The Nazi Theory

One person who has done more than any other to bring Supriem Rockefeller to public prominence is Wes Penre. He has done excellent work (drawing him into potential danger), and managed to get very close to a number of powerful players. Wes is well aware that, when dealing with elements such as these, they may be feeding him misinformation and disinformation to steer him in the wrong direction and conceal their hidden agenda. However, Wes thinks it is vital to get the material, warts and all, out there because it all helps to reveal the workings and methodologies of the Old World Order. They are experts in propaganda and, like the most skilled of illusionists, in misdirection.

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Wes’s work presents a radically different picture to the one presented above. It reveals a network that appears to be inspired by the ideas set out by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his 1871 speculative novel Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, about a master race of angel-like beings that lived underground and had mastered and harnessed an incredible form of energy called “Vril”. They lived in vast, beautiful caverns linked by tunnels, like a subterranean Shangri La. The Nazis wanted to learn the secrets of vril and wield it as the ultimate superweapon to reverse the tide of WWII as they stared catastrophic defeat in the face. The “Vril Society” was supposedly the core of the “Thule Society” that was dedicated to exploring the alleged links between the Aryan race and fabled Atlantis. (The Aryans were said to have travelled to Atlantis from their northern home known as Thule or Ultima Thule or Hyperborea). The plan was to reveal the possibly superhuman and extraterrestrial origins of the Aryan race and its rightful claim to being a “master race”. In modern times, the theory has evolved to embrace an alien race called the Anunnaki, Nazi bases in Antarctica, Nazi flying saucers, Nibiru, Aldebaran, stargates, the “hollow earth” hypothesis, Agharti, vril generators and so forth.

Wes Penre has said: “Supriem was born on the Winter Solstice 1974 on an air force base. The air force was strictly monitoring his birth and he was taken into custody immediately and grew up within a Rockefeller family. His birth was well prepared for in advanced and it was very important that he was born within a certain bloodline and at a certain time. He claims that his birth was even predicted by the Vatican since long.”

Wes is in regular contact with a group purporting to be the Thule society, who claim to have a vril generator at their disposal. They came into the picture when the “time was right”, tested his blood, activated the triple helix DNA embedded within him and tampered with his genetics to give him the unique power to be the world leader. Wes has said that the Thule society may genuinely believe they are a force for good. They portray themselves as humanity’s benefactors, helping to save mankind.

Supriem has allegedly claimed to be a reincarnation of Marduk Ra (later Amen Ra) and Lucifer in the flesh, and to possess the DNA of other deities from the ancient past, all in an extraordinarily potent mix. He insists he is not Satan, but Lucifer, the Bringer of Light, the world’s only hope for survival. His task, so he says, is to unite the leaders of the power elites behind him, have them follow him, accept him as their leader and use their vast wealth and power to transform the world and make it a new Eden. David Rockefeller and branches of the Rothschilds supposedly support him in his endeavours.

Supriem will, so the theory goes, act as a mediator between humanity and the Anunnaki, who will be returning to earth as “gods”, but who only want peace. One can only imagine that humanity would be cast in the role of slaves of the Anunnaki.

Supriem, with his allegedly heavily tampered DNA, is said to be complicated, unstable, deeply paranoid and dangerous. Even the Thule Society are thought to be concerned because they are afraid to lose control of the situation, and are unsure whether Supriem now has his own agenda.

Those who want to consider this matter in much more detail should look at the following links to Wes’s research (which we have used in the preparation of this article):



As ever, consider carefully and sceptically everything you read, and draw your own conclusions. The Rockefeller/Thule “plan” that has been fed to Wes is one that we completely reject and consider misinformation and disinformation, but it is for you to make up your own mind.


A summary of some of the main aspects of the theory, pulled from extracts from wikipedia, is shown below:


The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian deities. The name is variously written “a-nuna”, “a-nuna-ke-ne”, or “a-nun-na”, meaning something to the effect of ‘those of royal blood’ or ‘princely offspring’.


An esoteric neo-Nazi sect headquartered in Vienna, Austria called the Tempelhofgesellschaft, founded in the early 1990s, teaches a form of Gnosticism called Marcionism. They distribute pamphlets claiming that the Aryan race originally came to Atlantis from the star Aldebaran (this information is supposedly based on “ancient Sumerian manuscripts”). They maintain that the Aryans from Aldebaran derive their power from the vril energy of the Black Sun. They teach that since the Aryan race is of extraterrestrial origin it has a divine mission to dominate all the other races. It is believed by adherents of this religion that an enormous space fleet is on its way to Earth from Aldebaran which, when it arrives, will join forces with the Nazi Flying Saucers from Antarctica to establish the Western Imperium.


Zecharia Sitchin (born 1922) is an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts, amidst other aspects of pseudoscience. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the “Anunnaki” (or “Nephilim”), a race of aliens from a planet he calls Nibiru, which he believes to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth’s own Solar System and asserts that Sumerian mythology reflects this view.


Nazi mystics believed in a historical Thule/Hyperborea as the ancient origin of the Aryan race. Much of this fascination was due to rumours surrounding the Oera Linda Book “found” by Cornelis Over de Linden during the 19th Century. The Oera Linda Book was translated into German in 1933 and was favored by Heinrich Himmler. The book has since been thoroughly discredited.

The Traditionalist School expositor Rene Guenon believed in the existence of ancient Thule on “initiatic grounds alone”. According to its emblem, the Thule Society was founded in 1919. It had close links to the Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (DAP), later the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP, the Nazi party). One of its three founding members was Lanz von Liebenfels (1874-1954). In his biography of Liebenfels (“Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab”, Munich 1985), the Viennese psychologist and author Dr Wilhelm Dahm wrote: “The Thule Gesellschaft name originated from mythical Thule, a Nordic equivalent of the vanished culture of Atlantis. A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century. This knowledge was to be put to use to save the Fatherland and create a new race of Nordic Aryan Atlanteans. A new Messiah would come forward to lead the people to this goal.” In his book “Mit ruhig festem Schritt” (1998), a history of the SA, Wilfred von Oven, Joseph Goebbels’ Press adjutant from 1943 to 1945, confirmed that Pytheas’ Thule was the historical Thule for the Thule Gesellschaft.

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A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race. “Thule” was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in the furthest north. The term “Ultima Thule” ((Latin): most distant Thule) is also mentioned by the Roman poet Virgil in his pastoral poems called the Georgics. Although originally Thule was probably the name for Scandinavia Virgil simply uses it as a proverbial expression for the edge of the known world, and his mention should not be taken as a substantial reference to Scandinavia.

Said by Nazi mystics to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea, they identified Ultima Thule as a lost ancient landmass in the extreme north: near Greenland or Iceland. These ideas derived from earlier speculation by Ignatius L. Donnelly that a lost landmass had once existed in the Atlantic, and that it was the home of the Aryan race, a theory he supported by reference to the distribution of swastika motifs. He identified this with Plato’s Atlantis, a theory further developed by Helena Blavatsky, the occultist during the second part of the 19th century.


The existence of a Vril-Society was first alleged in 1960 by Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels. In their book Le Matin des Magiciens, which appeared in 1960, they claimed that the Vril-Society was a secret community of occultists in pre-Nazi Berlin.

The Berlin Vril Society was in fact a sort of inner circle of the Thule Society. It was also thought to be in close contact with the English group known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Vril information takes up about a tenth of the volume, the remainder of which details other esoteric speculations, but the authors fail to clearly explain whether this section is fact or fiction.

In his book Monsieur Gurdjieff, Louis Pauwels claimed that a Vril Society had been founded by General Karl Haushofer, a student of Russian magician and metaphysician Georges Gurdjieff. Pauwels later recanted many assertions in relation to Gurdjieff. Obviously belief in the existence of the Vril Society has persisted.

The Conspiracy Theory – Claims in detail

According to these authors, the Vril Society was founded as “The All German Society for Metaphysics” in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race, to seek contact with the “hidden masters” of Ultima Thule, and to practice meditation and other techniques intended to strengthen individual mastery of the divine Vril force itself. It was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system.

Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was allegedly formed from the ancient Sumerian word Vri-Il, “like god” (In fact, Vri-Il means nothing in Sumerian, and could not even be a Sumerian word, as Sumerian had no /v/ phoneme, nor does Sumerian allow consonant clusters at the beginning of words. While the Akkadian word for “deity” is indeed ilum, the Sumerian word is dingir.). A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotan’s nine daughters in Norse legend. Other sources state that the Vril Society was founded by an ill-defined group of Rosicrucians in Berlin before the end of the 19th century, while still others state that it was founded by Karl Haushofer in Berlin in 1918. Some sources state that the Vril Society was also known as the Luminous Lodge, or the Lodge of Light, though others claim that it was originally called the Brothers of the Light.

The Society allegedly not only taught concentration exercises designed to awaken the forces of Vril, their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft and the alleged DHvSS (Die Herren des schwarzen Steins, The Masters of the Black Stone) to fund an ambitious program involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations from the Aldebaran aliens.

Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfre Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, and Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. These were original members of the Thule Society which supposedly joined Vril in 1919. The NSDAP (National Sozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterPartei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later. Dr. Krohn, who helped to create the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist.

With Hitler in power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly received official state backing for continued disc development programs aimed at both spaceflight and possibly a war machine.

There is no evidence that a functional prototype was ever made. The claim of an ability to travel in some inter-dimensional mode is similar to Vril claims of channeled flight with the Jenseitsflugmaschine (Other World Flight Machine) and the Vril Flugscheiben (Flight Discs).

Hidden masters (the members of the Vril society and their antagonist, the Jewish World Conspiracy), an escape by Hitler and other Nazis from Berlin to the South Pole, flying saucers, secret Nazi inventions, and psychic channeling powers and Aliens from Aldebaran clearly are the elements of a conspiracy theory. As there yet seems to be no comprehensive scholarly examination of the proponents of this theory (except for some chapters in Goodrick-Clark’s Black Sun), their motives remain unclear.

Source: armageddonconspiracy

On the Brink of Anunnaki New World Order

Here’s an excellent article about world situation. What we can do about it? I don’t have glue, but to be a good human and keep your connection to creator…

This is a very difficult article to present because what is about to happen is most disturbing. Things on the Earth are about to take a tremendous turn for the worse.

Most of the people on the planet are oblivious to what is happening; the New World Order is about to engulf the world. Of those who have some awareness of what is occurring, only a small percentage of them understand that Anunnaki aliens are behind the New World Order.

Whilst humans can be cruel taskmasters, the people of the world are unprepared for the evilness that alien taskmasters will soon be expressing after they implement their plans for the NWO.

In the short term, the Anunnaki slave masters will no longer hide behind invisibility technology and remain behind the scenes, nor will they worry about making good impressions on people or personal-relation issues. In the long term, it will be all out slavery, with the humans who survive the onslaught being subjected to masters as never before.
There are many reasons why the Anunnaki remained hidden from human eyes on the planet all this time, and why they have not used their technology to annihilate the whole human race. One of the reasons is that most of the races of Anunnaki are not particularly attractive in physical terms.

When they arrived on Earth, they were taken in by the human form and admired its appearance. This led to many aliens mating with human women, either forcibly or voluntarily. Many of the Anunnaki have strong sex drives, and the fact that humans can mate whether in or out of season was a bonus for the aliens on Earth.

Today, many of the Anunnaki preferences for males and females are apparent in the marketplace. Beauty shops abound, and fashion trends are often presented to satisfy Anunnaki sexual urges. Anunnaki are particularly attracted to large breasts, hence they have urged and otherwise programmed women to pursue breast implants.

The recent trend towards full lips and big buttocks are examples of Anunnaki programming. Males’ hunk-look is another Anunnaki influence. Anunnaki also groom children and exploit them to fulfil their sexual appetites.

The “free love” movement of the 1960s was Anunnaki sponsored, as was the move of Hollywood from entertainment towards full-blown pornography and the desensitisation towards injustice and horror.

Another Anunnaki reason for keeping humans on the planet is to use them as slaves to do their bidding. This has been effectively done from behind the scenes, so to speak, with few humans ever suspecting they were working for alien slave masters.

Eventually, many aliens later adapted themselves to fit into human shells, but it should be remembered that these are alien consciousnesses in human bodies. That is, they do not think or act like humans, they just look like them.

As I have explained in other writings, the Reptilians and the Vulturites are the two most powerful Anunnaki groups, and they are bitter enemies. When the Reptilians decided to re-locate their top secret Atu-waa to the Earth, a great many aliens became interested in the secrecy surrounding the planet. The other aliens watched, visited and hoped to colonize the Earth.

The Reptilians retreated into human forms so they would blend in with the locals and be able to operate in relative obscurity. However, many other alien races did the same thing. Over time, the human populations became infested with alien consciousnesses in human forms.

One thing that occurs when aliens take on human forms is that it becomes difficult for them to identify their own kind, so difficult that only a few of the highest echelon can do so. Most humans lack even the knowledge of alien consciousnesses in human bodies.

They are completely unaware of the alien invasion that has riddled the Earth for millennia, and even if they were aware, very few would be able to identify aliens amongst their populations, much less ascertain which alien races are where.

It is the plan of the Reptilians to implement the NWO so they can control the entire planet. They had hoped to rule the Virtual Reality from this base because they had secured the Atu-waa on the planet.

With that tool and total control of the Earth, the Reptilians believed they could master all worlds by starting and re-starting time when most opportune for them. Of course, the Atu-waa is now totally inoperable since the True-Light being that was enslaved in the device was rescued.

We are on the brink of the NWO, which looms ominously before us. It can be felt by those who are sensitive to it.

The implementation of the NWO has begun. Australia is the launching pad. Originally, the ruling elite had intended America to be the first nation to be absorbed into the NWO, but several things altered that decision, which led to a change to move it to Australia.

Many Greys have moved to Australia, as can be seen by the recent push by various shires to fluoridate water supplies. As I have indicated in previous articles, the Greys have lived underground for so long that they have developed deficiencies that are corrected by regular doses of toxic fluoride, which are administered to them in “medicinal” doses through water systems on the surface of the planet.

People in the affected areas are subjected to fluoride poisoning for the benefit of the Greys. The authorities responsible for fluoridation, and the health professionals who support fluoridation of water systems, are nearly all ignorant of the Grey/fluoride connection.

Wherever there is pressure to fluoridate water systems, there is a very good chance that Greys are about to re-locate to the area. As I have indicated, for the time being, Greys are closely aligned with the Reptilians.

The Greys have co-operated with the Reptilians because they have been promised that Grey DNA and human DNA will be merged and moulded to form a new race that will emerge as the dominant race on Earth after the NWO is fully implemented.

The Greys have conducted horrible experiments on humans to work with both sets of DNA. However, the Reptilians have lied to the Greys; their DNA will not be used for any new emergent species.

In addition to contaminating water supplies with fluoride, the aliens are bombarding water with beams that instil programming into the water to make people more accepting of the NWO.

As a side affect of the programming in the water, people who have tendencies towards obesity become more obese, and those who would be marginally overweight become obese.

There are other side affects, but obesity is one of the more obvious ones. Any drinks that are readily available and widely distributed are likely to contain both fluoride and the alien beamed-in programming.

Although it is in the early stages of implementation, the foundation for the NWO was laid millennia ago. It appeared ever so slowly and aspects of it seem to be unrelated, but it moves forward, involving various facets of life, such as: health, legal, financial, political, communication, media, marketing, education, social, trading, military, police and other systems.

The NWO will not happen overnight. The ruling elite is altering peoples’ health and structure in preparation for the implementation of the NWO. Thoughts are being modified through all the services, activities and bombardments directed especially at the youth, who will be the examples for the NWO.

One thing has led to another, and, finally, the stage is ready for the implementation of the early stages of the NWO.

Terrorism has changed security systems and brought about the demands for obedience of the law and resulted in divisions of various nationalities and races of the world. The United Nations and other national composite associations are being used to implement the NWO.

What will emerge will be self-appointed bullies over certain nations, who will take power much like schoolyard bullies overpower their classmates. Bullies will increase in all fields and at all levels.

Bullying will be the norm in the workplace, schools, organizations and on the streets. The very young are now learning to bully their classmates, which behaviour is condoned. Older people are also encouraged and even rewarded for bullying.

The whole system is going mad. People are openly rude and disrespectful. Hating, bullying, looting and marauding are directly or indirectly encouraged by the system and by the socio-political environment.

The minds of people are changing. What we are seeing is reminiscent of the Anunnaki mentality and behaviour before the collapse of their own social systems a long time ago.

Humans, animals and plants have been slowly poisoned and modified in various ways over the years until now, when it is time for more specific mind control and physical restraint. For example, the alien force has begun implementing particular mind-control beams targeting certain travellers in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales in Australia.

At this time, the most targeted areas in Queensland are along certain highways, especially along portions of the New England Highway. Roads that link major towns to Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, Australia, are among the most affected. Currently, those who unsuspectingly travel the New England Highway do so at their own peril.

Specific areas in Australia have been reserved for the higher echelon of the ruling elite. Already, a particular shire in Queensland has been selected to house a huge prison, four times the size of any other prison in the state.

Retired military and police are being encouraged and programmed to re-locate to the shire. Many more will soon be getting the “call” to move to the shire to be standby personnel for the NWO.

Prisons are being constructed in anticipation of resistance to the elimination of freedom as the NWO is implemented. However, with all the increased programming for obeying the authorities being played repeatedly, it is doubtful that there will be much resistance to the NWO in Australia.

Travel will get more and more expensive, difficult and dangerous. Speed limits are being reduced on the basis that there are more accidents occurring, especially on the roads mapped out as NWO routes.

When people travel on these routes, they are bombarded with beams imbedded with whatever type of programming the ruling elite uses to influence the motorists.

Slower speed extends the time motorists are subjected to the massive programming, and allows the programming to be more deeply imbedded. Road works are also used for stopping, slowing and more effectively programming motorists.

Many road signs now contain strong programming, as do lights and other distractions that motorists are being subjected to as they travel on highways. A few people may sense something is not right, but they will not quite understand what is going on.

The programming can cause sleepiness, lack of concentration, irritability, sickness, all of which contribute to accidents and road rage, giving more excuse for greater police presence. More importantly, the programming also influences the mindsets of the victims.

It is worth mentioning that nearly all of the agents of the NWO do not suspect what is happening. For instance, police are programmed to believe that lower speed limits will reduce accidents and they are further programmed to want to increase revenues for the government by booking people for exceeding those speed limits.

Military personnel are programmed to believe that they are needed in foreign and domestic situations to help maintain a “better” world, and they are further programmed to abuse, torture and even kill any that interfere with this “better” world.

In most cases, the police commissioners and ministers are ignorant of the Anunnaki plans for a NWO. Likewise, general officers and even commanders of entire military forces may also be ignorant of the Anunnaki plans. This is a very secret conspiracy, and very few agents of Darkness are entrusted with substantial parts of the plans.

The demiurges are very fearful of rebellion and overthrow by underlings. It is for this reason that nearly all False-Light beings are only given information on a “need-to-know” basis. Even when a demiurge “incarnates” into a physical body, whether human or alien, that body is denied much information because the demiurge fears overthrow by Its own incarnation. The Virtual Reality is built upon distrust from the top down.

True-Light beings who are trapped in this Virtual Reality are restricted from receiving information due to the filtering systems imposed by Darkness to keep all beings ignorant. True-Light beings are able to connect with the True Creator, despite the obstructions erected by Darkness, but such connections are not always easy, and do not last long in this realm of Darkness.

Areas have been mapped out for the NWO. Physical safety may be available in certain alien areas, but at an expensive compromise of one’s Will. Aliens are in populated and isolated areas as well. In short, there will be aliens and agents of the NWO almost anywhere you go on the planet. You need to be guided inwardly to the safest places and routes.

Some of us may need to be in the war zones, others may be guided to relatively safe areas. Remember, one’s physical demise is not a sign of punishment or a sign of one’s spiritual failure or success. In other words, a dedicated True-Light being may still suffer greatly or die a horrific death, just like beings of Darkness may likewise suffer and end tragically.

Physical relocation may not be feasible for everyone and one can gain inner strength from wherever one is located and in whatever situation one finds oneself, whether it be a war-torn country, a NWO infested area or a disaster prone territory.

Some of you may be inflicted with illnesses, injuries or other traumas. Understanding that the physical shell is only temporary and is not the real you can assist you to let go of the fears that bind you to this Virtual Reality.

People are being encouraged to turn one another in to the authorities for anything that is suspicious and might be considered as terrorist activity. Whether the accusations are true or unfounded is basically irrelevant. What is important to the ruling elite is that people are turning in others for mere suspicions.

The plans to close off certain towns and cities are quite disturbing. Once the whole NWO is mapped out and the flow of food, water, electricity, medical supplies etc. is controlled, people will be virtually disabled throughout the controlled area.

Oil prices are being manipulated in order to restrict travel and for other reasons. If this continues to escalate, very few people will be able to afford to travel overseas. Those who can travel will be the rich and the privileged classes that are given advantages because they are favoured by the system.

The Port Arthur massacre was staged in order to bring about the implementation of strict controls of firearms in Australia. Earlier attempts in America to do this failed, which is one of the reasons why America will not be the first country to have the NWO implemented in it. Australia is now restricting the possession of swords, knives, dogs and other imagined or perceived weapons.

Concentrated localities have been slated for the most control. Many things are going on simultaneously. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the sounds we hear around us can all be impregnated with various programming agents to help bring about the NWO.

The introduction of various seen and unseen things, audible and inaudible sounds that affect humans and animals, are moulding people into certain categories of controllability. This is very real!

What is horrifying is that people are not aware of what is going on in and around them. This includes most of the agents who are ignorantly doing their alien masters’ bidding. Most people are not aware that they are being affected, manipulated, used, controlled, influenced and subjugated against their wills.

The mind energy of people has been reduced and modified to such a great extent that they will be like robots, carrying out actions according to which buttons are being pressed to activate them. What is so horrifying is that on the surface, things appear normal, yet something is very, very wrong.

This is like a small replica of the reality of beings of Light being trapped in the Virtual Reality of Darkness, and not knowing they are being trapped and that they have forgotten their true spiritual identities.

It was not funny when recently one alien being was talking to another telepathically about me. She said that she could not understand why “this one”, meaning me, was able to escape the programming by sensing side-affects to the programming that were supposed to go unnoticed.

The Anunnaki are deeply involved in the implementation of the NWO. Humans will either be their agents or their slaves. There are no other choices for humans.

In addition to controlling the physical world, the Anunnaki also control the astral world, so death is not a solution to what is rapidly approaching.

Ironically, the living may envy the dead, yet the dead will envy the living.

Once Australia is well within the NWO grasp, other countries will be included. All the while that countries are being brought under the NWO umbrella, the two main Anunnaki groups will be fighting for supremacy over the planet.

It will be a time of terrible strife and struggle. People might want to consider self sufficiency if feasible. What is looming is a very dangerous time. Compliance with authorities will not assure anything. Marauders will run rampant. Humankind is in for a horrific assault.

Certain dog breeds are being outlawed because fierce dogs are generally feared by the Anunnaki. One of the reasons for this is that a lot of rebellious beings are forced to incarnate in the physical bodies of dogs.

Aliens especially do not like wolves, coyotes and dingos. Some Australian shires offer bounties for dingo scalps. Americans will remember that the English taught Native Americans to take scalps for bounties, and Australians will recall that not so long ago, Aboriginal scalps and ears were still subjected to bounties paid by the authorities.

Only a minority are awakening to the slave masters’ controls. And very few of these even suspect the slave masters on top are the Anunnaki.

The Earth is entering an unprecedented time of calamities, injustice, strife, struggle, disasters, wars, oppression, civil unrest, madness, hunger, thirst, disease, poverty, suffering and trauma.

Culling of areas and races has already begun. The African drought and Africa’s AIDS epidemic were Anunnaki instigated as a part of this culling process.

It is noteworthy that the Anunnaki have learned how to cause droughts, but do not know how to remedy them, and they will not “waste” their resources seeking to discover how to correct a drought once it has done the intended damage to the areas. The Anunnaki just let the droughts run their course and wait for them to self-correct.

There are some third-world countries that are of use to the Anunnaki. These countries are providing goods or services to the ruling elite. Many other third-world countries are seen by the Anunnaki masters as useless baggage that will not be carried after the NWO is fully implemented, and their entire populations are scheduled for extermination.

Still other third-world nations are seen as threats to the NWO for various reasons, so their populations are also marked for annihilation. The culling of people in the developed countries will be more selectively done.

This is an ugly picture of the reality that is soon to come. It is pointless saying that these are negative things. They are what will soon come. Nothing will change what is to happen.

However, there are some things that one can do for oneself to prepare inwardly and take external precautions whenever possible. That is why it is so important that the Virtual Reality be dismantled so there will never be a REPLAY of the horror that Darkness has wrought upon the beings trapped in the Virtual Reality.

Many of us may have to live through this nightmare before Liberation occurs. Again, I stress that we must not give our Will over to Darkness, no matter how difficult the situation becomes.

Demonic behaviour will express more and more in humans against one another and against other species. Vulturites will spread lies to strike at Reptilians and vice versa. Some of the latest examples of Vulturite propaganda involve The Da Vinci Code and the “discovery” of the Book of Judas.

These are both designed to destabilize the Reptilian religious foundations. People will be more and more divided as the Vulturites and Reptilians strike at one another.

Up to this point, the aliens have superficially tolerated one another for the common goal of establishing NWO control. Over millennia, there have been many skirmishes and wars between them in which they exercised great restraint, even during the two world wars of the twentieth century.

However, they hate one another; both sides strive for the ultimate supremacy on the Earth. Once the NWO is well on the way to being established, the two main Anunnaki groups will fight to the death for ultimate control of this planet.

The alien wars will be horrendous. Darkness will hold onto every True-Light being as long as possible as It drags them through the Anunnaki wars, all the while trying desperately to pull them down to Its putrid level.

Darkness will try to make True-Light beings lose confidence in their True Divine identities. It is a crucial time to hold onto one’s Will and trust inwardly that the True Creator loves us despite our outward crude appearances and is rescuing us as quickly and painlessly as possible under the horrific circumstances.

Many will condemn and denounce “god” for what is about to happen. The only “gods” responsible for what is to come are the Anunnaki “gods” and the demiurges. The True Creator is undoing and dismantling the Virtual Reality that was created by the demiurges.

Hence, Liberation from Darkness will soon become a reality, which has been promised by Messengers of the True Creator over the ages.

Fear is a powerful, crippling agent. Fear can paralyse a person, destroy confidence and change one’s outlook. Fear can remove one’s focus and steer one off course. Fear can indeed do many destructive things.

Fear of poverty, loneliness, sickness, death, losing loved ones, injury, incapacity and other worries make up some of the ingredients of fear. Horror is used by Darkness to bring about fear. Many have noted that Hollywood, television and other media now employ a lot of horror in their productions.

Some people have the fear of not having banking, dental, medical, legal and even beauty services available to them. Remember that while you have come to depend on these services, they are all systems created by agents of Darkness.

It is in your best interests to believe that you can overcome the fear of going without these conveniences, even if you do not believe that you are a “warrior” of the Light.

You have the power to overcome these artificially imposed fears in this world of Darkness simply by being a being of Light, a child of the True Creator.

Once you realize that your True Creator loves you and has resolved to Liberate you from this suffering, you can overcome these programmed fears (weaknesses) imposed upon you and you will begin to cope better.

These situations may or may not exist in your life, or may not have occurred yet. If your life is not crippled by them, you will be better able to cope even if you are not able to totally overcome your fears.

What I say to you are things that I know that you can do. These are things that people have experienced and overcome in the past and at present. I will not suggest anything to you that is impossible to reach, whether you are a warrior or not.

Once you have overcome your fears, you will realize that every child of Light is a warrior of True Love, Light and Power. This warriorship is one of Love, Light, Power, Justice, Wisdom, Inner Strength and Perseverance.

It has nothing to do with the bloodthirsty, deceitful, murderous, cannibalistic, hateful, jealous, cruel, vengeful, power-hungry, controlling, exploitative, warring, covetous warriorship sponsored by Darkness.

Beware that, like most other groups, the survivalist groups have been infiltrated by agents for the NWO. Beware that all major religions, old and new, were originally sponsored by agents of Darkness or were later infiltrated by them, and the original messages were corrupted with the design to turn them into religions that trap True Light beings.

Connecting with the True Creator does not require a mediator, a church, an assembly, a congregation or a mentor. Inner Strength comes from within. Through sincere personal “desire” to reach out to the Creator, one can take the first step towards connection with the Light.

The rest will follow naturally as the Creator pulls you out of Darkness. This is very different from the haughty claims some make about being able to contact the Divine directly because they arrogantly believe that they are better and more spiritually advanced than others.

Fear of “god” is an Anunnaki imposition. They project “miracles” and visions to make the flesh-and-blood Anunnaki appear to be deities. They demand repentance and worship of them. They demand shrines, altars, sacrifices and atonement. They threaten to punish those who disobey them. They are ghouls, not gods.

If you fear God, this fear must be overcome. The True Creator is a Loving God that can be held in awe, but not in fear.

The Anunnaki want you to fear “god” because, in many cases, they are the gods of the ancients who demanded to be worshipped and feared. The demiurges also want you to fear them. Fear is crippling and through fear, physical power is bestowed upon the Anunnaki agents and the demiurges.

The True Creator and all the beings of Light are akin to a happy, loving family where you can feel confident that no matter what, they will always love and welcome you.

What is important is that you re-connect with your Creator by sincerely wanting to do so and not give your Will over to Darkness. The rest will fall into place naturally.

By Amitakh Stanford, Xeea Twelve – republished from the Nara site


Mandatory Depression Screening

Hi and I’m very sorry that I haven’t post a long time but I have been very sick. It must be chemflu or something, because I have never been so sick than last month I have been. I have also technical difficulties with the website so that is making things difficult too. But here comes a new post about mandatory depression screening, which can be used for everyone so that they can put anyone of us to femacamps. We are living the End Times for sure my friends…

I’m also kind of said everything in these past 3 years… You can find everything on this site if you just read the old posts. Our Twitter is more active than this site, because it’s faster way to spread the info so check it out and follow us if you want more info:


Mandatory Depression Screening

“If mandatory depression screening becomes a reality, it is likely this mental health screening will be expanded to cover screening for other mental illnesses. This could result in anyone with an unpopular political belief or lifestyle choice being labeled as “mentally ill.”

Doctors now in the U.S suggest that every adult should have a depression screening every time they see a ‪#‎doctor‬.
A government appointed panel recently released this recommen-dation in order to track people who are suffering depression and help them overcome the disease.
The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans. The task force has determined that there is enough good-quality evidence to be confident that the benefits of screening for depression outweigh the harms for the general adult population, including pregnant and postpartum women.
The new guidelines recommend that all people age 18 and older be screened for depression.

These mandatory screenings will allow the government to keep a big brother style central database that lists every “mentally ill” person in America, which could then be used to deprive individuals of their Second Amendment rights.
In order to ensure that the screening mandate is being properly implemented, the government will need to create a database containing the results of the screenings.
Those anti-gun politicians who want to forbid anyone labeled “mentally ill” from owning a firearm will no doubt want to use this database as a tool to deprive individuals of their Second Amendment rights.

If the preventive task force has its way, Americans could lose their Second Amendment, and possibly other, rights simply because they happened to undergo their mandatory depression screening when they were coping with a loved one’s passing or a divorce, or simply having a bad day.
As anyone who has been mistakenly placed on the terrorist watch list can attest, it is very difficult to get off a government database even when the government clearly is in error. Thus, anyone mistakenly labeled as depressed will have to spend a great deal of time and money in what may be a futile attempt to get his rights back.

Mandatory depression screening will endanger people’s ‪#‎health‬ by increasing the use of psychotropic ‪#‎drugs‬. These drugs often have dangerous side effects. Their use has even been linked to suicide. The fact that almost every mass shooter was on psychotropic drugs is another good reason to oppose any policy that will increase reliance on these medicines.
The Preventive Services Task Force’s mandatory depression screening mandate is based on the fallacy that diagnosing mental health problems is analogous to diagnosing cancer or diabetes. Even mental health professionals acknowledge that there is a great deal of subjectivity in mental health diagnosis.

Today, some bought and paid for mental health professionals think that those who believe in limited government, opposes ‪#‎vaccines‬, ‪#‎GMOs‬, perpetual war and the ever growing development towards an Orwellian police state suffer from mental disorders.
If mandatory depression screening becomes a reality, it is likely this mental health screening will be expanded to cover screening for other mental illnesses. This could result in anyone with an unpopular political belief or lifestyle choice being labeled as “mentally ill.”

But this is only the tip of the iceberg according to the government.
A National Institute of Mental Health survey conducted between 2001 and 2003, found that 46 percent of Americans met criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association for having had mental illness.The categories included: anxiety disorders, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), “mood disorders,” “impulse-control disorders,” and a wide range of behavioral problems.
If the government and activists opposed to the Second Amendment have their way nearly half of all Americans will be denied their constitutional right to own a firearm.

Government health care mandates undermine the basic principles of a free society. If it is legitimate for government to tell us what types of health care we must receive, then it is also legitimate for the government to tell us what to eat, when to vaccinate, and even how to raise our children.
To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, a tyranny imposed for our own good is the worst form of tyranny because it is a tyranny without limits.
All who love liberty must therefore oppose mandatory depression screening, or any other health care mandate.

More News on: http://www.theillusionofscience.org/418692745



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The world’s real puppetmasters

It’s a monstrous agenda behind our reality, which everyone must solve out by themselves. I have been done it since 2001.

>> Video

The Illuminati are portrayed by conspiracy theorists and Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists as the puppetmasters of the world. The world’s real puppetmasters are self-evident: they are the 80 individuals who own more wealth than half the world’s population. The 80 are the Archons of free-market capitalism, and are propped up by the vast capitalist infrastructure that exists solely to serve their private, selfish interests. They are mired in privilege, cronyism and nepotism. The governments and nation states of the world are fully in their service and never under any circumstances do they take any action against them.

This is the most unequal period in human history. By next year, 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, asked, “Do we really want to live in a world where the 1% own more than the rest of us combined? The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast.”

The wealth of the richest 80 doubled in cash terms between 2009 and 2014. Increasingly, wealth is inherited and used to finance lobbyists who are paid to further their wealthy clients’ own interests, and not those of the people … of private wealth, not the Commonwealth. All elected politicians are puppets of the Old World Order of dynastic wealth and power.

The true Bible of the Power Elite is Ayn Rand’s toxic Atlas Shrugged, her sickenening hymn to selfishness. Nearly all conspiracy theorists are fanatical Randroids, and they are absolutely right that we are their Nemesis. Our mission is to bring to a permanent end the anti-democratic and anti-meritocratic rule of the privileged, dynastic elites that run the world and create a false consciousness in the sheeple that blindly support them.

Conspiracy theories are used by the Elite to promote the agenda of unrestrained free-market capitalist globalism. Conspiracy theories are all about calling into question the inherent legitimacy of governments and nation states, so that they can be replaced by capitalist markets, wholly controlled by the rich Elite … by the 80.

The 80 are unelected and unaccountable to the people, and that’s exactly what Elitism – supported by legions of right-wing anarcho-capitalist libertarians and anti-Jacobin conspiracy theorists – is all about. The right wingers of the world are all about promoting private interest over the public interest, self-service over public service, selfishness over altruism, irrationalism over Reason, greed over need, narcissism over respect for others. Right wingers are on the psychopathic spectrum. They invariably love themselves and rail against anyone or any group that seeks to stand up to them and stop the hawk predators from feeding on the innocent, harmless doves.

“If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.”
– Lenin

Capitalist Globalism – making the whole world dance to the Old World Order’s economic rule in perpetuity – is the supreme expression of imperialism. Capitalist Globalism is the One World Government that the rich Elite are implementing to ensure that they rule every corner of the globe.

“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.”
– John Maynard Keynes

“Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.”
– John Kenneth Galbraith

“Capitalism is an organized system to guarantee that greed becomes the primary force of our economic system and allows the few at the top to get very wealthy and has the rest of us riding around thinking we can be that way, too – if we just work hard enough, sell enough Tupperware and Amway products, we can get a pink Cadillac.”
– Michael Moore

“Capitalism is against the things that we say we believe in – democracy, freedom of choice, fairness. It’s not about any of those things now. It’s about protecting the wealthy and legalizing greed.”
– Michael Moore

“The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn’t deliver the goods.”
– John Maynard Keynes

“The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.”
– Stanley Kubrick

The biggest “nation” of all … the One World system of Global Capitalism, which rules everything … is the ultimate gangster, and all the rest of us are the prostitutes, begging for money from the Elite while they fuck us up the ass.

Just as Judaism, Christianity and Islam have always been terrorist religions – terrorising people with the threat of the wrath of “God” and eternal pain and suffering in hell – so free-market capitalism has never been anything other than gangsterism, where those with capital point a gun at the head of those without. It’s time to stop being the slaves of the Elite. It’s time for the people to rule.

“For all men being originally equal, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others for ever, and though himself might deserve some decent degree of honour of his contemporaries, yet his descendants might be far too unworthy to inherit them. One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of the hereditary right in kings, is, that nature disapproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving mankind an ass for a lion.”
– Thomas Paine

“The aristocracy are not the farmers who work the land, and raise the produce, but are the mere consumers of the rent; and when compared with the active world are the drones, a seraglio of males, who neither collect the honey nor form the hive, but exist only for lazy enjoyment.”
– Thomas Paine

“Every age and generation must be as free to act for itself, in all cases, as the ages and generation which preceded it. The vanity and presumptions of governing beyond the grave is the most ridiculous and insolent of all tyrannies.”
– Thomas Paine

Inheritance is the precise mechanism by which the dead tyrannically rule over the living. When you’re dead, you’re dead. Your wealth does not live on to be inherited by nepotistic scroungers who did nothing to earn it. Inheritance is welfare for rich folk, and no decent person would ever accept it. Inheritance is how the rich control the poor and keep them in their “place”. It’s how the dead rule from beyond the grave. The dead have no legal rights and no stake in the world of the living. Post mortem transfers of wealth, power and influence must be made illegal via Pro Life legislation, i.e. legislation designed to ensure that corpses cannot dictate the future of the human race via selectively handing on decisive financial advantage to the chosen few (the “Chosen People”).

The mission of the rich elites is to set up their families to rule over the rest of us in perpetuity. They call for zero percent inheritance tax, and inheritance is of course the means by which they transmit overwhelming advantage across the generations, how they rig the system, and how they establish the all-powerful cartel from which all the rest of us are excluded if we are fools and cowards enough to go along with it. What is the antidote to dynastic rule, and what is it that the rich elites hate and fear more than anything else? … it’s one hundred percent inheritance tax. Anyone who opposes this tax – the tax that ensures that no dynasty can rule the world via inherited wealth (parasitical wealth, unearned by the deadbeats and dead heads who pathetically grab it because they are incapable of standing on their own two feet and earning their own money by their own sweat and effort) – opposes human progress and freedom. Anyone who resists total inheritance tax supports anti-meritocracy and the dynastic rule of rich elites. We note that all the cretinous conspiracy theorists rage against inheritance tax, and call it “communism” – exactly as required by their rich puppetmasters. Here’s the simple truth of the world:

1) Thesis: Free-market Capitalism … unequal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

2) Antithesis: Communism … equal opportunities and equal outcomes.

3) Synthesis: Meritocracy … equal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

Meritocracy is about the smartest, most talented people … from any background, no matter how humble or disadvantaged … getting to the top so that the rest of us can benefit from their expertise, intelligence and merit. It’s not a question of a rising tide of money raising all boats, but of a rising tide of intelligence and talent.

The proper function of the State is to optimise itself through optimising each and every one of its citizens. It has to maximise the potential of everyone, from any background. The optimal State is the one governed by its smartest and most meritorious citizens – Plato’s Philosopher Kings, who are not allowed to accumulate any private wealth and must be devoted entirely to the public good, the opposite of today’s rulers of the world.

Every person must be allowed to go as far as their talents take them, and that means they must not be up against a rigged system of privilege, cronyism and nepotism, designed to favour the children of the Elite and to obstruct the progress of everyone else.

Free-market capitalism exists to free the capitalists and enslave everyone else. Aren’t you sick of being a slave? Then do something about it. Get off your fucking ass.

No Taxation Without Representation

The American rebels against British imperial tyranny rightly demanded representation in Parliament. Nowadays, you routinely find American “patriots” demanding the end of government, and its replacement by the market. So, here’s a question for all the “patriots” … given that the markets are run by and for global banks, global corporations, and the global super rich, in what way are the markets accountable to the people? Can we vote the “market” or its controllers out of office? Can we fire any of the big market makers and players? Are we represented on the boards of any of the big market makers and players? Do the ordinary people have any say at all over the market? And, if they don’t, isn’t that tyranny? The market is tyranny without a face, or the face of the rich carefully hidden behind a faceless abstraction so that we can’t see the tyrant stamping on our face

The Divine Conspiracy

What is the Armageddon Conspiracy? It’s the Plot to Kill “God” … the Abrahamic Torture God, the Abrahamic Terrorist God … The Devil God who orders fathers to murder their own children as a test of slavish, blind obedience.

Illuminati Coded Fiction

“The Armageddon Conspiracy” by Mike Hockney – the ancient Solomonic plot to kill the Abrahamic God, brought into the twenty-first century.

“The Millionaires’ Death Club” by Mike Hockney – no one is safe from the world’s smartest, most glamorous, most stylish elite who will go to any lengths, even murder, to have their “fun”.

“Prohibition A” by Mike Hockney – Dante’s nine circles of hell are transported to Manhattan for the ultimate game of life and death.

“The Last Bling King” by Mike Hockney – the plot of the elite to own the whole world in perpetuity, and the ingenious counterplot to overthrow them.

You are the change in the world. If you don’t change, the world won’t change.

It’s time to undergo your appointed metamorphosis … from grub to hero, from worm to God.
Change is the basis of everything, and the thing most in need of change isn’t the world but always yourself. When you change, you will see the world with brand new eyes, you will see that all things are possible, and you will see a thousand new beginnings.
Step up your game, motherfuckers. Bring your “A” game or don’t bother showing up. Who wants the second best, the second rate, the half-hearted, the mediocre?
The Movement wants only the achievers, the talented, those who can make things happen rather than just talking about it or moaning about it.

The Most Forsaken Place in the Universe

In Dante’s vision of hell, a vestibule stands between the gates of hell and the river Acheron (the river of woe) where Charon the Boatman ferries the damned across the fast-moving river of pitch-black water to the First Circle of Hell, Hell proper.

As they pass through the vestibule, the souls of the damned encounter a strange sight – the Lost Souls. While the damned don’t linger in the vestibule for long – they’re just passing through – the group of Lost Souls is trapped there … forever! These are the souls rejected by both heaven and hell. Heaven shut its gates to them, and hell doesn’t want them, so they have nowhere to go. They have no home. They are lost in No Man’s Land.

What did they do to suffer this fate? These were the souls that refused to support one side or the other in life – they were the neutrals, the uncommitted, those who lived for themselves, those who joined no cause except their own. They did not choose either good or evil but lived their lives without making any conscious moral choices whatsoever. They were cynical and skeptical, always calculating their personal advantage.

In Christian mythology, when Lucifer’s angels rebelled against God, and Michael the Archangel led the loyal angels against them, many angels remained neutral, standing on the sidelines, waiting to see who would win. When God cast down the rebel angels into hell, he made sure he cast down these neutrals too, but they were no more wanted by Satan than by God, so they remained permanently on the near side of hell’s river, banned from ever crossing, and equally banned from ever leaving.

Such is the destiny of those who refuse to choose a cause, who refuse to commit, refuse to follow a banner. They are called the Ignavi, and they are the most pathetic and ignoble of all creatures. They are the Last Men, the opposite of the Supermen. They are the feeble, laughable creatures that remain when heaven and hell have received all of the souls they are willing to take.

The Ignavi are the selfish, the self-obsessed, always looking for their own benefit, and never willing to choose a side, never willing to fight, to risk themselves, to make any sacrifices. Their calculation is always the same: let others fight it out and then see how the land lies at the end when the smoke clears. See what opportunities there are to gain profit for themselves … you know, like free-market capitalists. They are the cowardly “neutrals” who refuse to side with any cause until it’s obvious who’s winning (i.e. they have no ideological commitment and would support whoever won, thus maximizing their self-interest). Most of humanity belong to the Ignavi, not to the Damned or the Saved. Neither God nor the Devil has anything but contempt for them.

The fate of the Ignavi is a terrible one. They are condemned to run naked forever behind a blank banner (the flag of all those with no cause except themselves), fluttering one way and then another (i.e. never settling into a definite position reflecting a definite cause), and which they can never catch (just as they could never catch a cause in life).

As they chase the flag, they are ceaselessly stung by hornets and wasps. With each sting, blood and putrid matter leak from them, feeding the writhing mass of worms and maggots that they are forced to run across. In life, they refused to be stung by any cause, and now they are stung without end. The worms write bloody, insulting messages in the soil in an unknown script.

The Ignavi’s cries of woe are unremitting. The air is continually rent with their shrieks, shouts, screams, and lamentations. Their torment has no end.

“This miserable state [Dante is informed by his guide Virgil] is endured by the dreary souls of those who lived without blame and without praise. They are mixed with the cowardly choir of angels who were not rebellious, nor were loyal to God, but were for themselves. Heaven drove them forth to keep its splendour from being sullied; and the depths of hell receives them not, for the wicked would thus have some glory over them…The world allows no report of them to exist. Mercy and justice disdain them. Do not speak of them, but look and pass on.”

“I looked and saw a whirling banner that went by so quickly that it seemed it would never pause; and behind it came so long a train of people that I should never have believed death had undone so many … These wretches, who were never truly alive, were naked and viciously stung by wasps and hornets that made their faces stream with blood, which, mixed with their tears, dripped to their feet, and disgusting maggots collected in the pus.” – Dante

Well, will Heaven and Hell alike deny you entry? What is your sacred cause? What moral decisions have you taken? How have you ever served anyone or anything other than yourself? Are you fated to reside in the Ante-Inferno for all time? This barren, hopeless place is within the perimeter of hell, yet not truly part of it. It’s Neverland.

Being pious, Dante tells us, is more than a matter of simply not sinning. Unlike the non-committal souls, you must actively practise virtue and side with the righteous. You have to be on the right side, not the wrong one, and not in the neutral, agnostic middle. You must make a leap. You must choose and commit.

The Great Refusal

“I hate journalists. There is nothing in them but tittering jeering emptiness. They have all made what Dante calls the Great Refusal. The shallowest people on the ridge of the earth.” – W.B. Yeats

Are you one of the great refusers, one of the cynical, sneering trolls – the utterly empty, blank, pointless people who have nothing constructive to offer the world?

The Falsehood

“That which has always been accepted by everyone, everywhere, is almost certain to be false.” – Paul Valery

The Blank Banner

Are you a follower of the blank banner of the Ignavi, the most pathetic flag there can possibly be? The blank banner is for all empty, non-committal souls. It’s for those who backed no clear side, supported no clear leader, and simply ran back and forth with no direction, other than their own comfort and advantage. There is nothing worse and more dismal than to be a follower of this banner.
If you have chosen no sacred cause in life, if you haven’t chosen sides, the blank banner is YOUR banner.

Since they were neither good nor evil, the Ignavi have no place in the afterlife. They might as well never have existed. They were pointless people who made no impression. Is that you too?

Ante-hell, the vestibule of hell, is also called “Nowhere”. It’s the eternal home of the Ignavi, the most pathetic souls of all, the souls that ought never to have existed, those that made no choices in life, “who lived a life but lived it with no blame and no praise”. It includes those agnostics too self-absorbed to make choices, those who were neither hot nor cold on important matters. They neither believed nor disbelieved, neither knew nor didn’t know, neither blasphemed nor opposed the blasphemers, neither stood for free speech nor against it.

Now, they run about the hills of Ante-Hell forever, having no hope of dying to end their misery, doing nothing but chasing banners (causes) they will never catch.

You are not saved because you have done nothing wrong. You must do something right. You must choose. You must leap one way or another. You must commit.

The worst places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintained their neutrality, who sat on the face and refused to take part. Are you one of those who will dwell permanently on the edge of hell?

Life isn’t a spectator sport. You must be involved.


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Denver International Airport

Most gruesome airport in the World. Full of UN, NWO and Illuminati symbols…

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Denver International Airport

In 1995, the Denver International Airport opened its doors to the public. What the public saw in this enormous compound was breathtaking, confusing, and… weird.

Before I explore some of the Denver oddities, let me take a look at how the airport came to be, for the very construction of the building is shrouded in as much mystery as the end result.

Normally, when a project of this magnitude is undertaken, one contractor will oversee the construction from beginning to end. This is to ensure a continuity of the original vision, as well as eliminating needless argument over the way a work site is handled. A series of sub-contractors will be hired to carry out the plans set forth by the main overseer.

In the case of the Denver International Airport (DIA), a far more unorthodox approach was used. All of the work was done by sub contractors, who were hired to do a small, isolated task, and then they were let go at its completion. Indeed, these construction workers were dismissed from the premises the MOMENT they were done with their work. This was done in an effort to secure the fact that no single company or person ever saw the complete vision of what the DIA was to become.

At one point during the construction, five large structures were completed, and then determined to have been incorrectly positioned. Rather than demolishing them and starting over, or adjusting the structures, they were buried, and the construction was started anew on top of the old structures.

The end result was a massive compound, that when looked upon from an aerial view, sits precisely in the shape of a swastika. The aesthetic oddness does not end there.

Outside the Airport stands a 32 ft tall statue of a rearing blue Mustang. This horse has alternately been referred to as “Bluecifer,” “Satan’s Steed” and “Blue Devil Horse.” So striking and disturbing is this statue, that it has prompted petitions and organizations to sprout up, demanding its removal. The sculptor of the piece was an artist named Luis Jiménez. Strangely, he was killed while building the statue, when it fell on top of him, severing an artery. His sons completed the project.

Those who study the Conspiratorial aspects of our Government, have noted that the Mustang bears a striking resemblance to a horse associated with The Montauk Project Mysterious Murals and Monuments at the Denver Airport, a secret government program linked to mind control and other fantastic claims. The Montauk Project is connected with the Philadelphia Experiment, a case of time bending disaster carried out by the U.S. Military. Both the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment will be explored in further detail in upcoming

Within the great hall of the DIA is a capstone commemorating the construction and completion of the project. In the center of the stone is the Masonic symbol of a compass, along with a dedication by the “New World Airport Commission”. Several groups have investigated this organization, and found that it is unique to the DIA. No other airport has been connected with such a group. Of course, this has raised the blood pressure of more than a few theorists, who see the connection to the phrase “New World Order”. And of course, the rest of the building does nothing to lessen those worries.

There are mysterious writings on the floor throughout the DIA. One phrase carved into the floor is “DZIT DIT GAII”. This is Navajo for “The Mountain that is White”. There are several other areas on the floor that simply say “Mt. Blanca”. What could this be referencing? Well, one theory is that if the Masons were in charge of the planning of this building (which they clearly were involved given the inscription and symbol on the capstone), then it could be referring to Mt Blanc or White Mountain in France, which is where the Knights Templar signed their charter. Freemasons trace their lineage back to the Knights Templar, so the connection seems to fit. At Mt. Blanc, one Templar wrote, “They gathered to form a New Order”. Interesting?

Also inside the great hall are a couple of Gargoyles, whose presence in an Airport, or inside any building that isn’t a church or temple, is quite odd. Gargoyles that are not designed to divert water runoff, (their original purpose) are actually called chimeras, or grotesques. They are said to ward off evil spirits. From the looks of these two, it appears that their purpose is to ward off the evil spirits of lost luggage.

The most intriguing and arguably the most disturbing aspect of the Denver International Airport are its murals. These bizarre paintings seem relatively bright and cheerful at first glance, but upon closer inspection, are quite odd.

One of the murals is called “Children of the World Dream of Peace”. Oh, isn’t that nice? Well, it would be, if it weren’t for the fact that the mural depicts genocide, famine, military oppression, and death. Hovering over the “children of the world” is a grotesque alien-like, Nazi-esque, gas mask wearing uniformed figure, who is in the act of spearing the Dove of Peace with a giant sword. He is surrounded by women holding dead babies. There are dead children lying in coffins, and kids with swords wrapped in their nation’s flags. The mural is covered with images of war and death.

Another mural features children surrounding what appears to be a “new messiah”, offering it plants with some sort of magical or mystical quality. The whole thing strikes meas weird and morbid.

In fairness, I will include here that the artist of these murals, Leo Tanguma, says that the murals are about environmentalism and preservation of Earth. He says that as a Christian, he sees the murals as his sermons.

“The first part of the environmental mural is about the ways that humans destroy nature and themselves through destruction and genocide. The second part is about humanity coming together to rehabilitate nature and revive their own compassion.” Tanguma is quoted as saying.

With that said, the murals and the giant blue horse are not the only items of intrigue. There are many reported anomalies about the DIA. One is the frequent occurrence of cracked windshields of planes. Some have speculated that this is due to an abnormally high or low frequency pulse that is being emanated by the airport. According to Compilots.com, there were 13 windshields that cracked in February of 2007. The official reason is supposedly high winds, although there is no explanation as to why high winds have never caused such a series of cracks at other airports. It is still considered a mystery. In December of 2008, a plane with a mysterious crack in its fuselage actually burst into flame on the runway, injuring several passengers.

Also, there is the matter of the property surrounding the DIA. After the completion of the airport, the property on its outskirts suddenly became “hot property”, and was bought up by a who’s who of the wealthy and important. The Queen of England is reported to have purchased some property near by. Why? Well, this leads to the final theory that we will explore.

DIA Underground Tunnel1 Mysterious Murals and Monuments at the Denver AirportSome say, that there is an underground base beneath the DIA. Phil Schneider, a government whistle-blower, claimed that in the last year of DIA construction, a vast eight level deep underground base was constructed below the compound. He also said that there is an unusually high electro-magnetic frequency emanating from below the DIA. What does this have to do with the Queen of England?

Well, some speculate that the area below the airport is intended to be an enormous bunker, designed to shield the elite from some sort of an impending catastrophe. And “ark”, if you will. Then there are those who say it is a military base, where Top Secret experiments are being carried out, right under the noses of travelers.

Whether or not there is something sinister afoot at the Denver International Airport, there is no doubt that it is a bizarre and somewhat frightening place. Visitors of the airport often complain of feeling uneasy and distressed when inside the walls of this building, which one would think is the exact opposite reaction the builders would want for an airport.


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